The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 102 - The Summer Solstice Festival (9)

When Damon's tournament-closing speech was over, people started leaving the sports fields and making way toward the town square where the next festivities will be held. Some people went into stores and restaurants that were still open and accepting customers.

Talia was happy that she got a bag to keep her pins and the jersey. She also removed the fluffy gloves and the headband. Keith told her that those are hers to keep, and she can return them when she gives up on being the team spirit. Unfortunately, the trophy was too big to fit in the bag, but the insulated lunchbox that Stephanie prepared for Talia fit perfectly.

With all the drinks and snacks that were everywhere, Talia didn't touch the food from the lunchbox, but she was confident that it will not go to waste. She will have it later.

Talia was standing on the side with Lulu and Sandy. They were waiting for the guys to join them so that they can head for lunch together, as they previously agreed. Lulu was telling everyone how her father has a stand to sell the best ramen they ever tasted, and Talia was excited because it will be the first time for her to eat ramen.


They invited Travis also to join, but Travis said that he is exhausted and that he is going home to get some sleep.

As Talia, Lulu, and Sandy waited for the guys, many people stopped by and congratulated Lulu and Sandy on their win, and also Talia on being the MVP.

They were people Talia never met, and they were all excited and smiling and the mood was good, but Talia felt empty inside. She thought how it's funny that she always craved for people to accept her, yet now that it was happening, she was not really happy because something (or someone) was missing.

Her eyes would gravitate toward the parking lot where Damon was standing and talking to people she didn't recognize but she knew that those were guests who arrived at the packhouse that morning. Most of them were guys, but there were several females as well. Whenever one of those females spoke to Damon, Talia would divert her eyes to look elsewhere because she didn't want to risk seeing Damon getting close to another woman.

Just the fact that Damon and she were not together and that he didn't seem bothered by it was painful enough.

"Miss Talia…", a deep voice called from the side, and all three ladies turned to see Axel.

"I was wondering if you would join me for lunch today.", he said.

Talia nervously glanced at Sandy and Lulu. "I apologize, but I committed to lunch with them. We will have ramen noodles at one of the stalls on the town square."

"Can I join you?", Axel asked.

Talia glanced at Lulu who was nodding robotically.

"Sure. If you don't mind street food.", Talia said. She imagined that someone sophisticated like Axel would prefer fine dining with golden cutlery.

Axel beamed. "Excellent!"

Sandy and Lulu screamed internally like the biggest fangirls on earth. This was Axel, the future Alpha of the Midnight Guardians pack. Axel was a celebrity in the world of werewolves with a shroud of mystery that only made him more attractive. And he will have lunch with them!

"We are waiting for a few more people to join us…", Lulu said while extending her hand. "I am Lulu."

Axel shook her hand. "I don't mind waiting. I'm Axel."

Sandy was next to introduce herself.

Keith, Pierce, Liam, and Caleb were surprised to see Axel.

'He wants to have lunch with Talia, and doesn't mind extra company', Lulu spoke into the mind-link for the four newcomers who all got a renewed interest in Talia. What magic did she use to have Axel join them for lunch?

Individuals like future Alphas usually mingle with other Alphas and close family members, in their own exclusive social circle that is nearly impossible for normies to get in.

"Axel!", Maddox called when he saw that Axel has no intention to come to the parking lot. "Aren't you coming with us for lunch at the packhouse?"

"No.", Axel responded flatly. "Miss Talia was kind enough to accept me as her lunch companion. We will eat at the festival."

Talia was taken aback. Why did Axel make it sound like it will be just the two of them having lunch?

Maddox paused. "Really? Can I join?" Since Axel frowned, Maddox turned to Talia. "I hope that my presence will not inconvenience you."

"Not at all, Alpha Maddox.", Talia responded quickly. How can she say to an Alpha that he is not welcome? Besides, it's a festival. He can go wherever he wants.

Axel's frown deepened. "Didn't you say that you are looking forward to the quail soup and beef wellington?"

Maddox shrugged. "I can have it later. It's been a long time since I enjoyed the festival freely. This will be fun."

The truth was that Talia intrigued Maddox. He noticed that Talia's presence was difficult to detect, and after his chat with Damon that morning, Maddox had a feeling that there is more to Talia. If she is just a plain girl, why would Alpha Richard pay for others to get information on her? Maddox was confident that Damon didn't give him the full story and that Talia has some secret he was eager to unravel.

Maddox spoke to Talia. "Miss Talia, will you introduce me to your friends?"

Talia was not used to people addressing her as Miss Talia, but she didn't hate it.

Without delay, Talia introduced Keith, Lulu, Sandy, Pierce, Liam, and Caleb, whose eyes were sparkling. Both Axel and Maddox are impressive figures in the society of werewolves and having lunch with them is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Max! Max!", Mindy shouted while walking in hurried steps toward her brother. "Aren't we going to the car?"

"I'm going to have lunch at the festival. I feel like street food.", Maddox responded. "You can go ahead without me."

Mindy eyed the group and her eyes flashed when she spotted Talia. "I will join you."

Maddox hesitated for a moment before introducing his sister. "This is my sister, Mindy. Please forgive her blunt way of talking, she never had a filter."

Mindy cocked an eyebrow at her Maddox. What was with that choice of words? But she got a pass to mingle at the festival, and this time she will be part of a group, so she didn't want to complain.

Also, Mindy was curious about Talia. At first, Mindy thought that Talia is just an Omega teen, but then her brother told her that Talia was abused, and today Talia was a mascot-goddess that the whole team worshiped. Mindy really wanted to find out more about Talia who could give so many different impressions.

"Please, forgive my brother's indiscretion.", Mindy fired back. "He is the main reason why my social life is non-existent."

Sandy stifled a laugh at this. "I understand. I have an older brother also. I'm Sandy..."

"Alright.", Keith said after all of them introduced themselves. "Can we start moving? I'm starving."

"How can you be starving with all the food we had there?", Sandy asked.

Keith rolled his eyes. "I was too nervous to eat, but now that things are settled, the hunger hit me hard."

Keith glanced at the big trophy that Talia was holding, and he moved to stand next to Talia. "Let me help you carry the trophy. After lunch, we will go to the training center, and you can leave it there until it's convenient for you to take it home. I will keep it safe in my office..."

The group of ten moved down the street, unaware that Mark and several other players from the Dark Howlers soccer team were right behind them. When they saw Axel and Alpha Maddox chatting there, they decided to tag along covertly.

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A few minutes before…

Damon was on the parking lot, playing his role of a good host and ensuring that his high-profile guests know that scrumptious lunch will be served in the packhouse.

He was eager to leave.

Since he spotted Talia on the playing field, Damon was enduring various scenes of Talia with some other guys. He really hated that he is an Alpha. If he is a regular guy, he could be with Talia and tell her that they are mates, and no one would bat an eye.

Damon thought that going to the packhouse for lunch will help him focus on his guests and the tasks he has for today.

After lunch, Damon has a meeting with Alphas and that will not be productive if the only thing on his mind is breaking limbs of people who come too close to Talia.

He decided to imagine that Talia is having fun at the festival with Maya or maybe with those few women from the soccer team, and to ignore any male presence around Talia.

Damon spotted Mindy turning around like she was searching for someone, and then her eyes lit up and she walked away. He didn't really care about Mindy's whereabouts, but she made him aware of the fact that Maddox is not there.

He was looking where Mindy was headed and his face stiffened when he saw Maddox and Axel in the group with Talia.

What's going on? Why are those two chatting up Talia?

Damon remembered Axel and Talia on the bench in the garden. Axel sounded like he wanted to seduce Talia, giving her his personal number and some cheesy lines.

And in the study, Maddox mentioned how Talia should go to the Blue River pack and he didn't give up even after Damon told him how that's not going to happen.

Is that why Maddox told Damon to stay away from Talia? So that Maddox and Axel can get close to her?

Where are they going?

Uneasiness swelled within Damon.

Are Axel and Maddox conspiring to take Talia away?

Are they making their move behind Damon's back?

What the hell!?

"Where is he going?", Caden mumbled with a frown on his face while looking after Damon who was walking away from the parking lot in hurried steps.

"Let him be.", Maya said.

Caden realized that Maya knows something. "Where is he going?" This time Caden asked her for real.

"Probably to make sure no one snatches you-know-who.", Maya spoke cryptically because there were others nearby.

It took a moment for Caden to realized that you-know-who is Talia.

"Is this a time for Damon to do this? We have important guests for lunch."

Maya smiled. "This is exactly the time when he should do this. He needs to show that she is more important than anything else. As for guests, the two of us will entertain them."

Caden couldn't believe this. He had a feeling that pretending he doesn't know what's going on with Damon was better because now they can justify all his borderline crazy behavior as chasing after his mate, and Maya will say how it's romantic. Sheesh!



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