The Bastard First Prince Doesn't Want to Die

Chapter 12

[Translator - Jjescus ]

[Proofreader - Starfall ]

Chapter 12

"Did you say you're leaving the palace?"


I informed him that I was going to visit my grandfather's residence after the morning greetings. Upon hearing my announcement, Bonhyeon made a displeased expression but didn't say it was impossible.

The reason he was uncomfortable with me going out of the palace was probably because of the current situation. With foreign envoys, regional nobles from afar, and merchants from all over roaming the capital, there would be nothing more embarrassing than a prince causing trouble.

The fact that the security inside and outside the palace was lax due to the coming and going of foreigners probably played a part too.

Anyway, he allowed it.

He also told me to take an escort, so I decided to bring Yoo Geung along. Since the Geumo Guard, to which Yoo Geung belonged, was originally involved in palace events, it wasn't like I was asking him to do something outside his duties.

After all, rules were meant to be bent.

"Eunuch Han must be bored."

Because I, his playmate, wouldn't be there.

And so, I was walking through the marketplace with Yoo Geung.

"How are you feeling?"

Yoo Geung, who couldn't hide the tension in his entire body, suddenly raised his head.

He was nervous about his temporary duty as a prince's bodyguard, a task that sounded grand in name only.

"I, I'm good."



"What's good about it?"

This was all part of his job.

Moreover, he was escorting a reckless prince whose actions were unpredictable. Could he possibly feel good? Absolutely not.

"Relax, relax."


"Walk comfortably."


"Breathe comfortably."


"How about we go somewhere nice and have a drink comfortably?"

"Yes! Oh, no, yes...? Th-th-that's not possible."

He was definitely tense. I chuckled and continued walking.

"You seem worried that I called you out. Well, I guess this madman is the biggest worry. The second biggest worry is the trouble this madman causes. Isn't that right?"

"N-no, Your Highness!"

I grinned.

"Don't worry. I have no intention of keeping you as my permanent bodyguard."

Traditionally, the position of a bodyguard meant being a close confidant to whom one could entrust their life.

It was different from Eunuch Han, but in terms of being close, it wasn't that different of a position.

If I were to make Yoo Geung my bodyguard... this rigid and boring fellow wouldn't hesitate to die to protect his master. No, not only wouldn't he hesitate, he'd probably be the first to rush into death.

As a bodyguard, he certainly had good qualities.

So it wasn't that I didn't trust Yoo Geung and therefore didn't want him as a bodyguard.

It was just that someone as rigid as Yoo Geung wasn't suited to be my closest confidant.

There's no denying that the virtue of a loyal subject is to be willing to die for their lord. But that's not all. There are two types of subjects.

One unconditionally obeys their lord's commands. The other dedicates everything to ensure the lord walks the right path.

If I had to choose one of the two to describe Yoo Geung, he would fall into the latter category.

My belief was that I needed someone who was absolutely loyal as a close confidant, rather than someone upright.

This was because I didn't think I could always walk the righteous path. So, if I kept someone upright by my side, conflict would be inevitable.

In that sense, it was appropriate to keep some distance from someone like Yoo Geung.

I also had someone else in mind as a long-term bodyguard.

But I couldn't see that person right now, so choosing a bodyguard was an issue that had to be put on hold for the time being.

Anyway, what was the reason my grandfather called for me? In reality, I was just going to his house because I wanted to, not because he summoned me. In any case, I couldn't even guess the reason.

"Would it kill you to write it in the letter?"

Such an old-fashioned old man.

Yoo Geung looked at me.


"Ah, just talking to myself, just talking to myself."

As we walked, the crowd grew thicker. I was just looking around when Yoo Geung spoke up.

"It seems like a lot of people have gathered for His Majesty's birthday celebration."

It wasn't a small event, so even the marketplace was affected.

There were so many people walking that I couldn't take a step without bumping shoulders with someone.

It would be fun to stroll around on a day like this. It was a shame that I couldn't wander around freely as a prince. I wish I could do some sightseeing that I haven't done before, now that I'm living in the capital.

"There might be a detour."

Yoo Geung replied,” There's an alley nearby where we can take a detour. Usually, it's deserted, but I can't say for sure if it's the same today. I apologize."

"You should have told me earlier if there was another way. Tsk."

I clicked my tongue, and Yoo Geung looked flustered.

"It's a very deserted path, so I was hesitant to mention it."

"That's even better, what's the problem?"

"The atmosphere of the path is somewhat gloomy..."

"Oh, come on."

What did it matter if the atmosphere of the path was gloomy or if the path itself was actually gloomy? If anything happened, I was a prince who could abandon Yoo Geung and run away. If he understood why I even brought a bodyguard, there shouldn't be much to fear.

"Then, I'll lead you this way."

Yoo Geung, born and raised in the capital, knew the roads well. I followed him. As he said, the path he guided me to was indeed gloomy.

"I don't think this scenery can be described with just 'somewhat gloomy.'"

I said as I walked with my hands clasped behind my back. Yoo Geung led the way.

"I apologize."

His voice was slightly more subdued than before.

Anyway, there was no other problem besides the gloomy atmosphere, so I continued walking.

Actually, I originally planned to do some sightseeing in the marketplace, but I ended up taking refuge here because I kept bumping into people with every step.

If I were a prince, I could have taken a palanquin or a horse, but because I was a country bumpkin, I was curious about the capital's marketplace and gave up the palanquin to walk instead.

In other words, it was like going undercover. I didn't have the option to hide my identity or anything.

Anyway, I deliberately chose the most modest clothes I had, but they were all in the madman's taste, so they were all dazzlingly gold-embroidered silk.

It's not that I disliked them, but they weren't the best attire for walking quietly through the streets.

Of course, now I was thinking it was a pointless endeavor. If I ever went out again, I would definitely take a palanquin.

I'd let those poor, flashy clothes rotting in the closet see the world too.

Since they were mine now, I might as well use them. That was the idea.

While walking with such frivolous regrets, I suddenly heard a shrill scream.

"Help me!"

The scream was young. It sounded like a child's voice.

"What's that?"

The question popped out reflexively, and Yoo Geung answered. He quickly mirrored my serious expression.

"It seems to be a child."

No kidding. Who wouldn't know that?

"I know that too."

"...It's probably Geomgye."

Geomgye, also known as Sword Gang.

My eyes widened. Geomgye referred to the ruffians who disrupted society and order, carrying a sword at their waist.

If you considered everyone who called themselves Geomgye as such, their numbers were quite large. But those guys didn't even know all of their own members who called themselves Geomgye.

There were many who joined and many who left. And they didn't even know each other.

But the ones who did know each other were tight-knit like family, and they were strange and foolish, constantly clashing even among themselves, despite calling themselves Geomgye.

But foolish people existed everywhere, and crowded places had proportionally more foolish people.

A gloomy alley near the bustling marketplace was a place such foolish people couldn't simply pass by.

So, what should we do with these fools?

"Your Highness, this path is dangerous, so it would be better to turn back..."

"Captain Yoo."

I called out to Yoo Geung without even looking at him. I still had my hands clasped behind my back.

"You have a sword, and I have a sword too. See?"

"...That's true. But Your Highness, please leave the dangerous matters to me..."


It seemed our dear Captain Yoo seemed to want me to quietly retreat, leaving those fools behind.

But, knowing that those fools who oppressed the weak were about to commit atrocities, was it the way of a swordsman to just continue on their path?

Furthermore, as a prince of the nation and a captain of the Geumo Guard, was it right to just continue on our way?

It was absolutely not because I had a grudge against Geomgye.

"Captain Yoo."

It was absolutely not because I had a history with Geomgye from my days as a beggar.

"Captain Yoo?"

It was absolutely not because I still harbored resentment from being beaten up by those Geomgye bastards while begging on the streets as a beggar, even after more than ten years had passed.

It wasn't because I was petty and couldn't overlook this.

"Aren't you Captain Yoo? Why aren't you answering?"

For a brief moment, a deeply regretful expression flashed across Yoo Geung's face, as if he had made a terrible mistake. However, based on my excellent judgment, the fleeting nature of his regret meant it wasn't very important.

"I, Yoo Geung... will follow your will, Your Highness."

His dejected voice made me wonder if he wanted to go home, but his tone still held a decent amount of spirit.

However, recalling Yoo Geung running across the battlefield at Blood Cloud Fortress, his lack of energy didn't necessarily mean he didn't want to save the child from the Geomgye.

Perhaps he was lamenting the fact that his companion at this particular time happened to be the Mad Prince.

"Let's go."

I strode forward. I felt the illusion of a dark aura emanating from Yoo Geung, but it must have been just my imagination.

A moment later, I encountered a few members of Geomgye and a child.

Surrounded by four or five men, the child was crying and struggling. Seeing that the parents weren't present, I wondered if the child had been sold.

Of course, I would only know the details after rescuing the child.

"Hey, mister."

I felt an intense gaze from behind my head, about a step away from Yoo Geung, but that must have been my imagination too.


"Why don't you let the kid go? Don't you feel sorry to see him crying?"

I glanced at the child. Their appearance was so disheveled that I couldn't even tell if it was a boy or a girl. Their hair had been chopped off raggedly, making it even harder to tell.

Seeing them sprawled on the dirt, covered in tears and snot, made me feel disgusted.

"I don't know who you are, but go on your way."

"You're wearing nice clothes, so don't ruin them unnecessarily."

They had a decent eye for fashion. Of course, a Mad Prince wouldn't wear clothes made from any ordinary fabric. Even though what I was wearing now looked simple, the quality was anything but.

"You have a good eye. We'll be able to communicate well."

I nodded to myself and turned to Yoo Geung.

"I think I'll take them and use them as my conversation partner. Bodyguard Yoo. Catch them."

Yoo Geung looked at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"What are you doing? Hurry up."

[Translator - Jjescus ]

[Proofreader - Starfall ]


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