The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 74: Uchiha Massacre - Aftermath

Chapter 74: Uchiha Massacre - Aftermath

Hokage Residency.

In a private chamber in the Hokage residency, Hiruzen Sarutobi was sitting in a chair contemplating the events that took place last night. His fists clenched in anger as he thought about what Danzo did and what Itachi had to do. He thought about the conversation he had with his former second in command and the now rogue ninja.


Hiruzen was walking through the Uchiha clan district. Several bodies could be seen all over the place. He was surrounded by three of his Anbu members. All of them, checking for survivors.

"What the hell?"

"To think something like this would happen!!"

"How horrible!"

Even the Anbu members who had seen plenty of death and destruction were taken aback by the massacre that happened.

The Hokage looked at the Uchiha clansmen laying on the ground. "Rescue anyone still alive!" He shouted the order.

The Anbu checked the bodies one by one.

Suddenly someone shouted. "We have a survivor!" The masked ninja was checking the body of Sasuke Uchiha.

Hiruzen immediately looked at the person. "Get him to the medical Unit. Hurry!"

Another Anbu with silver hair checked the other bodies near him. "No one else survived. It seems everyone else has been killed."

Hiruzen had a stony expression as he looked at the bodies. "Take away the corpses. All of them. Then check the buildings."

"Yes sir." As the silver haired nin got to work another anbu posed a question. "Who could have done something like this?"

"It was Itachi Uchiha." A new voice joined them.

Danzo Shimura walked towards them and stopped. He looked at everyone present.


"But why would he do something like this.?" The Anbu questions the man.

"Itachi despised his clan. He killed Shisui Uchiha and then took his eyes. He also caused infighting within the clan. And now It seems he chose to end the clan. He is responsible for this massacre."

"But" As the Anbu were about to argue, Hiruzen interrupted them.

"Stop wasting time and get to work!"

All the Anbu present at the scene left. Danzo walked up to Hiruzen and stood in silence. Several seconds later Danzo spoke.

"This ends our problems."

The Hokage turned to Danzo. "And exactly what does this end? Can't you see the troubles we're left with?"

"I see the troubles that would arise from this as minor as compared to what would have happened otherwise." Danzo replied.

"You crossed the line Danzo! I can't allow you to operate on your own authority any longer. As of this moment you are relieved of your duties as the second in command and you are removed from the council."

"Hiruzen, don't be rash. I did it"

"For the good of the village?" Hiruzen finished Danzo's sentence. He looked at the one eyed man. "How many times are you going to use that excuse?"

Hiruzen turned to look ahead, unable to look at his former teammate anymore.

"The Uchiha clan was part of the village. Regardless of what they were about to do, they were still leaf villagers. And this indiscriminate massacre We could have found another way"

"Do you really believe that Hiruzen?"

"Yes. We could have dealt with the conspirators and the ones pushing for the coup, and given the innocent ones another chance. But now"

"That wouldn't have worked. If that had happened then years from now we would have the same problem crop up again." Danzo tried to justify his actions.

"You don't know that!" Hiruzen was furious listening to Danzo's justification. He then sighed and spoke.

"As of this moment, I'm removing you as the head of the foundation. The root forces will be dissolved and integrated with my forces. And until I decide how to deal with you, you are confined to your quarters! Now get out of my sight."

With those words the Hokage walked away.

Hokage Tower.

In a secret chamber deep beneath the Hokage tower, Hiruzen was waiting for the arrival of someone. After a few minutes he spoke.

"There is no one else here. Speak your mind"

Several feet behind, Itachi Uchiha was kneeling and bowed his head as he addressed his leader.

"Thank you for the opportunity to meet with me."

"Itachi, first of all you have my gratitude. A civil war has been averted and now peace is maintained within the village."

"Yes" Itachi didn't say anything else.

"Regardless I regret that it had to be this way."

"Forgive me. I saw no other choice."

"No! I'm the one who should be asking for forgivenessItachi, henceforth you'll be branded a traitor and a rogue ninja who killed his clanYou'll be added to the bingo books as a criminal. Dead or alive"

"I understand! I'm prepared."

"What are you going to do now?" The Hokage turned around and looked at Itachi.

"There is an organization I want to keep an eye on. The Akatsuki. I intend to join them!"

"The Akatsuki huh" Hiruzen had heard of the organization but he didn't have much information on them.

"Lord third" Itachi started. "Swear to me that you will protect Sasuke!"

Hiruzen looked at the teen kneeling in front of him. "You have my word. He'll be safe. Your brother will continue at the academy and when the time comes he'll become a leaf ninja But I won't be able to erase his hatred for you"

"I know. I'm prepared to bear his anger and hate."

"You should go. The Anbu had been dispatched. I'll leave the jutsu formula for the village barrier unchanged. This way you can check up on Sasuke whenever you want."

"Thank you lord Hokage."

"No. There is no need for thanks. I don't deserve it. It was my weakness that led us to this moment."

Flashback end.

Hiruzen let out a tired sigh. At that moment the door to the room opened and the councilors Koharu and Homura entered.

"We just heard what happened. You removed Danzo from the council?" Homura asked as he and Koharu sat down facing the Hokage.

"Yes. It was necessary."

"Hiruzen. We need Danzo to maintain the stability"

"No we don't!" Hiruzen interrupted Koharu.

"He's been acting in his own interests for a while. I turned a blind eye because I believed that he had some measure of respect for me and the title I hold and wouldn't cross certain lines. That was my mistake!! I should have done this a long time ago." The anger contained in the Hokage's voice was clear to the other two. They decided not to push the subject.

The three sat in silence for a short while.

"What do we do now?" Homura asked the Hokage.

"I'm going to dissolve the foundation and have them integrated with my Anbu." Hiruzen replied.

"We should also consider what to do about the police military force?" Koharu spoke up.

"I know. This time instead of one clan acting as the military police we'll have an open recruitment. Anyone capable will be selected. And we need to find a suitable leader." Hiruzen has been thinking about this for a while and this was his solution.

The three discussed the next steps to be taken to protect the village. The meeting continued for a while and then concluded with several key decisions made.

Hiruzen left the meeting and then went to the Hokage tower. He was standing on the roof of the tower looking at the village. An Anbu appeared behind him, kneeling.

"You called for me Lord Hokage?"

"Yes. I believe it's time for you to walk a different path, Kakashi"


Land of Fire - Capital City.

Kensei was reminiscing with his long time friend Jin. They both grew up in the leaf village and were classmates. Jin moved to the capital and was once part of the Twelve guardian ninjas. He was part of the first generation guardian ninjas before ninjas like Asuma, Chiriku and Kazuma replaced him and his teammates. He settled in the capital once he retired.

"I wish I could meet this Daichi kid. He sounds interesting." Jin said while drinking a glass of sake.

"Yeah. Me too." Kensei didn't have Jin's enthusiasm.

"Oh come on! Are you still upset that I didn't tell you about it sooner."

"Yes. You're one of the few people left I consider as friends. So you, keeping this a secret" Kensei sighed. "Well I'm not happy about it."

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you." Jin replied.

"You ever think about Isen?" Kensei asked his friend.

"Sometimes I still wonder. If he had just come to us Maybe things wouldn't have happened the way they did"

"No point in having that regret now I suppose." Kensei looked at the sake cup in his hand and then took another mouthful.

At that moment someone entered the room and went to Jin. They spoke quietly for a minute. Kensei could see that Jin was alarmed by whatever the person had just said. Once the man left Kensei spoke.

"Is everything alright?"

Jin looked at Kensei unsure as to how to answer.

"No. It's the leaf village. Something has happened."

"What!? What is it?" Kensei was alarmed. The image of Daichi came to his mind at that moment. 'Please be alright kid.'

"It's the Uchiha clan. They have been massacred." Jin had a serious expression on his face.

Hearing those words Kensei jumped to his feet shocked. "What?"

"How can an entire clan be massacred. And who could" Kensei couldn't believe something like that would happen.

"They say it was Itachi Uchiha. The tragedy took place last night. The leaf village is in lockdown and information about what happened is kept tight. I only know about it because of my contact inside the Daimyo court." Jin said understanding Kensei's concerns.

"Is there any other news? Did Itachi go after anyone else?"

Hearing his friend's anxious tone, Jin quickly replied. "No. It seems the only ones who died are the Uchiha members."

"Is there any other news? Is he in custody? Or did he die during the confrontation with the village ninjas?" Kensei questioned.

"Neither! Based on what my informant told me, Itachi has escaped the village. He's alive and in the wind."

Kensei sat down hearing those words. "How could something like this happen?"

"I've heard of Itachi Uchiha. The prodigy and heir of the Uchiha clan. I can't believe he would do something like this."

Kensei looked at his friend. "Yes It's almost too hard to believe isn't it?"

Jin narrowed his eyes. "What exactly are you getting at?"

"Come on Jin! There is just no way one person can kill an entire clan no matter how strong he is. And on top of that, he got away! I don't buy it. There's more to this." Kensei crossed his arms and thought about the matter.

"You should keep in mind that you're retired. This isn't your problem. Let Hiruzen deal with this headache."

Kensei sighed hearing his friend's words. "You're right"

Kensei finished his sake and stood up. "Looks like I have to cut our reunion short. I better get back to the village."

Jin smirked as he looked at his friend. "You're really worried about him aren't you?... I definitely have to meet this kid one day."

Kensei and Jin spoke for a little while longer and then Kensei left for the leaf village. The trip took a little over half a day. Kensei reached the village gates by evening. He noticed that the ninjas patrolling were far more serious and alert than usual.

'The village must have issued a level 1 emergency alert. This reminds me of wartime circumstances. The guards at the gate are far more on guard than usual.'

Kensei got through the village gates after a thorough checking. He quickly headed for his home. He reached his house minutes later and quickly entered the barrier. Kensei sensed Daichi's chakra in the backyard of the house. He went to look and saw Daichi doing a handstand on the water and completing push ups. Several clones were also training in what Kensei deduced as chakra control exercises.

Daichi looked at the approaching old man. "Gramps! I thought that was you You're early."

"Yeah. I heard what happened." Kensei said as he sat at the back porch of the house.

Daichi dismissed his clones and got out of the pond. He went near his grandfather and sat down.

"Are you alright Daichi? You seem down." Kensei knew something happened to the boy the moment he saw him.

After several seconds of contemplating, Daichi spoke. "Gramps. I need to talk to you! It's about what happened with the Uchiha clan."

"It's a tragedy what happened to them. And I'm sorry about Ren. I know you saw him as a teacher." Kensei thought that Daichi was upset about Ren's death.

"Yeah See the thing is I was there When it happened?" Daichi was a bit unsure as to how much he should tell his grandfather.

"What are you talking about?" Kensei was confused.

Letting out a long breath Daichi spoke. "I was there at the Uchiha compound When Itachi was killing the clan."

Kensei's eyes widened as he heard those words.


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