The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 443

Chapter 443 - Do You Know Who You Have Offended?

Su Ming offered a faint smile and said, “You've all just had a meal, and it's not good for your health to engage in strenuous exercise right after eating. Let me handle this.”

He took a step forward.

The people around Mr. Su quickly interjected, “Mr. Su, please allow us to take care of it. We're well-suited for this kind of heavy lifting.”

Despite Mr. Su's formidable background and resources, he might not excel in a brawl.

Young Master Jin chimed in, “Absolutely not! People from the imperial court pride themselves on keeping their promises, don't they? No backing out now!”

Su Ming thought to himself, “As a scion of a prominent family, I've been rigorously trained in taekwondo since childhood. I've been looking for a chance to teach you a lesson, and now you've delivered yourself to my doorstep! I'm going to give you the thrashing you deserve!”

“Are you sure you can handle this?” Xiao Ke'er asked, standing next to Su Ming with a tone of concern.

She couldn't help but worry, “Everything else aside, you could get hurt in a fight.”

Patting Xiao Ke'er on the shoulder, Su Ming confidently stepped out, “Don't worry, I've got this.”

Xiao Ke'er was aware that Su Ming wouldn't undertake something unless he was certain of success.

Still, she couldn't shake her concern.

Kemeng bit her lip and stood there, watching anxiously.

Su Ming spoke with composure, “You wanted a one-on-one duel, right? I'm here to honor that challenge. And if you beat me, dinner's on me.”

Hearing this, Young Master Jin burst into laughter, “Just you? Do you even have a hundred million?”

President Chen scoffed from the sidelines, “Show some respect for Mr. Su! He's a VIP at our bank. And just for your information, there's no less than ten billion in Mr. Su's account.”

“What?” Young Master Jin was flabbergasted.

He thought incredulously, “Su Ming has that much money? Impossible! They must be bluffing.”

President Chen, with a knowing smile, said, “Don't believe me? You should recognize me; I'm Chen Guosheng, President of Tianhua Bank.”

He then pulled out his smartphone, logged into the bank System, and checked Su Ming's account balance.

“Feast your eyes on this!” President Chen taunted.

He then showed the phone screen to Young Master Jin.

Young Master Jin scrutinized the details before him and exclaimed in awe, “You're telling the truth!”

He was certain that President Chen wouldn't deceive him.

The Jin family was affluent, and Young Master Jin was intimately acquainted with the bank's system. Thus, he was confident that the account balance President Chen revealed was accurate.

Frozen in place, Young Master Jin rued provoking such a wealthy tycoon.

This individual's assets were on par with the entire Jin family's share value!

Moreover, this person was even more formidable than the Jin family.

Su Ming's card was flush with cash, while the Jin family's wealth was tied up in fixed assets and stocks.

How could Su Ming be so influential?

He was too young to have amassed such a fortune on his own.

Clearly, Su Ming was backed by a vast family empire, which explained the substantial cash in his account.

The enigmatic nature of the imperial court's citizens left Young Master Jin feeling deeply unsettled, the pressure threatening to overwhelm him like a deluge.

“My goodness, Mr. Su is incredibly wealthy!”

“And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Mr. Su owns several acres in the city center worth over 10 billion.”

“It's only natural for Mr. Su to have such wealth.”

“Absolutely! If anyone else had that kind of money, I'd be green with envy, jealousy, and resentment. But with Mr. Su, I feel envy and jealousy, yet not a hint of resentment.”

The bystanders buzzed with conversation upon hearing President Chen's remarks.

They were all aware of Mr. Su's affluence, but the extent of his wealth was beyond their expectations.

Mr. Su was truly extraordinary!

Had they known about Su Ming's five real estate developments, over four hundred luxury cars, shares in a hundred companies, his collection of valuable antique bracelets, and countless ancient gold coins, their reactions would have been far from composed.

Young Master Jin was filled with remorse.

He wished he could give himself a good slap.

Typically, he subsisted on rice and pickles, but today's indulgence in barbecue had cost him over a hundred million yuan and the ire of a magnate. Despite the disdain from H Country often directed at the imperial court, he understood it stemmed from envy. Confronted with the imperial court's formidable individuals, they would surely capitulate.

Young Master Jin was drenched in sweat, his limbs icy, his whole body shivering uncontrollably.

He was done for.

He had squandered his family's most crucial funds and made an enemy of someone formidable.

He couldn't bear the thought of going home. He even considered buying a plot of land at his doorstep to dig a grave for himself.

Su Ming offered a slight smile and reassured, “Young Master Jin, there's no need to be anxious. Everyone here can vouch for my word. If you defeat me, I'll cover today's meal and present you with ten million yuan as a gesture of goodwill. However, if you lose, you must proclaim loudly before everyone that chopsticks, Hanfu, hotpot, Chinese characters, gunpowder, and the printing press all originated from the imperial court, and that H Country has done nothing but imitate us. Alternatively, you're free to walk away right now.”

Upon hearing this, Young Master Jin's eyes sparkled with hope.

He saw this as his chance for redemption. Su Ming might be wealthy, but Young Master Jin had been practicing Taekwondo since childhood and was confident in his skills. He was eager to show Su Ming the prowess of a true master.

“So be it, I'll hold nothing back.” With those words, Young Master Jin inhaled deeply and assumed a Taekwondo stance.

With a thunderous yell, he lunged forward, his leg shooting out in a powerful kick towards Su Ming.

“Take this—Gale Leg Art!” he bellowed.

Seeing Su Ming unmoved, his excitement surged.

He mistook Su Ming's stillness for slow reflexes and grew haughty, thinking his moment of triumph had arrived.

But just as Young Master Jin's foot was inches from Su Ming, Su Ming let out a yawn.

With an effortless motion, he grasped Young Master Jin's leg.

Blinking, he inquired with earnest curiosity, “Are you just getting warmed up?”

Young Master Jin was dumbfounded.

A warm-up? He had put his full force into the attack.

What was happening?

He was utterly astounded that Su Ming had caught his ankle with a single hand.


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