The Bloodline System

Chapter 1283 Did You Kill Handler 302?

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter.


-"Hey, Hey are you okay?"

A loud voice that seemed to have come from the one witnessing this disturbance, rang out.

What happened next caused Gustav's face to darken as the being engrossed in the enclosure of darkness was revealed.

From the looks of things, the being wasn't alone or maybe it was better to say... it wasn't a singe being.


The handler who happened to obviously be the the one witnessing this incident was yanked upwards immediately by a pair of dark arms that appeared out of nowhere.

She was struggling to free herself and activate and ability but her body began to corrode from the moment the dark arms clutched onto her body.

Gustav could see the dark marks appearing on the outstretched insect like fingers of the Handler. No matter how much she struggled, she was powerless in the face of the darkened and corrosive atmosphere.


Her vision quaked again causing the footage to get a little blurry and the next thing Gustav noticed was they had lifted off the ground.

The ground kept getting farther and farther away as they ascended to great heights.


All of a sudden they began to descend with speed as the thirty different arms of darkness wrapped around her body pulled her down with intensity towards a massive copper like mettalic rooftop with a long protrusion.


Vision blackened as the footage turned dark for a few seconds.

"Kurrhhh! Guurrghhh!" Gustav could hear the sound of the Handler coughing as little light returned to her vision.

It was obvious that she was struggling to breathe and remain alive. The footage was currently blurry which was also a depiction of how things must have been for her in the final moments.

Gustav could see a massive copper colored pillar stained with blood, wedged right in the middle of the Handler's body.

Her face had tilted forward a bit to see the state she was in. Her arms trembled as her fingers reached out to touch the copper colored protrusion in a bid to help herself out of the current predicament.

Unfortunately she was only able to leave a bloodstained print on it. She was unable to gather any energy as her blood flowed like a busted kitchen pipe, drenching the entire rooftop in its murkiness and metallic stench.

Her vision turned even more blurry vision as she completely ran out of energy to keep her head up at this point. Her neck tilted to the back and she slowly succumbed to the claws of death dragging her into the afterlife.

In the upside down state of her blurry vision, the beings responsible for this stood at the edges of the rooftop unbothered while her life got snuffed out.

Their writhing darkness casted a gloom of negativity across the vicinity. A thorny looking crown floated above one of them whose figure had dark tattoos all over.

These dark tattoos seemed to be alive as they wriggled like worms, forming different shapes and changing positions occasionally on the skin of this being.

The thorny crown floating above the head of this figure emitted flame like dark mist, causing it to look like it was dancing erratically to a silent beat in the dead of this ominous night.

The other dark beings in the vicinity reacted oddly as the being with the crown floating above his head fell backwards, passing out on the rooftop.

The playback stopped the moment he fell unconscious but at the point where it stopped Gustav noticed that the dark beings in the vicinity were dissipating. It almost seemed like they were about to dematerialise but one couldn't tell exactly what happened next since it ended here.

"Hmm... this is truly a hard pill to swallow," Gustav muttered with a disturbed look.

("I told you...") The system voiced in response.

("Why do you think he did it?") The system questioned.

"That's the problem... From what I noticed, there doesn't seem to be a motive. I am not even sure Falco is aware of what happened here. This isn't how he uses his dark abilities and his tattoos are usually not that way... I find this whole situation to be very odd but my major suspicion falls on that crown," Gustav said while getting up.

("You've become too trusting... It might come back to bite you in the ass,") The system tried to give Gustav a reality check.

"Falco wouldn't do this in his right senses," Gustav reiterated.

("And with everything that has happened so far you still believe he is in his right senses? It might be best to put him down now before he becomes more trouble in the future,") The system suggested.

"You're starting to sound like Endric," Gustav eyes squinted.

("This might be the only time I and that little deviant will agree on something,")

"Listen... yes i do suspect him after everything that has happened so far and how Endric warned me about him but that doesn't mean I will jump to conclusions without uncovering everything that led to this as well as the motive behind it," Gustav voiced with a firm tone.

("And now you're just being biased. If it was a different person you'd waste no time in putting them down first,") The system mare a low chortle.

"I never said I was a good person... I will figure out whatever is going on in full details first before acting," Gustav stated.

("Falco has committed a crime on alien soil. A grave one at that, your duty as an MBO officer would be to take him in and ask questions later,")

"I'm not doing that," Gustav replied while walking towards the door.

("Are you thinking about the consequences this will bring? Or are you just making decisions from a place of emotions?")

"Nobody knows he is responsible yet,"

("For now...")

"More like forever... No footage was found... nobody managed to witness the incident despite it happening in the open and even if they were able to access the Handler's last memories like I did, they would only see dark figures. They won't be able to tell that it is Falco since his face wasn't shown and his entire body was also black. The lighting in the vicinity as well. We only know it's Falco because we've seen the crown before. Even his tattoos were different," Gustav explained his reasoning behind why no one would ever discover that Falco was the culprit.

("Even at that... this time it was a Handler who you bear no emotional attachment to... do you know who's gonna be next? Do you know if Angy would be the next person on a pike? Or E.E dying in such a gruesome way? Think Gustav... think...") The system kept at it.

"Shush... I'm going to him now," Gustav walked out of his room in the next instant, choosing not to further engage the system.

He soon arrived at the passageway that led to the other rooms and strode forward till he arrived before the fourth door.

Ko! Kom!

He knocked gently on this door a couple of times before speaking, "Falco... you there?"

Ko! Kom!

He knocked a few more times before a low timid voice replied from within.


"It's Gustav, open up,"

The door slid open in the next instant and Gustav walked into to meet Falco cooped up on his bed in a cross-legged format with a massive duvet wrapped around his body like a cloak.

He facial expression made it seem like he was a little scared as his body twitched repeatedly while he rocked forward and backwards nervously.

"What's wrong?" Gustav inquired.

"Nothing... just having sleeping troubles," Falco responded with a slightly shaky tone.

"Oh? Still having those nightmares?" Gustav asked.

"Hehe its fine... Why are you here?" Falco inquired with a wry smile.

Gustav proceeded to step forward with a straight face and stopped when he arrived before Falco's bed.

[Activating Sound Space]

Gustav's eyes twinked with a blueish glow as a transparent spherical blueish barrier appeared around the both of them.

"Hmm? What are you d..."

"I want you to tell me the truth Falco..." Gustav cut him off before he could question what was going on.

"Did you kill Handler 302?" The moment Gustav spat this question out, Falco's face turned full panicky.

His body began trembling as tension permeated the sound space Gustav had just conjured.

"How did you... what di... ho..." He stuttered repeatedly, unable to form a single coherent sentence as his mind sank to the depths of fear.

Gustav's current expression made things no better as he stared Falco directly in the eyes.

"Think carefully before you reply and tell me nothing but the truth... did you kill Handler 302?" Gustav's voice grew even several degrees colder as he questioned once more.

The place turned very silent with only Falco's breathing growing louder and increasing in pace by the second.

The silence was getting almost too much to bear at this point as they Falco felt chills run down his spine. He drew in a breath of confidence and defeat before finally speaking.

"I think so..."


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