The Bastard First Prince Doesn't Want to Die

Chapter 19

[Translator - Jjescus ]

[Proofreader - Starfall ]

Chapter 19

He said he would provide a stage.

Not just any stage, but one for a sparring match between me and the Second Prince’s bodyguard.

I doubted Bonhyeon's intentions behind this.

Was it for me or for the Second Prince?

Or was it something he was doing without any thought?

Bonhyeon enjoyed having fun. It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that amusement was his sole reason.

"Have you considered a suitable time?" Bonhyeon inquired.

I thought he would decide on our own, I didn't expect him to ask.

The Second Prince answered first.

"Anytime is fine with me."

Of course, it wouldn't matter to him since he wasn't the one directly involved. But even for me, the specific date wasn't particularly important. Whether I was given a few more days or not wouldn't make much of a difference.

Of course, I had no doubt that I would win. There were quite a few people who shook their heads in disbelief, saying that anyone who messed with me was in for trouble.

Around the time of my death, there were a few warlords who were renowned throughout the world. While people's opinions varied, everyone agreed on one thing when it came to choosing the best: it was Jincheon.

Literally a monster. Not a human being. A transcendent existence.

At that time, there were five generals considered the strongest in the world, and Jincheon was the best among them.

Considering his age and abilities, I couldn't even fathom Jincheon's limits.

I just had a slight regret, wondering if I could have succeeded in reviving Blood Cloud Fortress if I had been as strong as him.

I held my own quite well against such a person. I thought that even if I couldn't be among the top five, I would at least be in the next tier below them.

Following that thought, I imagined myself winning. It was a future that was bound to happen, so it was more of a prediction than an imagination. The thought of getting revenge in front of others made me a little happy.

"First Prince Ikwon, aren't you going to answer?"

"Yes, I'm also... fine with anytime. But tomorrow might not be good."

The Second Prince added, "I would be grateful if Your Majesty would decide for us."

The way he whispered next to the king was no different from a sycophant.

I suddenly wondered who he surrounded himself with when he became king. Not just anyone can be a sycophant. A true sycophant needs to properly understand flattery. So, wouldn't someone who's good at flattery also enjoy hearing it? That's what I thought. In my opinion, the Second Prince would definitely be crazy about hearing flattery.

"Then let's hold the event on the fourth day after the birthday banquet. It will be an occasion for the brothers to strengthen their bond, so wouldn't it be a joyous event?"

Bonhyeon was as dry as parched paper. It felt like not a single drop of water could be squeezed out of him. It was a talent in itself to be able to say the word 'joyous' in such a joyless way.

But, four days? Does four days have any special meaning...? I didn't care as long as it wasn't on the birthday itself, but was there a reason it had to be four days specifically?

After a moment of thought, I realized that most of the high-ranking envoys who had visited for the birthday banquet would have left by then.

It meant that he didn't want those high-ranking individuals to witness my disgraceful display.

Bonhyeon added, "It will also be a comfort to the palace staff who worked hard preparing for the event."

The Second Prince quickly bowed his head and replied, "As you command, Your Majesty."

Why did I find the Second Prince more annoying every time I saw him? From his crooked face and unrestrained features to his eloquent but irritating mouth, there wasn't a single thing about him that didn't rub me the wrong way.

Originally, I wasn't the type to easily hate people. Back in Blood Cloud Fortress, there were many who hated me, and as I was often the target of their hatred even when I did nothing, I naturally came to dislike many of them in return. However, as we rolled around and lived together, the resentment would somehow dissipate.

Furthermore, I didn't have any particular feelings towards the Second Prince, so there was no reason for me to hate him. Yet, as I continued to face his annoying glares, my mood gradually soured.

Once my mood soured, it didn't easily improve, so I could foresee that the future of my relationship with the Second Prince would be filled with nothing but negativity.

It was probably inevitable.

It wasn't a pleasant thought.

Bonhyeon continued with some meaningless conversation for a short while before dismissing both me and the Second Prince. I left the throne room and spoke to the Second Prince.

"Hey, brother."

The Second Prince turned to look at me with the same dry eyes as Bonhyeon.

"How about a wager? What do you think?"

The Second Prince frowned.

I frowned too. It wasn't like he was the only one with facial muscles.

"A wager... What do you mean?"

His pretense of ignorance was quite amusing. It was even funnier considering he knew exactly what I would demand as a prize.

I deliberately spoke in a friendly tone.

"The sword I gave you, remember? I'd like to have it back."

"The sword."

"Yes, the sword."

At that, the Second Prince dropped his facade and smiled slyly. It seemed my friendly act had displeased him.

I was slightly taken aback by his quick change in demeanor. Was he so quick to change his attitude because he was a sycophant? He probably fled just as quickly when the capital fell.

"The sword... Haha."

The Second Prince chuckled to himself. I didn't laugh.

In my opinion, the sword that the First Prince had foolishly lost seemed to be of much greater value than I thought.

The fact that he didn't even readily agree to return it was proof enough.

"Do you think you can win, brother?"

The Second Prince mocked me.

Of course, I assumed I would win. It was practically a foregone conclusion. There was no way the Second Prince's bodyguard could defeat me.

Unless they were generals on par with my grandfather.

"Yes," I replied calmly, "I will win."

The Second Prince let out a scoff, as if he couldn't believe it. But my thoughts remained unchanged. It wasn't a big deal, and there was no reason I couldn't beat the Second Prince's bodyguard.

A weak body? Lack of strength? Of course, those things would be a problem, but they weren't the only factors that determined life and death, victory and defeat.

"We shall see."

The Second Prince was angry. He turned around abruptly, showing his back, and disappeared.

I also returned to Hyenyeongdang.

* * *

What should I do while waiting for the birthday banquet?

Actually... even contemplating what to do was a luxury.

It took a moment to adapt to my new body after dying as Baek Yeon and waking up as Yegyeong.

So how long would it take to adjust to the numbed senses caused by the bellflower addiction?

I was busy.

Extremely busy.

"I really need to completely quit this..."

At the table in Hyenyeongdang, I stared at the cup of bellflower tea in front of me.

After realizing that quitting bellflower cold turkey was near impossible, I had been reducing the amount and taking only small doses, but I couldn't stop worrying even while drinking it.

The thought that my senses were deteriorating with every sip made me anxious to the point of madness.

It was like the worry of seeing the muscles of my diligently trained body turn to mush.

There was another concern coexisting with that anxiety.

It was the sensitivity that appeared as I reduced the bellflower dosage.

I could somewhat understand why the First Prince was called a madman.

Even basic daily life was uncomfortable, and I couldn't keep still. When I wasn't doing anything, my whole body itched. The alternative I chose was to focus on one intense stimulus.

Mainly physical training.

"Ah, this isn't good."

But there was nothing I could do about the instability of my mind. If the main characteristic and hobby of a madman was to nitpick even at the smallest of things, then in this situation, I couldn't help but become one.

A long sigh escaped my mouth.

At times like this, Shin Gwiryung's words came to mind.

His confident demeanor as he claimed that only he could save me. And at the same time, the coldness in his eyes when he brought up the deposed queen.

Did Shin Gwiryung know the way? Did the deceased queen really know about this ability passed down from Taejo? Would the arrangements the deposed queen made through Shin Gwiryung really help me?

Like performing a ritual, I stared at the teacup for a long time before finally closing my eyes tightly and gulping down the tea.

It was frustrating that the effects of the bellflower tea didn't appear immediately.

Right after that, a eunuch approached and informed me that Yoo Geung, whom I had sent for, had arrived at Hyenyeongdang.

"Yoo Geung is here?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

I immediately went outside.

"Hey, Bodyguard Yoo."

"P-Please call me Captain Yoo."

Yoo Geung suddenly became shy and embarrassed.

He was always like that, but why was he acting like this now?

But looking again, it wasn't embarrassment.

A step behind Yoo Geung stood an unfamiliar man.

On a second glance, I realized the man wasn't entirely unfamiliar.

"I've seen your face at the Geumo Guard."

The man stepped forward and bowed his head.

"I greet the First Prince Ikwon."

I casually acknowledged his greeting.

His face wasn't unfamiliar, but I didn't know his name. I only remembered the intense gaze he had fixed on me.

"And who might you be?"

"I am Heo Seokgyeom of the Haga clan. I hold the position of Commander at the Geumo Guard."

"So your name is Heo Seokgyeom. My apologies for not remembering. So?"

I could immediately guess why he had come to see me. I deliberately responded more curtly than usual.

He continued, unfazed.

"I heard you had a sparring match with Captain Yoo."

"Yes, that's right."

"I have a request, if you'll forgive my boldness."

I grinned.

I never backed down from a fight that came my way.

"Please grant me the opportunity as well."

I never took on a bet I was sure to lose.

But I always jumped at a bet I was sure to win.

"How about we make a wager?"

"A wager, you say...?"

Heo Seokgyeom looked at me with disrespect in his eyes.

The nerve of him, in front of a prince.

"Let's have a sparring match. And if I win, your head is mine."

I was always clear about who was above and who was below.

Besides, there was no reason to refuse when he was offering me a chance to use my sword, and he was even volunteering himself.


Heo Seokgyeom then replied resolutely, "Yes, Your Highness."

[Translator - Jjescus ]

[Proofreader - Starfall ]


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