The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 36: Training and Relaxing

Chapter 36: Training and Relaxing

Daichi was lying in bed staring at the ceiling of his room. Today was the last day of his first year at the ninja academy. While his time in the academy was not that useful, his year training was. He successfully managed to complete all tasks assigned by the quest 'path to the strongest'. The year has ended but he still hasn't gotten the special reward for completing the dungeon.

Time went by as Daichi laid there thinking about various things. As the clock on the table struck midnight, new notification boxes came.

[Ongoing Quest - 'Path to the strongest.']

[1st Year tasks successfully completed. Distributing the Special reward for clearing a dungeon. ]

'Finally. About time. Looks like the reward is given when the last day is over huh Ok. Time to see what I got.'

[Special Reward:]

[Title: Apprentice Dungeon Warrior. (This title will increase all your stats by 10% when fighting inside a dungeon.)]

'Huh I thought it would be some kind of a skill or maybe even an itemThis is kind of underwhelming but still Apprentice dungeon warrior. This title may not look like much but this will definitely come in handy.'

Daichi opened his status page.

[Name : Daichi Hekima (The Gamer)]

[Class : Student]

[Age : 6]

[Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Beast Slayer, Apprentice Dungeon Warrior.]

[Level : 27 (102/21875)]


[HP : 2300]

[CP : 2523.2]

[SP : 2180]

[MP: 1045]


[Primary Stats]

Strength - 49

Vitality - 48

Dexterity - 46

Agility - 47

Intelligence - 57

Chakra - 59

Wisdom - 34


[Special Stats]

Sense - 53

Stamina - 57

Indomitable (LOCKED)

Charisma - 28

Persistence - 2

Dignity (LOCKED)



[Stat Points - 313]

[Ryo - 220028]

'All my stats have increased in these last 4 months. And I've gone up a level. But I'm beginning to stagnate again. Guess the only way to really improve in the next 5 years is completing Dungeons. But fighting and training everyday is starting to get a bit dull.'

Daichi closed his eyes and thought about what to do to alleviate his boredom.

'I'm sure I'll figure something out. That's a 'future me' problem. Time for the 'present me' to get some sleep.'


Daichi finished the human anatomy book Kensei gave him a long time ago. So he had a great understanding of the human body. Now it was time to enhance his sense of touch.

Daichi concentrated his chakra throughout his body. The 4 most basic senses of touch are hot, cold, pressure and pain. The sensory nervous system that is associated with the sense of touch includes parallel receptors and nerve pathways for temperature, body position, movements and pain. This complex system of sensory neurons responds to changes both on the outside and inside of the body.

Daichi concentrated his chakra on the nerve receptors of the skin throughout his body. After about 15 minutes he got the results he desired.

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[By successfully concentrating and infusing chakra throughout the skin nerve cells and connected pathways of your body and improving your sense of touch, the skill 'Superior Touch' has been created.]

[Superior Touch - Active(LV. 1): A skill obtained through infusing chakra through the receptors and pathways of your skin. At a much higher level this skill can sense even the minute flow of the air and feel the vibrations of the ground.]

[Effects: +5% Increase in Skin sensitivity.

CP cost : 25/sec. ]

Daichi could feel the weight of his clothes, the temperature of his body and the atmosphere at a much higher degree. He let go of the new jutsu. This technique was a bit overwhelming to him at the moment. Not because of the chakra cost but because of what he could feel.

His brain was being overloaded with information. He decided that he would practice it when he was a little bit stronger and more in tune with his body. Suddenly new blue boxes popped up.

[You have successfully connected with your body's 6 senses. ]

[Your special stat SENSE can now be utilized more efficiently. Improve the skills associated with your body senses to Level 50 to evolve them. ]

"Wow. That's new. If I'd known this would happen I would have done this a long time ago."

Daichi looked at the description. He was curious to see what the effects of a skill evolution would be.

Daichi meditated to bring himself to a calm and optimal state. There were two more skills he wanted to create.

'This technique has a variety of applications. But there is a prerequisite before attempting to learn this. When shinobi learn to use chakra they subconsciously channel a very small portion of their chakra to their bodies to make themselves faster and stronger. A chakra enhancement on the subconscious stage. Then the next level of it is consciously controlling their chakra and channeling it to their hands or feet or any other parts of their body. This will have a much more prominent effect and the person can control just how much chakra is needed for each action.'

'This technique deals with the internal chakra flow of the body. A shinobi should have precise control of their chakra before attempting this skill. If not there would be serious consequences. That's why this is mainly taught to chunin or the few genin after they master the water walking technique. My chakra control is far better than a genin by now. Still... I need to be careful.'

Daichi's goal was to create the chakra enhancement skill. He stood and concentrated his chakra throughout his muscles in his four limbs. He already learned the water walking and tree walking skills in the dungeon and he improved them during the last 4 months. He was confident in creating this new skill.

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[Through successfully controlling and supplying your chakra to the muscles, tissues and bones of your body, the skill 'Chakra Enhancement' has been created.]

[Chakra Enhancement - Active(LV.1): By controlling and supplying chakra throughout the body, a shinobi can surpass their limits. This technique helps the user enhance his body to go beyond ordinary limitations. ]

[Note: The chakra cost of the skill and increase in abilities, depends on the chakra supplied.]

[Effects: Increase the attack and defense power.

Increase Strength, Stamina, Agility and Vitality.

Decrease the damage taken.]

"Yes. And it looks like the chakra cost of this depends on how much I use. That's definitely a bonus. Now instead of using stamina to increase speed, I can use chakra. This will help me last a fight much longer."

"Ok. One more jutsu. Then I'll be done for the day."

Daichi took out a kunai and concentrated. He let his chakra move to his arms, then to his palms and then he tried to let his chakra flow into the weapon. Daichi had done this once when he was fighting the crocodile boss but he had done it subconsciously and hadn't realized it at the time. After several seconds of concentration he was successful in his endeavor.

[Chakra Flow - Active(LV.1): This skill allows the user to manipulate their chakra and let it flow through an object. The user can also use this technique to increase the potency of their weapons. Some users can use several chakra natures to coat their weapons. Although this depends on their chakra proficiency. ]

[Note: The chakra cost of the skill, depends on the chakra supplied.]

Effects: +3% Strength increase to the object.

+3% Increase in chakra flow.

-1% Decrease in chakra cost.

"It's done. Now I have the skill and techniques needed to survive the next dungeon."

Daichi took a look around. It was past evening. He had been training for several days without break and was starting to feel the mental strain.

"I'm gonna take a break for the next few days Hmm I think I have an idea"


The next morning.

It was sunrise. Daichi was at the top of the Hokage monument. He was sitting near the edge of the monument's cliff. Directly below him was the head of the first Hokage Hashirama Senju.

In front of him was a white canvas and several bottles of paints and a few brushes.

"Ahh. What a great morning. I've always wanted to do this."

Daichi looked out at the village. "Oh wow! It looks so beautiful." He was amazed by the sight in front of him. He didn't waste any more time and got to work.

Daichi began drawing the leaf village. He took his time and looked at the village. He saw the buildings, trees and people and wanted to draw them into the canvas. A detailed artwork perfectly capturing the place.

It was a peaceful atmosphere. Daichi didn't think about his training or the troubles the future would bring him. He let go of all his worries and enjoyed himself. As the time passed his concentration was fully on the painting.

He drew a rough sketch of the village first and then slowly started to detail it. Daichi focused on a small portion of the image at a time. He took it slow so as to not make any mistakes. Daichi used his skill 'superior sight' to catch even the farthest details.

Once Daichi was done with the sketch he started to paint. It took him several hours to complete his painting.

But once the artwork was completed it looked magnanimous. Daichi's painting completely captured the beauty of the village. From the golden rays shining down to the smallest shop, from the Hokage tower all the way to the giant walls surrounding the village. He captured everything in his view to perfection. To Daichi it looked as if he took the perfect photo of the village with the best lighting.

[Due to successfully completing a beautiful artwork, you have obtained +1 DEX.]

'Nice. I got a dexterity increase... It looks fantastic. Perfect to hang on my wall."

He had a wide grin on his face. This was one of his best artworks yet.

"Wow. It looks gorgeous!"

Daichi suddenly heard the sound of a female behind him. He turned around and looked.

He saw a girl around his age looking at the painting. She had long brown hair and slightly pale skin. She wore a pink kimono and red baggy pants.

"Thanks." Daichi replied. And then he thought of something. "Were you watching me paint?"

"Yeah." The girl shyly nodded. "You looked like you didn't want to be disturbed so I kinda just watched."

"Oh! Ok My name's Daichi Hekima. What's yours?"

"I'm Yakumo Kurama. It's nice to meet a fellow painter." The girl replied.

"You paint?" Daichi didn't know why but he became intrigued with this girl.

"Yeah. Although it's mostly for my Genjutsu." She replied.

"You're training in the academy?" Daichi asked.

"Yeah It was nice meeting you Daichi. But I have to get home soon. I hope we see each other again."

"You too."

Yakumo left and Daichi started collecting his things. His mind was still on the girl.

'Why does she feel so familiar to me? I've definitely seen her before. But from where?'

As he was racking his brain for answers it suddenly came. And it surprised him.

'Holy crap. Now I remember. In the show, she had a filler episode or two I think. Yakumo Kurama. The Genjutsu users who once studied under Jonin Kurenai. Wow. So that's her.'

Daichi was trying to recall the details of that episode. 'Damn it. It's been so long. I only saw fillers like twice or something. And it's been almost two years.'

As Daichi was thinking about this another thought suddenly popped in his head.

'Wait a minute. Does that mean filler episodes are real? Oh man! That's gonna be a headache Whatever. No point in thinking about it now.'

Daichi stored the supplies in a storage scroll and waited till the paint on the canvas dried. He then sealed it in a separate storage scroll and slowly started to walk home.

Three days ago was his 7th birthday. His grandfather took him to Shi's restaurant and they celebrated. And it has also been two years since he awakened at the village. Tomorrow his second year in the academy will begin. He was looking forward to it.


Author's Note:

Hit me up with some power stone guys. Let's get this story up the rankings.


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