The Black Necromancer

Chapter 129 Dungeon Conqueror

"Is that a kind of summoning magic?" Maria was intrigued. She stepped closer to Jet and looked at the two meter long tiger that had come out first. It remained by Jet's side while the others ran forward into the forest. Their job was to kill all the monsters in their path while also mapping out the place to find the boss room. Or rather, zone, considering the chances of finding a 'room' in this floor.

"Summoning magic? No. It's a dungeon." Jet replied. His hand rested on the head of the Torch Tiger beside him, and he smiled. The black spider with glowing stripes on its body made him look extra cool, and he loved the vibes that he was giving off.

"Ahem! What?!" Maria coughed. Dungeon Conquerors were rare. It was already rare enough to find one or two Dungeon Conquerors in a single country or kingdom. This was because of how hard it was to gain the respect of the dungeon consciousness that presided over that dungeon. Because of that, the number of Dungeon Conquerors around the world were relatively limited, and there were still thousands of unclaimed dungeons around the world, with a new one popping up every once in a while.

Jet smirked and said nothing more. He simply started walking forward, prompting everyone else to do the same. They needed to move quickly before others from the previous floor would arrive.

Leon summoned his elite summons, with the new addition of a couple of Armored Centaur Generals. The Hearts looked at the Armored Centaur Generals with surprise. They clearly recognized the strong monsters from the previous floor, and after putting two and two together, they realized that the giant from earlier was most likely the floor boss.

"You two are quite powerful, aren't you?" Maria asked curiously. "A Necromancer and Dungeon Conqueror. Two mighty lords that can command armies of thousands to do their bidding. If you wanted to kill us, then you probably could have, am I right?" She asked, a sly smile playing on her lips.

Leon smiled as well, while Jet remained passive. He had gone back to his closed up character that he had initially showed when Leon had joined forces with him. It made Leon realize how Jet had opened up with him.

'I guess he actually sees me as a friend. Although I am not that honest with him. Maybe I will tell him my true name once this whole tower saga is over.' Leon thought to himself.

Jet tilted his head this way and that as they walked. He was getting various notifications of battle as the monsters summoned from his dungeon killed the monsters in their path. Sometimes, they would encounter stronger monsters and be killed instead, so he steered the group in that direction instead. From the previous floor, they had noted that the higher the concentration of stronger monsters, the closer they were to the boss room.

At one point, the group came across an ongoing battle between two Mid B rank Torch Tigers and a High B rank dinosaur. The monster was incredibly strong and dexterous, so it was able to match the two Torch Tigers while also beating them down and injuring them. If the fight went on for much longer, then they would lose before dealing considerable damage to the monster.


The monster rose its head and roared, breathing out a plume of blue fire. The flesh underneath its hardy green scales glowed blue and steam rose off its back. It spun around and used its long, fleshy tail to slap back one of the tigers, sending it flying away, smashing over a dozen thick trees, before coming to a stop. The tiger got back up with difficulty and rushed back to help its beleaguered partner deal with the monster.

"Do you want to do it?" Jet asked Leon.

"Nah, go ahead." Leon waved his hand. He would try his shot later, but for now, this was all Jet's.

Jet nodded and pulled his hands from his pocket. His eyes were sparkling as the mana around him twisted and warped.


He vanished, appearing right beside the monster's long neck. Then his swords came down on it, wrapped in a veil of black, turbulent mana.


His swords effortlessly drew a line through the scales and flesh of the monsters. They were not as hardy as the armored monsters from the second floor. Leon quickly thought for the reason as to why and was presented with one very soon.

The reason why these monsters seemed to be weaker was not actually because they were weaker. The armored monsters had thrown away all elemental affinity and magical affinity in favor of pure, unadulterated strength. They were tough and also packed a mean punch. But they could not use the elements around them because of that and became purely physical beings.

These monsters on the other hand possessed a seemingly decent affinity for fire, as displayed by the breath of fire that the now dead monster had breathed out. From what they had seen, it had somehow used fire to boost its own strength, which meant that it relied on an element in addition to its own base strength. So in return, the overall strength of its body was not the same with that of the armored monsters. That was why Jet's space magic reinforced sword was able to easily slices through its scales.

Now, 'easily' was just a relative term. It was not actually that easy to slice through the scales, but he had used his strength and magic to achieve the effect.

All of these little details were confirmed by Joseph, the knowledgeable encyclopedia and bestiary. Leon came up with the possibilities on his own, but had run them by Joseph to be sure.

Speaking of the strength of the monsters, Leon turned to his friend and gave him a thumbs up. Jet had killed the High B rank monster so easily that it was obvious that his strength was either equivalent to it, or not far behind!


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