The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 381

Chapter 381 - You Asked Me to Leave

Mr. Du and Ms. Lee were visibly upset, stamping their feet in frustration.

Manager Ma, picking himself up off the floor, witnessed their distress.

He was completely at a loss.

“I'm so sorry, I'll grab some tissues immediately!”

Manager Ma rushed to offer his apologies.

“Mr. Du, Ms. Lee, this was my mistake. Please rest assured, as a gesture of my sincere apologies, I'll offer you a 10% discount on this occasion.”

Manager Ma was in a state of panic.

“There's no need.”

Mr. Du, who had just received an upsetting phone call, was already in a foul mood. The coffee spill only exacerbated his irritation.

“Manager Ma, I must attend to other matters and will be leaving now.”

With that, Mr. Du turned and walked away.

Manager Ma, hearing this, became even more anxious.

Despite his continuous apologies, Mr. Du and Ms. Lee departed without further ado.

Watching them leave, Manager Ma was filled with regret.

A multimillion-yuan deal had just slipped through his fingers.

He turned to see Su Ming examining the housing model.

“If it hadn't been for that damned grocer! None of this would have happened! They might have been signing the contract right now!”

Manager Ma was irate with Su Ming.

But he had unjustly blamed Su Ming.

Mr. Du had only come to look around today.

His real interest lay in several other properties nearby; he had never intended to buy here.

To make matters worse, he had just received calls informing him that the properties he was interested in had been purchased by others.

Mr. Du's mood took a nosedive.

He was ready to leave in his car.

But just as he was about to go, Manager Ma accidentally spilled coffee on him.

Mr. Du's mood soured further, and he was eager to get away.

“Zhang, Chen, get over here quickly!”

Upon entering the sales lobby, Manager Ma bellowed.

The room, sparsely populated, echoed with the startle of his voice.

Two security guards, who had been scrolling through their phones on the sofa, jumped to their feet and rushed over.

”Do you think you're paid a few thousand yuan a month to sit around and play with your phones?”

Manager Ma admonished, “Each house here is worth at least tens of millions of yuan. Not just anyone is allowed to come in and browse. Remember this, if anything gets damaged on your watch, you two will be compensating for it at full cost!”

The two security guards were completely taken aback.

The architectural model they were responsible for was valued at several million yuan—how on earth could they ever afford to compensate for it?

Manager Ma left immediately after making his statement.

The guards exchanged a knowing glance.

Clearly, someone had riled up Manager Ma, which explained his foul mood.

They noticed Su Ming standing unassumingly in the room.

“Who's that?”

“He's the vegetable vendor who just had a spat with Manager Ma.”

“So, he's the reason we're in this mess!”

“We need to get him out of here, fast.”

The guards locked eyes again and strode toward Su Ming with a menacing air.

Su Ming noticed the guards approaching him, their faces clouded with anger.

He slightly furrowed his brow.

The guards reached Su Ming, sizing him up with furrowed brows. “What are you doing here?”

”I came to look at the houses,” Su Ming replied, a calm smile on his face.


“Do you think you can afford a house here? You're just here to stir up trouble.”

The guards spoke with clear hostility.

Su Ming chuckled coldly. “Even if I can't afford it, can't I have a look? Or do you check everyone's bank balance before they come in?”

Chen scoffed, “We welcome others, but not you.”

“The people who come to view these houses are big bosses, driving cars worth millions. How do you even dare to compare yourself to them?”

To Su Ming, a car worth a few million was trivial; he owned several luxury vehicles himself.

He couldn't help but be amused.

“Do you really want me to leave?” Su Ming asked, still smiling.

“Absolutely!” Chen replied, his brow creased.

“Has your manager approved this?”

Su Ming continued to smile.

”Yes, I have!” Manager Ma interjected, walking over. “We don't welcome the likes of you here. Out!”


Su Ming departed.

“Manager Ma, please, don't be upset.”

“Indeed. With such a prime location, there's no shortage of wealthy bosses eager to buy.”

“Don't fret!”

The guards were quick to offer obsequious reassurances.

Manager Ma's face softened slightly as he instructed, “Stay vigilant at all times!”

“Yes, sir!”

The guards nodded hastily and took up their posts by the door.

Su Ming returned to his truck, unfazed.

Their actions couldn't touch his emotions.

They had failed to honor the terms of the contract, and for that, they would have to compensate him.

Despite being the smallest in the area, this neighborhood has fewer than 300 homes.

Yet, a single home here is valued at nearly ten million yuan.

Altogether, the 300 homes are worth a staggering three billion yuan.

Manager Ma would surely be filled with regret if he were aware of this.

And if Manager Ma's boss were to find out, Manager Ma would likely face termination.

Why was Manager Ma unaware that the homes had already been sold? It's because the System purchased them directly through his boss, bypassing him entirely.

This went beyond the scope of Manager Ma's authority.

Manager Ma had access to the purchase records, but it never crossed his mind that the homes could have completely sold out.

Moreover, his boss was asleep, with numerous calls coming in, but his phone was on silent.


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