The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 16

C16 – Word Hard to Upgrade

“I won’t trouble you any longer, President Chen. We can continue our conversation later.”

Following Su Ming’s words, he expressed his gratitude to the patrol officers who had been providing him protection from behind.

Subsequently, he drove away.

President Chen nodded and bid farewell, saying, “Take care.”

After observing Su Ming’s departure, President Chen addressed the security guard with a serious tone, “You’re dismissed!”

The security guard was taken aback.

President Chen reprimanded, “How dare you offend our bank’s most esteemed customer! Your employment here is no longer necessary.”

President Chen then turned to the other staff and instructed, “Immediately distribute Mr. Su’s photo to all employees. Everyone should commit Mr. Su’s face to memory. Whenever Mr. Su visits, everyone must extend a solemn welcome. Anyone who dares to offend Mr. Su will face consequences.”

Just yesterday morning, Su Ming had been worried about the exorbitant dowry.

Yet, within a day, he had become a billionaire.

The System truly proved to be extraordinary.

However, beyond wealth, Su Ming was more inquisitive about what else could be cultivated on this land.

While the bamboo shoots he had planted turned out to be Golden Bamboo Shoots, he was eager to see how potatoes, peanuts, fruits, and other crops would thrive.

Thanks to the farm system, any plant Su Ming cultivated would flourish in its ideal environment.

Su Ming noted that fertilization and watering didn’t seem to be very effective, but this could be seen as the System’s way of allowing him to relish the joy of farming.

“Crop harvest successful. You have gained 50 experience points.”

Suddenly, a system notification chimed in Su Ming’s mind.

Su Ming was taken aback and swiftly accessed the control panel.

Farmer: Su Ming

Level: 1

Experience: 50 / 100

Farm: Level One

Whenever he plucked a fruit, he earned a single experience point.

A Level One farm already boasted considerable might.

If he persisted in upgrading the farm, what transformations might await it?

Contemplating this, Su Ming couldn’t contain his excitement.

His resolve solidified; he was prepared to toil diligently.

He hummed a tune while driving back.

In no time, he arrived back at the farm, parked the car, and stepped out.

He headed to the bamboo shoot field, tending to the withered bamboo shoots.

“You may recover 50 withered bamboo shoots. Would you like to reclaim them?”

Su Ming pondered, “Reclaim these withered bamboo shoots.”

“Recovery successful. Congratulations, you’ve gained 10 experience points.”

The notification’s chime brought a faint smile to Su Ming’s lips.

Harvesting crops bestowed experience points, and reclaiming withered crops did the same.

Brimming with vigor, Su Ming rolled up his sleeves and set to work.

Initially, Su Ming plowed the soil where he had planted bamboo shoots.

Next, he scoured the warehouse for tomato seeds.

“Tomatoes have been successfully sown. They’ll ripen in 12 hours.”

Su Ming received this notification with equanimity, as he had grown accustomed to such occurrences.

Irrigating and fertilizing could expedite crop maturation, enhance crop quality, and boost yields.

After nearly three hours of relentless effort, he completed the land’s planting. Finally, he released a sigh of relief.

“I haven’t worked like this in ages. I’m not as physically fit as I used to be.”

Easing the ache in his lower back with a gentle rub, Su Ming cleansed his hands and feet before reclining on the chair beside the thatched cottage. He intended to rest briefly before resuming his work.

Abruptly, Su Ming’s phone rang, and his expression shifted slightly upon seeing the caller ID.

It was his parents.

Immersed in his tasks throughout the day, Su Ming had forgotten to inform his parents about calling off the engagement.


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