The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 246: Everyone has an Agenda 03(Final)

Chapter 246: Everyone has an Agenda 03(Final)


Daichi and Kakashi were in front of the Hokage giving their mission report.

[Quest 'Protect the Farmland' has been completed.]



[6500 Exp.]

[975 Exp.]

[Reputation increases with the people of the Keishi village.]

Daichi internally sighed as he saw the quest experience gains. 'As I level up and get stronger the mission exp decreases. A C-Rank mission I completed at the beginning had given me over 12000 exp but now that I'm much stronger it's only half that. It's as if the system knows that this isn't challenging me and is giving me a smaller reward.'

He mentally closed the blue boxes and paid attention to the Hokage.

"Well done you two. Good work on completing another C Rank mission Daichi. You have the next week off." The old kage said with a nod.

"Thank you Lord Hokage." The Genin politely replied.

"You're dismissed."

Daichi left the room while Kakashi stayed. The Sharingan Jonin looked at the kage and was waiting for an answer.

Hiruzen looked at one of his top ninjas in the village and spoke. "Since we have many kids from the various clans in the coming graduation, I've decided to create specialized teams this year. I'm going to place Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura together. Now, based on Naruto's improvement he won't be the last in the class but I'm sure I can find some other excuse as to why I'm placing him with the Rookie of the year."

"Have you given any thoughts to my request Lord Hokage?"

"Yes. I have made a final decision. Right now, your responsibility is to Daichi. I will be assigning Tenzo to Team 7 when they graduate. He will be able to keep an eye on Naruto and take appropriate measures should anything go wrong during a mission and he'll be able to teach ninjutsu to Sasuke and polish up Sakura's skills. But by the time June rolls around I'm sure Sasuke will have awakened his eyes and you'll be able to take over the team at which point I'll have Tenzo lead Daichi." Hiruzen said, looking at Kakashi.

The Jonin nodded. "I will enter Daichi in the upcoming Chunin exam and if his past is any indication he'll pass it with flying colors."


"Thank you for your time. I'll get out of your hair Lord Hokage." Kakashi said with a bow and soon left the tower.

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair and thought about what he had learned about a week ago. 'So he has shown interest in seals and has already started learning it huh. If he keeps going at this rate he'll be Kage level in a few years. Kakashi might have a contender for the position of Hokage in the coming years.'


"Achoo!" 'Argh. Someone must be thinking about me.' Daichi rubbed his nose and kept walking. Soon he reached home and just as he was about to enter several notifications popped up.

[Tier 02 - 50000000/50000000.]

'Finally. Tear 02 is completed. About time.'

The gamer ninja immediately went through the other messages.

[Skill Strength of the Hundred Seal has upgraded to Tier 02]

[Tier 02 - 50000000 Chakra Points.]

[Tier 02 Seal is in the form of a small green inverted triangle 0.05 millimeter below the First Tier Seal. Cannot add chakra to this seal beyond the marked amount.]

Daichi removed his forehead protector and looked at the small seal on his forehead through the reflection on the metal.

'Now it looks similar to Tsunade's seal. Except mine is green in color. Hmm I like it.'

[Since Tier 02 is complete, system has now stopped allocating chakra to the seal. This skill is now inactive.]

[Chakra Points Needed to reach Tier 03 - 0/100000000.]

'100 Million chakra points to reach tier 03. That's a lot. Now there's two things I need to be careful about the 3rd seal. Where I place it and how much I should allocate to it'

The Genin went to his backyard and sat near the pond. He enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere as he thought about his next move. 'The First and second seals should help me in battle with the needed chakra. Now I need to create one to heal my internal organs. Naruto's graduation is coming up and I'm pretty sure my existence has caused some changes. I'm not certain if it's for good or bad I'll have to wait and see but it's best that I be prepared.'

The Genin thought about where to place the seal next and he had an idea. He looked at the skill and activated it.

[This skill is currently inactive. Once this skill is activated, the system will automatically direct the allocated amount of chakra to the specific location of your body.]

A red system message box popped up next.

[How much percentage of your chakra do you want to redirect to the skill?]

'I'll have a lot of tough battles ahead and I just can't recklessly allocate chakra and then not have it when needed.'

Daichi thought about what to do and made his decision. He would allocate only 100% of his CP to the seal daily.

[106398 * 100%/100 = 106398 - Estimated at most 939.8 days needed until completion and creation of Tier 03 seal. (Not an accurate time frame due to various factors.)]

'Almost 3 years huh. I'll have to speed up that time frame somehow. If my plans for the Chunin exams go well then I'm pretty sure I'll be able to level this skill up to the highest Tier in less than a year or two.'

[Would you like to proceed?]


[Concentrate chakra to the spot on your body where you want to store your energy.]

Daichi concentrated and focused his chakra into an internal organ. 'My heart. The 2nd most vital organ right below the brain. Since the heart is the organ that produces chakra and supplies it, it's best I create a seal and merge it with my heart. Enemies love targeting fatal organs. It's best if I take precautions.'

[Location confirmed.]

Daichi envisioned the seal in the form of a six pointed star atop his heart.

[Strength of the Hundred Seal skill activated.]

The instant the skill was activated, the system started reallocating CP to the beating organ. A small seal very slowly began to take shape inside Daichi's body atop his beating organ.

[100% of your CP will now be directed every day to your heart due to the skill.]

[Excess chakra your body produces can now be reallocated to the skill if you wish.]

[Note: Once the Third Tier is completed, the user can use Chakra in all tiers individually or simultaneously.]

The gamer ninja let out a deep breath of air and meditated. He felt the chakra flow inside his body and felt completely calm. A few minutes later he began his daily training


March 10th - Fire country border.

It was night time and a lone shinobi was traveling through the woods of the Land of Fire. He soon reached a small wooden hut that was surrounded by trees. The ninja was wearing a brown and green cloak that covered him from head to toe. He quietly jumped down from the trees and slowly walked up to the door.

After knocking in a certain pattern he immediately heard the reply to enter. The cloaked ninja entered the small hut and saw a tall man with long blonde hair. He was wearing a mask that covered his facial features but the cloaked ninja knew who the person was.

"So you're Mizuki. Interesting" The blonde man said with a chuckle.

The first ninja removed his cloak and silver hair fell framing the sides of his face. Mizuki, the academy instructor of the Leaf village.

Mizuki looked at the other man and was on guard but he put up a strong front wanting to show that he wasn't afraid. "You must be Ko Yamanaka. The rogue ninja that left the village three years ago. Now you're currently working for Orochimaru."

Ko smiled as he heard that. " 'Working for' is a bit of a stretch. I help him out from time to time. I'm more of an independent contractor."

Mizuki nodded. "Let's not waste anymore time. You know why I came here don't you?"

"Yes. Orochimaru mentioned a few things. You're planning something interesting in the village on the day of the upcoming graduation. Then escape while the whole place is in chaos But you know you should have done this before you even started planning." The blonde sat on a nearby chair and took out the sake bottle.

Mizuki sat on the opposite chair and poured himself a glass. "The graduation is on March 20th and the academy gave 2 weeks off to every student so that they could prepare. I could only come now because I had to be sure that no one would suspect me. If I left during the middle of the curriculum then it would have raised suspicion."

Ko nodded and turned serious. "Do you have my payment?"

The academy instructor nodded and took out a scroll. He placed his chakra on it and a small pile of money appeared. "It's all there." Mizuki said as if to reassure the man.

Ko smiled as he looked at the neatly stacked bills. "Good. Let's get started then. Lord Orochimaru told me to build strong barriers within your mind. Once I'm done all the information in your head will be inaccessible to anyone else but you. Not even Genjutsu will be able to make you spill your secrets. But you know the risks don't you?."

Mizuki smiled arrogantly upon hearing that. "Yes. And this is just a precaution. I have no intention of getting caught and with the plan I put in place they won't suspect me until it's too late."

"How long do you have till you need to return to the village?" Ko asked.

"I have a few day's time."

"Good. That should be plenty." With that Ko got up and went to Mizuki. He placed both hands atop the academy instructor's head and began his work.

The rogue Yamanaka ninja was creating barriers and defenses in Mizuki's mind to shield him from various mind-reading jutsu from his own clan members. He knew what techniques they would use and he was building defenses against it.


March 12th.

It was morning. Ko completed his work and Mizuki left the hut shortly after.

'Now that I have some additional spending money I should hit the gentlemen's club in the Capital tonight.'

As the blonde ninja stretched his arms and thought about the girls he'd be seeing tonight, a lecherous smile formed on his face. But before he could delve deeper into his fantasies he sensed the presence of a strong shinobi and the grin vanished from his face. He instantly recognized the chakra and knew who his guest was. His mood instantly soured.

'Damn it. I was hoping to avoid that snake. He gives me the creeps.'

Knock! Knock!

Ko quickly opened the door and welcomed the guest in with a smile. "Lord Orochimaru. Please come inside. I just finished the task you assigned me."

"Kukuku Hello Ko. I take it that everything went well."

"Yes Lord Orochimaru. Mizuki just left a few minutes ago. I did just as you asked and got the payment right here." The blonde ninja said with a slightly nervous grin.

"Good. I knew I could count on you." The snake Sannin had a big grin as he looked at the man in front of him. "There is one more thing I need you to do."

"Whatever you need my Lord." Ko replied and gave a small bow as if he was appreciating working for the man.

Orochimaru's grin only widened at that reply.


March 14th. Hidden Leaf Village.

It was nearing midnight and a lone man stood near a small window. He looked out at the moonless sky and stood patiently as if waiting for someone.

A few moments later he turned around and looked at the corner of his room. "You're late."

"I deeply apologize Lord Danzo but I had to make sure the information the others obtained were verified." The outline of a man kneeling in the shadows could be seen. He was wearing Anbu gear and had on a blank mask.

Danzo grunted and walked towards the nearby couch. He sat down and looked at the man. "And is it? Is there confirmation?"

"Yes. Orochimaru is planning something big. He has had shipments and high tech medical equipment move all over the country these last few months. We suspect that he's created several bases here in the Land of Fire." The unknown Root ninja replied.

"Does Hiruzen or the others in the Surveillance and Intelligence department know?" Danzo asked.

The ninja shook his head. "No my Lord. I checked. They're unaware of his activities. Even we wouldn't have found out about it if we didn't know his operational channels and methods."

Danzo became silent as he thought about the situation. 'What are you planning? If it was an attack on the village he would have contacted me and tried to exploit my position to get his hands on our Anbu and guard patrol routes. But since he hasn't, this must be something else Or maybe he plans an attack to completely weaken the village and make an opening for the other villages to strike?... What exactly is he thinking?'

Danzo looked at his subordinate and spoke. "What about the other matter? Have you concluded your investigation?"

"Yes. I've checked the Anbu records and our mission logs. I noticed a few discrepancies. I'm afraid we have a spy in our midst. The Hokage has sent someone and they have indeed infiltrated the Foundation. Based on my conclusions they've been within our rank for over 2 years."

"I see." Danzo closed his eyes and exhaled a breath of air. 'So it has come to this. We've both been reduced to sending operatives into each other's organizations.'

Danzo opened his eyes and stood in front of the kneeling man. "There is a war coming. We need to identify the threat before it hits and we need to prepare. Since you're the second in command of Root, I'm giving you full operational authority and mandate. Find the enemy and neutralize the threat."

"Yes Lord Danzo." With those words the man disappeared from the room the very next second leaving no trace behind.


Author's Note.

Next chapter Daichi will begin his new mission and things will slowly begin. Are you all excited? I know I am.

On another note I'm sure you all noticed the slow updates these last couple of weeks.

It's just that canon is starting and I'm feeling the pressure to make it a good opening arc. I have a lot of things planned and I have the general idea of the events that will happen in my mind but I'm having a bit of difficulty putting it on paper. But don't worry. I started the arc and after writing several chapters I'm sure I'll be able to keep up the flow and update faster.

So don't worry I will keep soldiering on and once we begin canon we'll have a smooth flow. At least that's what I'm hoping. But in the meantime please be patient with me for one more week..

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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