The Bloodline System

Chapter 1312 That Doesn’t Seem Fair

Chapter 1312 That Doesn't Seem Fair

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"Well, I am sure there is more to it that we will be informed about when the time comes," Aildris said with a tone of anticipation.

"What do you think Gus?" E.E questioned from the side.

"It is the final IYSOP challenge so it goes without a saying that we need to put in our best. Working with the information we currently have, we know its just going to be one big battle so let's be prepared," Gustav stated with a calm tone.

Everyone was very much excited and a little tensed but they had come a long way since the competition began. IYSOP had been ongoing for over four months now and it was finally coming to an end.

Over four months away from Planet Earth... Over four months away from the Milky Way... They were already starting to miss home. Everything that had happened so far had felt extremely unreal.

"Let's not forget that we're number one on the list of other planets disqualification list so they will most definitely try to gang up on us," Gustav said with a reminding tone.

"That is true... everyone should be prepared to take on multiple opponents at a time," Aildris added.

"Fortunately, we have detailed analysis on every participant left since the numbers are now way smaller than before. You all should study them all before the start of the finals," Gustav instructed.

The group nodded in agreement while they spoke more about the final challenge and when it would be taking place.

Minutes after their meeting had ended, Gustav sat in his room with a contemplative expression.

'In less than a week from now IYSOP would be coming to an end. I'll finally be able to get back on track with the planetary displacement research,' Gustav said internally.

("The equipment might have gathered data already,") The system chimed in.

'Hmm true... it has been around six months since I sent it to deep space,' Gustav responded with a reminiscent expression.

It had been over three years since Gustav got the system and approximately three years since he was given the five years quests.

Gustav decided to check how far he had come.


[Host Attributes]

-Name: Gustav Crimson

-Level: 104

-Class: Metamorphic Parallel Being

-Exp: 18,035,000/62,900,000

-Hp: 182,000/182,000

-Energy: 105,500/105,500


?Strength: 459

?Perception: 454

?Mental Fortitude: 458

?Agility: 456

?Speed: 458

?Bravery: 459

?Intelligence: 455

?Charm: 339

?Defence: 454

?Vitality: 458

?Endurance: 456

[Attributes points: 67]


Gustav proceeded to check the progress of the five years quests next.



<Locate Dimension Six In Planet Humbad>


<Five Years>



[Time Elapsed]

<Three Years>



<Become The Most Powerful Mixedblood On Earth>


<Five Years>



[Time Elapsed]

<Three Years>


[Rewards For Successful Completion]

<+5 A Grade Bloodline Unlocks>

<Class Level Up>

<+100,000,000 EXP>

<+3 Unique Abilities Unlock>

<All Abilities: Evolutionary Upgrade>

<Original Bloodline Level Up: S- Grade>


[Punishment For Failure]



"Hmm... I really made a lot of progress in the last one year in terms of strength..." Gustav mumbled.

("You did but you're sorely lagging behind on the other Quest,") The system pointed out.

"What happens if I successfully complete one Quest in the required time frame and fail the other?" Gustav inquired.

("You'll die! Failing one means failing both,") The system responded.

"That doesn't seem fair..." Gustav rolled his eyes as he already expected the system to say something like this.

("Get your priorities straight and focus on the other Quest then,") The system chided.

"Yeah yeah tch,"

("You're focusing too much on building strength and forgetting that there are other things you need to be deathly worried about,")

"If I had missed IYSOP things might have gone worse over here... Sure I may be four months behind in research but it is worth it... for them,"

("Just watch out... you're likely to fail one or both if you're not careful,") The system warned.

"Enough of that... you said you were going to give me some info about what is coming," Gustav reminded.

("I said after IYSOP ends,")

"Well, it's ending..."

("It hasn't ended twat. Hold on till it does,") The system spat.

"Tch... maybe I should have just asked the fake Indulus Prime captain,"


Meanwhile in an area on the first disk of Planet Ozious...

Everything was upside down within this facility. In a football pitch sized space, a being with loose dark bandage like wraps around his body was suspended to the white ceilings.

His dark body looked like it was glued to the ceiling but in actuality everything was just upside down. Pieces of technological machinery and all sorts of unknown equipments were also glued to the ceiling.

The doors were up instead of being located on the floor.

"Iku fo eri tuba aoko vori welu banu..."

"Iku fo eri tuba aoko vori welu banu..."

"Iku fo eri tuba aoko vori welu banu..."

"Iku fo eri tuba aoko vori welu banu..."

"Iku fo eri tuba aoko vori welu banu..."

Whispers of the same words echoed repeatedly across the vicinity. It seemed to be coming from the being suspended to the ceiling.

In another room, a group of prestigious looking people of different species stared at the holographic screens before them displaying the location where the dark being was held.

"He has been chanting the same words nonstop for nearly a week since his capture," One of them voiced with a troubled tone.

"He became completely unresponsive after he got locked in here... almost like he is in a state of trance," A Handler stated.

"All forms of questioning, means of torture and trying to extract information with reliable devices failed..."? Another Handler said.

"Have we uncovered what those words mean?" An MBO officer inquired.

"We have tried but it is coming up really slow. This language is not amongst any we've encountered across the universe. It doesn't exist in the universal collection," One of the Handlers revealed.

"Hmm... what part of the translation has been uncovered then?" Grand Commander Shion questioned with his arms folded behind his back.

"Lu Ban?... meaning THE LORD..." The Handler who spoke earlier, voiced once more.

"The Lord? What is he? Some religious worshiper?" One of the MBO officers questioned with a look of confusion.

"Did the earth woman and Captain not mention that this creature is from another dimension?" A Midely from Planet Draconet voiced out.

"Yes, it was also proven here that this creature is indeed from another universe and every other information provided about them is correct but we still have not uncovered what their true motive is," Another one of the handlers replied.

"Well I suggest we get rid of him and the puppets to keep everyone safe. They did wipe out a Planet after all," A planet Orion higher up chimed in.

"The earth woman warned of an incoming danger before the hoax with Indulus Prime was uncovered which we believe to be linked. It would be unwise to get rid of them without properly understanding what we are dealing with," Handler One who happened to be in their midst all this time, finally spoke.

"Her name is Aimee not Earth woman," An MBO officer stated with a glare.

"My apologies..." Handler One voiced in response.

"Truly getting rid of them wouldn't be the best way to go. If we can uncover information that can potentially prevent inherent danger, then we should do our best to make use of this opportunity," Grand Commander Shion spoke with a dignified tone.

"Maybe we can find more clues from the interpretation of the words he has been repeating," An MBO general said with a thoughtful gaze.

"Is THE LORD the only words that have been translated so far?" Grand Commander Shion turned to stare at Handler One.

"Yes," Handler One nodded slightly.

"Then we have a little lead. We can try to uncover more information on that and also... I would like for technicians from earth to join in translating those words so as to make things faster," Grand Commander Shion stated with a calm but authoritative tone.

The Handlers and the others had no issues with his words and they soon got down to making orders as the respective representatives of their various planets so as to help with the current situation.

While all of this was ongoing, it had began to spread all across planet Ozious that the Indulus Prime participants were fake all this time and had infiltrated the planet with evil plans in mind.

Some said the Indulus Prime members were planet eaters and wanted to consume the entire planet populace.

Some said they were here to capture the youngsters participating in IYSOP for nefarious purposes.

A lot of the details surrounding the rumors were false but it had no doubt caused unrest and panic across the entire planet especially with the spectators.

If these fakes were able to infiltrate a great planet like this and use the identity of a participating planet for so long, there were no doubt that they had capabilities.


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