The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 13

C13 – The Rich Man

“Do you actually possess that much money?”

Upon hearing this, the security guard furrowed his brows.

“I don’t have time for games.”

The security guard’s tone turned icy, “Move your vehicle to the public parking area. Don’t create disturbances in front of the bank.”

The security guard was clearly disdainful.

Judging by his attire, it seemed improbable for him to have ten million in savings.

Seeing a billionaire behind the wheel of a vegetable-selling car was a novelty.

Just then, a siren blared.

The two patrolling officers tailing Su Ming approached rapidly.

One of the patrolmen inquired sternly, “What’s the situation?”

The security guard was taken aback.

The police response was astonishingly quick.

The security guard hurriedly explained, “Officers, this parking spot is reserved for VIPs of our bank, yet he insisted on parking here.”

The other patrol officer questioned coolly, “Why did you prevent this gentleman from entering?”

The security guard was surprised.

Why were these two patrolmen vouching for this individual?

What was happening?

The security guard stood stunned and speechless.

“Look, what’s transpiring?”

“Could it be that the security guard is in cahoots with the robbers and the police caught on?”

“Sounds like an excessive dose of TV drama.”

Overindulgence in TV, perhaps?

Meanwhile, the bank’s president who was dealing with business inside noticed the commotion and rushed out.

President Chen spoke anxiously, “Officers, I am the bank’s president. What’s transpired here?”

If the security guard had indeed committed a misstep, he had to take responsibility.

After all, ascending to the position of bank president required substantial effort.

Should he be ensnared due to the security guard, he’d face significant repercussions.

“Don’t fret.”

The two policemen shifted their gaze toward Su Ming and stated, “This gentleman intends to vend something here.”

President Chen was taken aback, “Vend something?”

Wasn’t this a vegetable-selling car?

This was a bank, not a marketplace.

President Chen was utterly perplexed, yet the stern expressions of the two officers remained unchanged.

Tentatively, President Chen inquired, “Sir, what exactly do you have in your vehicle?”

Su Ming grinned and replied, “While cleaning my storeroom today, I found some things occupying space in a corner. So, I’ve brought them here, wondering if you’re interested in these items.”

What astonished President Chen was Su Ming treating the bank like a garbage disposal site.

However, if Su Ming was indeed here to peddle waste, he shouldn’t be under police protection.

A thought occurred to Su Ming and he added, “I made a call to your bank earlier. Do you recall?”

President Chen was flabbergasted.

So he was the caller!

He was the one who wanted to sell commemorative bamboo shoots.

Based on President Chen’s experience, individuals selling high-priced items usually contacted him privately, and often had a contingent of bodyguards in tow.

This was the first instance of someone like Su Ming – clad in cloth shoes, driving a vegetable vendor’s automobile – that President Chen had encountered.


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