The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 84: The Rasengan

Chapter 84: The Rasengan

Daichi ended his conversation with Kakashi and left. He headed straight for Naruto and Iruka sensei.

'Naruto's chakra is like a beacon for any competent sensor ninja. Even in this large forest it's easy to find him.' Within a minute he reached his classmate and teacher.

Iruka was relieved to see his student come back unharmed. "Daichi! You're safe. Are you hurt anywhere?"

"You're back!" Naruto ran up to him and gave him a tight hug.

Daichi chuckled and pried Naruto off of him. "Yes I'm here. And I'm fine you guys. You worry too much."

Confirming that Daichi was uninjured, Iruka started grilling him for the stunt he pulled. "What were you thinking? You could have gotten hurt or worse.!"

"Yeah! What's the big deal? I thought you would escape with us." Naruto also questioned him.

"Calm down. They would have defeated the clone easily and I knew you two wouldn't agree to me staying behind." Daichi said with a calm tone.

Iruka narrowed his eyes. "So you decided to lie to us!"

"Technically I didn't lie. I said I'd use my clone as a distraction but I never said they were the ones who'll be distracted." The boy said with a sheepish expression.

"You could have gotten hurt Daichi! If you had intended to fight them then I could have helped."

"I had it handled sensei." The boy let out a small sigh. "I figured the documents Naruto found were important since they were willing to attack us for it. And if all of us had stayed, then there was a chance they would have used us against you."

He continued. "Besides, my clone told you that he sensed a Jonin was nearby. I'm sure he would have saved my life if anything had happened."

"Who was it?" Naruto asked curiously.

Daichi shrugged. "Don't know. He had silver spiky hair and wore a face mask that covered everything except one eye."

Iruka's eyes slightly widened as he heard that description. 'Kakashi? He was here?'

The academy instructor pinched his nose and let out a long tired breath.

"Let's go to the Hokage's office. We need to report this matter."


Naruto, Daichi and Iruka entered the Hokage's chamber shortly after they reached the tower.

"Gramps!" Naruto greeted the Hokage.

"Lord Hokage." Iruka and Daichi also quickly greeted their kage.

Hiruzen looked at the two kids in the room. He had a warm smile on his face as he addressed them.

"So what troubles have you two gotten yourselves into this time?" He asked, smiling.

Naruto excitedly recalled everything that happened. From how he was tricked to Daichi finding him, to Iruka showing up and then escaping the three enemy ninjas and finally finding out about Daichi's clone and then anxiously waiting for him.

Hiruzen patiently listened to everything and now had a clearer understanding of what had happened. He looked at Daichi.

"What you did was reckless But since you're here safe and sound I won't speak on the matter any further."

"Thank you lord Hokage." Daichi slightly bowed and said nothing else.

Hiruzen then asked Naruto for the kunai he found in the forest. Naruto gave the weapon to the Hokage. The old kage untied the document from the weapon and his eyes slightly widened as he looked at the contents.

'Confidential information on the patrol routes and number of guards. If this had gotten out it would have caused me quite a headache. Seems this little adventure of theirs yielded some really positive results.'

"This is secret information regarding the security of the village. If it had gotten out then it would have created a lot of problems. Good work finding and bringing this back, you two." Hiruzen smiled at the kids.

"Thanks gramps.!" Naruto grinned as listened to the kage's praise.

At that moment a quest completion notification popped up in front of Daichi. He mentally closed the blue message box and stood still without making the slightest move.

"Alright, Iruka, Naruto you two are dismissed. Daichi, a moment." Hiruzen looked at Daichi after he dismissed the two.

"Gramps." Naruto slightly whined thinking his friend might be in trouble.

"Don't worry Naruto. Daichi will be along shortly. I just need his report on what happened with the three enemies. Go on." Hiruzen smiled as Naruto left the room.

As Iruka was leaving the room Hiruzen spoke up. "Iruka. Wait outside. I need a word after this."

"Yes sir." Iruka bowed and left the room.

The door closed and Daichi stood in attention as the Hokage's gaze focused on him. Hiruzen had a small smile on his face as he looked at the upcoming prodigy of the academy. A grandfatherly smile that would have many drop their guards around him.

"I know I said I wouldn't speak of the matter but I have to know. You stayed behind to fight them alone. Why?" He asked calmly.

"Iruka sensei loves teaching. He really cares about us. His students. So I knew he wouldn't have let me fight them no matter what. And he wouldn't have been able to defend himself and protect us if he fought. Not that I needed much protection. And if we had engaged then there was a possibility that Naruto would have gotten caught in the crossfire. And I figured those documents were pretty important. So I couldn't let them get their hands on that A clone wouldn't have done the job. And I was sure I could handle them and come out unscathed. That's why I stayed behind." Daichi replied.

Hiruzen smiled for a few seconds hearing the response. "An apt answer. Certainly enough to fool young Naruto and Iruka."

Then the smile vanished from his face. "Now why don't you tell me the real reason."

Daichi was slightly startled. 'He saw through me. I guess he wouldn't have made a competent Hokage if he couldn't see through people's bullshit. Have to give him credit for that. Too bad this perception doesn't extend to Danzo Lying to him is pointless now and I would only jeopardize a useful relationship if I do. Best come clean then.' Due to the gamers mind Daichi kept his composure.

The academy student let out a small breath and rubbed the back of his head. "Gramps may not agree but you and him are really alike. I can't get away with anything with that old man either. It's kind of annoying sometimes." Daichi said with a small sheepish smile.

"When you've lived for as long as we have you learn a lot of things." Hiruzen nodded and replied.

Daichi then turned serious. "I didn't lie all together. I really didn't want Naruto or Iruka sensei to get hurt. But that's not the whole thing. The truth is I wanted to fight them. On my own with no help or outside interference."


"The only person I've been sparring with, and I mean really sparring with is the old man Kensei. I know he was a Jonin before he retired and I have a rough estimate of my strength because of our fights But I wanted to see for myself where I stand in the real world. Those three were the perfect opportunity. You could say that I was selfish and got excited at the prospect of a fight. And I wanted to fight them myself without anyone's help." Daichi let out a small breath as he was done with his explanation.

Hiruzen nodded. He then smiled at the boy. "In our world we're surrounded by people who lie and cheat for a living. You'd be surprised at how far honesty could get you sometimes."

Daichi tilted his head. "You're not angry I didn't tell you everything?"

Hiruzen shook his head. "No. I would have been disappointed if you had still lied but everyone is entitled to their secrets. As long as it doesn't cause harm to the village, I don't mind."

"I understand Lord Hokage." Daichi slightly bowed.

"I almost forgot to ask. How far have you come along with the Rasengan." Hiruzen was looking forward to the results.

"I mastered the jutsu." Daichi replied with a straight face.

"I'm impressed that you learned the jutsu so quickly."

Daichi shook his head after hearing the kage. Hiruzen was confused at that.

"I didn't just learn it. I completely mastered the jutsu."

Hiruzen was shocked when he heard that. Learning the Rasengan was hard enough but it was only the beginning. Mastering it would also take several more months. He was somewhat skeptical.

"Show me!"

Daichi nodded and brought up both hands. In a single second a perfect Rasengan formed on each palm. Hiruzen and the hidden Kakashi were shocked when they saw this. The old kage was quick to analyze the blue swirling balls of chakra in Daichi's palms.

'He created them together and in an instant. The speed with which the Rasengan formed and the countless chakra nodes spinning inside it. It shows his perfect chakra control It must be even higher than most medic ninjas. And he created the Rasengan on both his hands. It shows his chakra volume. And then there's the power I can feel emanating from them He completely mastered the second stage. The size and shape are the same as when Minato completely mastered the jutsu. And if he hadn't mastered the third step to perfection then it wouldn't keep its shape perfectly like this Impossible! How did he do it so quickly?'

"How long did it take you to master this Daichi?" Hiruzen asked while trying to keep his emotions neutral.

Daichi let go of the two swirling orbs of chakra. "A week Well technically 8 days." Daichi said nonchalantly.

Hiruzen's eyes widened as he heard it. '8 days? It only took him 8 days to learn and master the jutsu?"

"I began training the Rasengan a couple days after the Uchiha incident. With the academy shut down I had the whole week to train non stop." Daichi looked and understood the Hokage's reaction. It was a jutsu that required months to master. Him completing it in a week would be a shock to anyone who knew the secrets and specifics of the technique.

Hiruzen looked at Daichi with renewed focus. 'This is insane I keep underestimating his talent. If he could master change in chakra form so quickly then it stands to reason that he could master the change in chakra nature just as fast. Coupled with Kensei's training, by the time he graduates the academy he'll be as strong as a Jonin. This boy could become a great asset to the leaf if guided correctly Or he could become one of the most dangerous enemies of the village. His path is unclear. Now more than ever, I need him to form bonds with the village. Hopefully Naruto and his classmates will be able to accomplish just that.'

"You've certainly exceeded my expectations I take it you're going to start on the change in chakra nature training." Hiruzen asked just to confirm.

"Yes sir. I was planning on starting with earth and then fire. I intend to master these two elements by this time next year." Daichi revealed a small part of his training plan.

"I see. Do you know what your chakra affinity is?" Hiruzen asked the boy.


"A powerful element indeed." Hiruzen got up from his chair and headed for the nearby shelf. He opened a small portion and took out two scrolls. He locked the cabinet and then gave the scrolls to Daichi.

"I did tell you that I would give you some change in chakra nature techniques if you learned the Rasengan quickly. These two scrolls contain Nature transformation training techniques for fire and earth elements. It also has some of my personal notes. So make sure to keep them safe and locked up and use them wisely."

Daichi received the scrolls with a wide smile. "Thank you lord Hokage."

Hiruzen nodded. Shortly after, Hiruzen dismissed Daichi and he was looking out the window as the hidden Jonin in the room appeared behind him.

"Do you now understand Kakashi?"

"Yes. His talent is indeed frightening. To master Minato sensei's jutsu in a week It's absurd and should be impossible and yet he did it. I've seen his skills first hand and now I'm almost positive that he's just as much of a genius as Itachi or Minato sensei." Kakashi could spot talent a mile away. And when he looked at Daichi he saw an ocean of untapped potential.

Hiruzen didn't say anything about Kakashi's assessment. 'I have a feeling we're still underestimating his talent. There is a possibility that he could be a genius beyond even Minato. It also means there's a possibility that the village would have someone who would one day possess even greater strengths than the fourth Whether that's a boon or a nightmare Only time will tell.'

'I need to keep an eye on him. And under no circumstances can I Iet Danzo anywhere near the boy. That's just a recipe for disaster. Danzo may be keeping his head down for now but If he finds out about Daichi, finds out what the boy is really capable of, then he would stop at nothing to get to him. And if Daichi becomes Danzo's subordinate I don't even want to think about that scenario'

"Kakashi Keep an eye on that kid. But make sure you're discreet." Hiruzen said with a hardened tone.

"Yes sir. I understand." Kakashi nodded and disappeared.

Hiruzen looked out the window and looked at the Hokage monument. 'One of the hardest choices a kage has to make is to question and surveil their own shinobi. Even when they have done nothing wrong.'

Hiruzen let out a long breath and returned to his seat. He then called back Iruka. The academy instructor came and gave a report on what had happened and after a while he left the office leaving the old kage to his thoughts.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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