The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 26

C26 – Ingratiating

“That’s not good.”

Su Ming glanced around. “In reality, this plot isn’t that vast. I can manage it myself.”

It seemed to Su Ming that President Chen might have initiated this event just to appease him.

Surely, he had the stature of a bank president.


President Chen quickly gestured with his hand, imploring, “Let us have this opportunity.”

Unnoticed, Su Ming gave him an appreciative nod.

It was evident that President Chen wanted to curry favor with Su Ming, yet he made it seem as if he was the one seeking assistance.

“Would this disrupt the bank employees’ tasks?”

Su Ming pondered, stroking his chin.

“It’s of no concern!”

President Chen responded promptly.

His genuineness was one of the reasons he was elected bank president.

Admiration for him welled up in Su Ming’s heart.

Two years post-graduation, he was just a minor staff member in a regular firm. Lately, he even lost that job.

Were it not for the System, the exorbitant cost of engagement gifts would have weighed him down.

If he possessed even a fraction of President Chen’s capability, he could have risen to at least a deputy role in his former firm.

“Very well.”

Su Ming gave a nod of approval.

President Chen’s earnestness was so compelling that Su Ming couldn’t turn him down.

President Chen was elated by Su Ming’s consent.

Without hesitation, he dialed a number, instructing, “Summon every staff member to the vacant area next to Guoxing Building immediately. This long-postponed event is finally starting. They’ll grasp the common man’s plight.”

The person on the line was the bank’s vice president.

He was left bewildered by the call.

Which event was this?

He had no inkling.

“President Chen?”

The vice president inquired tentatively after a pause.

“Be there in 30 minutes!”

President Chen concluded the call briskly.

The vice president, taken aback, pondered over the directive.

What did President Chen have in mind?

Even amidst his uncertainty, he knew he had to act swiftly.

He swiftly mobilized all staff and security personnel, leading them to the open area adjacent to the Guoxing Building.

“Sir, where are we headed?”

“What’s the situation?”

“What’s the matter?”

Questions buzzed amongst the employees.

“Just follow along. President Chen has an experiential event lined up to understand the struggles of ordinary folk.”

The vice president was as clueless as them.

“I wasn’t informed of such an event.”


It was expected for the regular staff to be unaware, but it was surprising that even the management was in the dark.

What was President Chen’s objective?


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