The Beginning

Chapter 62: The delivery that arrived

Chapter 62: The delivery that arrived

Your company uniform is solid, the knife was used for slashing not stabbing, the wounds were not deep, you knew your wounds were only flesh wounds, so you were more concerned about getting the package out.

But to the eyes of others, your "blood-soaked" appearance is terrifying.

"What do you care about packages at this point, you saved my life, I won't even count that lens lost!"

Dr. Kang's mind reeled when he thought of the way people had just knifed him.

He had eaten at 8am and hadn't eaten or drunk anything by now. When the man pulled out his knife just now, his legs were really weak and he didn't have the strength to fight with him.

In a sense, you have saved his life and he is grateful.

But you still insist on dealing with work first.

Seeing your insistence, Dr Kang had no choice but to open his package in front of you and was relieved to find that the footage he had sent out was wrapped up properly and was not in any way faulty.

"Now we're all relieved that, as you can see, it's not broken!"

Dr Ginger puts the lens carefully back in the box and says to you again, "You have a wound on your body that needs to be treated, take your clothes off and show me if you need stitches, also, that cut might not be clean, better get a tetanus ......"

"It's good that the package is okay, so you can resend the delivery."

You take out the long-prepared courier slip from your pocket, "Please, Dr. Kang, give customer service a call and explain that the package is recovered, and I'll have the company withdraw it for you in the logistics information."

"What's wrong with you people! You're still bleeding, the infection is inflamed it's a serious situation!"

Dr. Kang is professionally ill and insists on treating your injuries first.

The two stubborn people ran into each other, but it was the little nurse standing next to you who rounded up the situation, leaving her to treat your wound while Dr. Kang concentrated on the return of the parcel.

You undressed your upper body and sat in the orthopaedic clinic, being examined by doctors and nurses and having your wounds treated.

At this moment, the corridor is crowded and noisy, many people in the hospital heard that there was a cutter here, they all flocked over to see the fun, and afraid of being cut, they just stayed away from the onlookers, taking videos, taking pictures.

When the slasher was tied up by hospital security, they finally dared to gather around, sticking their heads in front of the orthopaedic consultation room to look at you and Dr. Kang, with fingers in their hands.

"Did you see that doctor? I heard he got chopped up after he broke someone's leg!"

"That courier is really unlucky to receive such a few stabs for no reason!"

"It's so dangerous to be a doctor these days and get cut."

"You're wrong about that, how come other doctors don't get cut but he gets cut? There must be a moral problem!"

"Why is the leg broken? Was it not stuffed with red packets?"

"How dare anyone choose him for treatment after this? He lost his good leg. ......"

It's hard to listen to others talking so much, even you sitting there, let alone that Dr. Kang.

His hand with the tweezers paused, his eyes suddenly red, and he ducked his head in wretched disbelief.

"Don't feel bad, doctor, they're all talking nonsense."

You don't know how this Dr. Jiang is, but a person who doesn't even eat at noon to give people extra numbers to see the doctor, you don't think it's going to be a bad person, "They're all mouthy, but when it comes to real things, they don't dare to let out a single fart, so why bother with them."

"Hey, I regret studying medicine."

Dr. Jiang shook his head, "I also have an old man and a young man, all day long, not home, family home care is not good, and now work to risk life and limb ......"

You feel badly inside, but you don't know how to comfort him.

Not long after, the police came to give you a statement and to learn about the case.

It turned out that a few months ago, the hospital brought in a child who had been involved in a car accident crossing the road, his right leg was too heavy and he was in shock and unconscious.

In fact, with such a large injury, he should have been transferred to a provincial hospital for treatment, but by that time the child already had large blood vessel damage and his musculoskeleton could no longer be combined, so his life would have been in danger on the way to the hospital if he was not treated, and Dr Jiang chose to amputate his leg in order to save his life.

When a child's leg is amputated at such a young age, the family must not be able to accept it, especially his father, who is a chef.

Later, he heard somewhere that such an injury would have saved his leg if he had been sent to a major hospital and that his son's leg was delayed, and he was even more furious and sued the hospital directly.

Later, based on the diagnosis and pathology report at the time, the department in charge of the review found that Dr. Kang's choice was not in question and the case was not won by the patient's family and was later closed.

No one expected that months would pass before the child's father would come and hurt someone.

Dr Jiang's number was extra at noon, the clinic was not crowded, and most of the security guards and other doctors and nurses had gone for lunch or a break.

After making a statement, your wounds have been treated and you have been given a tetanus shot at the hospital and are in a hurry to get back to your delivery.

Dr. Jiang originally wanted to invite you to a meal, once he heard that you are a courier in w city, specifically for him this package by moving train to run to you to confirm, suddenly also solemn, no longer reluctant to retain you, just added your WeChat and phone number, repeatedly admonished you how to take care of the wound.

With your face bruised and bandaged, you boarded the train for your return journey, against the astonished eyes of the crowd.

The fact that Xiao Heyun's delivery was successfully withdrawn is the greatest encouragement to you.

It's already 4pm after a flurry of activity, when you suddenly remember the bus bombing that happened in the afternoon. After a moment's hesitation, you take out your mobile phone and prepare to search to see what happened.

In the case of the bus bombing, you actually deliberately avoided it, you were afraid of seeing the bad news.

But before you can open the search engine first, Qin Rourou's call comes in.

"Song Bodao, your early warning has worked!"

Qin Rourou sounded cheerful and excited on the other end of the line, "The 45 bus didn't explode, someone on board had called the police and managed to overpower the bomber and take it down with the passengers! The police then blocked the bridge and took over and managed to remove the bomb. I don't think it was Xiao Heyun, the man Xiao and his friend Li, who were also reported on the internet."

Your heart flutters with surprise, and then comes a surge of ecstasy.

"He's so strong!"

You exclaim, "That Xiao Heyun guy is so much braver and better than me!"

To continue to ride that 45 bus after receiving advance warning from you, and to subdue the thugs and assist the police in removing the bomb on board, is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Ask yourself, if you were the one who received such a warning, you wouldn't go back on any bus anyway, even if you didn't believe it.

"What are you talking about, it's also awesome that you keep doing good deeds every day when something like this happens to you!"

Qin Rourou was worried when he heard about the bombing in the city in the morning, but by midday he was even more worried, so he went to a high building with a view of the bridge and waited.

When the police cordoned off the bridge she knew someone must have called the police, she didn't know if it was Song Bodao or Xiao Heyun.

You were just as happy to hear that the police had blocked the bridge first, so there were no more casualties, as you had experienced the last tragic scene.

"I've saved the kids, what about you, did it go well?"

Qin Rourou asks you curiously.

"It went well, Dr Kang agreed to return the package and he said he would take care of explaining it to Xiao Heyun and resend it tomorrow."

You also raise your eyebrows at the mention of this, "I came just in time to meet someone who was going to attack Dr. Jiang and just saved him, if I had come later, the parcel would not have been delivered again!"

"What's going on? How come there are still people attacking?"

You tell Qin Rourou in a few words what has just happened.

"Oh my God."

She exclaimed when she heard that the man had drawn his sword.

"That's too dangerous."

Qin Rourou is nervous for you, "If you're still in the time loop tomorrow, remember not to go to the rescue with your bare hands, at least bring a guy to help block it."

"I have a feeling I'm not going to time loop again."

You are, for some reason, particularly relaxed and jubilant, and although you have little bruises all over your body, you don't feel any pain at all.

"This package could have been considered a death package, something happened to both the sender and the recipient of the package, but now, both sides are alive and well, so maybe that's what my time loop is for, to save them."

You used to know only that Xiao Heyun was killed with the car when the bombing took place, but you didn't know that at the same time, such a vicious injury happened to the sender of the package, Dr. Kang.

Judging by the viciousness of the cook who had found a boning knife specifically for the purpose, Dr. Kang in other time loops should have been in a bad way too.

If there hadn't been the bus bombing, perhaps such a vicious incident would have festered and made the news sooner, but the bus bombing had such a strong news effect that the internet was flooded with news of the bombing, and the attack on the doctor in K City, like so many other news stories that were deliberately ignored at this stage, may have ended up in obscurity.

"That must be what's going on."

The more you talk about it, the more uplifted you feel.

"I'm just a courier, I can make sure that the package is delivered safely and that both the recipient and the deliverer are safe and happy, so maybe I've fulfilled the mission that God has entrusted to me."

"I hope so, then bless you for making your dreams come true."

Qin Rourou smiles over there, "If the time loop stops tomorrow, there's something you want to do, you can go and do it too."


You say with an implied twist of your mouth.

"I have a lot of things that I'm ready to do ......"

Hanging up the phone, you look out of the window in the direction of your body, bruised but unspeakably content.

It is wonderful that everyone is safe.

When you get off the moving train, you pick up your courier car and don't dare delay for a minute to continue to deliver.

The good thing is that you've delivered these deliveries many times before, you're familiar with them and although it's almost dark now, you're confident that you'll have them all sorted before the end of the day.

On your way to deliver the goods, you pass by a lottery stand down the street that you went to one time and, out of some kind of psychology, you stop in front of it and buy a ticket.

The winning numbers of the lottery you have memorised by heart.

News of the bus bombing being successfully stopped by the passengers on board was shown on a large screen in the square, and the interviewed passengers on board, although distraught, were in high spirits as they boasted of their heroic actions on board.

"As soon as the lad shouted, I knew I couldn't run, so I just went up and pressed people with them!"

"I knew the driver wasn't a good person at first glance, got into a car and didn't say a word from start to finish!"

"The lad and the lass are well-meaning, but they are both young, inexperienced and weak, so how could they have succeeded in stopping the bombing if they hadn't sought our help!"

The news was full of passengers, but there was no interview with Xiao Heyun or the woman named Li, the biggest contributor.

You parked underneath the big screen and watched the news about it in silence.

When you are sure that it was indeed the bombing that Xiao Heyun stopped, you smile with relief and ride off like a hermit who has "done his job".

Because you came back so late, you didn't finish your work for the day until seven or eight o'clock, and were unsurprisingly scolded when you returned to the company's business point.

But upon seeing the bandages on your body and the injuries on your face, and hearing that you stopped a mugger from committing murder when you went to the hospital to deliver a courier to the doctor, the cold-faced team leader was kind enough to give you the day off tomorrow to give you good news.

A busy and exciting day today has left you physically and mentally exhausted, and with two regrettable events successfully averted, your heart is full of excitement and vague anticipation, so you head back to your rented apartment as soon as you get off work, set an alarm for 9am and fall asleep.

The next morning you are awakened by a piercing alarm.

You wake up with a burning pain in your face because you have accidentally pressed a wound on your face while sleeping, but the next moment you understand what this pain is and sit up with a swish.

You pull out your mobile phone and look at the year and month displayed on it. For a moment, you can't control your emotions and weep.

You have been trapped in a time loop for more than 20 days, and although you have been reassuring yourself every day that you have picked up all this time for nothing, there is no way to ease the panic in your mind, and as the time loop puts more and more responsibility on your shoulders, you are under more and more mental stress, and you can't tell when you will not be able to hold on.

In every cycle of time, you dare not be reckless, you dare not indulge yourself, you are careful to live "today", and you dare not really expect a "future".

But today, your time loop has finally come to a halt!

After a good cry, you washed your face, took out the anti-inflammatory pills Dr. Kang had slipped you and went to the community clinic to get a change.

Then you went straight to the department store where you had bought your clothes before and bought that new outfit you had liked so much before.

Looking at yourself in the mirror, you grin with satisfaction, a grin that soon involves a cut on your face and the grin turns into a grimace.

From the mall, you sent your old clothes home, went to a florist in front of your house, bought eleven pink roses, held them shyly in your arms and called Qin Rourou.

After learning that she was home, you hugged the roses, hid your face behind the bouquet and walked rather embarrassingly on your way to her house.

At that moment, you pass by the lottery station you passed last night and once again see a poster on the door saying "Yesterday's $500 million jackpot in XXXX" and you can't help but look at it a little more.

These are the few glances that make your eyes suddenly widen.

Of course you're not the one who won the first prize, otherwise the posting on the door would have read "A half billion dollar jackpot was won at this lottery yesterday".

But the winning numbers in yesterday's draw were just a little bit different from the numbers you bought!

You rushed into the lottery excitedly, who knew that the lottery owner would grab your arm as soon as he saw you, even more excited than you.

"Young man, did you know you've won the second prize! You're rich!"

The boss is impressed with you, "So close! So close you won the first prize, that's half a billion!"

The people at the lottery heard that you had won the second prize and came around.

"How many second prizes are there?"

"Five million for the first prize, how about a few hundred thousand for the second prize?"

"There are a lot of second prizes in this edition, and only 12,000 prizes for one bet."

The owner said.

"Gee whiz, only 12,000?"

"What the hell. That's not much money."

The punters who came to hear about the event dispersed.

"But you won a hundred bets, didn't you?"

When the crowd has dispersed, the boss winks at you.

"Hahahaha, you're right!"

You finally don't break down and burst out laughing.

You may only be second prize, but you bought a lot!

If you win a hundred bets at 12,000, you'll have 1.2 million!

The kind owner shows you how to claim your prize at the provincial head office, tells you how much money you have after tax and then asks if you can put up your winnings on the door as an advertisement.

You agree in a good mood, thank the owner and walk out of the lottery with a breeze.

At the moment, that lottery ticket is lying in your wallet, having drawn a $500 million jackpot, and no one cares about you, the second prize winner.

Although you're not very good with people, you can ask Qin Rourou to accompany you to collect this afternoon.

You go happily straight to the flower shop you were in, and as soon as you enter, you shout to the owner.

"Boss, take this flower apart and give me another eighty-eight!"

So, the florist was happy too.

With ninety-nine roses in your arms, you scamper up to the fifth floor of Qin Rourou's house, carrying cat litter in one go.

At the sound of your footsteps, Qin Rourou opens the door ahead of you and your eyes are randomly filled with pink roses.

"You're ......"

Qin Rourou blushes.

"I... I have the day off."

The first time you confess to someone, you stumble and know how to dislike the rose in their face.

"Can I, can I ......"

"Can you please go on a date with me!"

You pluck up your courage, summon up your training energy and yell out in one breath.

The sound echoed through the hallway and the old grandfather next door, startled, opened the door to see what was going on, and when he saw what was going on, he couldn't help but squint and laugh.

Your face is as red as a monkey's butt.

Qin Rourou is stunned and reaches out to take the pink roses you hand her, smiling sweetly.

"That's fine."

(Delivered by courier, end.)

The author has something to say: Here, the main part of the beginning is finished, and the difficult brother and sister both meet the spring in their lives, and are blessed by the disaster.

Tomorrow there will be three or four mini-episodes on Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun, Boy and Qin Rourou, and the driver's daughter.

Thank you all for your continued company!


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