The Bastard First Prince Doesn't Want to Die

Chapter 25

[Translator - Jjescus ]

[Proofreader - Starfall ]

Chapter: 25

"Impressed by the First Prince's accomplishments, I, the King, shall grant one request of Prince Ikwon."


I couldn't help but react before I could even think. I didn't expect Bonhyeon to take the initiative like this. I hadn't even asked for anything.

No matter how much I thought about it, it was the same. I had never asked Bonhyeon to grant me a wish.

My only goal was to get back the deposed Queen's belongings. It was only right, considering I had taken over someone else's body.

And if he was going to show up, couldn't he have come sooner? What's the point of appearing after everything's over?

"Speak, if there is something you wish to achieve."

A wish granted by the King. This was a tremendous opportunity. But at the moment, there was nothing I desperately needed to achieve that required using such a wish.

"I am deeply grateful for Your Majesty's grace."

So, for now, I bowed my head.

Politely, but not overly so. Maintaining my dignity, but also appearing appropriately foolish and reckless, like a wastrel. But not to the point of seeming completely useless.

"My behavior is unrefined, and thus, there are none who wish to associate with me. As I, too, require companionship, I wish to find someone compatible to serve as both a companion and an attendant. Would this be permissible?"

It was something I didn't even need Bonhyeon's permission for.

But mentioning my intention to use the wish later in front of so many people wasn't appropriate. Perhaps Bonhyeon was dangling this significant bait in front of me with that in mind.

However, if I were to bring up any requests related to the deposed Queen or her family here, I would be immediately disqualified from the succession race.

Slightly nervous, I awaited Bonhyeon's response.

"Is that truly what you desire?"

His answer didn't seem to carry any particular meaning.

It was as if he was saying, "I don't care either way."

But that could also be a strategy.

It made his true intentions difficult to read.

"Indeed, Your Majesty."

"Are you speaking truthfully?"

"Is there any doubt, Your Majesty?"

Bonhyeon, his eyes filled with their usual apathy rather than suspicion, gazed at me silently before speaking.

"Prince Ikwon, you may do as you wish."

I bowed my head once more.

"I am deeply grateful."

At least it was a chance for me to save some face. Glancing at the Second Prince, I saw a look of shock on his face.

It was satisfying.

* * *

"Your Highness."

A eunuch entered the room, his voice trembling as he spoke.

I looked at him, indicating that he should continue. The eunuch carefully resumed, "Pr-Prince Jaean has sent a eunuch."

His voice was shaking so much that something must have happened. But if it was because of the Second Prince, then it was probably what I’d been waiting for.

"He finally sent it."

I allowed the eunuch sent by the Second Prince to enter. The eunuch, who looked much younger than the other one, was carrying two rod-shaped objects wrapped in cloth.

I knew what they were without even looking.

The young eunuch began, "Prince Jaean has..."

Everyone probably already knew this, but a wastrel never listens to others.

"Shut up and put it down there."

I cut him off, and the eunuch glared at me, pretending not to. I raised my fist in a wastrel-like manner, and he immediately lowered his eyes.

"Good. Now get lost."

This is why being a wastrel is great. At least I won't get an ulcer.

After the young eunuch left, the other eunuch began to unwrap the cloth with trembling hands. I wasn't particularly excited, but he did seem to be. He was so overcome with emotion that he could only open and close his mouth.

I said, "You like it?"

"How could this servant not be overjoyed by such a blessing?"

The eunuch repeatedly dabbed at his eyes with his sleeve. Perhaps he was emotional because he was a eunuch. Or maybe it was because of his age. Would my grandfather also be emotional then? Probably not, right? Anyway, I nodded.

"I'm glad you're happy, Eunuch Han."

The scabbards inside the cloth bundles that Eunuch Han unwrapped looked good at first glance. Honestly, I hadn't expected much from the late Queen's belongings since she wouldn't have needed swords, but they were much more impressive than I thought.

I got up from my seat and picked one up. It had a good weight and balance; a fine sword.



The sword made a soft sound as I drew it. I met my own eyes reflected in its smooth surface. The So clan's name, engraved on the blade, was clear and unmarred.

It felt like receiving a brand-new gift.

"Nice. This one even has a name."

On the side opposite the So clan insignia, there were characters that seemed to be the sword's name.

Silver Wheel.

I examined the sword, turning it this way and that.

"I should take this with me when I pack."

When I said that, the eunuch craned his neck like a turtle, as if asking what I meant.

Come to think of it, I hadn't told Eunuch Han about that. I sheathed the sword and sat back down. There was something important I needed to do before admiring the sword any further.

"Eunuch Han. Come here, I need to tell you something important."

I needed to tell him when I had the time. Eunuch Han was always busy for some reason. Did he have that much to do? Just a while ago, he was doing chores. Yesterday, he spent the entire day wiping each leaf of the plants in my room with a dry cloth.

Did leaves even need to be wiped? Wouldn't they get clean on their own if you just watered them?

"Yes, Your Highness."

Eunuch Han approached after putting the swords away.

"Hmm, where should I start..."

I briefly reminisced about the past events, then decided to keep it simple.

The key points were all that mattered, right?

"I'm going to Wolhan Fortress."


Eunuch Han's eyes widened in disbelief.

Instead of further explanation, I closed my mouth for a moment.

Let's think about this.

From what I could see, Eunuch Han would have a hard time enduring the forced march to the Northern Provinces. And I might have to spend the coming winter in Wolhan Fortress, which was said to be deathly cold.

It would be difficult for the elderly Eunuch Han to follow me all the way there and attend to me.

"You don't have to go."

Eunuch Han jumped to his feet.

"How could you say such a thing!"

He looked genuinely aggrieved.

"This servant will always be by Your Highness's side, even if it means working myself to the bone."

"There's no need for that."

"Do not worry, Your Highness. How could this servant simply remain comfortable in the capital while you go to such a harsh place? I would be on pins and needles, thinking of you day and night. So, I would rather die by Your Highness's side."

I replied awkwardly, "...Just don't die."

"Yes, Your Highness."

I felt like I was abusing an elderly person. But if Eunuch Han was determined to follow me, how could I dissuade him? Even though I hadn't known him for long, I already knew how stubborn he could be.

"We'll leave in fifteen days."

I informed Eunuch Han of the departure date. It was close because it was the date King Bonhyeon had roughly set when he said he would send someone.

Whether Eunuch Han went or not, the preparations for my journey were his responsibility. He would be even busier for a while.

"Oh, right."

I looked around the room and fixed my gaze on a corner. Eunuch Han followed my gaze.

"I'm taking him too."

Gonzo, who had been dozing in his cage, quietly opened his eyes.

He seemed to be sleeping, but it looked like he was eavesdropping on our conversation.

He could fool others, but not me.

Our eyes met.

His pupils seemed to be shaking, but it must have been my imagination.

I grinned at Gon.

And said, "You're coming too."


His excited shriek at the news of the trip was quite impressive.

"Looks like he's looking forward to it too."


The sound was reminiscent of a chicken being caught on a hot summer day, but that must have been my imagination.

I turned my attention back to Eunuch Han.

"And I need to write a letter, so prepare it right away."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Eunuch Han immediately brought ink and paper. I began to write the letter.

It was addressed to my grandfather.

I struggled for a while, trying my best not to offend him since I needed to ask him for a favor.

*Greetings to my esteemed grandfather. I hope this letter finds you in good health. I was disappointed that we couldn't have a proper conversation at the birthday banquet last time.

Things here remain the same, but I am about to embark on a long journey and have a favor to ask. If I cannot ask you, Grandfather, to whom else could I turn? Please do not hesitate to grant my request.

I have received orders from His Majesty to depart for Wolhan Fortress in the Northern Provinces soon, and I cannot foresee when I will return. I am concerned about the state of Hyennyeongdang in my absence, but I trust you will look after it.

I have two requests. First, please take in a man named In-Hong and introduce him to the monk I will tell you about. Second, please find a person for me. I will provide details about him below.

As soon as you find him, please send him to me, wherever I may be. Whether I am in the capital or the Northern Provinces, send him to me immediately upon finding him. I implore you.*

I had a feeling my grandfather would delegate the task of finding the boy to Shin Gwiryung. A man of his stature wouldn't personally search the entire country for a mere youngster.

With the information network of the Pyeonggwang Merchant Group, finding the boy shouldn't be too difficult.

And since Shin Gwiryung wanted me to become king, he would surely find the boy as I wished.

But... Was the Merchant Group Leader Shin a man or a woman? I still didn't know the answer. Well, it wasn't as important as the fact that Shin Gwiryung was the leader of the Pyeonggwang Merchant Group.


I thought I should meet him one more time before I left.

I needed to know how to move normally even after quitting the bellflower.

It wasn't just any ordinary herb; it was poison. I couldn't take it to Wolhan Fortress and brew it there. If someone found out, I'd be labeled a drug addict.

And that would ruin any chance of inheriting the throne.

"Give me another sheet."

I held out my hand and spoke to Eunuch Han. He brought me another sheet of paper.

On the second sheet, I wrote down Jincheon's appearance and other clues that might help find him.

He has a delicate appearance, but contrary to what he looks like, he has a very nasty personality.

It's true.

[Translator - Jjescus ]

[Proofreader - Starfall ]


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