The Black Necromancer

Chapter 469 The Three Ace Candidates (3)

Leon looked at the three people curiously. So these people were the same as him, brought to Datar from other worlds? He wondered how they coped with it at first. He had already been informed that his own case had been special. As for the three before him, they had been brought to Datar years before him, and had grown up here until now. They looked to only be in their twenties from what Leon could see.

"Leon Cromwell." Leon stepped forward and extended his hand.

"Dyson Burns."

"Dean Hayes."

"Hannah Stars."

The three Ace Candidates returned the introduced themselves one after another.

"Now that you know who each other are, there is much to discuss." Fazir sat back down and the others followed after him. "You four are all Ace Candidates, brought to this world to ensure all our survival."

Leon was already aware of the truth of his reincarnation, but the three other Ace Candidates were unaware of this. All they knew was that they were the chosen champions of their Patron Gods.

"Our survival? What do you mean?" Dyson leaned forward, his golden brows furrowed in a deep frown.

"Look at it for yourselves." Fazir waved his hand and a projection appeared in the middle of the room, floating before their eyes. The projection displayed an army that spread over a vast distance within the Void. The army was already on the doorstep of Datar.

"What is this? They are coming here?" Hannah's eyes were wide.

"Yes. And we are relying on you three, as well as a host of other Ace Candidates that will be ascending soon to assist us in this coming war." Fazir nodded.

Dyson turned to look at Dardan, his Patron God for confirmation. The Beast God simply nodded his head in response. The golden haired Beastkin sighed and fell into thought for a moment.

"I am willing to help." He eventually said, folding his arms and leaning back. "But I want a greater say in my actions. I want greater autonomy." He stated his terms.

"..." Tiphone said nothing but the atmosphere around him shifted and everyone knew that he held an opinion about Dyson's conditions.

"I have no objections. However, Tiphone might have something to say." Dardan grunted.

"Indeed, I do." Tiphone finally spoke, his voice hoarse and scratchy. "You are only mere Minor Gods who had just ascended. I admit that you have greater average strength and potential than ordinary Minor Gods, but that does not warrant us to give you full autonomy. We got you to where you are today. You would be nothing without us."

As Tiphone spoke, Leon felt the God's gaze linger on him for a few seconds before moving. He resisted the urge to chuckle. He knew that Tiphone did not like him one bit. Ever since the incident when the Paragon of Undeath cast some of his attention on Datar to observe Leon, Tiphone had been at odds with Michael and Leon.

"You are right that we would not be here without your assistance. But you need us. If we choose not to contribute our strength, or not do our best, then that would be a loss to our side." Dyson did not back down. His hair began to tremble and release faint wisps of light. He was a proud Beastkin that shared a lot with a lion. His Pride was already high on a standard basis, and now, after his ascension, it had become one of the major center points of his Domain.

Dyson's main focus was the Law of Pride and the Law of Majesty. It encapsulated his entire being and to bow his head to someone without good reason would be like ripping out his own Divine Spark and throwing it away to be trampled upon.

"Ha! A PUNY CAT DARES TO CHALLENGE ME?!" Tiphone's fleshy tentacles began to wave in anger as he fixed his gaze on Dyson.

"Now, now. No need for us to devolve into brutes." Fazir suddenly said, unveiling his own aura. "We can find a neutral ground on which both of you can compromise on." He locked gazes with Dyson and Tiphone for a moment each and both sides backed down.

"Dean, Hannah. Are you two also in support of this? You want the autonomy to do as you wish?" Tiphone instantly asked the two other Ace Candidates.

"Yes, we are not satisfied to be lackeys in this war." Dean spoke up, his expression passive. Hannah nodded beside him.

"Tch." Tiphone simply grunted and remained silent. He was extremely irritated. Dean and Hannah were the two Ace Candidates that he had nurtured himself, and yet they refused to bow their heads to him. If it were any other random Minor God, then he would have been able to intimidate them or beat them into submission. Unfortunately, this situation did not call for such actions.

'Perhaps that is the problem. They are not ordinary.' He spoke to himself. 'They need a good reality check before they will be able to submit to greater power.' Tiphone began to plot in his mind.

Meanwhile, Leon had been sitting back and keeping silent all this while in order to get a good measure of the attitudes of these Ace Candidates.

The one that stood out to him the most was none other than Dyson. The golden haired Beastkin just did not know how to keep a low profile. It was part of the Law he even studied!

Tiphone remained silent for the rest of the conversation, only making hums or grunts whenever he was asked of his opinion.

When the meeting reached its end and they were free to go, Leon took the initiative to walk up to the trio and extend an offer.

"Come over to my Divine Kingdom, let me host you while we hold a private discussion." He offered without hiding his voice. He briefly felt Tiphone's gaze on his back before the Major God disappeared.

"As a matter of fact, I would like to." Dyson smirked.


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