The Best Director

Chapter 192: 192: Incredible! (Vote for us)

Chapter 192: Chapter 192: Incredible! (Vote for us)

“Wang Yang has won Best Director!!! He is the youngest Golden Globe Award Best Director!!!” Sina live broadcaster Xiao Yan excitedly typed out a series of exclamation points, updating a previous live photo, then continued, “The second Chinese director to win this honor! In 2001, Ang Lee beat the likes of Steven Soderbergh and other strong competitors for the Golden Globe, today it’s Wang Yang!!”

Supporters of Wang Yang in front of computer screens everywhere were thrilled, with smiley faces, cheers, and high fives… And it wasn’t just in the Greater China region; all over Asia, America, Europe… audiences and fans around the world who were following the Golden Globes were either delighted or shocked, regardless of whether they supported Wang Yang winning or opposed it, now the entire planet had one impression, “Wow, the youngest Best Director ever!”

Just how young? What kind of record had Wang Yang actually set? Many fans were actually not clear on the details, but they knew for sure he must be the youngest! Because they had never heard of a director in their 20s winning the award.

And the professional media had been prepared for a while; the entertainment website had already published a prepared article about Wang Yang’s victory: “Wang Yang surpasses Coppola to become the youngest ever Golden Globe Award Best Director in history!” In addition to reporting Wang Yang’s award, the news detailed a series of records he had broken.

Wang Yang was born on February 5, 1980, and he would be only 23 years old and 17 days on his next birthday, which made his award-winning age of 22 years and 348 days unprecedented! Whether there will be younger directors surpassing him in the future is unknown.

In the 60-year history of the Golden Globe Awards, among the 60 Best Directors, six people have won the award seven times in their 30s. The first was in 1968 at the 25th ceremony, when “The Graduate” director Mike Nichols won at the age of 36, and he also took home the Oscar that year; the second was in 1972 at the 29th ceremony, when William Friedkin, at 36 years old, won with “The French Connection,” and also won the Oscar that year; two years later at the 31st ceremony, he once again received a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination at the age of 38 with the infamous first horror film “The Exorcist.”

But the year before, in 1973 at the 30th ceremony, the winner was the youngest record holder at the time, “The Godfather” and its 33-year-old director Francis Ford Coppola, who also received an Oscar nomination that year. Over the next 30 years, Coppola grew into a legendary director associated with the term “the greatest”.

In 1979 at the 36th ceremony, 39-year-old Michael Cimino won with “The Deer Hunter,” and was also the Oscar winner that year. However, he was the one whose evolution was most dim among the six directors; two years later, his $44 million “Heaven’s Gate” only made $3.4 million at the box office and earned him the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Director, plunging United Artists, which had believed in him, into bankruptcy; five years of silence later, he received another Golden Raspberry nomination, signifying the nadir of his career, from which he has not recovered to this day.

It wasn’t until 1991 at the 48th ceremony that another 36-year-old won the Best Director, Kevin Costner with “Dances with Wolves,” and he also won an Oscar. After that, he devoted himself to acting, but he would go on to receive seven Golden Raspberry nominations for Worst Actor, winning three times, and both his acting and directing careers languished.

The most recent time was in 2000 at the 57th ceremony, when 34-year-old Sam Mendes won with “American Beauty,” and also took home the Oscar that same year, hence he was lauded as “Steven Spielberg’s successor.” Two years had passed, and his new work “Road to Perdition” premiered last July, receiving some praise but not considered a classic in film history, so he did not continue to enter the Golden Globe pantheon.

In fact, the media had realized long ago that Sam Mendes wasn’t Spielberg’s successor; this British director wasn’t one for sci-fi and commercial films but rather continued on the path of art-house cinema.

If you ask who the next Spielberg is, many would answer Wang Yang; who the next Robert Zemeckis is, many still say Wang Yang; who the next James Cameron is, again, many point to Wang Yang…

But now, Wang Yang has achieved something no one has ever done before, becoming the first person in their 20s to win the Golden Globe for Best Director, lowering the age record from 33 to 22 years old, beating it by 11 years; winning with a sci-fi movie, he accomplished what Spielberg didn’t 20 years ago…

The report on ended with: “Who knows what kind of crazy achievements Wang Yang will score before he turns 33? Could he become this year’s Oscar Best Director? If anyone knows, please tell me!” Editor Hugo Grande added a reminder, “My prediction was successful.”

Meanwhile, in the interview room at the Hilton Hotel after the awards, sitting on a not-so-spacious red sofa with a Golden Globe trophy in hand, Wang Yang was being interviewed by NBC. The production team’s cameras and microphones were all operational, and the black female reporter across from him, Claus Hampton, had a face full of joyful smiles as she asked, “Yang, how do you feel about winning this award? Do you need me to remind you how astonishing all this is?”

“No, thank you,” Wang Yang laughed, relishing the excitement he had just felt on stage, and said, “I’ve made my feelings clear on stage just now, very happy, unbelievable! This has given me, my family, my girlfriend, my colleagues, all my friends, my fans… everyone who supports me a reason to laugh out loud! Thank you very much!”

Claus Hampton smiled and nodded, changing her posture slightly, and said with a laugh, “I’m one of your supporters too. Wang Yang, I agree with a certain saying, you’re like a child that we’ve all watched grow up…” Wang Yang suddenly exclaimed in surprise and interrupted, “Thanks, but surely I’m not that young, am I?” Claus laughed loudly and said, “Among directors, you were a BABY a few years ago; now you’ve entered childhood.”

“So this is a childhood toy?” Wang Yang laughed, lifting the trophy in his hand slightly and said earnestly, “This is the most prestigious and precious toy of my childhood.”

“Perhaps it is,” Claus agreed, her eyes wide open, and she laughed loudly, “Wang Yang, you’re always funny and entertaining, many people have said it’s delightful to work with you, like Rachel McAdams, Will Smith, Natalie Portman… However, I know many directors are serious people, they aren’t much for jokes, and are often called ‘tigers’ by actors. Do you think being a Best Director is related to this aspect?”

Wang Yang shrugged slightly, placed the trophy on the glass coffee table in front of him, and replied, “Then I can rest easy, I was always worried my jokes were terrible.” He smiled and answered seriously, “Actually, on set, few directors should be ‘serious’ as their label; some just have a bigger temper, and some have less. But to be a good director, as Tom Hanks just said, a director’s relationship with everyone is like a parent, some are strict fathers, and I am the playful dad.”

“But after all, children love their parents, their director. As long as you make the people on the set love you, willing to unite and charge forward with you, that makes the best director,” Wang Yang nodded as he spoke, summarizing his years of experience directing. The power of one person is not enough to make a great film—it’s the crew that is key. He laughed and said, “That’s how you make a good movie. As for how to make others love you, everyone has their own methods.”

Claus, seeing that this topic had concluded, shifted toward some gossip with a laugh, asking, “When do you think you’ll get your second Golden Globe for Best Director?” Wang Yang couldn’t help laughing at the question and shook his head, replying, “I don’t know, I don’t have such thoughts.” Claus immediately laughed again and asked, “Then what about your expectations for other awards this year, like the Directors Guild, Oscars, and such?” Wang Yang frowned slightly and said with a smile, “I want to win awards, but let’s just go with the flow.”

“We all know about Robert Downey Jr.’s declaration just now, and now all of you have received awards,” Claus said with an interested smile, asking, “What do you think about that?”

“Robert, he really moved me…” Wang Yang had just begun his response and had said only a few words when a staff member came over to remind him that the Best Picture in a Drama category was about to be announced and urged him to return to the banquet hall. Wang Yang said, “OK,” and, holding his trophy, quickly got up to head back.

During the time he was doing backstage interviews, another heavyweight award was given out—the Best Actress in a Drama went to Nicole Kidman for “The Hours,” making her the new Golden Globe-winning actress.

“Magical Yang, congratulations!” “You’re really unbelievable!”… As Wang Yang returned to the banquet hall, he received congratulatory greetings from stars and colleagues at each table along the way. Nicolas Cage commented with a raspy laugh, “Yang, you’ve amazed me, congrats!” Jennifer Aniston, David Schwimmer, and other main cast members of “Friends” also said with smiles, “It’s so exciting!” “Incredible!”

Wang Yang thanked them all as he made his way back to his table, where he exchanged embraces with an excitedly rising Downey, followed by a beaming Jessica. Wang Yang handed the trophy to her and joked, “Keep an eye on it for me, don’t let me sell it.” Jessica took the trophy, examining it and laughing with joy, “Sure, I’ll take good care of it!”

Before they could continue sharing their joy, another round of enthusiastic applause rang out in the hall, as Jeff Goldblum and Calista Flockhart, who were presenting the Best Picture award, walked out. After making some humorous opening remarks, they read out the nominations amid waves of applause and cheers: “About Schmidt,” “District 9,” “The Hours,” “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers,” “The Pianist.”

“And the 60th Golden Globe for Best Picture in a Drama goes to…” With the eyes of everyone in the audience and countless TV viewers upon them, Calista opened the envelope and Jeff Goldblum loudly announced the result with a laugh: “The Hours!”

“Wow—!!” Accompanied by the rousing music from the speakers, all the stars and guests at the venue cheered and applauded as the entire cast and crew of “The Hours” jumped up in excitement. Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, director Stephen Daldry, producer Scott Rudin, and others… all celebrated enthusiastically, embracing each other before heading up to the stage to accept the award together.

The table of “District 9” also clapped and laughed, sending their congratulations to the victorious opponents. Wang Yang felt a tinge of regret, and others like Downey, Stephen Cauley, and Sean Walsh also showed their disappointment, despite having already won two major awards, as Best Picture was a commendation for the entire movie and the whole crew!

Patting Wang Yang’s arm to comfort him, Jessica smiled and said, “It’s okay.” He picked up his glass, raised it, looked around at the creators and actors of “District 9,” and said with a smile, “You are the best team, thank you all for your hard work over the past year! Cheers!”

“Cheers!” Downey, Stephen, and others picked up their glasses and clinked them in the air, laughing as they drank their wine, their disappointment mixed with genuine happiness.

With the last of the film awards decided, this year’s Golden Globe Awards ceremony officially came to an end. In terms of movie awards, “The Hours,” “Adaptation,” and “District 9” all won two major awards each, while “Chicago” took the highest honor with three; however, the most important four awards were split between “The Hours” and “District 9,” making it hard to tell who was the biggest winner of the event.

After the ceremony, the award winners gathered in front of the blue-gray photography backdrop backstage, posing with their hefty trophies as they smiled for the cameras of the press. The blinding flashes and the incessant clicking of cameras surrounded the long backdrop as dozens of photographers gathered, making various suggestions with a smile: “Yang, Downey, hug each other and let’s take a few shots!”

“OK!” Wang Yang and Downey extended their left hands to drape an arm around each other’s shoulders, both raising their trophies with right hands, faces beaming with smiles. Amidst the bustle of the reporters, Downey whispered with a chuckle, “Yang, we still have opportunities to collaborate, right?” Without a second thought, Wang Yang replied with a smile, “Of course, we’re both the type who get cooler with age, don’t you think? Plenty of opportunities to work together.” Downey laughed heartily, “Will it be a big production?” This was the very phrase Wang Yang had once told him in a jail cell.

Wang Yang chuckled softly, making a mock punch to Downey’s chin, “Don’t worry! If it’s not a big production, I won’t look for you.” Downey played along by tilting his chin up as if hit, laughing, “Then I’ll be waiting!”

Next, Wang Yang posed for photos with the new Best Actress Nicole Kidman; being tall enough, he effortlessly matched the 178cm tall Kidman in her high heels, not requiring her to bend or stoop. Wang Yang wrapped his arm around her slender waist, and Nicole looped an arm over his shoulder, both smiling towards the camera, and snaps ensued… Followed by photos with Renée Zellweger and with both Downey and Zellweger together, and so on.

Once the award recipients had finished taking their group photos, it seemed like the ceremony was entirely over, but that was not actually the case, as the stars could not yet leave the Hilton Hotel. The post-ceremony celebrations were just getting started, with parties hosted by the night’s biggest winner, the independent film company Miramax Films, behind “Chicago” and “The Hours,” as well as parties by HBO and others…

These parties weren’t really typical parties but rather stages provided for celebrities, spaces for media photographers to snap pictures and conduct interviews. Whether it was enormous agencies like the Associated Press or Reuters, or various Times, Chronicle, entertainment tabloids, entertainment websites, and guests from all directions, everyone was busy searching for stories and pictures.


Apart from the award winners and nominees who were busy circulating the party scene, there were many other stars, singers, and socialites who hadn’t been invited to the main Golden Globe ceremony…

Though what Wang Yang longed for most at the moment was to go home and share the joy, yelling and laughing with his family, friends, and people he truly cared about, or even to go online and interact with his fans and bloggers, he still had to circulate with a smile for these parties, following the rules of a game within the industry.

The winners brought the photographers’ flashbulbs, which brought attention, and those stars who didn’t make the cut or receive nominations for the Golden Globes could gain some exposure, while also making new friendships; the party hosts managed to buy fame with their money, and the reporters got what they wanted too, forming a complete industry chain.

Even the “too old to walk” Martin Scorsese, who won, had to attend these parties; so why not Wang Yang, the youngest of all this year’s awardees?

If there wasn’t a compelling reason like a “family emergency” or “suddenly passing out,” absence was interpreted as insincerity or arrogance, which meant no popularity. In any profession or circle, being unpopular is clearly a bad thing; and if the media and press didn’t get their photo ops and news, they’d be angry and their favor would drop to freezing point, and why then would they speak well of you or help build momentum for you?

So, the winners had to attend, but of course, it wasn’t anything to feel aggrieved about. Winning itself was a joy, and what was not to like about continuing to celebrate and increase one’s fame afterward? Even for someone like Wang Yang, who was reluctant to take part in these futile “high society events,” it was just one night. He wasn’t Marty McFly from Back to the Future.

Wang Yang first went with Jessica to the Miramax party, chatted with the reporters and other awardees for a while without sampling any drinks or food, and then moved on to another party hall at the hotel to attend the HBO party. Another round of photo shoots against the backdrops, but tonight of all nights, taking photos together was a happy affair for them; then they entered the dazzling party hall, chatting and laughing everywhere, receiving and offering congratulations to others.

“The Amazing Yang, District 9 was really shocking…” “I can’t believe you’re only 22 years old. Congratulations regardless!” “Amazing Yang, let’s collaborate if we have a chance!”…

In a corner of the party room, Wang Yang was “bombarded” by these stars and celebrities, exchanging greetings and chatting briefly. No sooner had one person walked away than the next person or couple approached, constantly talking and saying thanks. Among the faces passing before his eyes were some he did not recognize very well and some of his favorite actors, like Meryl Streep, Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt, and so on.

“Amazing Yang, you did great!” said a black evening dresser Sarah Jessica Parker as she walked by, thumbing up with a smile and whispering, “You hit that jerk good!”

Wang Yang burst into laughter, unsure what to say, and laughing, he said, “Uh, someone like that has to be hit.” He looked at the wrinkles on Sarah Jessica Parker’s smiling face and couldn’t help but feel nostalgic. Beauties and jerks alike, they all get older!

“Keep hitting him, don’t let him come back,” Sarah whispered softly. Spotting Robert Downey Jr. looking over from afar, she smiled again and said, “Don’t tell that jerk what I said.” With that, she walked towards Christine Davis and Cherry Haynes, who were chatting nearby.

Just as Wang Yang was about to join Jessica, who was chatting and laughing with a few women, he was halted by a HEY from a girl—Paris Hilton in a pink and white dress, golden hair, black eye shadow, and red lips. She approached Wang Yang, beaming, “Yang, congratulations! When I heard Tom Hanks call your name, I just…” She threw up her hands and laughed, “Wow, I just jumped up, it was unbelievable!”

“Thank you! I was quite surprised myself,” Wang Yang replied with a smile. Since that time around Christmas last year, when he had consistently turned down the invitations from Paris Hilton, she hadn’t kept insisting, after all, everyone has their own exciting lives. But now, looking at her seductive gaze, Wang Yang couldn’t help but laugh inside, muttering to himself, “Buddy, you underestimated me!”

Paris Hilton twirled her hair flirtatiously, pursing her lips as she said softly, “When can we have dinner together? I have a lot of questions about movies that I’d like to ask you, the Best Director.”

Wang Yang glanced away then met her eyes again, and without wanting to mince words, he said, “Just call me about it, I’ve been very busy recently. You know my new film is about to start shooting, and I don’t have much time.” He shrugged and added directly, “Also, Paris, I’m not interested in certain things.”

“Oh, is that so––?” Paris Hilton suddenly took a deep breath, a surge of irritation rising within her. This guy, really! FUCK! She wanted to retort, “Not interested, who do you think you are? Do you think you’re that great?” But who was the Amazing Yang? The youngest Best Director, the youngest billionaire, the owner of Blogger, with a personal fortune already over 1 billion…

Though she couldn’t compare it with her family’s wealth, she had to admit that others were indeed impressive…

Watching his tall, sturdy figure and ruggedly handsome face, Paris laughed heartily, not minding at all, and nodded, “Alright then, next time, I have your number anyway.” With a trademark smile and eyes slightly squinted, she turned and tottered away.

Before Wang Yang could step away, he was immediately stopped by others; while Paris, walking away gnashing her teeth in resentment, suddenly furrowed her brows. Not far ahead, a brown-haired woman in a purple evening gown was talking and laughing with Kate Hudson and several others, holding a Golden Globe trophy in her hand, her face beaming with happiness and joy.


“Jessica…” Paris’s eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had thought of a way to vent her frustration. She walked over with a smile and greeted, “Hey! Can I join?”

“Of course.” Kate Hudson, dressed in a brown floral low-cut evening gown, smiled indifferently, as did the other girls; but Jessica disliked this woman who was obviously trying to seduce her boyfriend into cheating, and was about to leave; when Paris suddenly looked at her, and let out a ‘hehehe’ laughter, saying, “Jessica, how could you be so careless? I saw the photo of you falling down, haha…”

Jessica was taken aback, and Kate Hudson, Annie Guest, and the others, who had no idea what was going on, also looked puzzled. Knowing Paris was mocking her intentionally, Jessica felt somewhat upset and awkwardly tilted her head, explaining with a chuckle, “This afternoon, I fell down in the backstage corridor, really clumsy of me, I’m often like that, like a fool.”

Barely audible next to her was that laugh, “You really are a little mouse!” She couldn’t help but smile a bit and jested, “Luckily I didn’t get a bloody head, or it would have looked terrible when I went on stage to accept the award.” She raised the trophy in her hand, adding, “Best Director.”

Kate Hudson and the other girls all chuckled, with Kate asking, “Caught by the photographers? That is a bit unfortunate. But Jessica, don’t worry about it too much.” However, Annie Guest discovered something new and exclaimed with surprise in her eyes, “So you really are the prototype for Sweetheart!”…

“Haha… Fool, fool…” Paris showed a very amused expression, bursting into peels of laughter. She bent over laughing so hard, her voice quivered as she said, “So funny, so funny! Hahaha— you’ll know when you see the picture, how cool Jessica fell, like, oh her, haha…”

Listening to these irritating laughs, Jessica’s smile slowly froze, and she felt extremely embarrassed, her whole body uncomfortable… She really wanted to punch that distorted, laughing face, she was sure she could hit Paris before she could dodge with the punching speed she had now! But she couldn’t do that.

“You know? Wang Yang looked so handsome tonight, but you…” Paris laughed, raising her left hand and tapping her index finger with the pink nail of her thumb, adding, “do indeed seem a bit like a fool, oh heeheehee—” She couldn’t help laughing again.

“Thank you for the compliment!” Just then, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind, and Paris’s laughter stopped abruptly; Jessica gripped the trophy tightly, looking at the face opposite her, into those gentle black eyes that gazed at her, she felt her eyes filling with emotion from some surge; the others who didn’t want to get involved in the conflict, like Kate Hudson, greeted, “Amazing Yang.” “Yang.”

Wang Yang walked straight to Jessica’s side, took her hand, and turned to look at Paris’s expressionless face, his eyes fierce as if he was about to commit murder, although he wasn’t clear about the whole situation, the mockery was enough to make things clear, this bitch!

“I don’t know what’s wrong with your brain.” Wang Yang said coldly, motioning for her to go elsewhere, “But please, walk away, get lost! Regardless, Miss Hilton, I respect your messy lifestyle, and I ask you to respect my old-fashioned yet happy lifestyle as well, nobody wants to sink with the other! So stop harassing me, don’t harass my girlfriend! Otherwise, I will beat you until you lie on the ground, I don’t care if you are a woman or not, understand!?”

Paris was dumbstruck, standing with her mouth agape, unable to speak; Kate Hudson and the other girls gasped in shock; Jessica’s eyes moistened as she held that rough hand, not from anything Paris did, but from remembering how he had always protected her like Superman since they were children…

“You’ll never know how much I love her. If she’s a fool, what are you like? I don’t know, and I have no interest in finding out!” Wang Yang took a deep breath, emphasizing each word, “Now—, walk away—!”

“You… are unreasonable!” Paris’s eyes also turned red, being watched by so many girls, scolded by the peer director… a mess, harassment, beating her up! What did he mean in the end? As Paris glanced around at everyone’s different gazes, what were they all thinking? Spoiled girl, pampered girl, loose woman? Idiot? Whore?…

Wang Yang shrugged his shoulders at that moment, lifted Jessica’s hand to kiss the back of it, smiling, “Thanks, but more people say I’m unbelievable.” Jessica couldn’t help but laugh, and Kate Hudson and the others smiled too.

“Aghh!” Paris, furious, her chest heaving, stomped heavily, her eyes red as she rapidly turned and stormed off. Why does everyone pick on her! Why!

“Wow!” Kate Hudson immediately cheered, clapping her hands, Annie Guest murmured, “Cool!” Why didn’t she have a boyfriend like that?! The other girls gazed admiringly at Amazing Yang, chattering, “You wouldn’t really hit a woman, would you?” “Oh, I hope the reporters didn’t notice just now?” “Yang, you really are my idol!”…

“Thanks, thanks a lot!” Wang Yang smiled at them, then pulled Jessica towards the sofa area, but Jessica smiled and said, “Yang, I want to go home, not because of Paris. I suddenly feel so tired and sleepy, can we go? The party is over.” Wang Yang looked at her calm face and nodded, “OK, let’s go home and sleep!”


PS: After the revision, 8,000 words, waah! Continues to ask for recommendation and monthly tickets, thank you! Also, Amazing Yang’s next movie will be announced soon, why not guess which one it is? Friendly reminder that it’s not a big production for the time being. ^0^


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