The Amusing Adventures of a Directionally Challenged Dad and Daughter

Chapter 73

The short-legged creature followed them all the way to the main hall before stopping.

Rong Hong instructed the steward, "Prepare a banquet and have people clean out two courtyards for my nephew and grand-nephew to stay in."

Old Gu Six quickly intervened, "No need, no need, Uncle Rong. I was hoping to settle down and establish a home here, and wanted to ask for your help, Uncle Rong."

"There's no rush for that. It's easily arranged."

Under Rong Hong's enthusiastic hospitality, the father and daughter, looking bewildered, ended up staying at the County Magistrate's Mansion.

The next day, when Rong Hong returned from his official duties, he summoned Old Gu Six to his study.

"May I ask why Uncle Rong has called for me?"

Since moving into the County Magistrate's Mansion, Old Gu Six had become extremely well-mannered and much more serious.

Rong Hong poured him a cup of tea. "Sit down and let's talk."

Old Gu Six sat cross-legged opposite him. On the low table between them was a half-finished game of Go.

He asked, "Do you know how to play Go?"

"I know a little," Old Gu Six said, picking up a white stone and placing it to the left of a black one.

The previously confusing game suddenly became clear. The two of them exchanged moves back and forth, with most of the black stones being captured and the white stones steadily advancing towards victory.

Rong Hong stared at the overwhelmingly one-sided game in amazement for a while, then burst into hearty laughter.

"You truly inherited your adoptive father's unorthodox style. You don't follow the usual patterns, yet one can't say there's anything wrong with it."

He tossed the black stone he had been holding back into the box, took a sip of the warm tea, his eyes flickering with interest.

"What's your view on the current state of affairs in the realm?"

"I use my eyes to look at it," Old Gu Six replied. "Standing up or sitting down, either works."

"...Do you have any thoughts on the matter?"

Old Gu Six gave up pretending to be serious. He changed his sitting position, propping his chin on one hand, one long leg curled up and the other stretched out.

He said lazily, "I have no interest in the affairs of the realm, and my adoptive father left no such instructions."

"Would you be willing to lend your assistance to a worthy ruler?"

"I'm not willing. Whoever wants this realm can go fight for it themselves. Don't try to drag me into it."

He sat up straight, his lazy demeanor turning cold and sharp. "If anyone dares to pull me into this game, I'll make sure they don't get what they want."

He emphasized each word of "don't get what they want," his voice carrying the chilling intensity of a snowy night.

Rong Hong looked at him for a long time, then finally chuckled softly, easing the tense atmosphere.

Old Gu Six returned to his lazy posture and asked casually, "Does Uncle Rong wish to compete for the realm?"

"To wield power over the realm while awake and sleep in the arms of a beauty while drunk - I think that's every man's dream. But I'm not skilled in the art of ruling, so I can't be that person in power."

"Has Uncle Rong already chosen someone to serve?"

"Yes, but since you're unwilling to get involved, there's no need for you to know the details. This place won't remain peaceful for long. If you want a tranquil life, you should go elsewhere."

"Alright, I understand. I've imposed on you too much. Please forgive me, Uncle Rong."

Old Gu Six stood up, bowed, and turned to leave without hesitation.

When he was three steps away from the door, Rong Hong called out to him.


"Does Uncle Rong have any further instructions?" he asked, turning around leisurely.

Rong Hong walked to his desk, took out a waist token from a drawer, and tossed it to Old Gu Six from afar.

Old Gu Six caught it without changing his expression. It was inscribed in the Xiongnu language, which he had some knowledge of.

The token belonged to the Luandi Clan, one of the seven noble clans of the Xiongnu, and also the surname of the Khan of Xiongnu.

He didn't know why Rong Hong was giving him this token.

"Take this token and go to the Xiongnu. Find the Luandi Khan, he will settle you in. You can live there for a while until the realm is stable, then return."

Old Gu Six wanted to say that it might not just be "a while," but a very long time, possibly even a lifetime.

He placed the token back on the desk. "Thank you for your kindness, Uncle Rong, but my daughter and I don't plan to go to the Xiongnu."

He wanted to find a scenic, peaceful place to live in seclusion with his daughter, enjoying simple meals and the changing seasons in tranquility.

"Very well. If you have your own plans, then follow them," Rong Hong said, taking back the token and giving him a travel permit instead.

This time, Old Gu Six didn't refuse. He took the permit and bid farewell.

Chang'an, seeing that her father hadn't returned yet, decided to go to the front courtyard to look for him. As she passed through the garden, she encountered a troublesome child.

"Hey, you little maid in front, help young master get the kite down from the tree."

The chubby boy was half a head shorter than Chang'an, with five or six servants following behind him.

Chang'an ignored him, and the servants immediately stepped forward to block her path.

"Our young master is talking to you. Are you deaf?"

Huh, just a nephew of some concubine. She had thought Rong Hong had raised an ill-mannered son.

The chubby boy walked in front of Chang'an, looking her up and down. "You're an unfamiliar maid. Are you new? From now on, you'll serve in young master's room."

"Go serve your grandfather, you idiot," Chang'an said, kicking the chubby boy and sending him flying. His appraising gaze made her want to gouge out his eyeballs.

Seeing their young master kicked away, the servants turned pale with fright. If anything happened to the young master, Aunt Fang would have their heads.

Some immediately went to the front courtyard to find the steward, while others went to inform Aunt Fang.

As Chang'an tried to leave, a skinny servant blocked her way. He had a shifty look and a perpetually hunched back.

He glared coldly at Chang'an, neither speaking nor moving aside.

Without a word, Chang'an kicked him away too.



The servant landed right at the feet of the hurrying steward. Chang'an greeted him, "Steward Liu, I'm sorry. Chang'an has overstepped her bounds."

Steward Liu was a shrewd man who knew how to prioritize.

"It's the household's fault for not being hospitable enough. We've disturbed Miss Chang'an. Please forgive us."

When did this nephew arrive at the mansion? Aunt Fang was becoming increasingly presumptuous.

Chang'an waved her hand dismissively, while the chubby boy was still lying on the ground, moaning "Ouch, ouch."

Old Gu Six arrived before Aunt Fang, carefully checking Chang'an and only relaxing when he saw she was unharmed.

"Who dared to hit my Jianren?" Aunt Fang's voice preceded her arrival.

A woman who looked as delicate as a willow and as fresh as a lotus emerging from clear water came swaying from behind the rockery.

With such beauty, why settle for being a concubine? Chang'an wondered.

Just as Chang'an was about to speak, Steward Liu beat her to it. "My apologies for disturbing Aunt Fang. It's nothing serious. It was just the master's grand-niece, Miss Chang'an, playing around with the young master."

Aunt Fang only heard "Chang'an," ignoring everything else.

"Seize that little maid called Chang'an and give her thirty lashes."

However, no one moved. The others had clearly heard Steward Liu emphasize "the master's grand-niece."

Between Aunt Fang's nephew and the master's grand-niece, it was obvious whose side they should take.

Seeing his aunt arrive, the chubby boy Jianren stopped wailing on the ground. He immediately got up and ran to hold Aunt Fang's hand.

"Auntie, after the beating, make that lowly maid serve me."

This was the last straw. Old Gu Six grabbed the chubby boy by the collar and gave him two resounding slaps across the face.

Aunt Fang screamed and lunged at Old Gu Six, trying to rescue her chubby nephew.

It was at this moment that Rong Hong arrived. He shouted coldly, "Stop!"


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