The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 50: Battles in the 2nd Dungeon 03

Chapter 50: Battles in the 2nd Dungeon 03


The explosion rocked the forest sending nearby trees and rocks flying. Dust filled the air and it took a minute for everything to become visible.

The Hunter nin kicked Daichi away from the restrained insect ninja before he threw the paper bombs. And he leapt back and created some distance as soon as he launched the attack on Daichi. So neither of the dungeon ninjas were affected by the blast other than the dust and winds blowing in their faces.

Once the dust cleared they got to work. While the insect nin was trying to free himself from the ninja wire, the hunter nin got close to where Daichi was. The earth dome Daichi created was completely destroyed and there was a large crater where the explosion took place. The hunter nin looked around and didn't see a shred of his opponent's body.

As he looked around the rubble for any signs of his enemy, he suddenly heard the sound of blades piercing a body. He turned around and saw two daggers coming out of the insects ninja's chest. Stabbed all the way from behind by a panting Daichi.

The hunter nin looked at Daichi with indifference. At that moment his instincts warned him and he jumped backwards. Two hands burst out of the ground just as he jumped trying to trap him or at least that's what it looked like. Just as he landed on the ground several fireballs erupted out of the earth and struck him.

[-268 HP Enemy hit.]

A second shadow clone of Daichi's came out of the ground and together with the first one started fighting the Hunter ninja.

Meanwhile the real Daichi kicked the Aburame ninja into the ground and went through several hand-seals quickly. He was going to use the new fire jutsu he recently learned from Kensei's library. His mind recalled the information on the jutsu as he weaved the 5 seals.

[Fire Style - Dragon Fire Jutsu - Active(LV.3): The user kneads chakra and converts it to fire and expels it as a continuous stream of flames. The user can also breathe fire along a cord or ninja wire and use it to attack the enemy. The released flames, if strong enough, will engulf and vaporize the target and leave a smoldering crater on the ground's surface.]

[Rank: C]

[Type: Ninjutsu]

[Hand Seals: Snake - Dragon - Rabbit - Boar - Tiger]

[CP Cost: 285 Per shot.]

[Note: The range, power and duration of the attack can be altered by controlling the chakra kneaded into the attack. Overusing this jutsu without experience can cause burns inside the throat and mouth.]

'Fire style - Dragon Fire jutsu.'

Despite its name, when Daichi breathed fire it didn't have a dragon head. But it was fast and reached the insect ninja in a second. The flames covered his entire body and the Kikaich bugs tried to shield its host. Daichi increased the chakra and thus the power of the flames. But he was careful not to overdo it. The HP of the burning ninja was falling fast. Daichi kept up the attack without showing any mercy. As he breathed fire onto his enemy, he thought back to a few minutes ago.

Flashback - A few Minutes ago

Daichi looked on as the hunter nin took the paper bombs from his holster and tied them to the kunais. At that moment his brain worked faster than ever before. His neurons, firing at lightning speed. To Daichi it was as if the world had slowed down.

'His shuriken jutsu is perfect. It'll definitely hit me. And even if I somehow jump and escape the blast radius he would just capitalize on my weakened state and attack me. And the moment that Aburame ninja gets free it's gamer over for me.'

Daichi saw the nin tying the last paper bomb and finished attaching them to the kunais. He was getting ready to throw them.

'I have to escape. And then take them by surprise. That's the only way I'll survive.'

Daichi had a plan in mind and made his choice. He molded his chakra as fast as he could and used the defense jutsu. Not just to try and shield him from the blast but also to block him from their view.

'Earth style - Rock Shelter Jutsu.'

Daichi saw the ninja launch the kunais at him. Everything was happening at slow-motion for him. Daichi calculated the time it would take for the weapons to reach him in an instant.

'Oh no! They are going to reach here before I can escape. Have to slow them down.'

Daichi used telekinesis on the three kunais and slowed them down by three seconds. His telekinetic powers weren't strong enough to shift their path completely or stop them but was only strong enough to slow them down by a small margin.

As the rock dome formed around him, Daichi quickly went through another series of hand-seals. He remembered the words his grandfather said to him.

Kensei handed Daichi a scroll and told him about the technique. "This jutsu will come in handy when you want to make a quick escape without most people noticing. Now It has its weaknesses. People from the Hyuga clan, a good earth specialist nin or a sensor nin will be able to find you. But if you train this enough, you'll be able to use it to your advantage even against people like them"

'Earth style - Earth Burrow Jutsu.' Daichi slammed his hands down and softened the terrain below him.

[Earth Style - Earth Burrow Jutsu - Active(LV.2): This jutsu allows the user to travel through the earth undetected by most ninja. The chakra kneaded in the body is spread into the ground and softens the earth around the jutsu caster. The user sinks and disappears underground while the earth hardens on the surface. This jutsu allows the user to create a small tunnel by compressing and softening the earth around the person and helps the user move underground in any direction. Once the chakra dissipates the tunnel collapses on itself. ]

[Rank: C.]

[Type: Ninjutsu]

[Hand Seals: Snake - Boar - Bird - Ram.]

[CP Cost: 175 Per Use.]

[Note: The movement speed of the user and creation speed of the tunnel will depend on the chakra supplied and the proficiency in earth nature of the user.]

Daichi sank deep into the ground and disappeared just as the explosion took place.

'Don't have much time. I have to take a decisive course of action now.'

Daichi quickly thought of his next move and an idea formed in his mind. 'I'll use shadow clones and distract the hunter nin while I take down the Aburame. Then I'll deal with that troublesome fucker one on one.'

Daichi used his chakra sense and approximated their location and created two shadow clones. He swiftly went to where the insect ninja was and quietly rose out of the ground. He kept an eye on the hunter nin as well. Seeing that the two were distracted, Daichi struck.

Taking two daggers from his inventory he rushed and stabbed the insect nin through the back. He buried his weapons all the way to the hilt. Due to the mounting exhaustion Daichi was breathing hard. But he still kept going. Taking the blades out and putting them back into his inventory he quickly kicked and slammed the insect nin into the ground. He waved signs and started his vicious fire attack.

Flashback - End

Daichi watched with a satisfactory smirk as the last health point of the insect ninja disappeared.

[Enemy killed.]

[+1350 Exp.]

[+202.5 Exp.]

[Enemies killed: 88/168]

His shadow clones were keeping the hunter nin busy and were trying hard not to get themselves dispelled. They had to buy some time for Daichi to kill the insect nin and recover some strength.

Daichi sat down a small distance away from the fight and tried to rest. He had to recover at least some stamina and strength if he was going to engage the strongest nin he found so far in the dungeon.

'I need a passive skill that recovers my stamina and chakra quicker. Hope I get something like that soon. Or else I'll have to start putting points into the stats.'

Daichi didn't close his eyes but he tried to calm himself and enter a meditative state. But it was unsuccessful. 'It seems the stress of the battle not too far from here is taking up my focus. It was a long shot anyways.'

A minute was all Daichi received as the first clone was dispersed. As he recalled the memories of the dispelled clone, he smiled.

[Skill Leaf Academy Taijutsu's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Chakra Thread's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Chakra Enhancement's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Lightning affinity's level has risen by one.]

'Looks like the skill level rises even if it's my clones who experience it. But I'm guessing it's mostly for Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu techniques. To level up Physical body skill, I need to personally fight huh.'

Daichi took several foods and bottles of water and quickly finished them. They restored his HP and CP to more than a third of his total.

'Then I suppose it's my turn.'

Just then his second clone was also dispelled and he received the memories.

[Skill Fire affinity's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Earth affinity's level has risen by one.]

Daichi slowly walked forward. He could sense the ninja coming for him.

'Fighting stronger and stronger opponents is the only way to quickly gain strength and field experience.'

Despite the near death experience and fear he felt a few minutes ago Daichi was fired up. The ninja roused the fighting spirit within Daichi. The Hunter ninja quickly appeared in front of him.

Daichi was not scared this time. A wide crazed smile appeared on his face. Bloodlust, chakra and killing intent burst forth from him. The hunter nin also responded in kind. Both of them, looking to tear into each other.

The ground slightly cracked and they disappeared. The next instant they met in the middle of the field and clashed. Forearms met fists and palms blocking knees. Their speed was much greater than what an ordinary genin would be capable of.

Daichi attacked with all his might. Every punch contained his full force and his intent to kill. The hunter was fighting the same. He met Daichi punches head on or directly blocked them. Both the ninjas had had no intention of saving their stamina or holding back.

Daichi's senses sharpened several fold. The mad grin on his face never left as he battled the ninja. Daichi tilted his head and avoided what would have been a devastating blow to the face. He locked the outstretched arm of his enemy and quickly headbutted the nin and immediately followed it up with a strong hit to the gut.

The enemy ninja quickly recovered and tried to snap Daichi's knee with his leg. Daichi avoided the blow but had to let go of the trapped hand. The nin swiftly roundhouse kicked Daichi but the boy quickly raised his hands and blocked the kick with his arms. The force of the kick sent him skidding backwards several feet.

As Daichi slid back he saw several shuriken speeding his way with his enemy taking more from a storage paper on his wrist.

Daichi smirked at the tactic. 'You wanna compare shuriken jutsu with me? Fine Have it your way.'

He stopped himself and took his weapons from the inventory and started his counter attack. Daichi aimed his shurikens to deflect and even counter attack back at the ninja.

Sparks flew in the air as black steel clashed. The force with which each of them threw their shuriken was so great that it destroyed both fighters' weapons when it came into contact. Destroyed shuriken flew everywhere as they threw dozens and dozens.

This clash only lasted for about 40 seconds but they both used over a hundred shurikens and not one landed on each other's bodies.

[Skill Shurikenjutsu's level has risen by one.]

'Whoever this guy is based off of, it has to be someone powerful. His shurikenjutsu is on the same level as mine.'

Notifications were popping up as Daichi fought the nin but he ignored it all.

'I can't afford to get distracted even for an instant.'

The hunter nin decided to switch tactics again and took out a sword. A standard katana used by swordsmen. Seeing this, Daichi smirked and took out his Tanto as well. It was not as long as the katana but Daichi didn't mind it.

Both of them held their swords and waited for the right movement. They both knew that if they were careless it would be the end for them. The ground around them was littered with broken shuriken. And on top of that if they weren't careful they would fall victim to the traps in and around the jungle.

This was a test of not only their sword skill and power but also of situational awareness. Daichi had his eyes firmly fixed on his enemy but he was aware of his predicament.

'We would have to battle at high speeds while maintaining absolute awareness of our surroundings. The first one to make even the slightest mistake would die. A situation like this would definitely push someone's mental fortitude to their absolute limits.'

Daichi gripped his tanto as he looked at the ninja. Sweat rolled down his face as both ninja sized each other up. Just then a tree branch snapped and fell. The sound was like an unspoken signal for them. In an instant they rushed towards each other and began their final bout.


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