The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 45: Reo Uchiha and Training for 2nd Dungeon

Chapter 45: Reo Uchiha and Training for 2nd Dungeon

The Next Day.

It was Sunday morning. Daichi woke up and just stayed in bed thinking about everything that's happened.

'Looks like I need to change my plans a bit. I'll save the dungeon fight for March. I need to train more. And I've built up enough chakra for the Shadow Clone jutsu. I need to increase the speed of my training.'

Daichi got up and went downstairs. He greeted his grandfather who was reading a book and went to the kitchen to get a bite to eat. Once he had his breakfast he went near Kensei and sat down.

"So how was yesterday's adventure?" Kensei asked nonchalantly.

"You heard that huh!" Daichi wasn't surprised his grandfather had heard about it.

"Yeah. Not many academy students can stand up to an Anbu's intent." Hiruzen spoke about the entire incident with Kensei and the old man was impressed with Daichi's strong will.

"How are you feeling? With everything that's happened?" He asked in a slightly gentle tone.

"I'm not happy with the way things ended but I understand."

"Every experience, no matter good or bad, is a teacher to us. It shapes how we think and how we act. The smart ones are those who learn and try not to repeat their past mistakes." Kensei shared his thoughts with Daichi.

"Yeah. I learned quite a bit and. The whole thing was Fruitful. Helped me a lot in many ways." Daichi thought back to the special stat and item he got as a reward. His desire to become stronger had also increased.

"As long as you don't lose yourself along the way, you're fine."

Daichi nodded to Kensei's wise words.

"Hey gramps"

"What is it?"

"Can you teach me the Shadow clone Jutsu.?" When Daichi asked this, Kensei looked at him.

Kensei assessed his chakra and deemed him capable of creating a few clones. Kensei took Daichi to his library and took out a couple of scrolls. He handed them to Daichi.

"These are the scrolls for the Shadow clone jutsu and the Body Flicker technique. Figured it might come in handy for you."

Hearing Kensei's words made Daichi excited. He wanted to start training right away. Daichi wanted to see if he could take the Body Flicker technique to the same level or even beyond Shisui Uchiha's perfection.


Days passed with Daichi maintaining the top spot at the academy. The incident also changed Naruto's life as well.

Daichi noticed that he was more happy with Shikamaru and the gang playing around with him. They would also stand up for Naruto when others picked on him. His pranks, although lessened, haven't stopped. And sometimes Kiba, Choji and Shikamaru would join him in skipping class. Daichi would play and hang around with them but it was only on a few occasions. His focus was on training.

One of the major changes Daichi noticed was about Ino. Whenever he looked at her, she would blush and look away. Daichi wasn't sure why at first but knowing the cliches of an anime world he had an idea. And he decided he wasn't going to touch that topic with a 10 foot pole.

Daichi's Home.

It was a weekend and Daichi was currently in the middle of training with Kensei supervising it. Daichi had two of his shadow clones throw shuriken and kunai at him while he tried to dodge the incoming projectiles. His goal was to improve his 'sense stat' and thus his senses.

The next dungeon Daichi was going to open was a Key dungeon as well. But it would have enemy ninjas instead of wild beasts. He wanted to be at his absolute best and prepare for the battles that's going to come his way. As Daichi dodged or deflected the metals aimed at him his instincts improved.

[+1 SENSE]

Over three hours had passed since he started this training.

'Come on. Just a bit more. I need to improve my stamina as well. I doubt I'd be able to rest and recover in enemy territory.'

Just as he dodged a hail of shuriken and deflected a kunai with one of his own, the special stat STAMINA had an increase as well.


'Finally!! Time to put an end to this.' Daichi increased his speed with the Body Flicker technique and got behind a shadow clone. A hard punch to its spine and it vanished into smoke.

'Wow. That feels so weird. It seems I'm still getting used to that sensation.'

Daichi senses immediately alerted him to the weapons coming from the second clone. He deflected all of them with his kunai and rushed the clone. Both Daichi and his clone started attacking each other at a fast pace. His clone used 'body flicker' to dodge some of the punches aimed at him and blocked the rest.

Daichi swiftly switched tactics and restrained the clone with chakra threads and before his clone could retaliate Daichi dispatched it with several shuriken.

'Looks like my reaction time has improved. Not bad.' Just as he was relishing in his victory, Daichi heard the whistle of shurikens flying. He immediately jumped high barely dodging the metal stars and watched them bury deep into the trunk of the tree behind him. Daichi looked towards the culprit.

"What the hell old man.!!! That could've seriously hurt if it had hit me."

"But it didn't. And you're not hurt.!" Kensei said in a nonchalant manner. Daichi looked at his grandpa incredulously.

Kensei chuckled but then in a somewhat serious tone spoke. "On a battlefield you should never let your guard down, even when you think you're victorious. That's the moment a cunning enemy strikes his foe."

As Daichi heard these words he calmed down. At that moment the scene of Tobirama Senju striking down Izuna Uchiha came to his mind. 'He's right. I need to be absolutely careful when I'm fighting someone. I can't let my strength get to my head.'

"I understand Gramps."

Kensei nodded. Both of them ended the training and simply enjoyed the rest of the day.


Months passed and soon it was February 12th. Daichi just finished his training with Ren and was about to leave but the Uchiha stopped him.

"Hey. Daichi. Come on. There's someone I want you to meet at home." Ren said with a smile.

"Ohh so I finally get to meet your daughter huh.!"

"Yeah. Come on! One day you'll be Uncle Daichi to her. Hahaha" Ren laughed walking ahead.

Daichi was glad he had the Gamer's Mind turned on. Otherwise he would have grimaced and freaked out as he thought about their fates, and Ren would have picked up on that.

'If I recall, the Uchiha are currently under surveillance If I go to their clanwill the Anbu become a headache for me...?? But I can't decline his invitation without it sounding strange.' Daichi lightly sighed and decided to go through with this.

They reached the gates of the Uchiha compound. Ren's home was near the border of the walls surrounding the compound. It didn't take them long to reach his home. On the way Daichi noticed several Uchiha looking at both of them with contempt. Daichi expected such a look for him but he was surprised that they were also aimed at Ren. His friend walked home as if he didn't see anything wrong, so Daichi decided he wouldn't ask about the situation.

"I'm homeAnd I've brought a friend.!" Ren called out.

He guided Daichi inside his home. Daichi went into the living room behind Ren and found a woman feeding a bottle of milk to a baby.

"Daichi! Meet my wife Kimiko Uchiha. Kimiko. This is the young prodigy I told you about." Ren introduced them.

"Hello." Daichi waved.

"Hi. Ren told me he was teaching a talented academy student. I'm happy to finally meet you."

Daichi politely nodded and used 'Observe' on them.

[LV.50] [Kimiko Uchiha]

Age: 27

HP: 3020 CP: 2900

[Kimiko Uchiha is a member of the Uchiha clan. She is a chunin ninja of average talent who awakened a one tomoe Sharingan, but retired a few years ago due to injuries she received during the 3rd world war. A year ago she married her childhood friend Ren Uchiha. She is a kind person who loves her family above all else. She gave birth to a baby girl named Reo Uchiha two weeks ago. But the pregnancy had put a strain on her body and she is now in a weakened state.]

[LV.1] [Reo Uchiha]

Age: <1

HP: 58 CP: 20

[Reo Uchiha is a member of the Uchiha clan. Born on January 29 to Ren Uchiha and Kimiko Uchiha.]

'It seems the pregnancy has weakened her body. Her breathing pattern is a bit weaker than the normal person but not by much. If she rests for some time there's a possibility she could recover. But In a few months it won't matter'

It was only thanks to the Gamer's Mind that Daichi kept a calm face.

"So I hear you're the kid who beat Sasuke." Kimiko asked in a teasing manner.

"Does everyone know about that.?" Daichi was surprised that many people in the Uchiha clan would pay attention to him.

"Of course. Everyone was expecting Sasuke to be just as good as Itachi and follow in his footsteps. So him taking second place came as a big surprise." Kimiko said smiling.

Once the bottle was empty the baby quickly fell asleep in Kimiko's arms.

"She's cute." Daichi said, looking at the sleeping baby.

"Yeah. She takes after her mother. Thank God for that. Her name is Reo Uchiha." Ren was smiling as he looked at his family. He took his daughter into his arms and after a few seconds turned to Daichi.

"Do you wanna hold her?"

"What?" Daichi was startled at the question. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Come on" Ren held out his arms. Daichi slowly and cautiously took the baby into his arms. As he held her, baby Reo opened her eyes. She looked at Daichi and giggled and then slightly wiggled in his arms and soon fell asleep again.

Daichi was surprised at that reaction. He looked at the cute baby sleeping in his arms that smiled at him and he couldn't help but feel happy and protective of her. In that moment even though he didn't realize it, Daichi formed a powerful bond with little girl Reo Uchiha.

"Aww That's so cute." Kimiko laughed looking at the two children.

Daichi slightly blushed at that.

"I think that's the first time I've seen you smile like that Daichi." Ren added his voice as well.

Daichi and the two Uchiha spoke for a while before they noticed it was getting dark. Daichi left Ren's home soon after, with the latter accompanying him till the clan gates.

Daichi left the Uchiha compound and was walking home. His mind was on the tragedy about to take place not too long from now.

'Damn it What should I do? I can't just leave them to their fates But I don't even know the details of the massacre. And it's been so long I'm slowly forgetting some things from my past life I remember the key events but the smaller details are becoming foggyMy future knowledge is my advantage. I can't lose that.'

Daichi reached home. He had a plan in mind to rectify his memory problem. Daichi went to his room after having dinner. He locked the door and sat on the floor. He opened his status page.



Name : Daichi Hekima (The Gamer)

Class : Student

Age : 7

Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Beast Slayer, Apprentice Dungeon Warrior.

Level : 28 (12725/23250)


HP : 3435

CP : 4103.5

SP : 3255

MP: 1300


Primary Stats

Strength - 74

Vitality - 72

Dexterity - 62

Agility - 74

Intelligence - 69

Chakra - 85

Wisdom - 49


Special Stats

Sense - 65

Stamina - 86

Indomitable - 1

Charisma - 31

Persistence - 3

Dignity (LOCKED)



Stat Points - 465

Ryo - 252000


'Looks like my level progression has slowed down considerably but my stats are steadily improving It seems I was slightly wrong. I have a ton of points right now and if I don't use them, it wouldn't do me any good.'

Daichi looked at his stats. After thinking about it for a while he came to a decision as to his next move.


Author's Note:

Hit me up with some power stone guys. Let's get this story up the rankings.


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