The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 246 - 246 Dongfang Yu’s Phone Numberi

Chapter 246: Chapter 246 Dongfang Yu’s Phone Numberi

When Hai Xiaotang exited her grandfather’s room to the living room, she saw Hai Lan sitting on the couch.

She was slightly surprised as she thought everyone had left.

Hai Lan, who was flipping through a magazine, looked up at her and asked with concern, “Is grandfather okay?”

“He’s fine,” Hai Xiaotang answered, shaking her head. She then asked with a hint of confusion, “Do you still have something to talk about?”

All the others had left, why was she still here?

Setting her magazine aside, Hai Lan stood up and said, “I do. Starting from today, I’ll be living here temporarily, it’s my parents’ request.”

Hai Xiaotang was momentarily stunned.

Truth be told, facing this strange cousin of hers, she couldn’t deny there was an air of unease.

And now Hai Lan was going to live here…

The feeling of discomfort welled up within Hai Xiaotang even more.

But she knew, Hai Lan had every right to live here.

Hai Xiaotang nodded, “You should stay here, after all, we are one family.”

“One family?” Hai Lan raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. You’re also the granddaughter of grandfather, and a part of the Hai family,” Hai Xiaotang affirmed.

Hai Lan chuckled lightly, “Then, do you know why I’m going to live here?”

“Wiry?” Hai Xiaotang was puzzling.

“Because my parents want me to get close to Dongfang Yu!”

Hai Xiaotang gasped, she didn’t expect Hai Lan to spell it out like that to her.

With her arms crossed over her chest, Hai Lan smirked, “He indeed is a great choice for a husband. Hai Xiaotang, if you don’t want him, give him to me.”

Hai Xiaotang’s eyes widened even more.

Hai Lan laughed, “I’m serious. Now, give me Dongfang Yu’s number.”

“What?” Hai Xiaotang didn’t react in time.

“Give me his number, you’re not going to refuse, are you?”

“There’s no reason for me not to,” Hai Xiaotang calmly replied.

Hai Lan, having got the number, made her departure brazenly.

Mother Zhang, who had been eavesdropping from the kitchen, hastily came out, “My dear girl, why did you give Mr. Dongfang’s number to her? You know she’s after him, why do you continue to help her?”

“It’s just a number…”

“But that’s not just any number, dear. She will seduce Mr. Dongfang with it!” Mother Zhang was alarmed, “No, you need to see Mr. Dongfang immediately, don’t let her succeed!”

“Mother Zhang,” Hai Xiaotang laughed softly, “If Hai Lan wanted his number, she could simply ask my Uncle, not necessarily have to get it from me.”

Mother Zhang didn’t understand her meaning, “So she deliberately is provoking you?”

“I don’t know. But I don’t think she means harm,” Hai Xiaotang answered.

“How could there be no malice? She clearly intends to take Mr. Dongfang from you!”

Hai Xiaotang, witnessing Mother Zhang’s frantic behavior, couldn’t help but burst into laughter, “Mother Zhang, what do you mean take Dongfang Yu from me? Dongfang Yu was never mine to begin with.”

“But Mr. Dongfang likes you…”

“So her taking his number won’t matter.”

Mother Zhang stopped in her tracks, looking at Hai Xiaotang with suspicion, “Miss, what does that mean? What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing much,” Hai Xiaotang smiled faintly and headed up to her room.

The fact of the matter was, if Dongfang Yu genuinely liked her that much, Hai Lan taking his number wouldn’t make a difference.

And if it did make a difference, so be it…

With mixed feelings, Hai Xiaotang returned to her room. Just as she was closing the door, her phone rang.

It was a call from Dongfang Yu…


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