The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Zi Han’s grandfather

Her eyes that were once glowing like a pearl under the moonlight when talking about her son were now a replica of the grim reaper himself. They were both mesmerizing and terrifying which was the perfect combination to whisk one’s soul away.

“Wa-wait, please. A pistol...he wanted a pistol, smart pistol wuwuwuwu please don’t kill me,” he said his pride and ego long thrown out of the window.

Zi Xingxi squinted her eyes as she observed him for any signs of deceit. When she saw he was being honest she flicked the hand holding the handgun urging him to continue.

Licking his chapped lips Dage continued, “He said it was for the break-ins. He, he was afraid, afraid that something would happen to you so he..... he came to me.”

The room instantly fell into silence with only gasping sounds coming from the pain-stricken Dage. It seemed as though Zi Xingxi was lost in thought. She had already taken care of those brazen people who broke into her apartment but she didn’t think the incident had affected Zi Han so much that he had to resort to such a method to protect her.

At this moment she couldn’t help but think that he might not look like his father but he was most definitely still his father’s son. Like his father, he would disregard his own safety just to protect her.

She tossed the bag of crisps on the table having lost interest and pulled her feet down to the floor her expression unreadable. He wanted to protect her but if anything were to happen to her son she wouldn’t be able to go on. Her eyes red she asked, “Then who hit him?”


Dage who had no idea that Zi Han had been beaten was a little surprised. He stared at her all wide-eyed not knowing how to answer her question. “I would ne....,” he murmured unable to finish the rest of his sentence.

What he was trying to say was that he would never hit that gorgeous face that looked extremely similar to hers but he swallowed his words back in fear for his life.

“It must have happened in sky city,” she said as she beckoned the man behind Dage to bring over something. With a clang, the light brain fell on the table near Dage as she continued to say, “Your clients use anonymous software to hide their real identities but I know scum like you have a way to unscramble their private information.... You have half a minute to find out who it was.”

As she said this her hand was trembling from anger. Recalling how that cute face was struck she couldn’t help but ache inside. The son she painstakingly carried full term and pushed out of her body under extremely terrible conditions was actually hit by someone.

Even she didn’t dare hit him that hard when he was naughty yet someone dared to hit him. She needed a cigarette to calm her nerves otherwise she was going to kill Dage on an impulse.

Secretary K was way ahead of her. He already knew her cues so he took out a box of cigarettes and opened it for her. She took out one and as she placed it on her lips the secretary lit it for her.

With the waft of smoke flowing into her lungs, she closed her eyes with her head slightly tilted backwards. Her long eyelashes flickered under the light. Crossing her legs she sank into her chair and exhaled the smoke.

As the cloud of smoke formed above her head she heard the man opposite her hesitantly call out while displaying a holographic screen.

Zi Xingxi slowly lowered her head as she placed the cigarette between her lips. In front of her was a spinning identification. The face was probably fake but because the person who reprogrammed this ID was an amateur Dage could still decrypt the original name.

When she saw the name her body froze as the blood drained from her face. She didn’t know the name Feng but absolutely knew the surname Yi. Secretary K noticed her abnormality and so did the men around her. Curious they all craned their necks to see and their faces changed.

“The young sir..... he.....,” muttered the secretary before Zi Xingxi stood up abruptly as she swore,


The clanking of her stilettos clearly expressed her anxiety as she walked away. Secretary K hastily inquired, “What do we do with him?”

She took a long drag of her cigarette almost choking on the smoke before she replied, “Finish him off and burn everything. The marshal will come and look for him so make sure any traces that we were here are wiped away clean.”

She carried on walking while saying this but her steps abruptly stopped when she recalled something, “Execute our exit strategy. We should be of this planet in two days.”

After saying this she turned her face towards Dage whose throat was cut in the very same instant. “He was already dead anyway.... If he was left alive the Marshal would only make him talk and who knows what he would say before he dies,” she said before throwing her half-smoked cigarette on the ground and stepping on it.

Zi Xingxi walked out of the garden house and suddenly had a bad feeling. Today was indeed not her day. In front of her was a hovercar that was obviously not hers and the men who should have been under her orders were now acting like they didn’t know her.

That only happened in the presence of one person that is her father. Closing her eyes she muttered a curse word while hesitating to get inside the hovercar. Whatever Zi Han did in Sky city really brought her trouble. He not only picked fights with the marshal’s family member but he also had his light brain scanned.

She had prepared for this day but now that it was here she was extremely unwilling. “Young miss..... please,” said her father’s trusted aid as he gestured to the open door.


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