The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 262: Sasuke's Choice & Shikamaru's Plan

Chapter 262: Sasuke's Choice & Shikamaru's Plan

Sasuke Uchiha left the Ninja Academy and was walking down a riverside road. Anyone who looked at him could see that he was distracted by something. He wanted to clear his mind and was simply roaming the village through some random roads.

'I've become a Genin but I haven't even awakened my Sharingan yet. Damn it. Itachi was in Anbu by the time he was twelve with fully matured Sharingan. I've been training so hard but it feels like I haven't made any progress So what am I doing wrong?'

The Uchiha sighed and slightly shook his head. His mind soon came to the subject of his team.

'I wonder who my teammates are going to be? No matter who they are, they'll only slow me down I need to get much stronger. I need to become strong enough to fight and defeat Daichi. Only then will I be able to defeat Itachi.'

At that moment Sasuke sighed and somehow the conversation he had with Daichi during their last spar popped into his mind.


"Hey, I know I've asked this before but do you think that if I show the teachers what I can really do, I might be able to get an apprenticeship with an experienced Jonin like you?" Sasuke asked as he blocked Daichi's punch.

The Uchiha could see Daichi's hesitance to reply and immediately knew the answer to that question. 'Of course not. Despite my talents I'm still not on the same level of skill and strength as Daichi.'

"Sasuke, you're a talented-"

"Stop! Just stop."

Sasuke stopped the fight and looked at his rival. A few seconds later he sighed and looked at the sky.

"I spend time here with you for two reasons. One, because you're stronger than me and fighting you is the only way I can get stronger. At least right now."

'And I hate admitting that'

"Two, you don't try to coddle me like most people I meet nowadays."

The Uchiha turned his head and looked Daichi dead in the eye. "Just give me a straight answer."

Daichi looked at his friend and nodded. "Fine. The answer to your question... No. While you're strong and far ahead of your peers I don't think you'll be under an apprenticeship when you graduate. You'll be part of a standard 4 member Genin squad."

Sasuke nodded and the two continued to spar. They weren't having an intense fight but were trying to improve their basic Taijutsu skills and techniques.

"Who do you think my teammates are going to be?"

At Sasuke's question a smirk formed on Daichi's face which brought confusion to the Uchiha.

"Daichi, you know something I don't?"

"A lot of things actually." The Genin said with a small laugh.


Seeing Sasuke's irritated face, Daichi chuckled but gave an answer. "I'm not sure... But anyone could be a part of your team. Even Naruto."

The Uchiha groaned tiredly. "Of all people I doubt I'd remain sane for long with that knucklehead on my team. Someone like him, he'd only drag me down."

"You know, he and you are a lot alike." Daichi said, jumping over Sasuke's leg sweep and sent a fast jab towards Sasuke's shoulder.

The academy student moved out of the way and quickly got up facing his opponent. "Please. He and I are nothing alike."

"Ohh you'd be surprised. Both of you suffered tragedies and lost parents. Granted he doesn't know his family, but still, I imagine the pain he feels of not knowing is quite significant. You both have high ambition. And he works hard once he sets his mind to something. Just like you."

Sasuke had stopped mid battle and jumped back. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Daichi with a frown. The Genin could see anger bubbling beneath the somewhat calm face. "You're really comparing that idiot to me? You think he even spends half his time training like I do? You think he knows the kind of loss and pain I feel?"

"Not the same kind of pain you've experienced but he has felt immense pain and heartache. There was a time when he had no one he could count on for help. Sasuke, what happened to you was bad, but you do not want to switch places with him. Trust me on that."

Daichi was serious as he said the words and Sasuke realized that. The Genin continued. "And as for training, I've seen him push himself till he can barely stand. You shouldn't underestimate him. I don't."

Sasuke was surprised at that admission. "You're not just saying that, are you? You really do mean it."


"Hn. Well, unlike you I don't have overwhelming blind faith that he's suddenly going to be strong."

"You'll eat those words one day." Daichi said laughing.

The two continued to spar and soon when night came they went their separate ways.

Flashback End.

Sasuke then recalled the match he had with Naruto a few hours ago at the academy. 'He definitely trained his chakra control and his shuriken skills were a lot better than I thought Still It would be hectic if he was on a team with me.'

Sasuke was about to turn a corner but a conversation stopped him in his tracks.

"Naruto. I'm here because there is one more test for the graduation exam."

"One more test?"

'That's Mizuki and Naruto. What are they talking about? A second graduation test?'

The Uchiha was surprised to hear that. He concealed his presence and carefully listened to the two. As the conversation progressed he was even more shocked by what he heard and by the end of it the Uchiha had a rough idea of what was happening.

"Good luck Naruto." The Chunin instructor said with a smile.

"Thanks. Next time you see me, I'm gonna be Rookie of the year. Believe it!"

A few moments later he sensed that both parties had left the area. 'This must be Mizuki's trick. He's looking to use Naruto for his own gains Whatever. It's not my problem if that idiot gets himself into trouble.'

Sasuke turned around and decided to head straight home. He decided to ignore the predicament Naruto was in and made the decision to focus on himself. He made his way to the front gates of his clan compound and stopped. He looked at the Uchiha symbol carved on the gates and his hands clenched into a fist.

'Damn it. Why am I even hesitating? Whatever trouble Naruto is in, it's not my business. So then Why can't I ignore it?'

The Uchiha let out a deep breath of air and closed his eyes. 'That damn Mizuki. He even dragged in my name Still to make Naruto steal a scroll from the Hokage tower. He should know he'll be caught when they catch Naruto. So what's his plan here?'

Sasuke opened his eyes and turned around. 'Since he had the nerve to use me in his trap, it's only fair that I see what he's up to. He must have some larger plan, he'd be a complete idiot otherwise'

Suddenly another thought emerged in his head. 'If I take a traitorous Chunin down, will the Hokage make an exception for me? If I capture Mizuki and retrieve whatever scroll he wanted Naruto to take, will the Hokage make me part of a two man team like Daichi?'

A small smile slowly formed on the boy's face. 'Whatever the case, I'm far too curious now to just let this go.'

He began making his way to the Hokage tower. 'I need to make sure I'm out of Naruto and Mizuki's sight. I need to find out what's really happening before I make my move.'


With Shikamaru.

"I have a plan I need you guys to do exactly as I say." Shikamaru said and the others nodded.

"Come on, I'll explain everything but right now, let's move from this spot." Shikamaru led his friends to a more secluded place and after having Hinata confirm that they were alone he laid out his plan.

"Okay. For the moment we can't tell anyone or alert anyone to the situation."

Ino and Hinata were surprised at that strategy but Choji kept silent. He had great trust in his friend.

"What? Why? The smartest thing right now would be to inform the Jonins or the Hokage."

The young Nara shook his head at Ino. "No. For one thing we don't know if he's working alone or if has some team with him. If we tell some random Jonin what we know and he turns out to be Mizuki's friend or partner we'd be in trouble. And even if we do tell the Hokage, Mizuki might get captured but if he has any accomplices then they might get away."

"What makes you so sure he has anyone helping him?" Ino asked.

"Because it's what I'd do. If I was going to betray the village, I'd need back up or at the very least a distraction. It'd be a dumb plan otherwise. He's just a Chunin academy instructor. For him to choose to become a missing ninja, he'd need a strong team or he knows for sure he'll get protection once he leaves the village."

"Um.. What about your dads?" Hinata asked nervously.

Ino sighed at that question. "I'm pretty sure they're out drinking. It's been a while since they all met and since it's our graduation, this was an excuse for them to get drunk together. I don't even know where to start to look for them."

"So right now we can't tell anyone? Then what do we do?" Choji asked.

"We need to make sure Mizuki is caught red handed. Or the theft of the scroll will be blamed on Naruto."

"Um What if What if we tell Naruto the truth? He'd believe us right?" Even though Hinata asked that question, it was as if deep down she knew the answer herself.

Shikamaru was silent for a few moments and then shook his head. "I don't like saying this but right now, I don't think Naruto would believe us."

"Why not? We're his friends right?"

Shikamaru turned to Choji and sighed. "Yes. But you have to see it from his perspective. Mizuki is a respected chunin teacher and Naruto doesn't know about Mizuki's hatred. And remember what he said to Naruto. According to him we're all participating in this exam. Mizuki specifically told Naruto not to trust us or listen to us. If we confront Naruto now I'm not sure how he'd react."

"Aargh. That idiot. Even if it's a fake test, why did he have to choose the test to steal the scroll from the Hokage tower?"

"Come on Ino, I thought you figured him out by now. For Naruto, after that defeat today against Sasuke this was the perfect way to get even and show him up. It's why he chose that task" Shikamaru replied and Ino slumped her shoulders.

"I have to give Mizuki credit. He knew just what to say to push Naruto's buttons"

"Sounds like Mizuki really thought this through." Ino realized that Mizuki had thought his plan out well and that it wouldn't be easy to beat him.

"So what do we do right now? We have to do something."

"I agree. Mizuki is being meticulous. He'll be extremely careful for the next several hours. We need to trap him and anyone helping him when he meets with Naruto for the exchange."

"But we only just graduated. If there is someone helping Mizuki, they'd at least be Chunin or maybe even Jonin Right?" Choji was nervous as he realized that a battle might be inevitable.

"I know. The four of us won't stand a chance. That's why we'll need everyone for this." Shikamaru turned to Ino.

"Ino. I need you to get Sakura and Shino. I'm sure you can find Sakura quickly and Shino might be at the insectarium near his clan compound. Find them quickly and then make sure to stock up on your ninja gear. We'll be going up against shinobi with experience so we need to set a trap and fight smarter. In addition to the usual gear, get smoke bombs, flash grenades and flares."

"Right!" Ino nodded in confidence.

Shikamaru then turned to his oldest friend. "Choji. I need you to find Kiba. He should be at the veterinary hospital or at his clan. Find him and stock up on gear. Tell him what's going on. We'll need his tracking skills. But make sure that no one else finds out."

"Got it."

"What will you be doing?" Ino asked.

"I'm going to keep an eye on the surroundings of the Hokage tower along with Hinata."

"But spying on the Hokage tower That's really dangerous."

The Nara sighed. "I know. What a drag... If we just blatantly spy on the Hokage, we'll get caught and will definitely be in trouble. We just need to keep an eye out for Naruto." He turned to the Hyuga of the group. "Hinata. We're going to keep an eye on Naruto but from a distance. We know he'll be at the Hokage tower so that's our location. Your Byakugan will be of great help."

The white eyed girl instantly went red faced. 'My-my eyes On Naruto'

"Arr... Hinata... Can you do it?" Shikamaru asked in a deadpanned tone.

The Hyuga girl clenched her hands and eagerly nodded her head. "Y-yes. You can count on me Shikamaru." Her strong determination sowed in her voice and face.

The future Ino-Shika-Cho team sweatdropped seeing the strong reaction from the usually timid girl.

Shikamaru continued with his plan. "Right... Anyway lucky for us, I'm sure Naruto won't make a move till the sun goes down, so that gives us some time to prepare."

Shikamaru tore a small portion of his clothes and handed them to Ino and Choji. "Once you two find the others and are ready, use that to find me and Hinata. But make sure to be as discreet as possible and above all else, we can't be seen by Naruto or Mizuki."

"So don't draw attention. That's gonna be hard since I'm a charming figure but it's not impossible." Despite the serious situation Ino couldn't help but give a cheeky reply.

Shikamaru sighed. 'Oh brother.'

"Whatever Remember. This is most important. We're following Naruto into danger and there is a good chance we'd be risking our lives. There could be Chunin or Jonin enemies. This is really dangerous. If anyone wants to back out, now is the time. It won't change anything." Shikamaru looked at the three and saw that none of them were willing to back down. He smiled and nodded.

"Good luck everyone. Let's go."

The next second the four newly graduated ninjas vanished from their spot.


Author's Note.

One thing I want all of you to keep in mind is that Kishimoto created shikamaru as a character with great intelligence and high 200 IQ. He's a master strategist.

Now obviously I as the author have nowhere near that intelligence. So the plans I make might have some flaws and it will show in the story. I've been revising my plans over and over but I could have missed something.

So If you spot any problems let me know in the comments.

I'm really nervous writing this arc. It's not just rookie graduation. Another significant event will also take place.

Now, About my four day absence well. I have no excuse. I was reading a story that caught my eye. It's a one piece fanfiction story.

Name: I'm sailing, Ask whitebeard a question at the start.

I've been reading it non-stop for the last 4 days. And when I say non stop I mean other than eating and sleeping for 5 hours, I did nothing else but read it. It has over 600 chaps and I read up to 550.

The truth is I really needed that ME Time and now I feel refreshed. I hope you guys can forgive me for making you wait for so long for this chapter. If you're interested, check it out. I'll be posting next chap tomorrow.

Now fair warning for those who want to read that story. It's a Chinese translated novel. And you'll encounter broken English. But it's not in most places but you'll understand the content of the chapter. Despite the language barriers, I really enjoyed reading it. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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