The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 228: Rasengan Variants 02

Chapter 228: Rasengan Variants 02

6 days had passed since Daichi reached level 58. He had been training non stop while his clones kept the dungeon ninjas at bay. But now after almost a week he decided to switch it up.

Daichi was moving at top speed atop the ocean waves. He had several enemies following him and they all attacked the young Genin but none of their jutsus met their mark.

Daichi dodged another water blast and at that moment he could see his clones several meters ahead. He could see one clone in particular holding the compact form of the Earth Rasengan in his palm. 'Excellent. They're ready.'

Daichi lured his four enemies closer to the island and then he stopped running and stood his ground. His shadow clones disappeared from their spot and as the real Daichi engaged in battle they struck. Several chakra strings tied up the limbs of the dungeon enemies and forced all of them together.

The next moment a shadow clone appeared with a glowing brown ball of energy in his right palm and thrust it towards the dungeon ninja in front of him. The shadow stood in its spot and observed the power of his jutsu while his creator was watching from a distance.

The real Daichi stood back but carefully observed everything taking place. His shadow clone disappeared into smoke a few seconds later due to the shockwave created by the jutsu but Daichi got some valuable memories from him. He kept his eyes focused on his enemies and saw the change take place.

The Earth style Rasengan slightly expanded and the effects were felt by all those close to it. The dungeon creatures started turning to stone and in just a few seconds their entire body was petrified.

[+5800 Exp.]

[+870 Exp.]

Enemies killed: [179/199]

[You have leveled up]

'Level 59. Good. But it looks like I won't be able to make it to Level 60 from this dungeon Oh well.'

Daichi turned his attention back to the attack detonating atop the ocean surface. Only a couple seconds passed and then came the explosion of earth from the epicenter. It was much less than before due to the small size of the jutsu but it was still dangerous to be near it.

Daichi observed everything with a critical eye and after it was over he made his way to the island. He had an idea as to what made the bodies petrified. He sat down and took a few moments to catch his breath.

"So Any thoughts?" A shadow clone came up to Daichi and asked while he started to heal him.

"I can't be completely certain since we don't have a body to examine but I believe this jutsu attacks them right down to the molecules." The real Daichi replied.

The shadow clone silently nodded its head with that assessment. He looked to where the new small mountain was formed on the ocean and sighed. 'It's too bad the dungeon ninjas vanish after they die or we could cut them open or at least see the effects of the jutsu on the human body.'

"I believe we're dealing with a variation of Earth Transmutation." The real Daichi spoke.

The clone tilted its head and thought about it for a few moments before he nodded his head as well. "You're right. I think the Earth Rasengan reshapes the minerals in and around the body and manipulates the atoms, molecules and ions. Their composition, properties, structure and behavior undergo a massive change."

The real Daichi nodded his head. "Precisely. The minerals stored in the body, mainly calcium, magnesium, phosphate and multiple others are brought forth and are used to attack the body. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and our bones act as a calcium storage center for deposits or withdrawal. Since we don't have a body to conduct an autopsy, I can't be sure but when the Earth Rasengan makes contact with its target, I believe it extracts all the calcium from the bones before turning it into stone first. And then the rest of the body follows. Muscles, tissues, organs..."

"But what about the user? The clone that used the jutsu didn't suffer any negative effects." The shadow clone was done with its healing while Daichi stood up.

"That's because we've been using the compact version, so far. We've only used the full variant of the Earth Rasengan jutsu once. And that version weighed over a ton when completed. It made movements difficult. I believe sage mode and our gamer body will rectify most of those problems in time."

The shadow clone nodded. "Just two variations remaining."

The real Daichi sighed and looked around. "I'll complete the Lightning variant next. And then I'll finish this dungeon. After that I'll head to the training ground and finish the water Rasengan. If Kakashi or the Hokage sees that I created the Water style Rasengan without any training, they'll be suspicious. They would know something is up. Can't have that."

"Do what you think is best."

[Earth style Rasengan: Great Eruption - Active (Lv.03): This jutsu was created by mixing Earth Nature Chakra Nature to the existing jutsu 'Rasengan'. This technique is a powerful destructive jutsu that uses the Earth and minerals as its weapon. There are several variations to this jutsu and the power and destructive capabilities can be altered.]

[Note: Using the fully formed variation of this jutsu can cause damage to the body but a really strong physique or sage jutsu can negate this side effect. A true master of this jutsu can reduce the density without affecting its power.]


[2600 minimum Damage points when striking the enemy.]

[Deals an additional 2000% Damage to the enemy after 2 seconds.]

[Turns the target to stone and can destroy most chakra based defense skills.]

[Can expand and increase range according to the users will.]

[CP cost: 2400 minimum]

'Wow. For someone like Naruto who has an abundance of chakra, he would still run out of sage mode if he just uses 2 or 3 wind style Rasenshuriken. But for me using this jutsu over and over isn't a problem. The chakra cost isn't as high as I thought it would be. I suppose I have my extreme chakra control and gamer body to thank for that.'


BOOM! "Ghaa" Poof!

Daichi sighed as he looked at the explosion that occurred a few meters from his position. 'It's been 3 days. And I still haven't been successful in creating the Lightning version of the Rasengan. But I can tell that I'm close. I just need to try a few more times.'

At that moment he sensed an enemy rushing at him from behind. Daichi made a few seals and immediately slammed his hands into the ground creating an Earth wall around him. The dome protected him from the water blast coming from behind.

The real Daichi didn't even need to retaliate as the few clones near him sprung into action. They quickly attacked the enemy and in a few seconds subdued him.

Daichi looked at the cool down time of the Life Return skill and noted that it had been reset. 'Time to get some health and vitality.'

He made his way to the struggling dungeon creature and activated the special skill. Daichi felt the energy rushing to his body and restoring his health, stamina and chakra.

[+1 Vitality]

[+165 HP]

[+165 SP]

[+1 Stamina]

[+165 CP]


[+1350 Exp.]

[+ Exp.]

Enemies killed: [193/199]

'Just six more to go.'

Daichi dropped to the ground and started meditating. 'Lightning is a volatile nature. Just like Fire. No even more than Fire. Creating the Hell Star Rasengan wasn't this difficult. Fire nature was hard to control but I did it. But with Lightning What am I missing?'

Daichi quietly meditated for several hours before he opened his eyes. 'Lightning is an element with a positive and negative charge. What if that's it?'

He created a shadow clone and quickly dispelled it, sending his new thoughts and ideas to the few clones training on the island.

'I need to create a Rasengan with a core and then outer shell. All the Rasengan up till now was just one dense ball of chakra. But Lightning Rasengan, it can't be the same as them.'

With the new ideas in mind Daichi and his clones got to work and after several hours of trial and error it was finally done.

Daichi held a Rasengan in his palm with the Lightning chakra nature added to it. The Rasengan had a small pure white chakra core no bigger than a few centimeters in diameter. Then came the outer shell. It was pure electricity. A round spherical shaped electrical net with small lightning arcs zapping outwards. The spherical electrical net was as big as Daichi's palm and the pure white core was in the middle of it. There was nothing else to that jutsu.

The hairs on the Genin's body stood straight. The gamer ninja looked at the energy ball he was holding and no words could come to his mind. None of the previous versions of the Rasengan could bring forth such a feeling from him.

Daichi looked at the jutsu in his hand and marveled at it. 'I can feel the near limitless energy and power in this thing. I have no doubt that this jutsu is even more destructive than the others. My hand is feeling numb. But there is no other major damage. So that's good. Still, I don't want to test this myself. I'll have a clone do it. No need to accidentally kill myself.'

"Wow. So that's what that looks like." Several clones came near Daichi and observed the jutsu.

The real Daichi looked at the Rasengan as if he was committing it to memory forever and a few seconds later he let go of the jutsu. The Lightning style Rasengan quickly disappeared into sparkling light particles.

'It feels like I'm the lightning god holding the reins of the sky in the palm of my hand Hmm I have the perfect name for this jutsu. I just need to see the effects of the jutsu to see if that name is worthy.'

The Genin let out a deep breath of air and created a new clone and dispelled it. Only 6 shadow clones were near him training. Several others were moving through the dungeon in search of the remaining enemies.

The shadow clones that were training were soon able to create the Lightning Rasengan and stabilize it. After a few trial and error and with more clones Daichi was able to create a version that wouldn't have his clones dispelled from just holding it.

At that moment the boy sensed the presence of his other clones approaching from the ocean. They had 6 dungeon enemies captured and restrained with them. The clones found the final 6 dungeon creatures at the edge of the island. Daichi nodded to the clone who was holding the Lightning Rasengan.

He jumped back and got a good distance away from the action. 'This is far enough.'

The clone seeing its creator back away, rushed towards the 6 captured enemies. It noted the Lightning Rasengan's effects on the body. 'My speed is becoming several times faster than normal. It's as if I'm being forced to move faster. Must be one of the side effects.'

In a second the clone reached his target and plunged the Lightning ball into the chest of the enemy.

Unlike the other Rasengan the effects and destruction of the Lightning version was almost instantaneous. The second the jutsu came in contact with the enemy's body the outer blue electric shell collapsed into the inner pure white energy and in the next fraction of a second the lightning ball expanded to several meters and every living creature inside the lightning sphere was ripped apart and disintegrated.

But that's not all. The next moment the large lightning ball changed shape into a huge pillar of lightning that reached the sky.


The ear shattering sound of thunder could be heard and the giant lightning pillar disappeared just as it came. But the after effects of the jutsu were still not over. A powerful shockwave of air spread in all directions and Daichi had to create a defense wall to protect himself.

The sound of thunder lingered in the sky for several more seconds before dissipating.

Several notifications popped up in front of Daichi but he ignored all of them. His attention was on the Rasengan that just exploded.

After everything returned to a calm state Daichi poked his head out from behind the wall. His eyes were wide open and his jaws slightly dropped.

"Holy Fuck!"

He couldn't help but let out a curse as he looked at the power of the jutsu. Daichi slowly walked up to the location where the attack took place and there was a giant hole several meters wide. It went straight into earth for a great distance and when Daichi looked up at the sky he sucked in a cold breath of air. There was a hole in the cloud directly above which was rapidly closing but sunlight was shining down through it long enough for Daichi to see it.

"I created something that put a hole in heaven and earth HahahahaHAHAHAHAHA." Daichi collapsed back into the ground and laughed hysterically for several minutes. Tears came from the corner of his eyes and after a few minutes he sucked in several large breaths of air and calmed himself. "It really is worthy of the name."

"Lightning style - Divine Rasengan!"

[Lightning style: Divine Rasengan - Active (Lv.01): This jutsu was created by mixing Lightning Nature Chakra Nature to the existing jutsu 'Rasengan'. This technique is a powerful destructive jutsu that uses the lightning and the charged particles as its weapon. There are several variations to this jutsu and the power and destructive capabilities can be altered.]

[Note: Direct contact with the jutsu when it detonates will completely destroy the user's body regardless of the use of Sage jutsu or the possession of a powerful physique.]


[Deals 5000 minimum Damage points when striking the enemy.]

[Deals an additional 2500% Damage to the enemy in less than a second.]

[Completely eradicates all targets within the electrical field.]

[Jutsu automatically expands and increases range.]

[CP cost: 3000 minimum]

'Despite the near god-like power of this jutsu I can't directly use it. I can only have a clone use the technique. And even then, I shouldn't be anywhere near this thing when it goes off and I have to make sure none of my allies are near it when it detonates The destructive power of this jutsu is incredible It completely ripped their bodies to nothing. That was actually kinda scary to watch. It's a good thing I have the Gamer's Mind or I might have had nightmares.'

The few remaining clones came near their creator. "That's one hell of jutsu. I don't think there are many enemies that can stand up to it. Even Orochimaru would be killed if he got struck by that."

"Yes. The power of that giant lightning pillar. I didn't think the jutsu would contain that much energy." One of the clones said.

"I don't think it was just the power of the Rasengan." The real Daichi said and his clones looked at him.

The gamer ninja began to explain. "I think the jutsu sucked the negative charges from the ground and the positive charges from the atmosphere and brought it to the central point. All of this must have happened in the single instant after the Lightning Rasengan expanded but before the giant Lightning pillar formation."

"Damn! This is one hell of a technique."


The clones dispelled themselves and Daichi took a few moments to steady himself. The boy took a deep breath of air and then looked at the notifications piled up.

[+8375 Exp.]

[+1256.2 Exp.]

Enemies killed: [199/199]


[Quest 'Clear the Dungeon' Completed]



[New Jutsu: Water Style - Lotus light Rupture.]

[The 'Beast Slayer' title has been upgraded to 'Species King'.]

[Title Species King - (This title will increase all your stats by 30% when fighting non humans.)

Daichi looked at the effects of the new jutsu and title and was satisfied. 'So a standard water style jutsu that can be used to attack multiple enemies and the title increases my stats from a 10% to a 30% huh. That's gonna come in handy.'

[Ryo 400,000.]

[20000 Exp.]

[3000 Exp.]


[You have successfully defeated every enemy in this dungeon. You have been granted access to the return key.]

The Gamer ninja let out a deep breath of air and looked at the return key in his inventory. 'Time to get the hell out of here.'


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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