The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 120 - The Kiss

Damon cupped Talia's cheeks in his palms and took a moment to confirm her lack of resistance which told him that she was willing.

He wanted to taste her from the moment they touched for the first time in the kitchen of the Red Moon pack. Damon still remembered that initial shock when he sensed the fantastic sparks of the mate bond for the first time and he wondered how it will feel when they kiss.

Well, here it goes.

Their lips connected, and Damon's insides jolted when delicious sparks shook his system like never before. This was different. Normally, sparks would start from the point that touched Talia, but this electrical flurry was ignited in the middle of his chest, awakening every cell in his body, and removing from his mind anything that's not related to Talia.

Her lips were softer than he expected; warm and velvety and he struggled to keep the kiss gentle and not devour her right there because he didn't want to act like a savage.

Talia subconsciously gripped Damon's shoulders to steady herself. She was not aware that her hands were there since she put the garland on him.

Talia relished the feeling of Damon's lips pressing against hers, and she was trying to commit every fraction of that experience into her memory.

His proximity. His scent. The way his arms held her in place firmly, but without much force.

Her first kiss. Her first real kiss. And it was with Damon!

It was a chaste kiss without tongue or teeth, but it still made her dizzy.

Damon inched a fraction and his breath splashed against her lips, "Breathe, kitten. Through your nose."

Talia's eyes snapped open, and she inhaled sharply. She really forgot to breathe.

But, why was Damon still so close? Isn't the kiss over?

Damon let out a low chuckle at the sight of her flushed face. His eyes were full of joy and there was something predatory in there as well.

His arms circled around Talia as he pulled her closer, and the moment her body slammed against his, Damon dove for another kiss.

This kiss had more urgency in it, showing how much he was waiting for this.

Ten days.

It's been ten endless days since Talia came to the Dark Howlers pack. During that time, Damon watched Talia sleep, smile, eat, talk, pout, and no matter what she did, he always wanted to get closer, close enough to touch her and to taste her, imagining how it will be, and he was not disappointed.

She tasted better than what he imagined.

Sweet, inviting, welcoming, his. Only his.

Talia's scalp went numb.

She thought that the first kiss was amazing, but this was on a totally different level.

It was not just lips pressing on each other, there was movement, and she felt Damon's tongue grazing her lips before he sucked her lower lip gently, and then he licked her again.

Talia was in a daze. Was this really happening?

This was not just about the lips. Oh, no. This was also about Talia's body pressing against Damon's and the way he embraced her resolutely with his palms firmly holding onto her like she was the most precious thing in the world; like he will never let go of her.

Passion. Possession. Belonging.

Can so many things fit into a kiss?

A lone tear escaped her eye. Is it wrong to be this happy?

For her, this was a big deal, but what about him?

Talia pushed those doubts away, determined to think about it later and to enjoy this while it lasts because it might be her only chance to experience a man holding her.

She was trying to mimic his movements, wondering if it was good enough.

Damon sucked on Talia's lip and bit it and she let out a small moan that spurred him to do it again before soothing that spot with his tongue.

He licked her lips and pushed a bit in-between, asking for deeper access, and her lips parted in response.

She was like clay in his hands, moving on an instinct, without strength to resist this astonishing affection that was foreign to her.

Damon's hand disappeared into Talia's hair, to hold the back of her head as his tongue started exploring her mouth and Talia's eyes snapped open in surprise at this sudden intrusion.

Damon's tongue caressed her little one once, twice, inviting her to join him in the quest for deeper intimacy.

The flavor of dark chocolate overtook her senses, urging her to eat him up. How could she resist?

Talia's hands laced into his silky hair as she responded to his kiss with more confidence by the second.

Talia feared she will burst from bliss that was coursing in violent waves through her body and causing pressure to build in her groin area.

With every passing moment, Talia kissed him harder, deeper, with a fervent need she never knew before as her body stirred with a desire to get closer, much closer than they were. And then she moaned. Did that lewd sound come from her?

The scent of Talia's arousal hit Damon hard.

Only now, with Talia in his embrace, with her scent and her flavors seeping into him, Damon fully understood how perfect she was for him. No woman will ever compare to Talia.

Damon let out a low groan from the back of his throat and he couldn't bring her close enough.

He was starving for the fragile woman who was kissing him back with all her might, but instead of getting sated, his hunger was only increasing more. Will he be able to step on the brakes and not rush into things?

Through the haze of his need, Damon could feel Talia's emotions. They were pure, unspoiled, and he wondered if he was worthy of something so delicate he could only describe as ethereal because Talia was too perfect for this world.

Damon regretted that he didn't save himself for her. What was the point of numerous women he embraced, when they only brought him empty pleasure that dissipated the moment he got his release?

But maybe he needed all those women in his life in order to understand how special Talia is.

With the taste of Talia, Damon confirmed without a doubt that no other woman will ever be enough. It's only Talia. His mate. It will always be only her and no one else.

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Damon laid on the bed while cradling sleeping Talia in his arms.

His lips were stretched into a smile that was impossible to erase.

Damon was grateful for the strengthened mate bond because it allowed him to sense Talia's emotions clearly. Peace. Happiness. Belonging.

Damon wanted to ask his wolf if this clarity is because their bond is stronger or because they are so close physically, but his wolf was contently snoozing at the back of his mind and refusing to answer Damon's summons.

With nothing else to do and too excited to sleep, Damon reflected on the turbulence this day brought him.

During the games in the morning, Damon was helpless while watching other guys getting close to Talia to hold her hand. And then he felt pride when she got called out as the MVP of the tournament; happy about sharing ramen with her, anxious to be late due to the meeting that dragged, enraged when he saw Keith getting close to her, sad while she cried in his arms, joy when he won a toy for her, awe as he watched her dance around the bonfire, worry when he couldn't find her, and then peace and belonging when they reunited… and it all culminated with the kiss that opened his mind to another dimension where colors are brighter and the world revolves around Talia.

Everything related to Talia was mind-blowing and he couldn't wait to see what the next level will bring.

Damon really wanted to kiss her again, but he didn't want to wake her up, so he held that urge back.

Damon remembered the moment when Talia's dainty fingers fisted his hair while pulling him closer, and she let out the sweetest moan ever into his mouth. At that time, Damon feared that he won't be able to control his hands from exploring her body, and there was another part of him that was hard and ready and eager to explore Talia's depths. But he didn't want to go there. Not tonight.

They made amazing progress and Talia opened up to him wonderfully, and he reminded himself not to rush.

Talia's long sigh pulled Damon out of his thoughts, confirming that she was finally in deep sleep.

Damon's eyes moved to the edge of the bed where two plush toys were resting. He moved his leg carefully and after one swift flick of his foot, Cinna was on the floor.

Damon smirked victoriously while settling back next to Talia.

There was no way Damon would allow anything Keith-related on his bed with Talia!

Damon thought about getting a similar toy and replacing this one, but it was not about the toy, it was about its importance. He didn't want Keith's spirit to hover around Talia and Talia said it clearly, this was the first toy she ever got, and Damon knew that it was precious.

Damon had a sour taste because he missed getting Talia her first toy. That was supposed to be him, and not Keith, damn it!

If he was not stuck in that stupid meeting, he would be with Talia and he would get her many toys.

Just thinking about Cinna made Damon's insides churn. Was Talia's dazzling smile directed at Keith when he gave her the plush toy? Probably. That image can be erased only with the elimination of that toy, and Keith. Well, dealing with Keith will be easy for Damon, but what about the toy?

He still didn't figure out how to get rid of that mutt without alarming Talia, but he will come up with something. Soon.

Damon returned his attention to Talia.

He observed Talia's face in silence while relishing the fact that their hearts beat as one. She really was his other half, the half he didn't realize he was missing until now, and he will be damned if he allows Alpha Richard or Cassie or Elder Parker or anyone else to jeopardize this piece of Heaven he found.


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