The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 462

Chapter 462 - This Is a Robbery!!

Everyone was stunned.

Many sighed and shook their heads in resignation.

Raising the funds for the surgery seemed possible, given the hundreds of households in the village. With enough people contributing, they could surely pool together sufficient funds to lend a hand. However, they were at a loss when it came to finding a doctor.

They were simple villagers, accustomed to seeking medical care at the county hospital. A city hospital was already a challenge for them to navigate, much less a prestigious institution in the capital.


In the midst of their worry, a jarring voice cut through the silence.

The young man who had been watching Zhang Qianqian closely spoke up, “Coincidentally, I have some friends in the capital who could get in touch with a surgeon.”


Upon hearing this, Lee Xiuhua's spirits lifted. “Mr. Ning, please, we need your assistance. We're prepared to offer generous gifts to both you and the doctor.”

“Aunt Lee, there's no need for such formalities! We're old acquaintances, after all. Why talk of money? Besides, to be frank, they might not even be interested in the amount you're offering.”

He offered a slight smile.

“How can you speak like that? Show some respect!”

Zhang Tao bristled at the comment. What did he mean by that? Was he belittling the common folk?


Lee Xiuhua shot her son a stern look, then quickly turned back to Ning Zhiyuan with a placating smile. “Mr. Ning, my son is just concerned for his father's life. Please, don't take offense.”

“Aunt Lee, rest assured, I'm not upset. But you understand that seeking someone's help comes with a cost, right?”

Ning Zhiyuan hinted at an underlying condition.

“Yes, of course! Mr. Ning, you're absolutely right. I understand. What is it that you require?” Lee Xiuhua asked anxiously.

To her, any price was worth paying if it meant saving her husband's life.

“Aunt Lee, since you're so forthcoming, I'll be straightforward. I'm interested in the plot of land at the village entrance.”

Ning Zhiyuan stated calmly.

Upon hearing this, Lee Xiuhua's face fell, and she was visibly distressed. The land at the village entrance was a sizable vacant lot owned by Village Chief Zhang.

Village Chief Zhang had purchased the land when he was younger, intending to build greenhouses and grow crops. But after becoming the village chief, he found no time to realize his plans, and the land remained undeveloped and unused.

Certainly, he hadn't let that plot of land go to waste.

Village Chief Zhang had leased out those several dozen acres. Come autumn, when the harvest was gathered, that land transformed into the village's granary, with villagers spreading their crops to dry in the sun.

A year prior, Ning Zhiyuan arrived in the village expressing his desire to purchase the land to construct a fertilizer factory.

Initially, Village Chief Zhang was quite pleased with the idea. He figured that building a factory would create jobs, and the villagers could certainly find employment there. This would allow the villagers to both tend to their farms and hold down a part-time job, surely boosting their income. Additionally, the establishment of a factory would undoubtedly stimulate local economic growth. It seemed like a win-win situation.

But upon closer investigation, Village Chief Zhang discovered that Ning Zhiyuan had bought land for fertilizer factories in other villages as well.

Far from benefiting those communities, he had actually caused them considerable distress. This was because Ning Zhiyuan hired his workers from the city, leaving the villagers out of the equation. The most significant issue was the severe water pollution he brought to the villages. He hadn't invested in any pollution control equipment, allowing untreated wastewater to flow directly into the nearby rivers.

The contract was nearly finalized when Village Chief Zhang promptly refused to sign.

Ning Zhiyuan, incensed, quarreled with him and stormed off.

Over the past two or three years, he periodically returned, employing various tactics to persuade Village Chief Zhang. Yet, the village chief remained steadfast in his refusal to sign.

Now, Village Chief Zhang lay bedridden, his life hanging by a thread.

Seizing the moment, Ning Zhiyuan brought up the contract once more, leaving Lee Xiuhua torn and uncertain about the right course of action.

“Aunt Lee, Village Chief Zhang's condition is quite serious. Even if he were to go to the capital and the surgery were successful, he would need several years to recuperate and regain his strength. If he can't undergo the operation, I fear he won't survive much longer,” Ning Zhiyuan pressed.

“Once he passes, the land will revert to the state. I can simply purchase it from the town government. If I build my factory there, none of you can stop me. But by then, Village Chief Zhang will have passed away. You'll end up with nothing, and you won't have saved Village Chief Zhang's life either.”

“Why not sell the land to me now? I'll offer you more money, which will cover your surgery costs. Plus, I can reach out to the doctors in the capital, and we could save Village Chief Zhang's life. It's a win-win situation,” Ning Zhiyuan said with a confident smile.

Lee Xiuhua was torn.

She had spent a lifetime with Village Chief Zhang and knew her husband's temperament well.

If she sold the land, once Village Chief Zhang recovered from surgery and learned of the sale, the shock might be too much for him.

Zhang Tao stood by, teeth clenched, facing a dire choice. He could lose everything—his father, the money, and the land—or he could sell the land, scrape together some funds, and get a doctor from the capital. Maybe that would save his father's life, but at the risk of his father's wrath once he awoke.

What was the right move?

“Sell!” After much hesitation, Lee Xiuhua finally mustered the resolve and forced out the word.

“Haha! Aunt Lee, you certainly know how to make things happen. I've got the contract right here. Just sign it, and I'll transfer the money immediately and get you in touch with the doctor,” Ning Zhiyuan said, pulling out the contract. Lee Xiuhua and her son exchanged a look, and with no other options, prepared to sign.

”Hold on!”

Just then, Su Ming stepped forward.

Lee Sumei was taken aback upon seeing him, thinking, “When did this kid show up? I didn't even notice him.”

“Do you have a solution?” Su Tao asked, hope in his voice.

They all knew their son had come into money and had shown himself to be resourceful. Su Ming had demonstrated his capabilities when his uncle was in the hospital, an event the couple remembered vividly.

”Don't worry, Mom and Dad. I've got this,” Su Ming reassured them. Approaching Lee Xiuhua, he continued, “Grandma Lee, rest assured, I have a way to treat Village Chief Zhang's illness. Here's what we'll do: I'll cover the medical expenses and arrange for the surgery with the top doctors in the capital.”

Lee Xiuhua paused for a moment, lifting her tear-filled eyes to look at Su Ming. “Are you the son of the Su family?”

“Yes, it's me, Grandma Lee,” Su Ming replied with a smile.

”Oh my! How you've grown!”

In a display of affection typical between elders and the younger generation, Zhang Tao playfully punched Su Ming on the arm, careful not to use too much force.

“Brother Ming!”

Zhang Qianqian, momentarily taken aback, suddenly brightened and impulsively hugged Su Ming.

Despite the years apart, their childhood bond remained as innocent and strong as ever.

Their friendship hadn't faded in the slightest over the years. “Qianqian!”

Zhang Tao, feeling a bit awkward, fidgeted and rubbed his nose.

His daughter was no longer a child, and there she was, embracing Su Ming in front of everyone. It seemed somewhat inappropriate.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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