The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 47 Everything Was Planned

After Ezra conquered the city of Foham, he ordered them to cut the dead bodies into pieces and fill them in sacks.

This one order was beyond the expectations of everyone, but no one dared to oppose it. The violation of werehyena's female and everything else was part of Ezra's big plan.

For others, Ezra was doing strategic work with the advice of supernovas. But in reality, everything was decided by Ezra and Fenrir alone, he asked for supernovas' views for formality, to not make them feel unimportant.

Warborn was the country that former bandits were ruling. So Ezra needed something extraordinary, something that never comes to the mind of his enemies.

The duo of spirit and host came up with a solution, a lead in a psychological battle.

His original target was Bishnigam, but fighting an all-out siege battle on one front will make them vulnerable on the other side.

Ezra focused on all the strong aspects of Bishnigam, and the most troublesome people he found were Prince Atra and Ageless Witch Zoja.

Prince Atra was a young straightforward brute, who had the courage to fight until his body collapsed. He loved his people from bottom of his heart and disgusted the Bloodfang Kingdom from the depth of his soul.

Zoja was a special veteran and the only sorcerer in 8 generals, she was 55 during the war between the Bloodfang Kingdom and Brownmane Empire 20 years ago. But her skin remains as that of 50 years, some said she didn't age since the war, earning her the monicker of Ageless Witch.

She betrayed her family over some fortunes and joined the Warborn Kingdom. But her misfortunate self couldn't get the respect she deserved, being a traitor and human in the kingdom of bandit beastmen, it was not that easy.

Fortunately, she got the favour of Atra, the next king. She was tasked to protect and guide the crown prince, some said they were secret lovers.

After calculating everything, Ezra pinpointed them as the first to eliminate. He launched a well-planned attack on Foham and conquered it. That was the moment Fenrir's mastery of tactics came into play.

The Wolf of Norse told Ezra Zephyr to cut and humiliate the bodies, they had to traumatize their enemies.

Ezra did as suggested, even after seeing the twisted and disgusting faces of his allies, he didn't budge a little. He packed the body parts in front of residents, to maximize his fear.

But a female dared to raise her voice, that was the perfect moment to silence the hidden voices. Fenrir said and Ezra ordered them to violate her dignity in front of everyone.

Her painful cries shook the strong wills, a man can bear suffering but can not stand seeing the suffering of his loved ones. Especially when they suffer in a such humiliating way in front of the whole city.

The prince succeeded and rebellious voices dispersed.

Meanwhile, when Rockey and the rest entered the city, Ezra instructed Jani to send a letter to Bishnigam.

'The Bloodfang Kingdom has attacked Foham city, their commander is Pollard Whitefang. They have 30,000 troops and a sorcerer who plays with fire, a long-range expert. Send Mam Zoja and Bloody Hyenas, they will be more than enough - Bizzik'.

Jani wrote a letter using the name of Bizzik, the dead city lord and one of 8 generals of the Warborn Kingdom.

No one suspected the letter, because it had the stamp of the city lord on it and was sent by Aerial Pigeon. Neither anyone knew about the sudden change in Bloodfang's power, Mirza excellently performed his job to conceal every rumour leaking about changes in Bloodfang Kingdom.

With the stamp of Bizzik and no information about Bloodfang, they sent Bloody Hyenas and Zoja without paying any heed.

At the same time, Ezra ordered the residents to run towards Bishnigam. In the middle of the chaotic disorder, veterans imperial guards disguised themselves and mingled with residents, including Ezra himself.

He left all at Qi Brightening stage in the city and brought those who were at Core Formation and higher stage with him, that was to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Bloody Hyenas was a unit of 500 Core Foundation staged Cultivators, even if they were inexperienced. They were still well-trained martial masters and their leader Atra was a heroic prince, benevolent for his people and tyrant for his enemies.

Ezra and Fenrir messed up their minds when they see the mutilated bodies of their country's men. They lost their train of thought, which resulted in their demise.

Zoja was also destined to die, she just made her death quicker and less painful.


Two people were counting hyenas, and as one looked at the other, he spoke.

"Do you understand now, the meaning behind these cruel orders of the prince, do you, Rockey?" Jani Galearms asked as they both looked at the result of his tactics

"Yes, but no matter how you see it. The actions were barbaric and unacceptable." Roch Whitefang answered.

Jani sighed. "For a strategist like me, his majesty's tactics is outstanding and marvellous. He used emotions to distract and diminished the enemies. While the death of Ageless Witch was an exception, annihilating the entire Bloody Hyenas without a single casuality is impossible, a feat of such calibre is unheard of. Are you confident to accomplish such achievement?"

Rockey didn't answer and scratched his head.

Jani tapped on his shoulder and said "Don't do anything that upsets the prince, he is not the one we knew 5 years ago. Let's go now, his majesty is waiting for us."

Both arrived where Ezra was. "How many Hyena Beasts are alive?" He asked Jani

"Two hundred ninety-three, your majesty"

"That's a good number" Ezra said and gestured towards the dead Bloody Hyenas. Pick two hundred ninety-three uniforms and armours, tame these hyenas, and we will go and greet those in Bishnigam." A wicked smile formed on his face.

"Your majesty, what should we do about these residents?" Rockey asked.

Ezra gave a tentative look at half-dead residents, their faces were pale. They didn't eat or drink and kept running, their brain and body suffered a lot.

"I don't know, I don't care. Fuck them or kill them. I'm handing their fate to you brother Rockey, do whatever you want with them." Ezra said as he went to pick attire of his size from dead bodies.

Rockey looked at the leaving back of the werewolf prince and said "Jani, I still think he is the same Ezra we knew 20 years ago."

"How so?"

"He knows that I will treat these werehyenas leniently, yet he handover them to me. I have a feeling that prince Ezra was waiting for me to speak"

"Perhaps, you are right. His positions as crown prince and chief of army staff are not dependent on his personality. Good or evil, he was our savior and will always be." Jani said.

The prince smiled while his sight remained on dead bodies.


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