The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 250: Fortunately, You’re Here i

Chapter 250: Chapter 250: Fortunately, You’re Here i

And strangely enough, the uneasy feeling was becoming more and more intense.

Especially as the time to leave school approached, her anxiety escalated.

It was as if she was running out of time, with only so much left to make a decision.

But she had no idea what decision to make, afraid that any decision might be the wrong one.

She felt like she was being rushed, like a young woman being hastily betrothed, her heart filled with insecurity and fear of the unknown.

The pressure was so overwhelming that Hai Xiaotang had spent the entire morning unable to focus on her teacher’s lecture.

Finally, the school bell rang!

Hai Xiaotang was suddenly jolted to attention. She quickly packed her bag, ready to run.

She was terrified that Dongfang Yu would suddenly appear in front of her.

Just as she was about to look for Qiao Ning, her phone rang – it was Qiao Ning calling.

“Xiaotang, I’m really sorry. Something came up this afternoon and I can’t go shopping with you. I apologize, we’ll go next time.”

“No problem…” Hai Xiaotang spoke briefly with Qiao Ning before hanging up the phone.

She was going to use the shopping trip with Qiao Ning as an excuse to turn down Dongfang Yu, but now she had no excuse.

Hai Xiaotang didn’t know how to dodge Dongfang Yu without an excuse.

However, Dongfang Yu’s call promptly came in.

Hai Xiaotang took a deep breath and answered, “Hello?”

The man asked in a deep voice on the other end, “I’m here, when are you coming out?”

“In a bit, class just ended…”

“Alright, I’ll wait for you.”

Hai Xiaotang hung up the phone, standing blankly in the school corridor.

What should she do now, go to meet Dongfang Yu directly, or try to avoid him and run away?

But how long could she hide, she would eventually have to face it all!

Moreover, there’s no need to make a decision immediately.

Hai Xiaotang took a deep breath and headed towards the school gate.

Ever since Dongfang Yu had come to find her at school, he had stopped driving conspicuous cars.

As Hai Xiaotang left the school gate, she saw his black Maybach, with Dongfang Yu leaning languorously against the car door in his sunglasses. His distinguished and handsome appearance attracted countless envious glances from the students.

But he showed no expression, his eyes beneath the lenses were only searching for Hai Xiaotang’s figure.

When he finally saw her, his stern mouth curved into a slight smile. Despite the long distance between them, Hai Xiaotang noticed the shift in his demeanor.

Suddenly, she found herself frozen in place, staring blankly at him.

Dongfang Yu walked over to her with his long strides, naturally took her hand, and said softly, “I thought you might run off. I’m glad you came.”

Something touched Hai Xiaotang’s heart. The fear and anxiety in her heart were abruptly obscured by another emotion, making everything seem less daunting.

“Let’s go, get in the car.” Dongfang Yu led her towards the car, His hand holding hers tightly.

Hai Xiaotang trailed half a step behind him, gazing at his tall back, then at the couples hand in hand around them, and the afternoon sun of early autumn. She suddenly felt this moment was so serene and beautiful.

Dongfang Yu was also smiling beautifully and everything was so perfect, leaving her in a daze as he took her to Yuquan Villa!

Yuquan Villa is built on the mid-level of Yuquan Mountain.

It covers a huge area, with around a hundred all sizes of hot water pools within.

In addition to its classic elegant architecture, there was a variety of plum trees, cherry trees, and hawthorn trees.

The place Dongfang Yu had booked was like a small courtyard house.


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