The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 452

Chapter 452 - You Are Going to Tear down the House?

Xiao Chen rubbed his hands together and glanced at Su Ming before asking with palpable excitement, “Brother-in-law, what's our next move?”

Su Ming just smiled and reached into his pocket.

Xiao Chen's eyes widened in anticipation, nearly glowing like twin bulbs. He wondered, “What kind of secret gear does my brother-in-law have?”

Su Ming had a history of producing rare medicinal herbs with ease, so Xiao Chen's expectations were high for another impressive reveal.

But when Su Ming produced a marshmallow, Xiao Chen was dumbfounded. “A marshmallow? What's this about? Oh, I get it now. All those masters on TV have their quirks. Some chew gum, others listen to music before springing into action. Brother-in-law must have a thing for marshmallows.”

Previously, Su Ming had tried this particular marshmallow. He pinched off a small piece and popped it into his mouth. A prompt from the System echoed in his mind, “Host has successfully used marshmallow. Its effect will last for 35 minutes!”

Su Ming was pleased with the outcome.

He then offered the marshmallow to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen hesitated, thinking, “Do I need to eat it too? Well, if brother-in-law suggests it, I might as well.”

Without further ado, Xiao Chen grabbed a hefty chunk of marshmallow and shoved it into his mouth.

In a panic, Su Ming reached out to stop him, wanting to warn Xiao Chen not to overindulge. But with the marshmallow in his mouth, Su Ming was mute.

To Xiao Chen, Su Ming's frantic gestures seemed not to deter him but to urge him on. Without a second thought, Xiao Chen compressed the marshmallow into a ball and stuffed it into his mouth.

The System announced, “Xiao Chen has used the marshmallow. The marshmallow's effect will last for 2 hours and 45 minutes!”

Su Ming was at a loss for words.

He sighed internally, “Poor Xiao Chen. It's my fault for not explaining the marshmallow's potency beforehand. Oh well, no harm done.”

Then came the System's prompt: “System Notification: Individuals who have consumed marshmallow can communicate with each other.”

Hearing this, Su Ming was momentarily taken aback.

Xiao Chen was brimming with anticipation as he asked, “Brother-in-law, what's our next move? How do we get inside?”

He had seen in movies how experts would use sophisticated gadgets to create a hole in the glass with just a twist.

He was convinced Su Ming must possess such advanced tools.

Amid Xiao Chen's eager gaze, Su Ming casually pulled a hammer from his denim bag.

Xiao Chen was taken aback.

The hammer was indeed practical.

But wouldn't smashing the glass with it make too much noise?

“Brother-in-law, are you planning to use a hammer?”

Xiao Chen felt an impulse to bolt. If Su Ming struck the glass with the hammer, surely the neighbors would hear.

Su Ming blinked and inquired, “What's the matter?”

“Brother-in-law, are you really going to smash it with a hammer? It's going to be loud. Don't you have any of those high-tech devices? I've seen experts use them to open doors just by spinning them on the glass.”

With a puzzled expression, Xiao Chen remarked, “That's way too complicated. Hammers are more reliable.”

Seeing Su Ming's reassuring smile, Xiao Chen gave a nod.

He thought, “An axe might break the window quickly, but we'd be discovered just as fast. Captain Wu was supposed to be helping us, but with this hammer blow, he might end up escorting us to the police station. If my family hears about this, I'm done for.”

As Xiao Chen was about to intervene, Su Ming had already swung the hammer at the window.

The window emitted a dull thud, audible only to Su Ming and Xiao Chen.

The glass was now cracked.

Again, only the two of them could hear the noise.

Witnessing the scene, Xiao Chen panicked and took off running.

He hadn't gotten far when he heard the glass shatter.

Su Ming delivered another hammer blow, and the glass broke apart instantly.

Su Ming unlocked the door and agilely entered the old man's home.

Xiao Chen looked back, realizing that the loud noise from Su Ming breaking the glass seemed to have gone unnoticed by everyone else.

This neighborhood was exceptionally quiet and affluent.

The sound of that hammer strike was like a firecracker exploding in the night sky, incredibly loud.

Xiao Chen expected the homeowners to burst out in anger and the neighbors to come out and chastise Su Ming. Yet, the silence was perplexing.

Captain Wu seemed oblivious to the noise, continuing to sit in the car with his eyes closed, meditating.

“What's happening here? Is everyone in the area hard of hearing? That can't be right,” Xiao Chen wondered.

“Why are you just standing there? Come on in!” Su Ming called out to Xiao Chen.

“Uh?” Xiao Chen was rooted to the spot, his mind racing. “I've got a bit of a headache. Can someone explain what's going on? No, better not to overthink it. If my brother-in-law is behind this, he must have his reasons. He's always been clever, beyond what I can fathom.”

Despite his trepidation, Xiao Chen cautiously made his way into the house.

He entered a spacious living room devoid of a television or sofa, only lined with numerous shelves laden with antiques and jade pieces.

Xiao Chen's curiosity was piqued as he surveyed the room, noting the absence of any reaction. Even if the homeowner lived on the third floor, the noise should have been enough to wake him and draw him downstairs.

Meanwhile, Su Ming paid no attention to Xiao Chen, instead posing a question in his thoughts.

“Yuvyuv, can you help me locate the account book?”

”Certainly, Master. Just give me a moment,” came Yuvyuv's response within Su Ming's mind.

A spark of excitement shone in Su Ming's eyes: he hadn't actually expected Yuvyuv to be capable of this task.

It was a casual inquiry; the room was small enough for a quick scan to find the ledger. However, Su Ming was feeling lazy, and having Yuvyuv's assistance would be much more convenient.

He silently commended Yuvyuv's impressive abilities.

At that moment, Xiao Chen, who was inspecting the items on the shelves, accidentally stepped on something slick and cried out.


He crashed to the floor with a thud.

In the chaos of falling, one's instinct is often to grasp at anything within reach.

At that moment, Xiao Chen grabbed hold of the shelf.

These shelves were already somewhat unstable, and his grip caused them to tilt even more.

Then, with a series of thunderous crashes, the shelves toppled over like a row of dominoes.

It was a dramatic sight as every bottle and jar shattered upon impact.

Xiao Chen stood up, completely shocked, feeling as if his blood had turned to ice.

He was utterly bewildered.

“Oh no! Even if the house's owner is deaf, I bet they could hear that racket,” Xiao Chen thought to himself.

Su Ming, hearing the noise, turned to witness the disarray and was at a loss for words.

“Great! I haven't even started, and Xiao Chen's already wrecking the place,” he thought with a sense of resignation.

“Brother-in-law, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. Don't worry, I'll take full responsibility. I won't let this affect you,” Xiao Chen said, his voice tinged with despair, feeling like the most unfortunate person alive.

Su Ming gave Xiao Chen a reassuring pat on the head and said, “Snap out of it. Let's head up to the second floor.”


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