The Black Necromancer

Chapter 374 [Bonus ]End Of The War

A week after the great battle where the defenders had dislodged the Demons from their stronghold, the Demons had finally been chased off the Central Continent. The forces of Oceabal took charge of the sea battles where they demolished the fleets of the Demons, causing even greater casualties to the Demons.

The underwater Empire of Oceabal was truly the overlord of the sea. Many powerful A ranks emerged from the seas, along with many sea monsters and wreaked havoc. They were unstoppable.

One thing that made the sea forces to go above and beyond was the fact that the Demons had been behind the disturbance earlier that had caused Ursula to retreat with her forces and allow the Demons to touch down on the Demon Continent.

One of Oceabal's vassal nations had been attacked, and they needed to divert their strength to handle the attack. It was sudden and vicious, which had caused a lot of damage. It made the forces of the underwater empire thirst for Demon blood in the sea!

The forces of the defenders were very satisfied with the retreat of the Demons. They had caused great losses to the Demons while also preventing the deeper encroachment of the Demons in the Central Continent.

While all this was happening, Leon was still marveled at what Nedra had done in the short time while he had been in the front lines.

Now, he was seated on a lounge chair on the balcony of his room. Nedra was seated on the other side of the balcony, holding the little white haired baby in her arms that Leon had seen her with a week ago in the underground nest.

The baby was the first that had been born out of the many eggs that she had hatched, and she treated it specially.

Now, normally, one would not expect a mammal to come out of an egg, but well, what could Leon say in front of what had happened? All he knew was that it was somehow related to Nedra's skills as a Monarch.

She had always been able to create more of her own kind, but the title had brought about a new revolution of that ability and made it many times more powerful. Now, even this tiny child in her arms had strength equivalent to D rank!

"I'm happy the war has finally come to an end. I was tired of all that." Nedra said with a small smile on her face as she teased the tiny baby.

"You're not the only one. As much as I like fighting because of the increase in strength I get from all of it, it gets tiring too." Leon concurred.

The two of them were of the same mind on this matter. They were capable fighters, but the same monotonous fighting quickly grew boring. Leon would not have been complaining like this if he had been able to fight Garr to his heart's content. Instead, his summons had dealt with the powerful Demonic Undead for him.

Alas, this was the way of a true Necromancer. Never fighting personally, but sending the summons to deal with all their problems.

It was no wonder powerful Necromancers were rare. They were too lazy!

Whoosh! A gust of wind blew by and Leon turned to look up into the sky. But instead of admiring the bright and warm sun, his attention was snared multiple large shadows approaching Fort White. When he focused, he was able to make out the form of several dragons.

'These guys again.' Leon sighed but did not get up. He was not planning on prioritizing them at all. If they wanted to see him, then he would see them at his own time.

After about ten minutes, the dragons arrived not too far from Fort White, where they landed. They did not want to get too close to Leon's core territory without an invitation, as it could be seen as a sign of disrespect.

Each of them had come to greatly respect Leon's strength now. They had not seen him fight personally, but they had witnessed the strength of his summons clearly. Each one of them had seen the final battle between the A ranks and had seen the strength of his summons clearly, as well as the strength of his army. Some of them even thought that his strength was no weaker than that of a few Dragon Clans combined!

Drukali reluctantly agreed with this view. He was a proud dragon, and as the Chief of the Dragon Clans, he held his people to an incredibly high standard. However, seeing Leon's forces in action opened his eyes to the emergence of another major power that could shake the stability of the world. After all, if not for Leon, then the war would have most likely been many times more damaging to the forces of the Central Continent!

As Leon was thinking, a shadow flashed at the corner of the balcony and Grokus appeared.

"Ah, Grokus." Leon sat up and looked at the Undead Orc Shaman expectantly. "Did you get them all?"

"I did, master. I hope they satisfy you." Grokus bowed and removed a skull from the chain on his waist. He held it up and Leon took it from him, using his senses to examine the inside of it.

The flames burning in Leon's skull burned brighter when he felt the presence of over a hundred thousand souls within the skull.

"Ah, wonderful! With this, my army can grow even greater. Truly, war is the best way to increase my strength." Leon grinned viciously, and with his skull, it only made the view scarier.

He had tasked Grokus with going through the battlefield and collecting the lingering souls of the dead so he could add them to his army. After such an intense battle, the number of lingering souls would be immense. After all, in a place where negative emotions and Unholy energy was gathered in large amounts, it would be much easier for the souls of the dead to linger.

He had used this opportunity to grow his army a notch. Now, he could truly boast the same number of soldiers that some kingdoms could muster. And that was just quantity. Quality was a whole different story.


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