The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 39: Gamer's Mind and Brewing Trouble.

Chapter 39: Gamer's Mind and Brewing Trouble.

Daichi thought back to the skill he got that day. If he could level up that skill he could create items that were truly legendary.

[Creation - Active(LV.1): This skill is used for creating an item. As the skill increases, items with greater quality can be created. This skill can be used to even create legendary items. But blueprints are required for such creations. The items are divided into 5 grades. Common, Rare, Unique, Legendary and Mythical.]

[Note: The chakra cost of the skill, depends on the chakra supplied.]

[Effects: +10% Chance when creating Common grade items.

+0.5% Chance when creating Rare grade items.

0% Chance when creating Unique grade items.

0% Chance when creating Legendary grade items.

0% Chance when creating Mythical grade items.]

"I'll look into this Creation skill after I've improved earth affinity skill." Daichi trained his shape manipulation for a few hours and improved his skills. 'I've been at this since morning. Time to take a break.' Daichi stretched his arms and legs and got up.

He walked around his house thinking about his second year so far. His mind was also on the massacre that's going to happen less than a year from then. He thought about his Uchiha training partner/sensei.

'I've been meeting Ren less and less these days. But when he's around he's been training me in shurikenjutsu and stealth. I'm learning how to get around without anyone noticing and leaving very few trails behind. His proficiency with fire style jutsu is amazing and his sensory skills are top notch. If I didn't have the Gamer's Mind he'd have definitely noticed my freakout that day.'

As Daichi thought about that a new train of thought entered his mind. 'Gamers Mind is definitely a powerful and useful ability but it has its drawbacks as well. I haven't experienced any intense emotions since I got here. The only thing close to that was during my time fighting that crocodile boss Krodos. But I feel that even that anger was controlled.'

Daichi thought about it for a while. He wanted to know if it was possible to turn the gamer's mind off or something like that. He opened his skill page and clicked on Gamer's Mind. But it just showed the details of that skill in a new box. Daichi suddenly had an idea. 'Is it possible?'

"Options" He said with the intent to open an options page. Just as he suspected, a new page appeared titled 'Options'. The new page contained only a few things.


[Gamer's Mind - ON/OFF]

[Gamer's Body - ON/OFF]

[Gaia's Blessing - ON/OFF]

[Mini-Map - ON/OFF]



'The on and off for the skills Gamer's Body and Gia's Blessing are grayed out. So that probably means I won't be able to change that. But it seems that's not the case with Gamer's Mind and Mini-map. Ok. Time to see what it's like with the Gamer's Mind turned off.'

Daichi tapped the ON/OFF button near the skill Gamer's Mind. A red warning box appeared.

[This skill is currently active. Deactivating this skill will make the user vulnerable to mental attacks and disorders. Emotions felt by the user will be amplified by various margins. Are you sure you want to turn this skill off?]


Daichi thought about it for a few seconds. He came to a decision. He pressed Y without wasting any more time. A new blue box popped up.

[Skill Gamer's Mind is now turned off.]

Suddenly Daichi felt something in his mind snap. He felt like seeing and experiencing the world for the first time. "Wow. This is a weird feeling." He started to slowly chuckle and then after a few seconds it turned into full blown laughter.

"Hahahaha..... Wow. This is amazing. This is soo amazing!. I should have done this long ago."

Daichi started to jump around and tested his body to see how fast he could run and how high he could jump. He felt delighted at the prospect of having a superhuman body. The wind he felt on his face and the power he felt coursing through his muscles made him exhilarated.

Since this was the first time he had turned off his gamer's mind, Daichi was experiencing his emotions to a much greater degree than he normally would be. For the last two years the Gamer's Mind skill has been keeping his emotions muted. So after turning the skill off Daichi was feeling waves of several positive emotions all at once.

After several minutes of running around and having fun, he finally calmed down.

"Wow. What a rush! Felt like I was high on drugs. Ok Daichi, settle down." He told himself.

Daichi took several deep breaths and calmed his rapidly beating heart. He sat down and started to meditate. After sometime he finally felt his emotions reach a calm normal state.

"So this is what it's like to have the gamer's mind off huh. I think I'll leave it this way for a couple days and see what happens. Then I'll turn it on again."

Daichi suddenly realized something. 'The day I woke up in this world Thinking about it now...I should have had a much bigger freak-out than the one I had. I was calm and just accepted this insane and almost impossible situation like it was normal. It must have been the Gamer's Mind that made me accept the situation so easily.'

As Daichi realized this, his heart started beating faster again. Daichi's hands shook as he thought about the enemies he would have to face. Sweat poured down his face and his hands trembled. 'This feeling. I haven't felt it in a long time. I had almost forgotten what it felt like.' The emotion Daichi was feeling was fear. Fear of the future that's to come.

'Ok. Daichi, calm down. They don't know about you. As far as the world is concerned you're just a student in the leaf village. A genius but just a kid who doesn't know anything. You're safe.' Daichi tried to reassure himself that he was safe and the frightening monsters roaming the world won't come after him.

He took several deep breaths to calm himself down. 'I need to be absolutely careful of this skill. Should I turn it back on? No. I'll leave it like this for now.' Daichi sat down and meditated for some time again. After a while he was able to calm down and regain his composure. He then decided to leave the house.

Daichi stood up and left the house. He walked around the village taking in the sights. He had a jubilant smile on his face as he looked around.

He went to Shi Fang's restaurant. Daichi was in the mood for some tasty dumplings.

"Hey owner Shi!"

"Daichi? Come in. How have you been?" Shi Fang asked.

"Good. Really good." Daichi replied with a smile.

"I can see that. So what will you be having?"

"I'm in the mood for some Rainbow dumplings. Oh and can you pack a few to go. I made a new friend who I think would love these." Daichi was thinking about the wandering child Yota. He knew the kid would definitely like these.

"Coming right up." Shi went to prepare the dishes.

Daichi spent some time eating and chatting with Shi at the restaurant. After he had a few dumplings and got a couple more as takeout and then he left the place. With the food safely stored in his inventory Daichi made his way to the forest.

It has been several days since he last saw Yota. Daichi was looking forward to relaxing and playing around and just acting his age. As he reached the treehouse he noticed something strange.

There was no sign of Yota.

"Yota Where are you?" Daichi called out as loudly as he could.

"It's me.. Daichi. I brought some delicious food" After waiting for over a minute and getting no reply, Daichi started to get worried. 'Where the heck is he? I should find Shikamaru or Ino. They might know.'

Daichi walked out of the forest and started looking for his classmates. Half an hour went by before he found them. There was another addition to the group besides the future team 10 and Sakura. Daichi also saw Kiba and his partner Akamaru tagging along with them.

"Hey guys" Daichi yelled, getting their attention.


Daichi ran to them and stopped. "I've been looking for you guys."

"Yeah? What's up?" Shikamaru asked.

"Where's Yota? I can't find him anywhere. Did he leave or something?" As Shikamaru and the others heard Daichi's question they lowered their heads in sadness.

"What's wrong?" Daichi had a bad feeling in his heart when he saw the downtrodden expression on his friends faces.

"They took him." Ino suddenly said.

"What?! Who?"

"The Anbu? They came and took him away an hour ago." Sakura replied.

Daichi was shocked. He didn't think the Anbu would be interested in the small kid. 'Then again with tensions running high among the nations I suppose this was inevitable.'

"Daichi, we're headed to Naruto's house. Are you coming?" Shikamaru asked him.

"Since when are you guys friends with Naruto?" Daichi was curious about this development.

"It's kind of a long story but I'll make it short. Come on. I'll fill you in on the way." Shikamaru said, leading the group.

Daichi nodded "Yeah, Ok. Tell me everything that's happened."

The group headed towards the residence of the current nine tails host. Shikamaru started narrating everything that's happened.

"A couple days after you stopped showing up, Yota started to go near the village. Or near the academy to be more specific." Shikamaru recalled.

"That was dangerous. The Hokage building and Jonin stations are there. If anyone saw him then they would have reported him to the higher ups." Daichi gave his thoughts.

"Yeah. But luckily the only person to see him was Naruto. And he didn't say anything to anyone. A little while later Yota disappeared and we kinda accused Naruto of getting him into trouble." The young Nara had a sheepish look on his face as he said this.

"That's harsh." Daichi said, looking at the young boy.

"Yeah. We could have handled that better But we apologized after we found him and we became friends. Anyway he found Yota and became friends with him and that's when Kiba joined."

"Man, that was something. Did you know, he can make lightning when he's mad." Kiba said with a laugh.

"I know he can control the weather and his emotions trigger changes in the atmosphere but not the specifics." Daichi thought back to the times he interacted with the boy.

"Yeah. We almost got toasted. Right, Akamaru?" "Arf."

"But everything worked out and we were having fun. We were playing hide and seek and that's when it happened."

Daichi narrowed his eyes.

"Those Anbu came and just took him away. They said no outsiders were allowed in the village." Sakura said gloomily.

"I see. So that's what happened." Daichi now had a clearer picture of what happened. As they walked a little further they saw Naruto's apartment.

"Come on. I bet he's in his room sulking over the whole thing." Shikamaru and Choji jumped and headed for Naruto's window. Daichi followed them.

Naruto was at home laying on his bed. He thought about his time with his first real friend. He taught Yota how to whistle and had fun playing around with him. But now he couldn't do anything with the Anbu shinobi of the village involved.

He remembered the words Yota spoke to him.

"Hey Naruto. You're my friend."

Those words brought such joy to him. 'I have to save him. But how?'

Naruto got up and looked around his room, all depressed. "Guess I'm alone again."

"No you're not." Just then the voice of Shikamaru came from his window. "There's seven people and a dog."

"Yeah. The whole gang's here." Shikamaru and Choji climbed Naruto's window and got into his apartment.

"Yo Naruto!" Daichi saluted and followed behind them.

"H-hey! You can't just barge into someone's home like that." Naruto pretended to be angry.

"What're you talking about? You were looking all lonely just now." Choji smiled as he replied.

Daichi looked at Naruto as if he was seeing him for the first time. With his Gamer's Mind turned off, Daichi was feeling his emotions at an elevated level. Daichi was excited and elated as he looked at Naruto. He walked closer and took a good look at the blue eyed boy and then pinched his cheeks.

"Aww You're so cute with those whiskers and big blue eyes." Daichi said laughing and pinching Naruto's cheeks.

"Ahh Cut that out Daichi! I'm not cute." The boy said with a blush.

Shikamaru and Choji laughed while watching the scene. "Hahaha"

"He looks like a cute angry kitten." The young Nara added, trying to tease Naruto.

[Reputation increases with Naruto, Shikamaru and Choji.]

Choji and Daichi laughed while Naruto tried to hide his blush and pulled Daichi's hands off his face.

Shikamaru walked to the front door of the apartment. "The weather's perfect today and you're here, just hiding indoorsAt this rate no one's gonna hang out with" He went quiet and stopped in his tracks as he opened the door and looked outside.

"It's raining" He said in a low voice. That brought everyone's attention back to Shikamaru. He walked forward followed by Daichi and Naruto. They looked ahead and saw that it was raining on just the Hokage tower.

"That rain It's definitely Yota. He's in trouble." Daichi said in a serious tone.

"We have to save him." Naruto had a determined expression as he said those words.

"Yeah. We're getting him back." Shikamaru agreed. Choji, Daichi and Naruto nodded in agreement.

At that moment a new quest box popped up in front of Daichi.

[Quest Created - 'Rescue Yota'.]

[Successfully rescue Yota from Anbu custody and get him out of the village borders before time runs out. Mission is considered a success if Yota reaches the opposite side of the border river and is freed. Time limit : 4 Hours.]



4000 Exp.

Special Item Reward.

Reputation increases with Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Reputation increases with Kensei Yasaji.

Reputation increases with 6 of the 'Rookie 9'.



Conscripted into the Root Anbu.

Possible death of Kensei Yasaji.

Reputation decreases with everyone.

[Warning: Successfully completing this quest will create a ripple effect and will have unknown consequences in the future.]

[Accept (Y/N)]

Unbeknownst to the three classmates beside him, Daichi stood still as if he was petrified after reading the quest and its failure consequences.

'What the freaking hell!?'


Author's Note:

Hit me up with some power stone guys. Let's get this story up the rankings.


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