The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 233: A Winter Holiday

Chapter 233: A Winter Holiday

[You have used your first Ice nature jutsu.]

[You have acquired the skill Ice Affinity.]

The two notifications brought a smile to Daichi's face. He wanted to check out the details of his new skill but before he could Kakashi spoke.

"It seems your method of using Fire Nature to create ice and then use it for your Ice techniques work"

"Yeah Hey, since you had your Sharingan on the jutsu I just used, what can you tell me about it?" Daichi asked his teacher.

"Well the truth is even though you've mimicked the Yuki clan's ability, the strength and efficiency of your Ice style is far from the real thing. I saw you use a lot more chakra than what you've used for your other nature jutsu but not to the same effect. You expended more energy but the Ice needles you created were a lot weaker than they should be. Do you know why?" The Jonin asked his student.

Daichi nodded his head. "It's the first time I'm using this technique and because I didn't add Wind chakra nature to create and strengthen the ice."

"Precisely. Right now what you have is a copy. It is nowhere near as strong as the original But don't let that bring you down. There aren't many people who could do what you did. And you've only just begun." Kakashi knew that even though Daichi's Ice style was weak at the moment, it would only get stronger.

The Genin was well aware of that. 'Right now this skill should be at level 1. With time I'll get it to max and then Oh boy It will be one hell of an ace up my sleeve'

"Since our training with Fire Nature is completed, are you going to try it with Wind Nature next?"

Daichi fell silent and let out a deep breath of air. He recalled the last several weeks and thought about what to do. 'I've been going at it hard with little rest for almost two months now. One month in the dungeon and one here. It's better I take some time off and relax.'

He looked at his sensei and spoke. "I will but not right now. I've been training hard non-stop and I think it's time I take a small break."

The Jonin smiled hearing that. "Good. I was hoping you'd say that. Training is good but without proper rest for the body and mind we will only hinder ourselves. There won't be any missions till the end of this month. So have fun." With that Kakashi used body flicker and left the training ground.

Daichi looked at himself and saw that he was covered in mud and dirt. 'Man, I really need a shower.'

He dove into the lake and swam around for a few minutes. He felt his body relax and soon got out of the water. 'Time to check out my new skill.'

The Genin opened the skill list and looked at the details of the new skill as he put on new clothes.

[Ice affinity - (Active/Passive)(LV. 01): Ice Release is a combination nature transformation of Wind and Water. It is commonly affiliated with Dog hand-seal. Most Ice jutsus are far stronger than Water jutsu or Wind jutsu that use the same amount of chakra. ]

[Note: You have created Ice without the use of Wind chakra nature and thus your jutsu will be weaker than normal. There will also be a level restriction. Users cannot level up this skill beyond LV. 25 until the needed conditions are met. Users can remove this restriction with two methods.

The user has learned to combine Wind and Water chakra natures to create Ice or must gain absolute mastery of Water Nature on all its aspects.]

[Effects: ]

[1% Power Increase in Ice attack jutsu.]

[1% Defense Increase in Ice defense jutsu.]

[2% Increase in success when creating Ice style jutsu.]

[1% Decrease in Chakra Cost when using Ice style jutsu.]

Daichi looked at the details of the new skill and sighed. 'I had a feeling it would be like this. I knew there would be limitations. I couldn't combine both natures so I used a shortcut. I can use Ice jutsu but not to its true potential. Not until I learn to use both chakra natures at the same time anyway. That's going to be tricky but I don't think it's impossible. I just need time and effort. I've come this far Hmm So if there is a limitation like this on Ice Affinity then there would be on the others as well. I need a way to get around this problem.'

Daichi headed back home thinking about how to solve his new predicament. 'I need to learn how to use two natures simultaneously. But my body currently doesn't have that skill. So how do I acquire it?'

'This isn't like the gamer story where I can just buy a skill book and get a new skill.' As he neared his home Daichi suddenly came to a halt. An idea popped. 'Training is indeed the answer Hmm Yes. That might work and I might get the skill I need.'

Daichi crossed his arms and thought about the other option. 'But combining Wind and Water is one option. The other is getting such mastery over Water Nature that I can manipulate it down to its molecules without any help. The water skill says that after crossing level 85 I can manipulate it down to its molecules and I can but it takes time and lots of energy. But I have a feeling that if I complete the final step of the 3rd stage I'll be able to create Ice with just water Nature I need to test it out when I get the time.'

With a plan in mind Daichi moved forward and soon reached his home. He found his grandfather tending to their garden.

"Hey Gramps. Did ya miss me?"

Kensei sensed the arrival of his grandson and turned to look at the boy. "You've certainly grown. I take it that things worked out"

The Genin smiled and went to a nearby bucket of water. He made two seals and placed a hand on the surface of the water. In seconds the water in the bucket became frozen solid.

The old veteran ninja was surprised as he saw the water turn to ice. "You did it. You actually created ice from water."

"Yeah. I can use Ice style jutsu but I need to turn water into ice first. There are some limits." Daichi replied.

"Still, this is very impressive. Rarely can a shinobi who isn't part of a clan can use their techniques. You should be proud of your achievements."

"Thanks Gramps." The Genin sat down near his grandfather and both of them recalled what they were up to last month.

"Hey gramps. The Rinne festival is in 3 days. Did you get the items I wrote down?" Daichi asked.

Kensei nodded with a small smile. "Yes. They're in your room. I just received them a couple days ago."

"Alright, let me get to work. I've missed the last couple of festivals here so I'm kinda looking forward to this. I'll be inside if you need me." With that the young Genin went inside.

The Rinne festival is a winter holiday celebrated in the last week of December in the Leaf village and other parts of the world. It is a time for praying for the deceased and praying for good fortunes in the coming year. Daichi had made his grandfather certain requests the day he headed out to training.

The Genin opened the door to his room and saw several boxes on his bed. Daichi opened the boxes and a smile formed on his face. 'They're beautiful. She'll love these.'

There were also several scrolls and painting equipment nearby. 'Hmm These should do nicely. The Rinne festival is in three days. I better get to work.'


Daichi made his way to a place he hadn't visited in a long time. He walked up to the gates of Aiko's Orphanage and soon was led inside to her office.

Miss Aiko smiled as soon as she saw the boy "Daichi! It's so nice to see you again. I missed you."

"I missed you too." Daichi smiled and nodded at the kind matron. He took off his sunglasses and placed them in his pocket. The Genin took a closer look at the matron and noticed the wrinkles becoming more pronounced on her face and the grays in her hair. It saddened Daichi that he couldn't come to this place more often. "How have you been?"

"Good, Daichi. The work here keeps me busy but I'm quite happy." The matron of the orphanage replied. "How's your grandpa? He came here a month ago but I haven't seen him since."

"The old man's at the cemetery visiting his family. He'll be there for a while and then return home."

Aiko thought about Kensei's family and the smile on her face dimmed. But she didn't dwell on it for much longer and put on a cheerful face.

She smiled at the Genin in her office and spoke. "How's your life as a ninja? I know you wanted to be one long before you left here. So how is it? Go on any interesting missions?"

Daichi chuckled thinking about the last several missions. "Let's just say it's been an exciting few months for me and my sensei."

"I'll bet. I heard that you're part of a special two man team. That true?" Aiko asked the boy.

Daichi nodded his head with a smile. "Yeah. My skills were assessed to be much higher than my teammates and this way I'll be able to train at my own pace and take missions more suited to my skills."

Aiko smiled hearing that but Daichi saw a hint of sadness on the middle aged woman's face. "What's wrong?" The Genin asked the caretaker.

Aiko sighed and replied. "It's just When I was a Genin I was part of a team with two others my age and the bond we created through the good times and bad I could always count on them. We shared our happiness and sadness together. Training with them and completing missions with them It was some of the best days of my ninja life I'm just sad that you didn't get to experience that."

Daichi understood where the woman was coming from. "Yeah. It would have been nice to have teammates but I think for me this is the best option. I still have friends. And if you're worried about someone not having my back, don't be. I made a few friends during my missions and besides, my classmates will graduate this March and I'm pretty sure I'll be going on joint missions with them."

"I'm happy to hear that Daichi"

Daichi nodded with a smile. He then took a scroll and gave it to the matron.

"What's this?" Aiko asked.

"It's a few small gifts for the kids here. Some new clothes, candies and toys. The Rinne festival is later today and I thought I'd buy the kids here something nice."

"Daichi, that's sweet and I really appreciate the gesture but you didn't have to do that. You should be saving your mission payments." Aiko was happy with the boy's kind generous feature but she wanted him to save his money for the future.

Daichi smiled as if he knew what she was thinking. "If you're worried about me not having any money, you're in for a surprise."

"What do you mean?"

"I recently completed a mission with a reward that came in the millions"

Aiko's eyes widened hearing that. "What? How? What mission did you complete?... Wait? Can you even talk about it?"

Daichi smirked and relayed the details of the Phantom Thief's hidden Treasure and the mission he completed. He also recalled the few other C Ranks he did during the last few months.

Aiko smiled hearing Daichi's missions. "Wow. That's amazing. Not even a year and you already started out with way more exciting missions than what normal Genins get."

The two fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments before Aiko spoke. "I know you didn't come here just to check up on little old me. You want to know about her don't you?"

Daichi had a small smile on his face. "Yes. There is something in that scroll specifically for her Reo will turn 5 next month, so I had it made just for her."

Aiko placed the scroll on her desk and opened it. There were several gifts but one caught her attention. It was a much larger box than the others with a small tag with the name Reo on it. It was covered in a beautiful ornate wrapping paper.

"It's a kimono." Daichi said. "It's her birthday present."

Aiko's eyes slightly widened in understanding. 'So that's why Kensei came here last month and asked for Reo's measurements.'

Aiko's face softened as she looked at Daichi's sad face. "Daichi, why don't you go see her? Talk to her"

The Genin looked at the matron and she could see a sad smile was on his face. "You have no idea how much I want to. I thought about adopting her and bringing her home with me on more than one occasion. I want nothing more than to form a relationship with her. Teach her, guide her, tell her about her origin"

Aiko could hear the yearning in Daichi's voice. She clearly understood that Daichi had lost sleep over this issue more than once. "Then why don't you?"

Daichi looked up and the smile vanished from his face. "When Ren and Kimiko first introduced me to Reo, when they handed me their little baby, when I held her in my arms, the moment she looked at me and smiled, I instantly felt protective of her... I don't know how or why that emotion appeared in me but it doesn't matter. From that moment forward she was like a little sister to me. I promised those two that I would be a big brother to her and protect her I want to meet her and form a bond with her so much that it hurts But I can't be that selfish."

Aiko looked at the boy and she could hear the sadness buried in his voice.

Daichi continued. "With all the things happening, if I form a relationship with her and any of my enemies found out about it, she would be in danger and if they discover her truth, she'll be in even more danger. I can't do that to her."

Aiko narrowed her eyes and looked at the Genin. "That's not the whole truth, is it? What exactly are you afraid of?"

Daichi became silent after hearing that question and looked down, deep in thought. 'Danzo, Orochimaru, Obito, Zetsu With the plans I have in mind I would become their enemy sooner or later and if they find out about Reo they'll use her to their advantage. They won't even hesitate to hurt or kill her if need be. And if something like that happens'

The interrogation he had with Junichiro during the capital mission and the questions it roused in him came to the forefront of Daichi's mind. After a few seconds of silence the Genin replied, still looking down. "I'm afraid of what those people might do to her but you're right That's not all"

Daichi looked up at Aiko and the moment she saw the boy's eye's the retired kunoichi felt an emotion she hadn't felt in a long time.

Absolute Terror.

"What I'm more afraid of is what I would do to them... The horrors I would unleash on my enemies should they dare lay a hand on her, of the man I would become should that happen That's what frightens me more"

Aiko sat petrified, unable to say a word. The Genin sighed seeing the terrified expression on the woman's face and stood from his chair. He went to the nearby window and looked outside. The children playing outside brought a small smile to his face.

He put on his special black glasses and looked at the matron. "I'll see you another time Miss Aiko. Sorry to put a damper on the good mood." With those words Daichi vanished from his spot.

Aiko sat still and just after Daichi left she let out a deep breath of air. She looked at her right arm and saw it slightly shaking and held it with her left hand. The orphanage matron was still thinking about that moment.

'When I looked into his eyes I saw it. Hatred that would burn anyone and darkness that would swallow everyone in its path'

"I'm afraid of that too Daichi" The matron mumbled to no one as she sat in her office alone.


It was night time. Daichi and Kensei were both home. The Genin had made a couple gifts for his grandfather as well. He gave the old man two scrolls and Kensei opened the first one.

In it was a beautiful painting of Fumiyo Yasaji in the middle of a garden along with Kensei. The garden in the painting reminded Kensei of the one in the Fire capital.

"This is beautiful Daichi. Thank you." The old man had a big smile as he looked at his grandson.

"Open the second scroll gramps."

Kensei placed the first scroll on the table and opened the second one. It was a painting of Kensei's whole family. Kensei Yasaji in the middle with his wife to the right and his son and daughter in law to the left and lastly a painter was drawing them nearby. It was drawn as if they were posing for the painting.

Kensei looked at the painting of his family and a tear escaped his eyes. It was then that he noticed another detail. The one drawing them in the painting. It looked like Daichi. The old man's smile widened as he looked at that.

"Thank you. These are truly beautiful. Fumiyo would have loved them."

The Genin smiled and spoke. "Don't get all mushy on me old man. Come on. Let's go watch the fireworks. It's almost time."

The two went to their backyard and sat on the porch. As they looked up at the sky and waited, they saw several fireworks going off

Everywhere in the Leaf village people were all praying for the departed and for a better year. They were all happily celebrating the winter holiday.

Daichi's former classmates were all at their homes smiling as they saw the fireworks in the sky. Kakashi and several Jonin were on the roof of the Jonin station enjoying the pleasant atmosphere. Hiruzen was in his office looking through the window and enjoying his tobacco while Jiraiya was near the bath house smiling.

None of them knew that these next few months would merely be the calm before the storm hits.


Author's Note.

Enjoy another 3k chap.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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