The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 249: Negotiation Tactics

Chapter 249: Negotiation Tactics

March 16th.

The sun crept above the Horizon, bathing Tanzaku Town and its luxurious resort in soft golden light. Set against the backdrop of rolling green hills and calm waters, the resort was a private oasis of tranquility. It was a fitting location for the serious discussions that lay ahead.

Ryoma was on his balcony gazing at the beautiful scenery in front of his view. He let out a deep breath of air and closed his eyes. After a few moments of mentally preparing himself he turned and looked to the two ninjas tasked with protecting him.

"You two ready?" Ryoma asked with a grin.

"Of course. I'm actually looking forward to this." Daichi replied with a smile while his sensei just nodded.

With that the trio moved to the lower floors. The resort had set up a giant pavilion in the large private garden outside for the gathering and meeting between all those present.

When the three people arrived downstairs in the large hall the family members of the two corporations were present along with their guards. The head of the 'Paradise Inn' was also present along with a maid in the corner. They all turned towards the three as they arrived.

Ryoma had a charming yet commanding presence as he entered the hall. His two bodyguards also drew some eyes.

The head of the Satoru corporation Mr. Tsuyoshi Satoru gazed at the diplomat with attentive, gentle brown eyes. He sported a neatly trimmed, graying beard that framed his square jawline and it added to his dignified persona.

'So he's Ryoma the Dealmaker. A cunning man known for his negotiation tactics and diplomatic skills. With him here Could it be possible?' Tsuyoshi Satoru thought about the future of his company and decided to see what would happen these next few days.

Mr. Yamamoto Hideshi, the president of the Rising Sun corporation, looked at the new arrivals. 'Ryoma the Dealmaker huh. Time to see if the rumors about you are true or not Hmm I need to make sure my father's legacy is safe.'

One of the guards accompanying the family recognized Kakashi. 'There's no mistaking it. That's Kakashi Hatake. But he only has one other ninja with him. Is that kid a chunin?'

Just as everyone had their eyes on the mediator, he too was examining all parties present with a critical eye. He looked to the left and his eyes roamed the group of people. 'It looks like all the main family members of the Satoru corporation are here. The head of the family and president of the company Tsuyoshi Satoru and his wife Hana Satoru. His three children and if the information is correct then the manager and business advisor Taichi. Then there are the guards. There is someone else but he seems too young and I don't have any information on him Must be a distant relative or a friend of the children.'

It only took Ryoma a few seconds to gaze at everyone and take in their attire. A habit he picked up and kept from his shinobi life. He then looked to the right and saw the second party.

'The Rising Sun corporation with the president of the company Yamamoto Hideshi. His wife, and two sons. Yakumi and Yamaha Hideshi along with the head manager Kotei Nanaji and their guards.'

Ryoma smiled at everyone but he was already thinking of slightly adjusting his negotiation tactics to better his advantage. The diplomat glanced at Kotohaku and the man gave a small nod in return.

Ryoma smiled and slightly spread his arms and began. "Welcome everyone. Thank you all for coming to the meeting and being here today. I'm sure you all understand the significance of this venture. So let's not waste anymore time."

Everyone nodded and just as they were about to move to the large pavilion, Ryoma spoke. "I would like Mr. Tsuyoshi and Yamamoto to join me for a private meeting first. Just the two please. You may each have one guard accompany you. The rest, please make yourselves comfortable in the pavilion. Our meeting might take a while."

With those words Ryoma moved to a different private room guided by the resort's manager. The two heads of the families looked at each other and then quietly followed the man. Kakashi and two other ninjas also followed behind them and soon they all disappeared from everyone's view.

Daichi and the others slowly moved to the pavilion outside. The Genin stood in a corner and was using 'observe' on everyone in his view. 'The guards are all between Level 75 to 85. Guess these rich guys have some muscle.'

There were some curious eyes from several people on Daichi but none of them made a move to interact with him. The Genin preferred it that way as he looked through the information his spying skill showed him. And as he did he found a couple of interesting people.

'Yusuke Satoru. Age 24 and the youngest child of Tsuyoshi Satoru. He's jealous of his brother and sister. His micro expressions indicate that he's unhappy And then there is his friend. Yuta Genjira. Age 24. Civilian and son of a wealthy merchant. Hmm. nothing more significant about him. For some reason he seems angry that Ryoma took the two family heads out of the room. I'll have to keep an eye on those two.'

Daichi stood calm and looked around. 'The guards are keeping an eye on the other and they even have me in their peripheral. Seems they're all cautious. With observation I can find a threat far sooner than anyone else. I really love my gamer powers But man, standing around like this is so boring. Oh well, I'm sure Kakashi sensei must be bored as well right now. He can't even read his book. If he looked like he was distracted doing his thing then it would reflect badly on the client. So I guess that's a win for me.'


With Ryoma.

The manager/owner of the resort led the group of 6 people to a relatively large private room. In the middle of the room was a round table with three chairs placed equal distance apart. Ryoma gestured to the chairs and spoke.

"Gentlemen. Please take your seats."

Kakashi and the other two guards of the families each took a spot at the edge of the room but near their client. The two guards were keeping an eye on the other and Kakashi but said Jonin stood nonchalantly and looked like he had no cares in the world. He suddenly had the impulse to sneeze but he didn't move a muscle and held it down. 'Someone must be thinking about me. Please let it be a cute girl.'

Once the two heads of the families were seated Ryoma spoke. "Thank you for agreeing to my request."

"Funny. It sounded more like a demand." Yamamoto slightly narrowed his eyes and replied.

Ryoma chuckled. "Oohh but you see, there is a difference. When I make a demand you'll know it." Ryoma's smile was the same but there was a sinister undertone to it that no one missed.

Kakashi understood the tactic being used by the man. 'Keeping them wary but not at the edge. This way they'll tread carefully and not make reckless decisions. Depending on how he proceeds this could be an opportunity or a problem.'

The diplomat continued as normal. "Now as I said before, I'm glad you two and your families have traveled all the way here from your homes. I understand the significance of your journey and the history both your families share. Your presence here is a testament to your willingness to look beyond past rivalries for the future prosperity of not just your corporations but also the Land of Fire."

The two men glanced at the other and turned towards the diplomat.

It was Tsuyoshi who spoke first. "My willingness to come here doesn't mean I trust him or my unconditional agreement to an alliance."

"Hmph! Same here. I don't trust this man. There have been some clashes between the two of us these last few months and I don't wish to escalate it further if possible. It's the reason I came. But if these negotiations seem unfavorable, I will not agree to anything." Yamamoto gave his thoughts as well.

Despite what the two thought, Ryoma didn't become angry after hearing that. He only kept smiling as he sipped his tea. His gaze swept across the table meeting each person's eyes in turn. "Trust is not an easy commodity. And most of my previous clients were similar to the two of you. So I fully understand your situation. It's why I'm here after all. My duty is to create a scenario where everyone leaves happy. Or at the very least make things better than when you came here."

Tsuyoshi and Yamamoto nodded their heads.

"Good. Now the reason I asked for a private audience with you two is to establish some ground rules. Before we delve into the intricacies of this potential alliance you two need to abide by certain conditions." Ryoma stopped and looked at the two for any objections. Seeing none he continued.

"First and foremost, we will treat each other with respect. Second, I request openness and honesty in these negotiations. Trust may be non-existent between the two of you but if this alliance is going to work then it is an essential factor."

The heads of both corporations gave a slight nod in understanding. A murmur of agreement echoed around the table.

The eyes of the mediator sharpened and there was an edge to his tone that set the two family guards on alert. "Third, and the most important one, there will be no violence towards each other or towards me conducted on these premises and in this town. Violate that rule and there will be consequences. I hope I'm making myself very clear."

Tsuyoshi and Yamamoto were people not easily threatened but they knew that Ryoma was someone important in the Fire capital and if anything were to happen to him the ministers or someone from the Royal court would get involved. It was not something they wanted. The two nodded their heads and a gentle smile was on the mediator's face again.

"Excellent. Before we begin A toast." Ryoma slowly pulled a small storage scroll from his sleeve. The guards of the two companies discreetly moved their hands to their pouch but a glance from their employers stopped them from making a rash move.

Ryoma smiled as he saw the scene from the corner of his eyes as he took out the contents from his scroll.

Three white sake cups and a bottle. "I had this imported from the Land of Lightning. The Thunder Spirit Wine. Excellent stuff from what I hear. Never had the pleasure of tasting it so I'm quite eager." Ryoma said as he poured three cups. Once the bottle was placed in the middle of the table they each took a cup and looked at the other.

"To a better future." Ryoma grinned and downed his cup. Seeing the man drink it without hesitation the other two glanced at each other and drank it as well.

Yamamoto let out a breath and placed the sake cup on the table. "Not bad. This is certainly better than the one from the Land of Earth. What was that called.? Ah yes. The Bejeweled Earth Nectar."

Tsuyoshi smirked and looked at the man beside him. "While this is certainly a good sake I believe the Bejeweled Earth Nectar is a bit better."

"You can't be serious? It seems your taste buds must have finally given out due to old age if you think that." Yamamoto retorted.

"If you believe this is better than the Bejeweled Earth Nectar then you certainly have gone senile. How can I form an alliance with a company run by a senile man?" Tsuyoshi verbally struck back.

"What'd you say?" A vein popped up in Yamamoto's forehead.

Ryoma groaned loudly before they could escalate their verbal attacks. "Good grief. You two can't even agree on a simple drink. No wonder your companies have such an intense rivalry with each other"

The mediator looked at the two and then a grin formed on his face. "Well then, first things first. Let's settle this matter of the better wine."

"And how do we do that?" The two raised an eyebrow.

"By finding out which one's the best. It's a good thing I brought some samples." Ryoma said as he placed some chakra into the storage scroll. Several small bottles of different colors and designs appeared.

Kakashi looked at the scene and internally smirked. 'I see. So that's his plan. He's clever.'

It was only morning but the start of the negotiations that had the potential to change the dynamics of the Land of Fire's economy was underway in an unusual way.


Daichi had been keeping an eye on everyone in the pavilion while sticking to the shadows. A few curious people wanted to interact with him but he didn't give them the chance. 'Not yet. It's still too soon.'

The Genin was closely observing the surveillance tactics of the other shinobi. Daichi's goal was to see if he could learn anything new from them. But he made sure to keep intentions hidden from them.


On the other side of the pavilion a few members of the Satoru family were having their own discussions. Yusuke Satoru, the youngest child of Tsuyoshi Satoru, was having a small argument with his elder brother. "We should be in there with them. We should be by pop's side. What if that bastard Yamamoto influenced Ryoma? We don't know anything for sure so we can't trust anyone."

Kazuki Satoru shook his head. "No. You're impatient Yusuke. The negotiations have only just started. And Ryoma is a man with an irreproachable record."

Taichi, the head manager and the advisor of The Satoru corporation also weighed in. "He is right, master Yusuke. That man is trustworthy. It's one of the reasons we chose him."

"It doesn't matter. We shouldn't be even talking about an alliance with them. They're our enemies. Within a few more years we can take over their business." Yusuke made his argument. He was against this whole thing and only came due to his father.

"You gave up your position in the company so you do not have a say in how these negotiations go. Don't forget that." Mika Satoru, the middle child and only daughter of Tsuyoshi, spoke looking at her little brother.

Yusuke clenched his fist hearing that argument. Several years ago he had made a grave mistake and it cost his company a great deal. He had to pay for it by removing himself from the business his family had built.

The young man clenched his fist and walked away from his family. He came near his friend who was enjoying the drinks and food.

"Yeesh. You look like you want to stab someone." Yuta Genjira, the close friend of Yusuke, spoke with a grin.

The youngest son of Tsuyoshi calmed down and kept a neutral expression. Yusuke knew he had to keep the arguments with his family under wraps. It was a private matter between his siblings. But even though he was keeping calm on the outside, inside he was very angry. "They don't even value my opinions anymore."

"Come on. Of course they do. They're family. Look. You guys might have arguments but I have no doubt that they value your contributions. Cheer up man. This isn't the end of the world." Yuta reassured his friend.

Yusuke snorted and smirked when he heard that. "It could be for our company if this alliance comes about. I won't trust the Hideshis to not stab us in the back."

"You're being dramatic. Your father is a smart man. I'm sure he can handle it. Your brother and sister are with him and I'm sure they'll only make a decision only after hearing your opinions too." Yuta gave his friend a big smile and gave him a small glass of wine. "Here. For now, have this and relax."

Yusuke grinned as he looked at his closest friend. "Well, at least I have you in my corner." He grabbed the glass and the two had a small toast. "Let's get drunk."


It was an hour after noon and at that moment he sensed several people entering the pavilion. Daichi immediately zeroed in on his client and saw that the man was slightly drunk but was still completely aware of everything. The other two were also in a similar state but they couldn't hide their flush cheeks like the mediator.

Ryoma clapped, gaining everyone's attention. "Apologies for the delay. There was an important matter that had to be dealt with. The negotiations will resume tomorrow. In the meantime you are all welcome to enjoy this wonderful establishment."

Saying nothing else, Ryoma turned around and kept walking with Kakashi beside him. In seconds Daichi also joined the two.

As they left everyone's view Kakashi spoke. "You deliberately chose that wine at the beginning didn't you. It was your plan to get them to disagree with each other at first."

Ryoma laughed when he heard that. "Yes. I did some extensive research on the two as soon as the matter was brought to me. I knew Tsuyoshi liked the Bejeweled Earth Nectar. And Yamamoto was a fan of sake similar to the flavor of The Thunder Spirit Wine. I wanted them to disagree so that I could bring them together."

"By pulling out a wine at the end that was even better than all the previous ones. You didn't say which of the two wines were better. You just said to find the best one." Kakashi said as he walked.

Ryoma nodded. "Yes. By getting them to agree to something even as simple as a bottle of wine, I've created a small trust between the two. A small miniscule tiny wisp of trust. But trust nonetheless."

"And your stunt reduced the tension between the two even by a little."

The diplomat lightly chuckled. "That too." The smile slowly vanished and he got serious. "But from this point forward things will become much more serious. There is a possibility that an attack will be coming. I'm not sure who the target is, but there are elements that want to see this alliance fall. That much I understood as soon as I walked into that hall. So be ready."

Daichi and Kakashi nodded. The Genin was impressed. 'This guy has good situational awareness and knows how to read people. Impressive This mission might not be as boring as I thought.'


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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