The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 271: The Forbidden Scroll Incident 02

Chapter 271: The Forbidden Scroll Incident 02

It was night time. In a small restaurant/club, several Leaf ninjas were enjoying the food and catching up with their friends. They were sharing stories of their missions and some were even playing cards nearby. There were a couple of prominent Jonins among them as well.

"Ha! I win, Asuma. Pay up." A woman in a trench coat stood with her arms high in the air and holding a victory pose.

"Ya ya." Said the bearded Jonin and the son of the Third Hokage. He took out a small wad of cash and gave it to the woman.

"Aww Poor baby. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll win another game Someday. Hahahaha"

Asuma had a twitch in his eye as he looked at the female Jonin. "Has anyone ever told you that you're a poor winner, Anko?" He said as he opened a small bottle of beer and sipped it.

"All the time." Anko remarked and she quickly counted the bills. "Well I'm off to get me some dango. Have fun making googly eyes at Kurenai when she gets here."

Asuma choked and spat out some beer, hearing that. "I-I don't make-"

"Yeah. Whatever you say pal." Anko waved her hand and exited the small restaurant.

Asuma shook his head and began hanging out with the others. Several minutes went by and suddenly a grey haired ninja rushed into the restaurant, gaining everyone's attention.

"You guys. There's a catastrophe!" The hysterical yell and the panicked face of the ninja put everyone on alert.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"It's that boy Naruto. He stole the Forbidden Scroll." Mizuki said with the appropriate panicked tone.


Every ninja was shocked when they heard that. Asuma stepped forward and placed a hand on the grey haired ninja's shoulder. "Are you absolutely sure about this?"

"Asuma." Mizuki instantly recognized the man. "Yes. I'm telling the truth. A few people saw him leaving the tower with a large scroll. You should head to the Hokage tower immediately."

"Asuma. If that brat uses the scroll and the seal comes undone" One of the ninjas looked at the bearded Jonin with terror on his face.

"We need to find that brat quickly. Before he causes any damage." Another ninja spoke up.

"Yes but first, we need to see the Hokage. Find out what is going on. I'm sure he's already aware of the matter. We need more information."

Asuma said and the rest of the ninjas nodded in agreement. They immediately made their way to the tower and once everyone left, a devious smile formed on Mizuki's face. 'Yes that's right. I've spread the news to a few groups. Now in a short time everyone will know what Naruto did. There's no stopping this now. Time to see one more person.'


Iruka was in his home cooking dinner. He hummed a happy tune and smiled as he cooked his food. 'He finally passed the graduation. I just hope he passes the Jonin's test too Good luck Naruto. I'm rooting for you.'

Iruka leaned forward and took a deep breath of air. "Aahh That smells delicious. Those cooking lessons really paid off." The Chunin turned off the flames and was about to plate his food when suddenly loud banging came from his front door.

'What the hell?' "I'm coming. I'm coming." Iruka quickly opened the door and saw Mizuki in a panic. "Mizuki? What's wrong?"

"It's terrible Iruka sensei. You need to get to Lord Hokage."

"What happened? Why are you so anxious?" Iruka could see the fear on his fellow teacher's face and he didn't know what to think.

"It's Naruto. He stole the Sacred scroll!"

Iruka's eyes widened in shock. At that moment, for him, the sounds of the world started disappearing and all he could hear and feel were the sounds of his rapidly beating chest. He stood frozen with the sound of his heart in his ear. 'Naruto Why?'

Seeing Iruka stand still in shock Mizuki slightly shook him. "Iruka. Get it together. We need to find him before something terrible happens."

Iruka snapped out of his daze. "Naruto stole the Scroll of Sealing? Are you sure about this Mizuki?"

"Yes. You need to get to Lord Hokage."

Iruka nodded and the two immediately left the area. Both of them, going in different directions.

Mizuki looked at his watch and smiled. 'It's almost time for Zefrek to make his move.'


Hokage Tower.

In front of the Tower a large group of shinobi had already gathered.

"Lord Hokage. Is it true? Did he really take the scroll?" One of the ninjas asked and Hiruzen nodded his head. "I'm afraid so."

Anger could be seen on most of the ninjas but some were silent and keenly gazing at the old leader. At that moment Iruka arrived and stood at the back of the crowd.

"Lord Hokage, this isn't a small matter. That scroll in the wrong hands could bring disaster to our village."

"That's right. This is not a prank anymore. Stealing the scroll is a serious crime. We need to find him quickly."

Hiruzen looked at the group and knew that if he didn't allow them to take appropriate action, they would suspect something. 'The chances of them finding Naruto's location are slim. If they find Naruto in the mindset they are, he and the rest of the kids could be in danger. But I can't just stand back and do nothing.'

"Find Naruto and the scroll. But bring him to me unharmed. I have some questions for him."


The order was given and the ninjas vanished in all directions. As Hiruzen walked back into the tower his mind was piecing together the events that happened till now.

'No one at the tower leaked the intel so the only way they could find out was if Mizuki told them. He's trying to create chaos and confusion and manipulate their hate for the boy Hmm Once Mizuki and his cohorts show up, I'll send Genma after Naruto and his friends. He knows what to do.'


Leaf Prison.

Zefrek looked at the time and his eyes slightly narrowed. 'This is it. Mizuki should have spread the news by now.'

He turned to the prisoners raging and howling behind him. 'These fools will make an excellent distraction.'

Zefrek turned to the four of the six ninjas he gave the Jonin jacket to. "Tenjin, Ryuken. I have something I need you to do."


Zefrek replied with a grin and gave them several paper bombs. "Use that to cause a distraction. I know you two hate the village. Why don't you use this as an opportunity to vent some of that repressed anger."

Tenjin grinned as he took the stacks of explosives. "This wouldn't happen to be a plan so you could escape while we're taking the heat would it?" The dangerous intent coming from Tenjin was apparent to everyone nearby.

Despite the hostile attitude, Zefrek just shrugged. "If you don't want it then I'll give it to someone else. But you're going to have to return that flack jacket along with those paper bombs."

"That's not gonna happen. Why don't I just use these on you here instead?"

The nonchalant attitude disappeared from Zefrek's face. "Then you can forget about escaping at all."

"We'll do it." Ryuken suddenly spoke. The two prisoners turned to him.

"I've wanted to pay back this village for my incarceration for a long time. I'll do it." Ryuken replied as he took a few paper bombs from Tenjin's hand.

"If we're doing this then we need to be quick. We won't be able to attack secure buildings." Aosora came near them and spoke.

Ryuken shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Even if it's some superficial damage, it'll please my heart. We'll use these prisoners as cover to plant the bombs."

"Then we'll escape between the chaos and get out while the Leaf ninjas are dealing with the fallout of this prison break." Kitoha gave his input as well. Since he also wasn't from the Hidden Leaf village, he didn't care what happened to them.

Zefrek looked at the four and nodded. "Go. I'll buy you four a few minutes of time."

The four disguised prisoners escaped and Zefrek turned to his two partners. Haroshi and Seijo. They, along with Zefrek were the only ones remaining wearing the standard Leaf shinobi outfit. "Did you really have to give them the explosives? We could have used them."

Zefrek shook his head. "If we used explosives, it would have drawn attention towards our location. So since we can't use it, might as well give it to the few who will. They might get caught or they might escape. I couldn't care less what happens to them."

"It's a shame Mizuki was only able to bring seven flak jackets. We could have used more." Haroshi spoke. He looked at the three dead guards and sighed. 'If those jackets didn't have blood we could have used them. Eh. I suppose it doesn't matter now.'

The trio waited a few minutes and then turned to the rest of the prisoners. "IT'S TIME TO TAKE BACK YOUR FREEDOM!"


On this day the Leaf village experienced the biggest and only prison break since the founding of the village.


Iruka was making his way to Naruto's 'secret' training ground in the back forest. 'Damn it. Why did he do that? Why did he take the scroll? Was this supposed to be some kind graduation prank? What is he thinking?'

Iruka moved as fast as he could and soon reached the area. He used his sensory techniques but couldn't find anyone. 'Damn it. He's not here.'

The Chunin instructor looked around and there weren't any signs of anyone being present. "Where could he have gone?"

Suddenly Iruka remembered something. He remembered seeing Shikamaru, Sakura and Kiba and Ino together nearby the tower a few hours ago. He didn't think much about it then but now he couldn't help but wonder. Iruka closed his eyes and recalled the memory as best as he could. He suddenly picked up on two details.

'Sakura. She tried to hide it but she was nervous. And Kiba. He and Akamaru It looked like They were tracking someone I didn't think much of it at the time but now'

The instant this thought entered Iruka's mind his eyes snapped open. 'Don't tell me Do they know what Naruto did? Did they help him take the scroll somehow? What's going on?'

Iruka recalled the direction they were going and quickly moved. 'They were going east from the tower. What's east of the village?'

After racking his brain for a few minutes the Chunin had an idea as to their destination. 'Is it possible? Are they going to the East Canyons? Damn it. I don't have much else to go on.'

The East Canyons were somewhat nearer, so Iruka decided to check it out just to make sure. As he made his way to that place, Mizuki was also making his way there. He was extremely cautious as he didn't want anyone to get suspicious and follow him.

'Taking the longer route will cost me more time but this way I can be certain that no one's following me'


East Canyons.

Choji, Kiba and Shino were keeping watch on Naruto as he trained his new Shadow clone jutsu. "Oh man. Not only did that idiot take the scroll he actually learned a jutsu from it. Maybe I should take a peek inside that thing."

"I would not recommend that course of action Kiba." Shino calmly said as he looked at the solid clones Naruto was creating. "That jutsu came from the scroll that is dubbed Forbidden. It must have some extreme cost. We would be wise not to act foolishly."


Just then Shikamaru, Hinata, Ino and Sakura joined them.

"Did you guys set up the traps?" Kiba turned to them and asked.

"Yeah. But we need to be careful."

"I just I just wish we could talk to Naruto. He doesn't even know he's in danger."

Shikamaru slightly sighed and spoke. "I know what you mean Hinata. But that guy can be hard headed sometimes. If we go over to him now, he'll most likely fight us. And what's more, we need to catch Mizuki red handed. The second he reveals his true intentions, we'll try our best to trap him."

"And if he has anyone helping him?" Kiba and Akamaru looked at the tactician in their group.

"Then we go to plan B."

"What about Sasuke? Did you guys go talk to him?" Choji asked while hiding under the bush.

"No. He was on the other side and too far away. We would have given ourselves away if we tried to go over to him." The young Nara shook his head.

"I could have had my insects send him a message but Shikamaru is worried someone might find out and how Sasuke might react."

"We'll worry about Sasuke later. I'm sure he'll know to make the correct decision if anything happens. Right now Naruto is the priority."

As most of the Rookies nodded and paid close attention to the blonde boy training his new jutsu, Shino slowly made his way near Shikamaru.

"I'm sure Naruto would believe us if we told him that this whole thing is a trap. So what's the real reason you don't want to confront him?" The new Aburame Genin asked Shikamaru in a very low voice.

The Nara was silent as he heard the question. "I have my reasons." He didn't say anything more as he stared at the blonde training a short distance away. But his mind was in turmoil.

'If I tell Naruto that Mizuki hates him enough to trap him like this then he'll demand to know the reason. How am I supposed to tell him why Mizuki hates him? How can I tell him that he has some sort of connection to the very creature that brought misery and pain to the village I don't even know the full picture about it myself'

Shikamaru quietly sighed and kept his gaze forward. Seeing that his question won't be answered any further, Shino decided to drop it.

On the other side of the field Sasuke was keeping an eye on Naruto and as he watched his classmate train hard, he remembered the words Daichi said to him during their spars. The Uchiha shook his head to get rid of the annoying thoughts and focused. 'That clone jutsu could be pretty useful to me.'

As he stood there hidden from view he suddenly heard the sound of leaves and branches moving. 'Someone's coming.'

Sasuke made sure to stay hidden and soon saw who it was heading for Naruto. 'That's'


Naruto released all the clones and fell back to the ground. "Oh man. Pant pant That was tough." He was taking large gulps of air and tried to regain some energy. Naruto then sat up and looked at his hands. "But it was worth it. With this jutsu I'll be unstoppable."

Just then someone made his appearance. "I didn't think you'd look that tired getting that scroll here. But well done."

Naruto looked up at the familiar voice and saw Mizuki sensei on a tree staring at him.

"Yeah. I got the scroll. I completed the toughest exam, no problem. Believe it." Naruto had a big grin as he looked at his teacher.

Mizuki chuckled as he looked at the boy. "Yes you did. There's only one more thing you need to do."

Naruto rubbed the back of his head and smiled back. "What's that sensei?"

The smile on Mizuki's face fell and the next instant he threw several kunai at the boy with speed and precision. "DIE!"


Author's Note:

Making sure the timing of the events in this arc is a real pain but I'll get it done. I hope you're enjoying this story so far.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen(No space)


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