The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 266: Capture

Chapter 266: Capture

Daichi was calmly analyzing the situation and even with the addition of the two new ninjas, he knew he and his sensei would come out victorious.

Meanwhile the two nicknamed the Stupid Brothers were furious and were getting ready to attack.

"Daichi, I'll take care of these two. Think you can handle the others?" Kakashi asked his student.

Daichi glanced at his sensei and nodded. 'I want to complete this mission and get the bonus points too. I need to increase my Exp and level up fast. I need to make sure Kakashi doesn't kill any of these guys. But I can't just outright state my intentions. Hmm...'

"Sensei. Are you intending on taking lethal measures?" Daichi asked in a low tone.

"If the need arises" Kakashi replied.

"We might have to interrogate these guys. I'm going to subdue these four."

Kakashi nodded and the two were ready for battle.

Tenjin, Aosora, Kitoha and Ryuken noticed the older ninja focusing his attention on Fujin and Raijin and realized that he was sending his student to fight them.

The ninja of the Hidden Stone village was scowling. 'I don't know if I should be happy or pissed off that he's sending a Genin to fight all of us. Does he think we're that weak Or is this kid that strong?'

Kitoha and Aosora had several wounds on their bodies. They understood that the child in front of them was not an average Genin.

'I need to get out of here. I won't last in a prolonged fight with my wounds.'

'I need to escape this hellhole. These idiots can fight all they want.'

The two were having similar thoughts of escaping but they knew it was going to be difficult.

[You have sensed Killing Intent]

Looking at the notification, Daichi's eyes moved to the man with the long facial scar.

Tenjin was furious at Kakashi and he wanted revenge. He looked at Daichi and a thought formed. 'I might not be strong enough to kill you Kakashi, but I'll kill your student and I'll escape from here.'

"If we want to escape, we need to kill that brat first." Tenjin gave the order and the four got ready to attack.

Daichi jumped from his teacher's side and moved to engage in battle with the four.

With Kakashi.

"You'll die for destroying our food. We're soo MAAADD!" Fujin moved towards the Sharingan ninja with surprising speed for someone of his stature. He sent his large fist directly towards Kakashi's head but the Jonin easily evaded and got behind him in the blink of an eye. Fujin lowered his fist and looked confused at not seeing the enemy in front of him. "Huh. Where'd he go?"

Suddenly he felt a palm touch his back and lightning flooded his body. "Aarrr" He fell to one knee as electric current coursed through his body.

"FUJIN!" Seeing his older brother in trouble, the younger Raijin quickly moved to attack Kakashi with the same type of forward punch just as his brother had done earlier.

'They're surprisingly agile. They have plenty of strength. But they're not very smart.'

The Jonin did the same thing with Raijin and brought him to his knees as well. But then something happened. Both Fujin and Raijin slowly got up and turned to Kakashi.

"Give us back our food." Raijin let out a sudden punch at Kakashi and sent him flying but the next moment a wooden log replaced the Sharingan ninja. He appeared a few meters away and sighed.

'I should have known it wouldn't be that easy. Time to fight idiot with idiot.'

Kakashi focused on Raijin first and his Sharingan began to spin wildly. 'Sharingan Genjutsu! Body double perception.'

Instantly chakra from his Sharingan connected with Raijin and put him in a Genjutsu. To Raijin it was as if Kakashi disappeared from his spot and reappeared where his brother was standing.

"You won't leave me hungry." Raijin roared and ran towards Fujin in anger.

The older brother was confused at his younger brother's behavior. At this time Kakashi stood in Fujin's line of sight and used the same Genjutsu again. Within seconds the two brothers were fighting each other thinking they were fighting Kakashi.

The silver haired Jonin looked at the two and nodded to himself. 'Once they get a bit more tired I'll use sleeping Genjutsu on them and put them under.'

He turned to Daichi and saw his student finishing up the battle on his end as well. 'Looks like he's done too.'

With Daichi a few minutes ago.

Daichi rushed towards Ryuken while making a couple of seals.

'Ninja art Chakra scalpel.'

Green chakra blades, invisible to the naked eye, formed around Daichi's palms. His Parallel Processing and Hypercognition skills already showed him what his opponent's moves would most likely be.

Seeing the Genin's fast approach, Ryuken took his short sword from his sheath. 'Sorry kid. But you're going to die here.'

He tried to stab the boy through his chest but failed. Daichi easily predicted and evaded the sword swing and moved around Ryuken. As he did, he used his chakra scalpel and sliced a few muscles and tendons in Ryuken's extended arm.

The Genin's attack was completed in a second as he stood behind the man.

Ryuken only had time to turn around to face the boy before he felt the effects of the damage done to him.

"Aargh!" The sword fell from palm and his right arm hung down limply. Daichi immediately let go of the chakra scalpel jutsu and used chakra strings to catch the falling sword and grab hold of it.

'Damn it. I can't even use ninjutsu now.' Ryuken held his right arm and looked at the boy in fear. "Wh-what did you do? I can't move my arm."

Daichi smirked and immediately swung the sword a few times and struck the shurikens that targeted him coming from his side. Sparks flew in the air as the long blade knocked the deadly ninja stars from their path.

The Genin not only deflected the weapons off course but redirected them back towards the two that threw them from up in the trees at a much faster speed, all the while keeping eye contact with the escaped stone ninja.

Aosora and Kitoha were shocked that their weapons were redirected and coming at them and they quickly jumped to the sides and barely evaded. Daichi redirected their attack without even glancing in their direction.

It was an intimidation tactic. And it worked. The eyes of Aosora and Kitoha widened in fear and Tenjin who was rushing towards Daichi suddenly froze in his spot. They suddenly understood why Kakashi let the boy fight them on his own even though outnumbered.

'What the hell? How did he even do that? There is no way this kid is a Genin.'

"Fuck this. I'm out." Aosora wanted to escape. She turned around and jumped to another tree. At that moment Daichi channeled chakra to his sword and swung it twice in quick succession. The wind blades moved faster than they could react to it.

The first was in her direction. A thin imperceptible wind blade was created and shot at blinding speed. The wind blade partially cut the tree she landed on and the rogue ninja fell to the ground along with part of the large tree trunk. Her wounds aggravated and she was no longer in any shape to move.

The second wind blade clipped Kitoha in the side and sent him flying into another tree.

"Gha!" His back slammed into a large tree and the man coughed up blood. The loss of blood and the powerful body blow nearly made him unconscious as he slid to the ground.

Just as Daichi sent the attacks at Aosora and Kitoha, Tenjin and Ryuken attacked. They knew it was the best chance for them to attack and kill the boy.

Daichi tossed the sword high up in the air and rushed towards the two. He reached the Stone ninja first and easily dodged the clumsy Taijutsu attack. 'All these years of being trapped in a cell. It shows. Prison has made you weak. Your skills have dulled. Even Sasuke could take you down.'

Daichi sent precise strikes to the man's nerve points. A combination of pressure points attacks throughout his upper body had the man paralyzed and falling towards the ground in seconds.

At that moment Daichi tilted his head back and evaded a kunai. He raised his arm and deflected a strong punch to his throat. Daichi immediately stepped on the man's foot. Holding him in place, he countered with a powerful liver shot.

Tenjin doubled over in sudden pain and Daichi finished it with a swift blow to the temple, knocking him down and out of the fight.

The Genin turned in time to see Fujin and Raijin punching each other into unconsciousness. He looked at his sensei with a raised eyebrow.


"Genjutsu." Kakashi shrugged and replied. He pulled his headband down to cover his Sharingan and looked at the four Daichi took down. "A little messy and bloody. Don't you think so?"

"Are you really complaining about my methods sensei?"

"Just making an observation."

Daichi sighed and slightly shook his head. "Let's just secure these guys and find out what's going on."

The Jonin teacher agreed and soon the two ninja soon tied all the rogue prisoners together. Daichi healed the more severe wounds they had but made sure they were too weak to try anything.

[Quest 'Capture the escaped Prisoners' Completed.]



[8800 Exp.]

[1320 Exp.]

[12000 Exp.]

[1800 Exp.]


[Reputation increases with Kakashi Hatake and Hiruzen Sarutobi.]

[Reputation increases with Leaf Citizens]

Daichi closed the quest completion box and crossed his arms. He looked in the direction of the village and was worried. 'What's happened? Was this Mizuki or is this something else'

"Something must have gone wrong at the prison." Kakashi had a serious tone as he looked at the six escaped prisoners.

Daichi silently nodded. 'It looks like the butterfly effect is starting to really take hold. The ripples of my existence and actions are beginning to tangibly affect significant canon events I need to get to the village and find Naruto.'

"Sensei, I-" Before Daichi could finish he sensed several approaching chakras. They were moving fast towards their location.

Daichi glanced at his teacher and saw that Kakashi was also on high alert. A few seconds later 4 shinobi wearing Leaf ninja gear appeared. Among the four was one ninja that Daichi immediately recognized.

Anko Mitarashi.

The Genin made sure to use observe just to make sure but it confirmed that they weren't enemies. 'Based on the stats alone I'm stronger than her. But that's no surprise.'

The four newcomers immediately recognized Kakashi and Daichi. Anko and the others turned their attention to the 6 ninjas unconscious and tied up. Anko whistled as she saw the damage some of them had.

"Did you really need to go overboard with these small-fries, Kakashi?"

The Jonin chuckled. "Well, it wasn't exactly me"

Daichi looked at his sensei from the corner of his eyes. 'Is this guy really throwing me under the bus?'

The ninjas were surprised that a Genin was able to subdue 4 higher ranked ninjas within such a short time.

Anko looked at Daichi and took note of his appearance. 'There isn't a single wound on him. And even his clothes are pristine. If Kakashi is right and this kid is the one who took them down and without injury no less, he's got some serious skills. Looks like the rumors might be true.'

She didn't waste any time and turned to her teammates. "Yobu, Rijin, Hibara. Make preparations to transport these 6 back to holding. And make sure to keep the brothers asleep."

"What's going on Anko?" Kakashi asked.

She turned to the man and her playful demeanor changed. "A lot. There's been a massive prison break and The forbidden scroll is stolen."

The silver haired Jonin's eyes widened. "What? Someone took the forbidden scroll? Who?"

Before Anko could reply, someone else answered that question. "It was that damn Naruto. He sneaked into the Hokage tower and stole the Forbidden scroll." The anger present in Yobu's voice was evident.

"That brat. If he uses the forbidden scroll and something happens, he could bring disaster to the village." Hibara clenched his fist and spoke. There was anger but behind it, fear was also present in his voice. He was someone who lived through the nine tails attack.

"This Forbidden scroll. I assume it contains dangerous and sensitive information and jutsu knowledge?" Daichi asked the ninjas present.

"Yes. It's a very dangerous scroll that the Hokage keeps at the tower." Kakashi replied.

"Then that's all the more reason for me to believe that Naruto isn't the real culprit."

Daichi's words brought a frown to Anko's face and shocked Yobu, Rijin and Hibara. Kakashi was silent and wanted to hear Daichi's theory.

"What are you talking about? Naruto was the one who stole the scroll. We have witnesses." Rijin spoke.

Daichi shook his head and spoke. "I'm not saying Naruto didn't steal the scroll. I have a feeling he might very well have."

"Then why did you say that Naruto isn't the real culprit?" Hibara asked.

"If this Forbidden scroll is as dangerous as you say then not just anyone would have knowledge of its existence. So how did Naruto, a kid who I'm assuming just graduated, find out about it? How did he know where to find it?"

Daichi's question silenced the three and Anko's lips slightly curled upwards. 'So it seems this kid has the same suspicions as me.'

Daichi looked at the 4 ninjas and spoke. "Look, I know he's a troublemaker, a headache and could sometimes be a major pain in the ass. But he's my friend. I know him. He would never deliberately do anything to harm the village or its people. I can guarantee you that."

"Then what do you think happened?" Anko questioned and Daichi became silent for a few moments. He was contemplating his answers and in just a few seconds after going through several scenarios in mind, he decided what to say.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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