The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 47: Shadow, Illusion and Tank.

Chapter 47: Shadow, Illusion and Tank.

Without wasting a single moment Daichi went into action. He leaned backwards and stretched the ninja wire as much as he could. He could feel the metal spikes poking his back. The next instant he used as much force as possible and swung himself upwards. As he flew, he quickly weaved signs.

"Shadow clone jutsu.!!"

Immediately two Shadow clones were created near the flying Daichi.

One clone immediately went through several hand-seals and shot a blast of water at the raining debris clearing Daichi's path. The other grabbed hold of Daichi and tossed him up with enough force to exit the pit.

In a few seconds Daichi was out and above the ground. He used his chakra strings and attached them to a tree and swung himself to safety.

"That was close. Far too close"

Even though he didn't exert much energy, he was breathing hard. Due to the Gamer's Mind being turned off, Daichi was feeling the shock of almost dying to a much greater degree. He felt his heart pounding away in his chest and the adrenaline pumping in his veins. His entire body was slightly quaking. After a few minutes he steadied himself and began to resume his exploration of the dungeon.

Daichi was much more careful this time. Time went by as he slowly went deeper into the jungle. 'It's now been over 3 hours and I haven't seen any enemy ninjas or puppets. But my progress has been slow due to the traps.'

Daichi, although successful in avoiding most traps, still triggered a few, hidden carefully within the jungle. Luckily he escaped without much problems. Daichi had his eye on the Mini-Map as well as using 'Chakra Sense' at certain intervals. He had no intention of being taken by surprise. As he traveled a bit further red dots started appearing on his holographic map.

'Looks like it's finally beginning.'

According to the map there were 2 red dots coming from the front. Daichi took out his tanto from the inventory and got ready. As he slowly and cautiously walked forward, the red dots reached him and were on top of him.

'They're hidden up in the trees and wants to ambush me. If I didn't have the Mini-Map they might have succeeded.'

Daichi, not allowing them to make the first move, swiftly threw several shuriken and kunai at his enemies. The enemy ninjas escaped before they got hit and landed in front of Daichi.

Both the ninjas looked to be around 13 or 14 years of age. They wore ordinary genin clothes and had weapon pouches strapped to their legs. Their bodies were gray and Daichi could see purple veins pulsing underneath their skin. They had dark purple sclerae and white eyes. Daichi slightly grimaced as he looked at them.

'These guys remind me of reanimation zombies. Let's see how strong they are.'


[LV.34] [Shadow Nin]

HP: 4160 CP: 3230

[A ninja created based on a Genin of the Nara clan who survived the Akagahara exam grounds. This ninja is proficient in using shadow jutsus to bind and trap his enemies. Although his plan was to catch his enemy unaware, he has no trouble adjusting to a change in tactics. Prefer to attack in a team. This enemy intends to kill you.]

Just as Daichi finished reading the description of the first enemy nin, he attacked. Shadows from his feet quickly extended and tried to connect to Daichi's but he evaded. Just then several fireballs a little bigger than his head were flying at him. It struck Daichi and burned him but the next instant the burning Daichi turned into a burning log.

He substituted before the attacks struck and was high above hidden behind some thick tree leaves. He looked at the second ninja.


[LV.33] [Illusion Nin]

HP: 3702 CP: 3050

[A ninja created based on a Genin of the Kurama clan who survived the Akagahara exam grounds. This ninja is proficient in using Genjutsu to attack and kill enemies. This ninja prefers to fight in a group or with another as his physical strength is weak. This enemy intends to kill you.]

'Even though my Observe skill has reached level 40, I still can't see their physical stats. Looks like I'll have to somehow increase it in the next few months.'

'So they're based on ninjas from the Nara and Kurama clan huh. Then that means the fireballs might have been Genjutsu Or Genjutsu powerful enough to become a physical attack and injure the enemy.'

'Their plan most probably is for the shadow user to trap me and for the Genjutsu user to finish me off But something seems strange. Based on their fighting style and appearance they don't look like they could handle extreme hand to hand combat. There should be a third member. Someone with a strong physique to fight while these two hang back'

Daichi's eyes widened and looked at the map. The Mini-Map showed that the dungeon was roughly 3.5 kilometers long in diameter. A smaller dungeon than training ground 43. It was then that Daichi noticed a dot slowly moving and coming closer. Roughly 50 meters away from him. He couldn't see any other enemies near him.

'That must be their third member. So these things are intelligent enough to form a plan and attack huh. This dungeon is entirely different from the one before. I need to be extremely careful.'

Just then Daichi felt a small headache and it was followed by several notifications popping up.

[Mental intrusion detected.]

[Unyielding spirit has neutralized the foreign attack.]

Right as he finished reading the message, several fireballs struck near him. Daichi used Body Flicker and evaded. He landed on the ground and faced the two ninjas. He ran towards the illusion nin and created several normal illusion clones and made them look like they were going to attack him. The illusion nin created fireballs and attacked Daichi and his clones. Daichi evaded but clones were destroyed.

Daichi threw several shuriken towards the Kurama clan copy cat and jumped before a shadow tendril could connect to him. The illusion ninja dodged the shurikens with ease but that was also what Daichi was waiting for. He used chakra strings to guide the shuriken to pierce the nin from the back. The shuriken had ninja wire attached to it and Daichi quickly used the shuriken to surround and immobilize him.

It was at that moment Daichi's chakra sense alerted him to the third enemy ninja's attack.

'It seems if one of them is about to be taken out then the back-up attacks, huh!!'

Daichi evaded the punch aimed at the back of his head. He turned around and retaliated with a punch of his own. It struck and sent the enemy a few meters away. At that moment Daichi noticed the shadow nin cutting the wires and freeing the illusion ninja.

Now surrounded by three ninjas Daichi felt a small fear but also excitement. This was going to be his first real ninja battle. His body realized the precarious situation he was in and sharpened his senses and instincts.


[LV.36] [Tank Nin]

HP: 4807 CP: 4721

[A ninja created based on a Genin of the Akimichi clan who survived the Akagahara exam grounds. This ninja possesses great physical strength and is capable of executing clan techniques at a much greater speed than those his age. This enemy was looking to finish you quickly from your blind spot but now has made the decision to fight you head-on. This enemy intends to kill you.]

'I need to take out the Nara first. He's the brains of this team and if let him be he'll find some convoluted way to trap me. I haven't yet grown strong enough to the point where I can just ignore whatever trap someone with brains comes up with.'

[You have sensed killing intent.]

[Skill Danger Sense's level has risen by one.]

Daichi felt their killing intent. While his eyes were mainly on the Illusion and Tank ninja his main focus was on the shadow user. Daichi wanted to take the shadow nin by surprise. That's why he didn't target or even look at him yet. But that changed in an instant.

Daichi weaved signs for the shadow clones and created two. Each one sprinted to the illusion and tank nins. The goal was to keep them busy and not let them interfere. The real Daichi's target was the shadow user.

In mere moments chakra flowed through Daichi's limbs and he used sprint skill which uses stamina in conjunction with chakra enhancement to increase his speed and strength multiple folds.

In an instant Daichi was behind the shadow user and he started cutting him up from head to toe. In just a little over 10 seconds Daichi landed dozens of strikes on his enemy.

[Skill Vital Strike's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Sword Mastery's level has risen by one.]

By the time the other two ninjas looked to their wounded teammate, Daichi had already attacked all major vital spots and cut off a limb. The enemy health points were falling rapidly and Daichi finished it with a fast slash to the neck.

[Skill Death blow's level has risen by one.]

The skill death blow now level 15 adds an additional 150% attack damage to the enemy. While increasing the attack speed and criticals by 26%. The vital strike and sword mastery skills also increases attack speed and deals additional damage to the enemy. So with the help of these buffs Daichi finished his opponent in just over 10 seconds.

The shadow nin exploded into smoke and disappeared.

[Enemy killed.]

+1200 Exp.

+180 Exp.

[Enemies killed: [01/168]

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[You have linked several attacks in quick succession and killed an enemy in a single chain combo.]

[Through continuously attacking and not allowing the enemy to escape or retaliate, the skill 'Linked Kill Strikes' has been created.]

Daichi didn't have time to read the information on the skill as the two other ninjas dispatched his clones and were now after him.

[Mental intrusion detected.]

[Unyielding spirit has neutralized the foreign attack.]

'It seems he's trying to use Genjutsu on me. Too bad for you'

Watching the bigger ninja heading towards him, Daichi switched his tanto with a knuckle duster. The tank nin rushed at Daichi while the other stayed back. Daichi and the tank ninja began their battle. Daichi deflected and struck the enemies joints. Daichi coated his hands with chakra and boosted his strength.

The tank nin suddenly increased the size of his right hand and punched Daichi, sending him skidding a few feet away. At that moment several lightning bolts came at him in an instant.

Daichi quickly substituted with a nearby rock and escaped the attacks.

"Alright. I can't hold back if I want to beat these two." Daichi created two shadow clones and had them attack the Kurama clan ninja. Daichi's focus was now on the ninja with the Akimichi clan abilities.

Daichi quickly went through three hand seals. "Lightning style - Overdrive." Lightning coated his arms and legs and sparked over his whole body. 'Still not proficient with this. So I have to end this fight fast.'

A Shadow clone created an earth wall behind the tank nin to prevent him from escaping. Daichi appeared in front of the tank in the blink of an eye. He started raining heavy blows in quick succession all over his enemy.

The tank nin expanded his body and tried to attack Daichi but he backed away and took out his dagger. 'You might be big, but your speed has been considerably reduced.'

Daichi evaded the incoming punches with ease and got behind him. He stabbed the big ninja through his neck and then buried his dagger deep into his head and left it there. 'The Overdrive jutsu is almost at its limit.'

Without wasting time Daichi rained punches on his back and watched the HP of his enemy fall. And in half a minute the battle was over.

[Due to the extreme physical training, you have obtained +1 AGI.]

[Enemy killed.]

+1400 Exp.

+210 Exp.

[Enemies killed: [02/168]

At that moment he got the memories of his dispelled clones and new notifications popped up. Daichi smiled as he revised the memories.


Minutes earlier: Daichi's clones .

Both clones evaded the fireballs and lightning strikes coming at them. They threw shuriken and kunai at their opponent to gauge his reaction time. They noticed something about their enemy's fighting style.

'There's a 2 second interval before each attack. And he can only use one type of attack at a time. Furthermore he needs to use 3 hand seals for fire and 4 for lightning. So there's a 1 second delay there. This is going to be easier than I thought.'

A smirk came on the clone's face. It looked at its counterpart and nodded. It seems both of them came up with the same strategy. The moment they dodged another attack, the first clone used chakra threads to immobilize the illusion ninja's hands and feet.

At that moment several kunai came from the second clone and pierced the joints making it more difficult for the illusion nin to move its limbs. But it didn't matter as two giant fireballs were blasted in his face the next second.

[Enemy killed.]

+1050 Exp.

+157.5 Exp.

Enemies killed: [03/168]

Seeing as their target is destroyed, both clones dispelled themselves.


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