The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 1012 Another type of portal (2)

Chapter 1012 Another type of portal (2)

Not long after…

"I thank you for coming here," Talia said to the people gathered at the back of the garden.

Wilkow sisters were there, and so were Evanora, Yasmin, Cornelia, and Amelia. Each with her mate, looking at Talia curiously. They were all enjoying the party, which didn't show signs of winding down, yet Talia summoned them here.

For some reason, Declyn was there as well.

"As you know, my mother is not with us," Talia started her explanation. "However, we have a reason to believe she is not dead. My father can feel her presence, and he can feel the mate bond, which tells us she is alive. I want to try opening a portal to connect the two, and I was wondering if you are willing to help."

"What do you want us to do?" Kalina asked.

Talia smiled, seeing that all her girlfriends nodded in agreement with Kalina's words.

"I will need energies, whatever you can gather," Talia said. Talia had no idea how much power would be needed for across the realm portal, but every bit counted.

Females got together to discuss strategies. Witches will set up a diagram and energy crystals, and the Wilkow sisters will chant to boost the effect. Cassandra was also eager to help.

Now that her girlfriends were busy, Talia was back to worrying. She turned to Valerian. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Valerian smiled. This time, his smile was genuine. "If you and Damon were apart and you had a small chance to reunite with him, even if it's just for a moment… would you take it?"

Talia sniffled and nodded.

"Don't be sad, Natalia," Valerian said. "If you can feel my wolf, you know I don't have much time left. I know I was not the father you deserve, and even with that, I am asking for more. I wish things had turned out differently. I wish you grew up with your family, raised as the future Alpha. Instead of giving you the upbringing and education you deserved, I came here and…" He released a long breath. "You still need to do things for your old man."

Valerian leaned closer to speak softly for Talia to hear. "In my old room, under the middle window, there is a loose board on the floor. Take the stuff that's in there. It's yours now. Also, in the master bedroom, on the built-in bookshelf, a red book in the topmost row is a lever that opens a secret passage. Only the rightful Alpha knows about these. Sophia was not the one."

Talia looked at her father with interest and sadness. There were so many things he should teach her, yet their time was running short.

What was hidden under the floorboard of Valerian's old room. Was there a diary? Trinkets? Treasures? She was not sure, but whatever it was, Talia knew she would cherish it.

"We are ready!" Tatiana announced.

Talia and Damon stood in the middle of a large circular diagram that witches had drawn. There were energy crystals piled up on five spots along the outer edge of the diagram.

The Wilkow sisters spread to stand next to energy crystals and started humming an ethereal tune.

Talia and Damon held hands, and Valerian was standing between them.

"Natalia," Valerian called. "No matter how this ends, remember that this is my will. You gave me hope to reunite with Astraea, and that's the best gift anyone could give." He leaned and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Declyn was leaning on a nearby tree and watching all this from the side.

"It will be funny if nothing happens," Maddox said, and Declyn turned to look that way.

Maddox was standing with Tony, James, and other males who observed as their mates were performing a strange ritual no one understood, but they could feel the changes in the air.

"Cora's spells are always successful," James said proudly, earning several eye rolls from the guys present.

'Let's use the Moon's energy, Lis,' Talia spoke to her wolf.

'Selena is watching.'

'I hope she will help and not just watch,' Talia said, and Liseli laugh-


'Focus on your father's mate bond, girl,' Liseli reminded Talia.

Talia's eyes were closed, but she could see the outlines of people present and the energies whooshing around them to form different colors; there was a bright white thread going from Valerian up into the sky until it couldn't be seen anymore.

Talia's and Damon's energies got a boost from the diagram, witches' chants, the Wilkow sister's song, energy crystals, and the Moon, turning the air tangible.

Liseli helped Talia to focus on the white thread that was going from Valerian, and they channeled energies to strengthen and thicken it.

Talia's hair exploded in silver, and Damon was shrouded in darkness. Valerian was between them, but his form disappeared in darkness and light that mixed to form something unfathomable.

The air buzzed, and then a bright pillar of light blasted straight up.

Talia's silvery eyes looked up to see the scene of the sky splitting. The crack expanded to show a form of a delicate female.

Talia blinked her tears rapidly because she didn't want to miss a thing.

Talia couldn't see details because the female's form was glowing brilliantly, but the familiarity of energies told her that was her mother.

One blink later, there was another form up there. They hugged and then turned to wave at Talia.

'Thank you, Natalia,' Valerian's voice sounded in Talia's head, and she could hear that he was smiling. 'Your mother says, there are more secrets in the necklace she left you, and… we will continue watching you from here.'

Damon jolted when Valerian's voice sounded in his head, 'Take care of our daughter and grandchildren. You will find fatherhood to be rewarding. Don't allow anyone to split you apart...'

The voice faded as the pillar of light pulsated, and then the light got sucked into the lifeless body that lay between Talia and Damon.

Talia held her breath while looking at Valerian's unmoving body that glowed blindingly. A long second later, light shot up and burst into specks that fell to the ground slowly.

Each speck carried rejuvenating energy, and people had delirious expressions.

Talia looked where Valerian used to be to see that he was gone. There was nothing left.

Was it a success? Or did she teleport her father's spirit into outer space, destroy his body, and hallucinate the rest?

"Did we do it?" Cornelia asked.

Talia was unsure how to respond, so she asked, "Did you see the portal?"

Cornelia's confused expression answered Talia's question. She didn't see the portal.

"I saw a pillar of light," Cassandra volunteered information. During the ceremony, Cassandra was chanting with witches and waving her arms wildly.

Talia looked around to see that everyone was nodding in agreement, and Yasmin's knowing gaze told Talia that Yasmin saw more. Was seeing the portal related to the bloodline of a guardian? With that in mind, Talia turned to the side to see Declyn looking at her with renewed interest. Yup. Definitely something related to the Guardians.

'I saw it,' Damon spoke to Talia through their mind link. 'There was a female there. Based on their warm greeting, I can tell it was your mother. You did it, kitten. We did it.'

Talia felt a mix of emotions. She was glad to know that her parents were reunited but sad that Valerian was out of reach. She wanted more time with her father, but she didn't stop him because she knew it wouldn't be fair. Talia couldn't be selfish. She met her father, and she knew he loved her, and he even vented his anger for her on Sophia and Isaac, which was more than she ever thought would be possible.

Talia told herself to be content with that one month they had together. But, if she knew it was only a month, she would make more time for him. Instead of a few hours here and there, she would spend whole days with him. Was there medicine for regret?

'Don't be so hard on yourself. He is not dead,' Liseli spoke into Talia's mind.

'Does it matter if he is dead when he is unreachable?'

'As the Alpha of the Midnight Guardians pack, you are connected to every pack member,' Liseli reminded Talia. 'Your father's connection is still there. As long as there is the link, no matter how faint, he is not lost.'

Talia's mood soared. 'Does that mean we can visit him and meet my mother?'

Liseli was not so enthusiastic. 'We don't know if that's a one-way trip. Let's not be hasty with the reunion. But I can tell you that your mother is powerful. Her energy reminded me of Selena.'

Talia listened with a dreamy smile on her face while hoping she could reunite with her parents soon. With both of them.


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