The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 300: Fierce Battle in the Forest 02

Chapter 300: Fierce Battle in the Forest 02

A short distance away from Genma and Anko, Daichi stood face to face with his enemy. The four armed Tanjero grinned as he looked at the boy. The two had exchanged a few blows but they were nowhere near getting serious.

Even though Daichi had his focus on the fighter in front of him he was also keeping an eye on his two Jonin companions. 'I can't let anything happen to them. Still, they're Jonin. These guys won't be able to kill Anko or Genma. Even with curse seals. But I need to be focused on any other chakra that might be approaching this place.'

At that instant Tanjero vanished from his position and appeared in front of Daichi in a second with both left arms cocked back for a punch.

"Can you really afford to be distracted right now?!" Tanjero yelled as he sent two powerful punches aimed at Daichi's head and chest.

Daichi kept a calm facade and seemed to stand still even as the two strong fists came close. "I'm not distracted."

Tanjero struck Daichi's body with two powerful blows but before he could even grin at the successful attack, the Daichi in front of him turned into lightning.

"Aaaarrrgghhh!" Tanjero grunted in pain as the powerful lightning current flowed through his body. But that attack didn't stop him. Mustering his strength and circulating his chakra internally, Tanjero slapped his hands together dispersing Daichi's lightning.

The Genin came out from behind a nearby tree and looked at the man with his arms crossed. 'His strength is certainly above even high chunin level. And he hasn't even used the cursed seal yet. Orochimaru must have made him specially to deal with me. Or to at least test my strength.'

[You have sensed killing intent.]

The fourarmed man turned around and looked at Daichi with undisguised anger. 'That was a lightning clone. But when did he even create and switch with that clone?'

Slowly the anger dimmed and the man became cautious. 'So this is why Guren wanted us to test this kid… I should have known. Since Orochimaru wants this brat, he wouldn't be someone ordinary. But still…'

"Don't think you've won just because of that, you little brat. This fight is far from over." Tanjero spoke as he looked at the boy.

"Where is Lady Tsunade?" Daichi suddenly asked.

Orochimaru's subordinate was confused when he heard that question. "What? Lady Tsunade? What are you talking about?"

Daichi was paying close attention to the man's micro expressions and chakra and he sighed internally. 'He's not acting. He really doesn't know what happened to her. But that doesn't mean he won't have valuable information.'

The Leaf Genin uncrossed his arms and clenched his fists. "Since you don't know what I'm talking about, I have no interest in continuing this fight. Why don't you take a nap and get some rest? You're going to need a lot of energy when you wake up."

Tanjero narrowed his eyes and looked at the boy with fury. "Are you really looking down on me that much?"

Daichi didn't answer. The next instant his figure disappeared.

The man was quite proficient in speed and he saw the Leaf Genin coming at him. He immediately crossed his arms as fast as he could. He only had one thought at that moment. 'What incredible speed.'



Daichi's strong punch was barely blocked by Tanjero but the force behind the attack sent him flying backwards. He crashed through several trees and skidded on the ground for a few meters before coming to a stop.

Severe pain coursed through the arm that took the brunt of Daichi's punch. His whole body felt numb for several moments. He broke out in cold sweat as he felt the terrifying strength of the child he was fighting.

'What a monstrous power. This can't be. He's even stronger than me… I'll have to go all out and use Lord Orochimaru's curse seal if I want to win.'

He slowly got up from his spot and looked at the boy calmly walking towards him.

Just as Daichi was getting close to Tanjero, he sensed a powerful chakra fluctuation and heard a scream. He turned his head to the direction it was coming from and immediately knew what was happening. 'Looks like that guy Genma is fighting has started using the curse seal.'

A few moments later, Daichi felt a second chakra fluctuation. 'Anko's enemy has also released the cursed seal. Hmm… Should I send my shadow clones to help? No. If I curb stomp these guys then their backup might not appear and decide to escape. It's best to make it look like we're tired and lure them in. Still, I should create some contingencies in case anything goes wrong.'

"Hahaha… It looks like the others are getting serious."

Tanjero's laughter brought Daichi's attention back to him.

"You're strong. For a Genin. But in front of absolute powers like Orochimaru, you're nothing. I'll show you… The great power he bestowed onto me."

With those words the seal on his neck glowed and began to spread across his body. The man's physique changed as the curse seal was activated.

Daichi was closely observing every aspect of the transformation taking place in front of him.

Tanjero's already powerful physique bulked up. He got taller, bigger and stronger. His skin turned red and the white sclera of his eyes turned dark green.

Daichi used Observe and noticed the rapid increase in his physical stats. 'In this state this guy is no joke. It would take a Jonin to take him down. Still, even at this level he's not a threat to me.'

[You have sensed killing intent.]

"Are you scared yet brat?" The man asked with a cruel smile.

Daichi scoffed and had a condescending grin. "Of you? Hardly."

Tanjero's smile vanished and he looked at Daichi with killing intent. "Let's change that."

The two fighters vanished and met in the middle of the battle field. Tanjero thrusted his right leg and executed a fast side kick aimed at Daichi's head but the Genin quickly blocked it with his left forearm.

At the same time Tanjero threw a quick straight punch with his upper right arm. 'I'll take this brat down with my 4 Hit combo.'

To Daichi it was as if time slowed down to a crawl and Tanjero's large fist was coming at him at snail's pace. He was quickly analyzing his enemy's every muscle movement, breathing pattern, eye movements and was keeping a close watch on the chakra flow.

A large amount of information quickly flowed into his mind and he immediately saw a simulation of the next attacks. Daichi inwardly smiled as he saw the attacks even before they were completely executed.

Tanjero's jab with his upper right arm flowed through Daichi's head, quickly followed by a powerful straight punch thrown with his upper left arm. And then a rising punch aimed at the chin from below followed by a circular punch targeting the side of Daichi's head.

'I see. A jab, then cross. Followed by an uppercut and finally a hook. Even if that first Jab is avoided his arm would block my view of his second attack. Not a bad combo.'

Time returned to normal for Daichi. Already knowing the next attack pattern, Daichi already decided on his next course of action. Daichi's left forearm was still blocking the man's right leg. The same time as the Leaf Genin evaded that first Jab he gripped Tanjero's raised leg and took him off the ground before the man could follow up with his next attack.

Daichi gripped the man's leg and raised him high in the air before slamming him into the ground.

The man grunted in slight pain and Daichi saw that he was going to kick him with his other leg. The Genin quickly let go and jumped back creating a short distance.

The boy smirked as he gazed at the fallen man. 'Your advantage. Your additional arms. My advantage. My mind. You can't overcome the speed and capabilities of my intellect.'

Tanjero jumped to his feet and he gritted his teeth in anger as he looked at the small ninja. 'Damn it. How did he…? His reaction speed is incredible. I need to watch out for his tricks… Damn it. I can't take too long or else Guren will be angry. That's a bitch I don't wanna mess with.'

Without another word and without wasting another second, the two enemies rushed towards each other. They closed in on each other in seconds and exploded into another round of battle.

Daichi blocked or evaded every strike that came his way. 'I need to conserve my energy. I have a feeling that the one behind these guys is extremely strong.'

Tanjero attacked Daichi with everything he got. But it wasn't enough. 'Damn it. Why can't I hit him? Even with four arms, this kid is still keeping up with me. How is this possible…?'

Even as the fight grew more intense Daichi was keenly aware of his surroundings. He had expanded his senses and that's why he immediately sensed another 3 chakras headed towards the 3 battle fields.

'Based on the similarities of their chakras, they should be the backup these guys are waiting for. They'll come into contact in about a minute. I should finish this fight before then. Looks like I can't hold back anymore. Time to be more brutal.'

Daichi focused on the chakra flow in his body and increased his speed. 'I can beat him in raw power with my techniques but it's best if I keep some cards hidden… For now anyway.'

Tanjero immediately noticed the change in Daichi's fighting style. 'What is this kid trying to do?'

Daichi stopped fighting defensively and started going on the attack. He utilized a style focused on pressure points and nerve centers of the body. The Genin narrowed his eyes as he looked at the man. 'Time to cripple your strength, big guy.'

Daichi looked at the man and smiled. "Your strength, speed and Taijutsu skills are good. But it's not enough. Especially against a medic ninja like me."

Before Tanjero figured out what was happening, Daichi burst out with speed and a sudden flurry of strikes landed on his opponent's body. He first aimed for a certain spot on the man's right shoulder. Suddenly Tanjero's upper right arm went limp.

Orochimaru's ninja panicked as he failed to make his arm respond. "What did you do?" He asked as he looked at the boy.

"The ulnar nerve. It runs from the neck down through the shoulder and arm, passing behind the elbow and along the inner side of the forearm to the hand. A pinpoint pressure strike and that arm becomes useless." Daichi explained with a smile.

He wanted the man to experience fear before he completely defeated him. Before Tanjero could get his bearings Daichi followed up with his next attacks. He targeted the muscles in the quadriceps and hindered mobility.

Tanjero tried to fight back but it was useless. 'Shit! I can't even follow his speed.'

Daichi's attacks were meticulous and had incredible speed and precision. The movements of his arms were too rapid for the enemy to follow. He systematically rendered the four arms useless.

Suddenly the Leaf Genin vanished from in front of Tanjero.

'Where did he -'

But before Tanjero could even complete this thought, he felt a powerful strike land on his back. The pain he felt from the attack radiated through his whole body. In just a few seconds he lost feelings in his legs and was on his knees.

Daichi walked to the man's side and placed a hand on the man's shoulder. "What I hit was the Sciatic Nerve. It's the largest nerve in the body, running from the lower back, through the hips and down each leg. Damage to the Sciatic Nerve from trauma or severe injury can lead to debilitating pain, weakness in legs or in some cases… Total paralysis."

The seal on the man's body slowly began to shrink and he began to transform back into his normal state. But he didn't notice this as his eyes were on the boy right next to him. Fear was evident in Tanjero's eyes. "You-"

"You shouldn't have messed with a medic nin. Especially one who's pissed off." Daichi said, looking into his eyes. The cold ruthless eyes of the Genin sent shivers down the man's spine.

'Lightning style - Day break.'

The next moment, a powerful lightning current flowed from Daichi's body and electrocuted the man, sending him into unconsciousness.

Just as the man's body hit the ground, another ninja showed up. He stood a couple meters away and looked at the scene. He looked at the defeated Tanjero and slightly gulped.

'No way. This brat took down Tanjero? That's impossible…'

The man was scared but then thinking that the boy must be tired after a fight with a powerful enemy like Tanjero, his bravado kicked in. "If you surrender now, you won't suffer the beating of your life."

Daichi didn't say a single word and turned to the new enemy. He cracked his knuckles and looked at him with cold eyes.

Not wanting to suffer Tanjero's fate, he immediately used his curse seal. After transforming he shouted at the boy with anger. "You should have just surrendered. Now you're going to pay for your insolence, brat."

"Aaha. That's what you all say." The boy said in a low tone. The next second Daichi vanished from his spot.

With Anko.

She was sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree and was breathing hard. Around her were several shuriken, kunai and destroyed tree trunks. Several parts of her trench coat were torn and she had several slashed and wounds on her body.

But the most important detail was the two tied up enemies covered in wounds.

"You two… really don't know how to… treat a delicate girl like me…" Anko spoke with haggard breaths, looking at the unconscious two ninjas.

"I really wouldn't call you delicate Anko." Spoke Genma who slowly came towards her with a small smile. He too was in rough shape but he was not as exhausted as Anko. She saw that he was holding his left arm and saw some blood seeping from between the fingers.

"You alright?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. He just got a lucky shot. It's nothing that can't be healed." Genma replied with a calm tone.

"Speaking of healing, do you know where Daichi is?" Anko asked.

Before Genma could give a reply the two ninjas sensed someone coming towards them. They heard slow footsteps and also heard the sounds of something being dragged through the ground.

They two were tense but soon let out a sigh of relief as they saw who it was. Genma and Anko saw Daichi coming towards them and he was dragging his two unconscious opponents behind him."

"You really know how to make an entrance don't you?" Anko said with a grin.

"You alright Daichi?" Genma asked the kid.

"Yeah." Daichi didn't say anything more and went to the two. He raised his arms and immediately ten green chakra threads came to life. They quickly connected to the two Jonin and they felt chakra healing chakra running through their body.

"Oohh that feels good." Anko exclaimed with a smile.

Genma on the other hand was silent as he looked at the boy. 'Even after fighting two enemies like that, he doesn't look winded or even injured. Not even a scratch or tear in his dress. And to heal two people at the same time like this… What a scary kid. Lady Tsunade created a monster. I'm sure glad this kid's on our side.'

Within a short time Anko and Genma's wounds were healed and they were back in fighting form. Before they could think about their next step Daichi suddenly spoke.

"It's not over. We have company."

"Not bad. I saw what you did to those guys. I'm impressed." A voice came from the shadows of the forest. Soon three figures appeared and stood at the other end.

Daichi immediately recognized the three and he knew who the leader of this operation was. 'Guren. She'll definitely have the answers I'm looking for.'


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