The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 270: 270 Collapse! !

Chapter 270: Chapter 270 Collapse! !

The person in charge hurriedly replied, “They have already been notified, our inspectors will be arriving soon!”

Dongfang Yu pursed his lips, his tall figure exuding an authoritative and imposing presence.

He cast his sharp gaze over the buildings in front of him and purposefully strode toward one of them.

A group of people hurriedly followed him…

However, upon entering, they heard a pitter-patter sound.

In the unrenovated house, water was leaking everywhere from the ceiling.

The floor was also flooded, and an unpleasant musty smell filled the air.

Hai Xiaotang looked at the dilapidated house, utterly shocked, “How could things be so severe?”

She thought it was just a simple leak, but she hadn’t expected… the building was practically dilapidated!

“Yes, we didn’t expect it to be so severe either. We all got a huge shock when we first saw it…” The person in charge said anxiously.

Dongfang Yu’s expression was cold. He gently touched the wall, only to suddenly throw a punch at it!

The wall cracked instantly with a loud thud.

Hai Xiaotang and the others gasped in surprise.

The building was of pitifully poor quality!

Dongfang Yu’s countenance grew even colder as he spat out through gritted teeth, “A shoddy job – ”

The officials suddenly turned pale with fear.

Because when blame was assigned, they would be the ones to bear the consequences.

“Go knock on every single building for me! I want to see if they’re all as shoddy!” Dongfang Yu suddenly burst out in anger. The officials hurriedly went around to inspect.

Dongfang Yu himself also picked up a brick to knock around the place.

Everywhere he knocked, cracks would form…

Hai Xiaotang was incredibly shocked, “How can it be like this? Even the worst houses aren’t this poor, right?”

“The recent storm exposed the building’s quality issues.” Dongfang Yu gave her a glance, “Wait for me in the car, I’m going to take a look around.”

“I’ll come with you…”

“No, the paths here are too slippery!” Dongfang Yu declined firmly.

Indeed, the rainy weather had left the house and ground very moist, and slippery moss was everywhere. If they were not careful, they could slip and fall.

She had already nearly fallen a few times earlier.

Hai Xiaotang did not want to cause him any trouble, so she went to wait under the eaves outside.

Even though she was standing under the eaves, the wind and rain still blew onto her. In no time, her pants became wet.

Holding up her umbrella to shield herself, she looked up at the sky, only to see a terrifying bolt of lightning!

Followed by a deafening clap of thunder.

Hai Xiaotang closed her eyes in fright, screaming. Her heart rate sped up in an instant, an ominous feeling forming in her heart.

Another clap of thunder followed.

Her heartbeat accelerated more and more, her unease growing.

For some reason, she felt as though something bad was about to happen.

Even as Hai Xiaotang was pondering, she suddenly felt the ground shaking and the house seemed to be shaking…

“Watch out— ” Before she could react, someone suddenly grabbed her and started running. Then there was a loud ‘boom’.

Hai Xiaotang’s body jolted…

She turned around in a daze, her pupils dilating in shock!

In the dust and smoke, she saw the house, the house… had collapsed…

The building behind her had just collapsed!

And Dongfang Yu was still inside the building…

Dongfang Yu was still inside!

Hai Xiaotang’s mind went blank for a second. Dropping the umbrella, she dashed toward the wreckage.

“Dongfang Yu—”, she let out a heart-wrenching scream!


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