The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 117 - The Date Is Not Over

Damon drove to the packhouse without letting go of Talia's hand.

He knew that by hugging Talia in the town square, some people might have seen them, but he didn't want to dwell on it. People will find out about Talia one way or another, and it's not like he was not seen in the company of women.

The only thing that puts Talia in danger is the fact that she is his mate, and at this point, only Maya and Caden know about it. Damon trusts that they will keep that information for themselves until they come up with the right way to announce it to everyone.

As long as his enemies see Talia as any other woman who caught his eye briefly, they won't bother to make a move against her, no matter what Alpha Richard offers them. By the time they figure out that Talia is much more than a temporary entertainment, Damon will figure out something.

He didn't want to lock Talia in her room (or in his) and staying away from her was impossible.

An additional good thing coming out of this is that guys like Keith, Liam, and Pierce will know to stay away from Talia or risk invoking Damon's wrath because no Alpha would share a woman.

Talia was staring at the road ahead blankly and her mind was floating in fuzzy memories from the festival. Damon came to get her, and he hugged her right there. It was a warm reunion that made her heart flutter.

The sight of the packhouse made Talia press her lips into a line. The date was over.

She told herself not to be greedy. It was a wonderful evening, and she should be grateful that Damon brought her to the Dark Howlers pack and Talia got to attend the festival and experience food, music, and games that were filled with laughter and good mood. And she also got two plush toys.

Talia touched the garland of flowers that was around her neck, and she remembered Zina's words, "After you are done dancing for the Moon Goddess, you should give the garland to the man you fancy. It will let him know that you are interested, and he might return your feelings." The way Zina waggled her eyebrows told Talia that she was not talking about emotions, but more about feeling each other out. Well, werewolves are promiscuous.

There was no way Talia would be so bold to give it to Damon. Talia decided to let it dry and preserve it as another memento of the evening, as proof that it really happened.

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Like every time before, when they reached the packhouse, Damon opened the door for Talia and offered her his hand to take.

Talia paused for a moment, knowing that this is the moment before the spell wears off. Damon will help her out of the car and when their hands separate, the magic will be gone.

And there it was. Talia stepped out of the car, and Damon closed the door with his free hand and then he let go of her.

Talia felt the absence of his touch, but she didn't dare to move and ask for more. She already got much more than a girl like her should have.

For Talia, the whole day was wonderful with a few hiccups here and there, but overall, it was one of the best days ever and she was confident that she will remember it forever.

Damon jogged to the back of the car to retrieve from the trunk the bag that contained Blackie, Cinna, and the insulated lunchbox.

He returned to stand next to Talia and when he reached for her hand, Talia inhaled sharply.

"Are you OK?", Damon asked.

"Why… This…", Talia was not sure how to voice her thoughts. Her heart soared when he held her hand again, but… "Is this OK?" Talia glanced at their connected hands.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"What if someone sees us?", Talia asked in a whisper.

"Is that a problem?"

Talia was flabbergasted. Is it a problem? Yes! A big one! If someone sees them and his wannabe-Lunas find out, Talia will be in trouble. But even with that, Talia gripped his hand tightly, afraid that he will let go.

She knew that when they do it in private, it's fine because no one will find out. And she told herself that no one paid attention to them holding hands and hugging at the festival because it was crowded.

Now, in front of the packhouse, there was no crowd, but no privacy either.

She was not sure what to do.

"Ah!", Talia exclaimed when Damon scooped her with his arms and carried her into the packhouse, princess style.

"Let me down!", Talia said with an urgent whisper.

The main lights were off, but werewolves don't have problems seeing with minimal lighting.

Damon spoke close to her ear, "Everyone is in their rooms. If you are noisy, someone might come out to investigate. If you don't want people to see me carry you as my bride, you should not make noise." And then he kissed her cheek and continued walking up the stairs.

Talia's eyes darted around nervously. Just as Damon said, no one was in the visible range and Talia held her breath and prayed silently that no one comes out of their room to see them.

She relaxed when they reached the third floor, but then she tensed again when Damon walked straight into his room.

Why didn't he let her down in the hallway so that she can go into her room?

Talia gave up on trying to figure out Damon.

He was always unpredictable, but tonight topped the charts.

Damon didn't come to the festival when he said he will. Instead, he showed up while she was with Keith by the lake. At that time, Damon looked ready to commit murder, but then he held her while she cried, and he didn't complain when she ruined his shirt. They walked back to the festival while holding hands, and they ate chicken from the same stick, and he won a black wolf toy (aka Blackie) for her. Talia really had fun up to the point when Damon went to deal with some security issue and she was anxious while waiting for him… but then he came back and hugged her there in the middle of the town square, next to the clock tower, and now he even carried her upstairs.

Talia stumbled when Damon lowered her to stand on the carpet in his bedroom.

Damon's arm wrapped around Talia's waist to stabilize her, and then he touched Talia's cheek with the tips of his fingers.

He really wanted to kiss her thoroughly.

"We should get ready for sleep. Do you want to shower first, or should I?"

Talia took a moment to compose herself before asking, "Is there a need to take turns?"

Damon's eyebrows shoot up. "You want us to shower together?"

Talia nearly choked on her non-existent saliva. "No, no… I meant… I can shower in my room, and you shower here."

"That won't do, Talia.", Damon said seriously. "You see… I sent a message that you should be in the safe house, but you were not willing and ended up lost. Do you know how worried I was? I'm not leaving you out of my sight."

Talia pressed her lips into a line. Somehow, she thought that he will not bring up that point.

"I was not lost. I knew exactly where I was."

Damon's expression stiffened. "That's not the point. I need to know where you are. How else am I going to ensure your safety?"

"But you knew where I was.", Talia retorted.

Damon exhaled helplessly. She had a point, but he had a point also, damn it!

He wanted to scold her for putting herself in danger, but he couldn't. The way she looked at him innocently with her gorgeous, honeyed eyes, only made him want to kiss her and to hold her and…

Damon leaned lower and pressed his lips on her cheek. He took a deep breath, inhaling the addictive sweet citrusy scent of freesia.

"I suggest you shower first.", Damon's low voice splashed on her face, making her hairs stand on ends. He was close. Too close.

Talia blinked rapidly. Did he really think that she will go into his bathroom and undress? She didn't have clean clothes to change into. Or was he thinking that she will come out in a towel? That thought was overwhelming. She needed an exit strategy.


Damon straightened his back and looked at Talia in confusion. Was she planning to shower in the kitchen? "What?"

Talia gestured toward the bag that Damon kept on the floor. "There is a lunchbox with food. I need to keep it in the fridge, so it doesn't go bad. Assuming it's still good." Talia mumbled this last part.

Without an icepack, the insulation of the lunchbox can keep the contents chilled for a few hours, but this was the whole day. What if the quiche went bad? Talia was saddened at the thought of food being wasted.

"What do you have inside?", Damon asked curiously.

Talia took a moment to remember. "Two quiches, apples, a juice, and a granola bar."

"Instead of taking it to the fridge, how about, we have a snack?" Damon gestured toward the double French doors that led toward the balcony. "The weather is nice. How about we eat there?"

Talia's eyes widened. It seems that tonight's date was still not over.

Talia swiftly took the lunchbox and draped the garland of flowers, that was around her neck, over the bag, and then she followed Damon to the balcony.


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