The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 41: The Friends We Make.

Chapter 41: The Friends We Make.

Before Daichi even realized it, his body moved. He swiftly stepped forward and stood in front of his classmates. Killing intent burst forth from his body. Just as he felt heightened fear earlier, now he was feeling extreme rage. And this amplified his intent by several magnitudes.

Daichi focused his intent on the 3 Anbu in front of him. He was furious after hearing them.

[Skill Killing Intent's level has risen by one.]

Several other notifications popped up as well but Daichi ignored them all. His eyes never left their masked faces.

The Anbu were shocked. They couldn't understand how an academy student and a child around 7 years old no less, could produce such murderous intent.

"How PATHETIC! Since when did the ninja of the Leaf village become so pathetic and weak, they have to resort to threatening and interrogating little children." Those words came out of Daichi's mouth before he even realized it. But he didn't regret them once he said it.

"You!" The masked ninjas were losing their temper. First they allowed themselves to be captured by a simple juvenile jutsu by academy students, which dealt a blow to their pride and now one of the children was trying to intimidate them.

"If you stand in our way we won't show mercy."

Hearing that, a smirk came on Daichi's face. He couldn't help but repeat the words Madara Uchiha said to Onoki during his fight with the 5 Kage.

"What kind of adult goes full force when fighting children?" The mocking and insulting tone in his voice wasn't missed by anyone.

Daichi continued. "Yota's not some spy or a danger to the village. He's our friend. And we're taking him with us. But since you're looking for a fight why don't you try me on!!"


Hearing Daichi's fierce voice brought strength back to his friends. They shrugged off the fear and got ready to leave.

One of the Anbu couldn't take it anymore and made a move to incapacitate Daichi. In the blink of an eye he was behind Daichi and tried to knock him out with a knife handed chop. To Shikamaru and others the Anbu just disappeared and reappeared behind Daichi in an instant.

But Daichi saw the movements. His senses, honed from fighting several types of beasts that attacked him when he least expected it, helped him. Daichi instinctively reacted. Chakra flowed through him and his hand moved as fast as it could. He barely caught and stopped the attack aimed at his neck.

The Anbu was shocked. 'Even a genin would have had trouble following my speed let alone stopping my attack. But somehow this kid was able to do it? Unbelievable.'

"You're gonna need to be more serious if you wanna take me down." Daichi turned around and challenged the ninja.

"It seems you have some bite with that bark afterall."

"Hey guys! What's going on?" It was Naruto. He crawled out of the vent and behind him came Sakura and Choji.

"Naruto?" The unexpected entrance distracted Daichi for just a moment but it was all the Anbu ninja needed. He sent a punch to Daichi's gut knocking him down.

[-88 HP]

"Gha!" The hit knocked Daichi to his knees.

"Daichi!!" Shikamaru, Ino and Kiba shouted.

Yota was shocked at what happened. He couldn't believe someone attacked his friend. Seeing Daichi wheezing on the ground made him mad.

"Don't... you Hurt my FRIEND!!!"

Lightning burst forth from his body and targeted the three ninjas. In seconds they were electrocuted unconscious. The attack put a strain on the boy and he was breathing hard.

Shikamaru and Ino ran to Daichi and helped him up while the others went to Yota.

Naruto took a kunai and cut the ropes. "Yota It's going to be okay. We're getting you out of here."

"Are you alright Daichi?" Ino questioned.

"I'm ok. What about" Daichi turned around and saw the tired boy. "We need to leave. Now!"

"Yeah. Everyone, get a move on. We'll have unwanted company soon." Hearing Shikamaru and Daichi's words, Naruto took Yota on his back and they made their escape.


Hokage Office. Some time later.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was looking over various documents and scrolls. As he was signing the documents one of his Anbu appeared.

"Lord Hokage! Urgent news." He was the one who interrogated Yota.

"What is it?"

"The unknown child has escaped. I've sent my squad after them?"

"How?" He was intrigued as to how a child could escape his trained elite ninjas.

"Shikamaru Nara and several other academy students broke in and aided in his escape!"

"Academy students?" Hiruzen thought about it for a moment. "Tell me everything that happened."

The Anbu gave a detailed report of everything that transpired. After listening to the details Hiruzen had an idea. "Recall your squad. Let the children go."

"Lord Hokage?" The masked nin was confused as to why their leader was ordering him to end the pursuit.

"You weren't able to get any information from the boy. But I believe there are those who can."


"I have a feeling the children will have more luck in trying to get the information out of him. It seems that the child trusts the academy students, so he might reveal his origins to them. Call off your squad And summon Shikaku Nara here."

Hiruzen sent his Anbu away. He then took out his crystal ball and sent a chakra pulse to it. The crystal ball was connected to the village barrier and sensors. By peering into the ball, the Hokage could see current activities of anyone who's chakra signature he knew. A perfect jutsu for monitoring the villagers and maintaining public order. But it had its limitations as well.

'Telescope Jutsu!' Hiruzen activated the crystal ball and tried to locate Shikamaru. He had met the boy on several occasions so knew his chakra signature. After several seconds images appeared on the crystal ball. He saw not only Shikamaru but Naruto and Daichi in the group as well. The two students he keeps a close eye on among the younger generation.

'Interesting. It seems they've formed quite the team. How far will they go I wonder?'

At that moment the Jonin commander of his forces appeared. "You called for me Lord Hokage."

"Ahh yes, excellent timing Shikaku. Come." He called his Jonin over and showed him the images on the crystal ball.

"Your son has been busy." Hiruzen said in a jovial tone. Seeing what was happening, the brilliant Nara had an idea as to why he was called.

He sighed and closed his eyes. "How troublesome!"

The aging Hokage merely chuckled at that. Both of them turned their attention to the kids running through the woods.


Daichi and the others were running as fast as they could with Naruto at the front. They crossed the village walls and were nearing the border. After several minutes of running they reached the border river. They were unsure as to how they could cross it.

Kiba looked at the raging water in front of them. "We need to cross the river."

"Yeah but, this river's too deep." Shikamaru replied.

"But we have to get across!" Ino looked around trying to find anything that could help them get to the other side.

"They've probably got people chasing us right now. We need to go." Sakura said.

"If only we knew the water walking technique"

"Yeah" Choji and Kiba sighed sadly.

"I know it." Daichi said casually, looking ahead.

It took a few seconds for that answer to sink in to the others.

"You do!?" Everyone looked at Daichi in surprise.

"Yeah I learned it a while ago." He went to Naruto. "Here. Give him to me. I'll carry him across the border. You guys stay here!"

"We'll come too." Naruto said.

"Naruto, the river is too deep and the current is too strong. You'll be swept away if you try to cross it. I'm the only one who can do this safely." Daichi was serious. The current would definitely wash them away if they tried to walk through.

"But" Naruto wanted to argue.

"Do you trust me?" Daichi asked him.

Naruto looked at Daichi for a few moments before answering. "Yeah I do."

"Then trust me when I say I'll get Yota to safety. I promise."


Hearing Daichi's words, Naruto backed down. He gave Yota to Daichi who picked him up on his back.

"Yota. We're leaving. Do you have anything you want to tell them?" Daichi gently asked the boy.

The little boy looked at everyone. "I'm so happy. I'm happy that I met you guys. I had so much fun. I won't forget you all."

"We're sorry you couldn't stay with us." Shikamaru apologized to his friend.

"There's nothing to worry about." Yota said with a smile.

"We're going to miss you Yota." Naruto had a small tear as he said those words.

"I'll miss you too, Naruto. I won't forget what you taught me." He whistled just like Naruto taught him.

"Before I came here, my life was really hard. I was always lonely. I had no one friends or anyone to play with. But then I found you guys. I wasn't so lonely anymore. I had lots of fun after I met all of you." As he spoke those words everyone could see the snow slowly falling.

"Naruto, Shikamaru, everyone Thank you. I'm going to go while it's still fun. Don't forget the great times we've had." He lightly tapped Daichi's shoulder indicating to leave.

"We won't ever forget you Yota!" Naruto and the others were in tears as they said their goodbyes.

Daichi slowly turned around and took his first step atop the river. He carefully walked on the river holding Yota on his back. Once he crossed the river he turned to look at his friends on the other side. Shikamaru gave a small nod to him and Daichi took off into the trees. Soon Shikamaru and the others lost sight of them.

Back at the Hokage's office, Hiruzen and Shikaku were watching everything. They saw Shikamaru and the others bid farewell to the boy and Daichi carrying him on his back. The moment Daichi stepped on water they were surprised.

"It seems Daichi is capable of water walking. I knew he had ample control over his chakra but I didn't think it would be to such a degree." Hiruzen muttered.

"And the current of the river is pretty strong at this time of the year. So to successfully cross it while holding someone else is no small feat. Especially for a second year Academy student." Shikaku added his thoughts.

"It looks like Shikamaru and the others are heading back. Why don't you go meet them and bring them here. After everything that's happened, If I send one of my Anbu to retrieve them, they'll get defensive. Bring those children here first. I'll talk to them before I speak with Daichi." The Hokage told him.

"Yes sir!" Shikaku left using the Body Flicker technique.

The Hokage went back to watching the children. He focused his attention on Daichi and the young boy. He saw them traveling through the trees and Daichi taking out a few dumplings and giving them to the kid. He listened to their conversation and was shocked at what he learned.

He heard a name he never expected to hear at that moment. As he kept listening to the conversation he learned several pieces of information that he otherwise would never have known. This was one of the many ripple effects that occurred when Daichi successfully helped Yota cross the river.

The group near the river was anxious. Ino was worried. "What do we do now?"

"We better head back. They'll be looking for us. If we stay here and they find us, they'll know Yota's gone across the border and they might follow him." Shikamaru said to them. They took one last look at the forest on the other side and then slowly left.

"Do you think Yota will be okay?" Sakura asked them.

"He'll be fine. Daichi's with him. He'll be safe." Hearing the sure tone in which Shikamaru said it brought some happiness to the group. They walked for a few minutes before they saw someone leaning on a tree seemingly waiting for them.

Naruto, Sakura and Kiba were cautious but Shikamaru, Ino and Choji had a small smile. They came near the person and stopped.


Author's Note:

To everyone complaining about the gamers mind being turned off, two things.

1. Daichi wanted to experience what it was like to live for a couple days with it being turned off and feeling emotions to a greater degree. When he turned the gamer's mind off, he didn't think he'd be participating in an important quest. And when the quest appeared he kinda forgot to turn it back on with everything going on. HE is only human after all. He makes mistakes.


2. I as the author have a plan in place. There is a reason why I had the Gamer's mind turned off. It's not a mistake or plot hole or such. You'll understand in the coming chapters.

.And as always,

Hit me up with some power stone guys. Let's get this story up the rankings.


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