The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 294: Danzo makes a move.

Chapter 294: Danzo makes a move.

Anko, Genma and Daichi left the village around 9:am and were quickly making their way to the last known location of the missing nin turned spy 'Ko Yamanaka'.

Genma, Anko and Daichi were moving in a close triangle formation with Daichi a few feet ahead of the other two ninjas.

The team leader Genma began to address the mission. "Alright. This is our objective. Orochimaru has attacked the Anbu team that was sent to monitor Kabuto. That means he's taking extraordinary precautions. So our chances of finding his spy Nam is slim. But that doesn't mean we can't investigate his whereabouts."

"So are we going to the Fire Capital first?" Daichi asked.

"No. We are going to the place where Mizuki met Ko. The Hut a few kilometers ahead of the capital. Obviously he won't be there but if can find some clues that can help us track him down, then we're that much closer to Orochimaru." Genma said to the two.

"But don't we need a tracker ninja for that? Like someone from the Inuzuka clan or the Aburame clan?" Daichi asked as he looked at the team leader.

At that time Anko had a grin. "Hey. Why do you think I'm here?"

Daichi turned his head to look at the female Jonin.

"I may not be from Inuzuka or Aburame but I'm a pretty good tracker too."

The Genin nodded and turned his attention back to Genma.

"While Anko investigates that lead, you and I will be heading to the capital next. We're going to investigate Nam. If we find anything useful we follow up If not, we head back to the village."

Daichi was slightly tense as he heard the last part.'I need to find some leads. I can't go back to the village. Not without sensei and Shizune.'

As they travelled through the trees Anko and Genma glanced at the boy who was slightly ahead of them.

"You know, I heard about what happened with Mizuki." It was Anko who spoke. She didn't address who she was talking to but the three knew.

Daichi held no sympathy for the former academy instructor. "He should have taken my offer. Things would have gone a lot smoother then."

A few moments later Genma spoke. "I still remember that moment when Yondu asked you that question Do you regret finding out the answer Daichi?"

The Genin was silent for a few moments as he thought about it.'The morals and rules I learned in my previous life won't help me here... Still, I won't abandon them completely. But now I know that I'll break those rules in times of crisis.'

"No." Daichi replied after giving it some thought. "I found out who I am. And I know who I am and when to not go over the edge So to answer your question. No. I don't regret it After all, this is who we are"

"You're not like the other Genins are you?" Anko asked with a slight questioning look. Not that Daichi could see.

"No, I'm not."

"Why did you even learn such a method of torture?" It was Genma who asked Daichi this question.

"Well, that method wasn't written down. But most of the information regarding it was documented and I simply recreated it out of intellectual curiosity. Mostly... Using the simplest method to cause damage to the human psyche in the shortest time."

"Did Lady Tsunade know?" Anko asked.

Daichi had a small smile as he remembered that day when he discussed this with his teacher. "Yeah. Who do you think gave me the tips to make it more effective?"

As the two Jonin were silent, Daichi spoke again. "We came up with it mainly to understand what kind of damage it could do to the mind so we could create healing methods to reverse the effects. But after recreating it, we came to the same conclusion as the people from the Land of Water. This method was too cruel. So we simply put it away. I never thought I would have had to use it on someone."

As they jumped through the trees Daichi turned his head to look at the female Jonin. "Anko sensei. Orochimaru was your teacher, right.?"

The Special Jonin's face scowled as she nodded. Unhappy memories flowing into her mind. "Yeah."

"Do you think he would really experiment on Lady Tsunade? His own former teammate."

Anko was silent as she remembered the memories of her childhood. How she spent time helping her teacher with various tests and how finally she became the experiment itself.

"That bastard has no morals. He would do anything to achieve his goals So yeah. If Lady Tsunade was indeed taken then there is a good chance he's gonna turn her into his lab rat." Anko replied to the boy.

Daichi clenched his fist and slightly gritted his teeth.

Anko looked at the Genin and her eyes softened. "I'm sorry Daichi."

Daichi only nodded as he kept moving forward.

"We'll find them. And remember. Lady Tsunade isn't some average kunoichi. You know that don't you? She is one of the Legendary Sannin too. If anyone can survive Orochimaru it's her." Genma said, trying to reassure the boy.

Daichi nodded as he looked at Genma with a small smile. The trio was quickly moving through the forest. They were moving much faster than normal and Anko was impressed that the Genin could keep up at such speed without showing any signs of fatigue.

'His speed and stamina are certainly above even some chunins.'

As they jumped through the thick forest of the Fire country Anko looked at Genma. "Orochimaru should know that we'd be looking for him. What do you think his strategy would be?"

Daichi also glanced back at the team leader at that question.

Genma was silent for a few moments before he spoke. "He would definitely try to keep a low presence in the next few days. Maybe even spread false information on his location. Try to confuse us to buy himself time for whatever it is he's doing."

"By that logic, he would definitely build fake bases. Maybe to keep us busy or spread our resources thin." Anko also gave her thoughts.

Daichi internally sighed as he heard their theories.'Yeah. All those sounds like things I'd do if I want to distract the village.'

And then a thought he feared the most came into Daichi's mind.'And if she's not in the country then'

"If Orochimaru took Tsunade sensei and Shizune out of the country then we might be in serious trouble." Daichi spoke and the two Jonins also grimaced at that thought.

"If the other great nations find out then things will definitely get ugly. And if they capture them This is such a mess" Genma couldn't help but sigh out loud about their situation.

The trio slowly increased their pace towards their destination. The sooner they find something the better.

Leaf village - Root base.

Around 10 minutes after Danzo left the Hokage building he reached his Root base.

His mind was still on the words the Hokage spoke.

''You will never become the Hokage of the village."

Danzo's fists clenched in anger as he thought about what Hiruzen said.'How dare he? After everything I did for the village This is how he treats me?'

Danzo kept his cold gaze as he walked through the dark halls of his underground base. He reached his private office and sat down in silence.

A few moments later he looked at the shadows in his room. A ninja clad in Black Anbu gear and mask appeared. He half knelt in front of the one eyed leader.

He is second in command of Root.

"Lord Danzo."

"It seems our suspicions are correct. Hiruzen has Tao and Enji. They're in Anbu custody being interrogated." Danzo spoke looking at the masked ninja.

"That's strange. I haven't heard anything from our spy in the Anbu division." The second in command replied looking down on the ground.

Danzo leaned back and tiles his gaze to the single bulb in the room. "Hiruzen built a top secret wing for highly classified operations and enemies. It was built after the Uchiha massacre. Only a few people even in the Anbu know about it. I only came by that information through sheer luck. And I only know of its existence. Not its location or its operational leader."

"And the spy in the root?"

"Yes. It seems my old teammate has become quite resourceful. There is a traitor amongst us. The people capable of bypassing even the contingencies we put in place against such infiltration tactics is very small."

"Does the Hokage know about my identity?"

"No. I'm sure he's aware of your existence but nothing more than that" Danzo let out a small breath of air as he looked down at his ninja.

'If Hiruzen knew your identity he would definitely be shocked. And moreover he would inform Kensei. If that happened he would stop at nothing to try and kill me'

"Right now, we have bigger concerns. Orochimaru attacked Tsunade and her apprentice last night at the border. As to why he did such a thing, it's unknown"

"His movements were strange during the last several months This must have been the reason." The masked ninja spoke.

"Yes. I think I might have a way to identify the spy. Draw him out into the open. I need you to do something."

After informing the Root ninja of his plan Danzo went to a large hall and summoned several high level members of his organization. There was a table in front of him with a large map of Fire country and several places were marked on it.

"Last night Tsunade Senju and her student Shizune were attacked by Orochimaru." Danzo looked at the Root ninjas assembled and spoke.

That information shocked the Root agents. They knew how important Tsunade was to the village despite her absence.

The Root Leader continued. "I have been studying Orochimaru's movements for the last several months and have come up with three locations where he might have set up a base. Your task is to investigate these locations."

The ninjas nodded. At that time one of them spoke. "Lord Danzo, are we going to share this information with the Hokage?"

Danzo looked at the Root ninja with an expressionless face. "I will but not at the moment. There is still much work to be done. You have your assignments."

Danzo didn't need to say anything further and the ninjas vanished. As the ninjas disappeared and made their way to the exit, all but one of them deviated from their route.

The masked ninja moved deeper into the base and quickly opened the mission record section. He quickly found intelligence on Orochimaru and memorized them. He was the spy Hiruzen sent to infiltrate the root forces.

The Anbu looked at the intelligence and he couldn't help but frown behind his mask.'If this intelligence is correct, Orochimaru would have two more bases hidden in the Land of Fire. There is no way Danzo would have missed that Which means He's deliberately trying to hide information.'

Hiruzen's spy memorized the information and quickly left the room. Instead of heading out of the village, he took a secret entrance and went straight to the Hokage to report the situation.

What he didn't know was there was someone hidden in the records room. Someone who saw everything the spy did.

The second in command of the Root.

He quickly reached Danzo's office and confirmed the identity of the spy. Danzo nodded his head and a small smile was on his face.

"The news of Orochimaru attacking Tsunade would be shocking. I knew Hiruzen's agent would know the consequences if something happened to her. He just couldn't take the chance that I might have hid more information that could help them." Danzo spoke with a cunning smile.

"But now the Hokage will know you're keeping important information to yourself."

"Not if I give him that information and some more." Danzo looked at his agent and the small grin disappeared from his face. "This is also my chance. I'm not giving up. It's time to wake them up. Our sleeper agents."

"Should I give them the order sir?"

"Yes Tell them to prepare for war. While Hiruzen is busy trying to find Tsunade, we're going to take control of the village."

Danzo gave the order and his right hand man nodded and disappeared.

'I will become Hokage of this village. Just you wait Hiruzen. That position is mine...'


Author's Note.

Things are about to become chaotic. An attack from multiple sides. What will happen.. stay tuned to find out.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen(No space)


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