The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 290: The Hokage's Ultimatum

Chapter 290: The Hokage's Ultimatum

March 21 - 7:40 am

Hiruzen internally sighed as he observed the Genin. He then looked at Mizuki inside the interrogation room who was slowly starting to struggle against his restraints. "Will he survive After this?"

Daichi was quiet for a few moments before he replied. "If he's subjected to the current stimulation for about an hour and a half or more, his mind would be gone and no treatment would be able to heal him. For all intents and purposes he'd be nothing more than a walking corpse"

Hiruzen kept his attention on Mizuki and didn't show any reaction to hearing Daichi's answer.

"But If it's stopped in around just an hour or so, he can still be saved."

At Daichi's answer Hiruzen turned to look at the boy and nodded. "What are you going to do now?" He asked the Genin.

"I'm going home for a while. So many things happened in such a short time. I need to clear my head."

Just then Genma appeared and gave a small bow to the kage. "They're waiting for you at the office sir."

Hiruzen nodded. He looked at Daichi and after a few moments of silence spoke. "Do what you think is needed. But you shouldn't forget Tsunade's words."

Daichi nodded and soon both Hiruzen and Daichi went their separate ways while Ibiki and Inoichi observed the changes in Mizuki's behavior patterns.


Hiruzen quickly made his way to his office and soon could sense the presence of his three former teammates waiting inside. He looked at the two guards and nodded. "Don't let anyone inside until I'm finished with this meeting."

"Yes Sir." The two Chunins stationed stood straight and replied.

Hiruzen entered the room and saw the curious gaze of the three. 'It seems they don't know yet.'

"Why have you called us so suddenly Hiruzen? What happened?" Homura asked the man.

"And why is the village still in the Level 1 emergency state? I thought the escaped prisoners were recaptured." Koharu also spoke.

Danzo merely looked at Hiruzen with a stoic gaze and stood silently. 'Something serious must have happened that he's even asked for me to come Does this have something to do with the Root agents that were caught.'

Hiruzen's eyes roamed the faces of his three teammates and he soon took his chair. "A little over an hour ago I received credible intelligence that Orochimaru had attacked Tsunade and Shizune."

The news was like a thunderstorm for the other three. Even someone like Danzo was surprised at this piece of information.

"What? Hiruzen are you sure about this?" Homura couldn't help but ask.

"Yes. The information is credible. And I've sent a team to investigate it." The kage replied.

"This isn't good Hiruzen. Tsunade may not be an active shinobi but she is a deterrent against other nations. If they realize that she's missing or even dead then it will create chaos." Koharu spoke with slight dread in her tone.

"Did Orochimaru kill them?" It was Danzo who asked this question and Hiruzen became silent. A few moments later he replied.

"The truth is I don't know. Tsunade's pet came here this morning with a message from Shizune saying they were ambushed last night near the border. Whether they were killed or Orochimaru took them I'm not sure But I'm hoping it's the latter. That way there is still a chance to save them." The sadness and tiredness in his voice wasn't missed by his friends.

"Why would Orochimaru do something like this now? He ignored her and never caused trouble for her all these years So why now?" Homura knew Orochimaru wouldn't antagonize them without a reason. He couldn't understand the man's motives.

"If he took them then there might be a couple of reasons He needs her help for something or he's planning to use her in some way. Regardless It's not good." Hiruzen replied.

Danzo thought about the unusual movements Orochimaru exhibited during the last few months and he was also concerned. Despite his displeasure at Tsunade, he knew that she was an important part of the village. 'What is he thinking? I didn't even hear any wisps of an attack planned on her If he's avoiding even me Then this isn't good.'

"Hiruzen. This is no small matter. We need to mobilize the forces and secure the border. This information can't get out." Koharu spoke and the old kage agreed with her.

"I'm aware of that and I've taken the necessary steps."

"What do you need from me Hiruzen?" Danzo suddenly spoke up. "You wouldn't have called me here otherwise."

Hiruzen frowned as he looked at the man he once thought of as his closest comrade. "Danzo. I know you've been in contact with him even after he's left the village."

"Hiruzen, I haven't-"

"Danzo. Don't waste my time and test my patience. Right now my concern is Tsunade and her student. So, I want all the information you have on Orochimaru, his associates, his hideouts and his network. Everything."

Danzo looked at the man and saw the cold glint in Hiruzen's eyes and it made him nervous inside.

The old Kage looked at Danzo with narrowed eyes. His mind was still on Daichi and what happened several minutes ago. 'He was willing to go that far and break his ideals and promise to Tsunade. Some might say that he was taking the easy way out but I saw it at the end. He really hated himself for choosing to go down that path. But he's willing to do that anyway to save her. If a Kage like me doesn't even have such strength to put aside my personal feelings then it's time I stepped down from my position.'

"Danzo." The cold hardened voice in Hiruzen's tone and the dangerous intent surrounding the man set the old warhawk on edge.

"Hi-Hiruzen-" Homura didn't know what had been going on between the two but before he could say anything further Hiruzen's eyes stopped him. The old kage looked at Koharu and Homura and then turned his attention back to Danzo.

The old kage leaned forward and clasped his hands as he looked at the one eyed man. "I realize that in all these years, I haven't really made myself clear to you Danzo. Never really said these words out loud. So here it is so that there is no misunderstanding between us You will never become Hokage of this village. Ever. I have already put contingencies in place for when I die. You will never take this seat, even after I'm dead. So your only choice is to obediently follow the orders given or else I'll have you executed for treason."

Danzo stood silently and could only look solemnly at the Hokage.

Koharu looked at the two and couldn't believe there was such animosity between them. "Hiruzen That's going too far. Danzo has served the village-"

Hiruzen nodded as he looked at the old woman. "He has. I'm not denying that. But he has also operated beyond his authority multiple times and even crossed the lines a few times. I won't allow it anymore. I can't have a rogue element in this village with their own agendas." 'Not anymore.'

Hiruzen looked at Danzo and crossed his arms. "What do you say Danzo? Do you want to resist or do you want to comply?"

Danzo closed his one eye and sighed. He then looked at the man and nodded "I will obey your orders Lord Hokage. You'll have everything I have on Orochimaru in an hour."

Hiruzen looked at the man and slowly nodded. The four discussed the measure to be taken and were soon dismissed. Hiruzen looked at Danzo's figure and recalled the information his Anbu had sent him. 'It's time I used that.'


Nara clan. Shikaku's House.

The Jonin commander was in his yard feeding a small deer that wandered in. He soon heard slow footsteps and turned his head to see Shikamaru looking at him, still sleepy.

"Morning Shikamaru. Had a good night's rest?" He asked with a small smile. After hearing about everything that happened yesterday he was proud of his son for standing up for his friends.

"Not really." He looked at the deer and very slowly walked towards it. "Where did he come from?"

"Must have wandered away from his herd."

Shikamaru took a handful of grass from his father and slowly fed the small creature.

"Do you have any plans or are you just going to stay here and sleep all day?" Shikaku asked his son.

"I was thinking sleeping. I got nothing better to do. And after becoming a Genin I'm pretty sure my free time will be a lot less."

The Jonin commander just nodded as he listened to his son. After a few moments of silence Shikaku spoke. "Are you satisfied with the answers you got?"

Shikamaru knew what his father was asking about. 'The nine tails. When I first saw Naruto in the academy I never would have guessed that there was more to him. That there was such a story.'

"Mostly." Shikamaru replied with a slight yawn.

"Mostly?" The older man cocked an eyebrow as he looked at the boy.

Shikamaru seeing his father's gaze clarified. "There are still some things that don't make sense. But for now I'm mostly satisfied."

The Nara turned his head back for the small deer and spoke. "Till you reach a suitable rank and attain sufficient strength, the answers you have now will have to do."

"I understand." The Genin sighed and nodded his head. 'It'll be too much of a headache if I still keep poking my nose into this Guess it's time to just let it go For now'

As they were enjoying the morning fresh air an Anbu suddenly appeared nearby, startling the Genin.

"Commander Shikaku. Your presence is urgently required at the Hokage tower."

Shikaku sensed the tone in the Anbu ninja and he immediately knew something was up. "I'll be right there."

Receiving the reply the masked ninja nodded and vanished.

"You don't think this has anything to do with last night do you?" Shikamaru asked his father. He was slightly concerned since their group was a part of the incident that happened with Mizuki and the prisoners.

"It shouldn't be. You don't need to worry." Shikaku soon vanished in a pile of leaves reassuring his son.

Shikamaru fed the small deer and soon it licked the boy's hand as a thank you. At that moment a large deer came near the yard with its eyes fixed on the two.

"Looks like your mom's here. See ya squirt." Shikamaru stood and watched the deers leave and he made his way back inside. He got ready and was soon in his usual attire.

'I want to sleep in but it's better if I go check up on those guys'

"Mom, I'm going out."

"Don't be late." Came the reply from inside.

When the Genin reached the streets of the village he could sense the strange atmosphere. He saw several shinobi running on rooftops and he felt the gaze of multiple patrol ninjas. 'What's going on? I thought dad said the emergency alert would be lifted by now. So why is it still in place?'

The Nara quickly made his way to Choji's home. He was surprised to find that Choji's dad had left on a mission several minutes ago as well. The two quickly found Ino next.

They found the Yamanaka Genin behind the counter of her flower shop with her best friend.

"Sakura? Why are you here so early?" Shikamaru asked the pink haired girl.

"I just wanted to buy some flowers for Sasuke. You know as a thank you." She replied with a small blush.

"Right." Shikamaru clearly recalled the scene where the Uchiha jumped in front of Naruto and Sakura, saving their lives. 'I always thought he only cared about himself. I never would have guessed he would do that for Naruto of all people'

There was a small smile on the Nara's face. He may not like Sasuke's attitude but he has great respect for his fellow Genin.

"We can see him on our way. That was a serious injury he had last night. I guess it's no problem checking up on him." Choji spoke at that time.

"Right. By the way, what are you guys doing here?" Ino asked the two boys.

"The village is still on high alert. I don't know why I thought you'd have an idea. Seeing your dad is the head of the Analysis department and all." Shikamaru replied.

"I don't know what's going on. Dad came home for a couple hours and had to leave again." Ino spoke up. She saw the worry on her father's face and was concerned.

"You don't think this has anything to do with last night or us do you?" Choji suddenly asked.

Ino and Sakura looked at each other as they had no answer to his question.

Shikamaru shook his head. "I don't think so. We caught Mizuki and everyone that helped him I don't believe this has anything to do with us."

Sakura nodded. "You're probably right. Well, we better get going. I'm sure Sasuke has woken up and is probably preparing for his training."

"Ohh we can go to Daichi's home after. Oh this is going to be fun." Ino said excitedly.

"Don't you have to manage the store?" Shikamaru asked with a questioning look.

"No. Mom can manage it MOM I'M GOING OUT WITH MY FRIENDS." Ino yelled and quickly left her position without waiting for a reply.

"You sure?" The Nara asked again and Ino gave him a flat look. "You got a problem Shikamaru?"

"Nope." Shikamaru quickly replied and sighed in relief when he saw Ino turn her attention to pick some flowers for Daichi. 'What a troublesome girl.'

"I thought that was you guys." A voice came from nearby. Shikamaru and Choji who were standing near the door saw Kiba, Akamaru, Hinata, Shino and Naruto coming towards them.

"Hey. I thought you all would be home." Shikamaru spoke.

Kiba shrugged his head. "Nay. I figured I'd go for a walk. I came across Naruto and we picked up Shino and Hinata." "Arf arf."

"So what's guys talking about?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Well, we were on our way to see Sasuke and Daichi" Ino replied.

"You wanna tag along?" Shikamaru asked Naruto.

"Since you guys are going sure." Naruto replied.

As they walked to the Uchiha's home they noticed the patrolling ninjas roaming the area and less civilians than usual.

"Man. I can't believe they still haven't caught all those prisoners who got out. Guess there must be some strong ones who escaped." Naruto spoke looking at the ninjas quickly moving about.

"You might be right about that, Naruto." Kiba replied.

"What do you mean Kiba?" Shikamaru asked.

"An hour ago a Jonin came to my mom for a mission and told her something. It was the same Jonin who came to help us last night. I don't know what they talked about but mom was really pissed off by the end. I can't remember the last time she was so mad." Kiba shivered as he saw the angry look on his mom's face.

"Strange. Something similar happened this morning at my home too." Shino spoke up. "I think it was the same Jonin who came and talked to my father. I could sense that his Kikaichu became restless after hearing the news."

"Um... What do you think is going on?" Hinata asked in a timid voice.

"I don't know the whole deal but I do know one thing. I heard them mentioning Daichi's name."

"What!?" Kiba's answer startled the whole group.

"Daichi? Are you sure?" Shikamaru asked the Inuzuka Genin.

"Yeah. I heard them saying Daichi's name. But I don't know much more." Kiba replied.

"Do you think he's in trouble? Or maybe something happened?" Ino spoke and no one had an answer.

"There is no point in standing here and worrying. Let's go to his house and see for ourselves." Shino spoke and they all agreed.

But then came a problem.

"Does anyone know where he lives?" Naruto asked and they all looked at each other.

"We could go find Sasuke. He might know. I know they're training partners. So he might know." Sakura spoke and the group nodded with that logic.

And so the group of 8 new Genins quickly began making their way to the Uchiha's home


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen(No space)


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