The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 224: Abandoned Lab & Hidden Agendas

Chapter 224: Abandoned Lab & Hidden Agendas

As they made the decision, Daichi looked at the quest completion notifications that appeared when he escorted the islanders back home.

[Quest 'Back up Team Guy' Completed]



[50000 Exp.]

[7500 Exp.]

[Weapon Blueprints are in your inventory.]

[Reputation increases with Leaf Ninjas and citizens of the Land of Sea.]


[You have leveled up.]

'Good. Level 55 and it's already halfway there. I need to train in the dungeon and increase my power when I get home Hmm Weapon blueprints? Since they're in my inventory I'll check them out after I get home.'

Just as the Leaf ninjas were about to take off a villager came near them.

"Excuse me. I couldn't help but overhear that you're all going to the Demon island."

"Yes. There is something we want to investigate on that Island." Kakashi replied but didn't elaborate further.

"Please don't. If you go to that Island, you'll be taken away by the demon as well. I don't want to see our saviors disappearing at the hands of the demon." The villager pleaded with the ninjas.

While Daichi knew what the man was talking about, others were confused.

"Demon?" Tenten and Lee looked at each other but neither of them had heard anything about the demon.

Kakashi slightly narrowed his eyes but quickly put a disarming smile on his face. "Can you tell us more about this demon?"

Guy was silent and he didn't interrupt his friend. The man knew the more information they had, the better.

The villager was silent for a few seconds and he then told them about the legend of the mysterious demon that haunted demon island.

"This is a story that's been passed down for generations by fishermen. The Legend of demon island. At the beginning the waters of demon island were rich in fish but the hidden reefs made it dangerous for boats. Most people were weary and stayed away from that island. Around 10 years ago the fish in the ocean started disappearing. But there were fish near the demon island. So in order to make a living many people went near that Island. But they all went missing. Since then there have been many disappearances around that island. Even the ones who were sent to search for the missing were gone. All of them disappeared without a trace."

"Wait! They all just disappeared?"

The villager nodded at Tenten.

"But how can that be? What could have happened to those people?" Lee crossed his arms and thought about the story but he didn't have an answer.

But Kakashi and Might Guy, hearing the story about the demon and the disappearance of people, glanced at each other. They had an idea as to what may have happened.

Neji noticed the silent communication between the two Jonin. He looked at Daichi and saw that the boy wasn't surprised about the whole thing as well. 'They all know something.'

"Now no one will go to that Island for fear of being taken away by the demon. So please, I beg of you. Do not go."

Kakashi gave the villager a gentle smile. "It seems we have no choice. We're not going into that island. It's better to stay safe and be cautious."

The villager smiled hearing that. "Thank you."

"We'll be going back home then. Everybody. Time to go." At Kakashi's orders all the ninjas got on the boat and the villagers left for their homes.

"We're not really going back just yet are we Kakashi?" Guy asked the man with a knowing smile.

"No. We need to investigate that island but I didn't want those people to worry and spread the news." The Sharingan ninja replied.

"You think this is his doing?" Guy turned serious and asked his rival.

"Yeah. This is definitely his style of approach." Kakashi nodded his head.

"Um, what are you talking about Guy sensei?" Lee asked his teacher.

"They know who's behind the abduction of those people." Neji suddenly spoke. He then turned his attention to Daichi. "You also know what's going on don't you?"

Daichi sighed as he looked at the Hyuga genin. "I do. That villager said these disappearances started 10 years ago. So it's probably Orochimaru."

"Who is Orochimaru?" Lee asked.

It was Kakashi that answered. "Orochimaru is a former ninja of the Leaf village. He is a very dangerous individual who fled the village after committing several crimes."

"Wow This Orochimaru person sounds like bad news." Tenten exclaimed.

Daichi snorted at that. "That's an understatement."

Guy turned to Daichi and asked a question that's been on his mind. "Daichi, you trained under Lady Tsunade. How much did she tell you about that man?"

"Enough for me to know to give that guy a wide berth if he's in the area." Seeing the questioning look of the other Genins, Daichi elaborated. "Orochimaru, Tsunade Senju and Jiraiya. The former members of Team seven and Lord Hokage's students. They are known as the Legendary Sannin. Orochimaru was considered a genius. His talent, insight and determination were praised by the Third Hokage. During the second world war they were the only team to battle Hanzo the Salamander and lived to tell the tale. From what Tsunade sensei has told me, Orochimaru was sent to the battlefield quite often during the third world war, right sensei?" Daichi looked at his teacher.

Kakashi nodded his head. "Yes. He was a very efficient and effective ninja on the battlefields of the third war. In fact his performance was so great he was considered as a candidate for the position of Fourth Hokage along with my sensei Minato Namikaze."

"But then what happened? Why did he become a rogue ninja?" Lee asked.

"Because Orochimaru only wanted the title of Hokage to further his goals. Lord Hokage saw the evil in his student and despite his efforts Orochimaru strayed to the dark path. After my sensei became the Fourth Hokage, he went into seclusion and people rarely saw him."

Daichi took over and continued. "After that Orochimaru started conducting illegal experiments. Human experimentation, immoral research, kidnapping Leaf citizens, all sorts of things that would make your skin crawl. The Hokage found out about it and Orochimaru had to flee the village. Right now he's one of the most dangerous missing ninjas in the world."

The three Genins of Team Guy were alarmed to learn that there was someone so dangerous out there. Neji quickly remembered something. "Wait! You said the man you fought before was one of Orochimaru's test subjects. So if this lab at Demon island belongs to Orochimaru and he conducts human experiments then does that mean"

Daichi nodded his head. "If you're thinking he's the one behind the disappearances of the people around the island, then yeah. Most probably."

"Daichi is right. It's far too much of a coincidence that his Lab is here and we encounter stories of people going missing." Kakashi spoke. "Our mission is to investigate the lab, take anything of value and then destroy the lab. If it is Orochimaru's laboratory then we need to make sure he can't use it again."

Guy looked at Daichi and spoke. "Daichi, do you know the entrance to the lab? What did that man say to you? What information did he give?"

The Genin nodded. "From what Onizaki told me, he was a former ninja of the Rain village and was captured by Orochimaru for human experimentation. Orochimaru was trying to create a Human Fish Hybrid ninja who could breathe and fight effectively underwater."

The other ninjas nodded in understanding. "That explains his fish-like appearance."

Daichi continued. "He told me that Orochimaru left the experiments in the hands of his assistant and left the island more than a year ago. And several months later the lightning twins broke in and killed everyone except him. For saving his life, Onizaki joined their crew and has been with them since."

"Did he give you any information on the assistant?" Kakashi asked.

Daichi shook his head. "Just the name Amachi. But he told me that the man was killed during the Twin's attack."

"Did he give you a way into the lab?"

"Yeah. There are two entrances. One underwater and one above through a cave. The traps have been disabled. At least that's what he told me." Daichi said.

"We're nearing the Island." Tenten said as she looked ahead and saw Demon island.

Daichi used 'Observe' skill on the island as he got close. At that moment along with information he already knew there was something else that he got.

[You have found a Key Dungeon. Retrieving the key to the dungeon Key to this dungeon has been placed in the inventory.]

Daichi immediately took a look in his inventory and saw a new dungeon key. 'I'll check this out after I get home.'

"Neji, use your Byakugan and find us a clear path. We don't want to get the boat damaged."

Neji nodded to his sensei's orders. With his help the ninjas were able to steer the boat without hitting any reefs and safely made it to the island. Once they made land, they secured the boat and began to move towards the location in Daichi's description.

It wasn't long before they came upon a small cave. Neji used his Byakugan and saw the steps leading to a steel door.

"This way. The traps are indeed disabled." Neji spoke.

"Let's go. Guy and I will take the lead. Daichi, you'll be in the rear. Be on your guard everyone." Kakashi spoke and they all cautiously went inside. The two teams slowly made their way to the door and Kakashi slowly opened and entered. Guy followed and soon the other Genins were inside as well.

They saw several large tanks filled with green nutritional fluid with dead creatures inside.

"I think I'm going to puke." Tenten said as she looked at the body of a mangled creature inside one tank.

"How horrible! How could someone do something like this?" Lee had a slightly scared face and even Neji looked grim at the scene they saw.

Guy had a solemn expression as he looked at his Genins. "I'm sorry you have to encounter something like this so early my students but this is part of the shinobi life. An ugly cruel part that we need to deal with."

Kakashi gave a sad sigh as looked around the room. 'Sometimes I forget they're still only kids with a simple view of the world. I guess I've been around Daichi for so long that I didn't see other Genins as just kids starting out.'

"Daichi and I will check the lower floors." Kakashi said.

"I will stay here and see if there's anything else. My team will sweep the area." Guy said. "Lee, Tenten, Neji. I need you three to do a quick search around the island. We need to make sure there isn't anything hidden outside this hidden lair. Once your search is completed, return here."

"Yes sensei." The three genin nodded and went outside while Guy, Kakashi and Daichi searched inside the lab. They meticulously searched through the area, made notes and Kakashi took some pictures. The two Jonins sealed any documents they came across and looked through every cell. After a couple hours they were done with the investigation and the two teams placed paper bombs all over the island lab.

They made their way to the boat and once they were a few hundred meters away from the island, Kakashi made a seal.


A giant explosion took place but since most of the lab was underground there wasn't much smoke or fire.

"Let's head home, Team! Our work here is done." Guy gave an enthusiastic cheer as they made their way to the mainland. They reached the port in Tea country after several hours and made their way to the Leaf village.

Before long they were home.

Same time - Near Fire Country.

Two ninjas wearing black cloaks with red clouds were on their way to a certain location. They were walking through a small road with a large forest on both sides.

One was a tall tan skinned man with green irides and red sclerae. He had a black mask and a grey hood to cover his hair. The Hidden Waterfall village forehead protector with a scratch in the middle was also visible on his head.

"Aarrgh! We should be going after someone here. I don't want to get on a boat for who knows how long with you!"

"Be quiet! The two we're after have a big chunk of bounty on their heads. And last I heard they're near the Land of Sea operating as pirates. So they would also have others operating under them with bounties on their heads."

"All you care about is money. Can't you think of anything else?"

"Hmph! Money is all that matters. Money runs the world. Unlike your ridiculous religion, money actually matters."

"What did you say you blasphemous heathen? How dare you mock my religion!" The second member of the Akatsuki was enraged hearing his partner's words. The man was wearing the Akatsuki cloak, had medium length grey hair that was slicked back and distinctive purple eyes. The most noticeable feature was the red Triple Bladed Scythe he had on his back.

The first man stopped and looked at his partner. "So what if I mock your religion? What are you going to do about it, Hidan?"

"Kakuzu, you bloody bastard! I'll kill you, you non believing son of bitch!" Hidan with lightning quick speed took his scythe and slashed at Kakuzu.

The former ninja of the Hidden waterfall village merely raised his hand and blocked the blade with just his forearm.

"I'm going to shut you up Hidan!" The next second he sent a punch aimed at Hidan's throat. But the man quickly raised his left arm and deflected the punch. "You'll need to do better than that Kakuzu." The next second he jumped back with his weapons ready to attack.

Both the Akatsuki stood a few meters apart and looked as if they were ready to battle. But at that moment someone else entered the scene. A plant-like creature appeared with a half black and half white face.

"Are you two trying to get the attention of the patrolling ninjas?" A gruff voice came from Black Zetsu.

"Aww. But I wanted to see them fight." The White Zetsu whined.

"Zetsu? This is nothing you need to concern yourself with. I was just teaching my idiot partner what was really important in this world." Kakuzu said in a nonchalant tone.

"Hey, who are you calling an idiot, you greedy bastard!" Hidan yelled at his partner.

Kakuzu didn't pay any attention to him and turned to Zetsu. "We're on our way to the Land of Sea to take out the Lightning Twins and cash in their bounty. So we'll be busy for a few days."

"Yes about that" Black Zetsu began and Kakuzu narrowed his eyes.

"You're late. Someone beat you to it." White Zetsu said in a sing-song voice.

"What?" Kakuzu forgot his aggression with Hidan and focused his attention on the spy of the Akatsuki organization.

"Yes. It was two teams from the Leaf Village. They were on a mission to take down the Gladiator Pirates and rescue the people taken from Mother Island. The Lightning Twins and their entire crew are dead. I just learned of this a few minutes ago." Black Zetsu replied.

"Arrrgh!" Kakuzu clenched his fist and let out an irritated growl. "Who were the ones who fought the twins?"

"Hmm Based on the intel, it was Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy along with their students." White Zetsu spoke.

Kakuzu was silent for a few moments hearing that info.

"Kakashi Hatake? Where have I heard that name before?" Hidan mumbled as he tried to place the familiar name.

"He's the one responsible for finding the hidden treasure of the Phantom Thief." Kakuzu replied in an angry, irritated tone.

Hidan nodded his head in realization. "Oh yeah! I remember now. You were really bent out of shape after you heard that news. Didn't he have a genius student or something?" He asked.

"Yes. Daichi Hekima. That boy is also a student of Tsunade Senju the Sannin." Black Zetsu replied.

"Really? Then I think he would make a great sacrifice for Lord Jashin." Hidan licked his lips and placed his blade on his back. "Hey, Kakuzu. What do you say we head to the Leaf and stir up some trouble huh."

"No. Right now we need to keep a low profile. And Pain has new orders for you two." Black Zetsu. "There's another target with a large bounty in the Land of Stone. You two are to track him down and finish him. There's also another mission you need to carry out. The details are in here." Zetsu tossed Kakuzu a scroll.

"Fine. I'm not happy but missions are absolute after all. Let's go, Hidan."

"Hey, don't tell me what to do Kakuzu!"

Kakuzu nodded at Black Zetsu and two Akatsuki members headed in the direction of the Stone Country.

As the two ninjas walked away White Zetsu spoke to his counterpart. "Do you think that boy Daichi Hekima will become a problem? He's the one who ruined the plans we had for the Fire Capital after all."

Black Zetsu was silent as he recalled the day he informed Pain of the failure of Jedayu.


Zetsu was watching the compound where Jedayu was. They were hidden and kept a safe distance from the ninjas patrolling the area. The two Zetsus watched as Daichi, Genma, Yondu and The Third Minister went into Jedayu's home. Several minutes later there was an explosion but the four were unharmed.

'So Jedayu died huh I didn't think they would get to him Looks like the plan will be a failure.' Black Zetsu narrowed his eyes and looked at the four.

"Want to go to the hospital to see if Daichi can save his life?" White Zetsu asked him.

"Hmm Sure. I'm curious to see the result as well. If Leorio is saved then we'll have to abandon our plans." Black Zetsu replied and the two disappeared. They soon reached the hospital and after waiting for a few hours they heard news of Leorio.

"Looks like Daichi was able to save him. He's certainly a skilled medic." White Zetsu said.

"Yes. It seems even Sasori's special poison was unable to stop him. Let's get out of here."

With those words the spy disappeared and made their way to the Land of Rain. They quickly went to meet the Leader of the Akatsuki.

"The plan to raise tensions between the Fire country and Stone country is a failure." Black Zetsu informed Pain.

A man with orange hair and several small metal rods embedded on his face turned to Zetsu. "What happened? I thought they couldn't trace anything to that merchant Jedayu?"

"I don't know how they did it, but they were able to find out about Jedayu and they got to him. Even more, that Genin Daichi Hekima was able to save Leorio's life. So our plan to use a high level individual near the Stone Daimyo as a scapegoat for the attack is also a failure." Black Zetsu replied.

Pain was silent as he listened to the report. "Hmm We could have created tension between the two nations and used the opportunity to create a few small conflicts and used that situation to raise our capital. But it doesn't matter. These plans were only made due to the opportunity that arose from the situation with that merchant Jedayu and his need for revenge. They are not of that much importance. There are still other priorities we need to consider."

"Should we try it ourselves?" White Zetsu asked.

Pain shook his head. "No. The reason I allowed Sasori to create that poison is because Jedayu was the one who was going to use it on the Minister's family. And if his plans fail only he would have been exposed. Sasori joining our organization is still secret information. So we're insulated and we should stay that way. Now the Fire Daimyo will be far more on guard and so will his people. We should focus on the other matters first."

"Understood Lord Pain." Hearing the Leader's decision, Zetsu disappeared back into the ground.

Flashback End.

Black Zetsu spoke. "As I recall, the Third Minister requested Daichi's aid specifically and this time it was Might Guy who was originally sent on the mission to eradicate the pirates. He must have called Kakashi Hatake for backup. And I doubt it was the boy who took down the rogue Jonins. Might Guy and Kakashi are powerful. They must have fought the twins while their Genin students dealt with the rest. The incidents are just coincidences. I don't think Daichi will be a threat to our plans. But still, it's best we keep an eye on him once in a while."

"Right." The plant-like creature soon disappeared beneath the ground headed to an unknown location.

Hokage Tower.

Team Guy and Team Kakashi were giving a detailed oral report on their missions. The two Jonin and the four Genin gave their version of events with the Jonins placing the evidence taken from the lab on Hokage's desk. Almost half an hour passed and Hiruzen rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"So we're not sure who requested our help for the mission. And their objectives remain unknown. But that's only a small concern compared to the rest. To think you would come across the Lightning Twins. Guy, you made the right judgment calling for Kakashi as backup. And Daichi, you found one of Orochimaru's labs. That's valuable information for us. Overall, well done. All of you."

"Thank you Lord Hokage."

"Did you recover anything from the warship?" The old kage asked the Genins.

"No Lord Hokage. The entire ship was on fire. We didn't have much time."

Hiruzen rubbed his chin and nodded his head.

"I wish we could have gotten the blueprints for that cannon. That would have been cool to build here." Tenten said with a sigh.

Hiruzen chuckled when he heard that. "While that weapon you described indeed sounds impressive there are several flaws present as well."

Tenten and Lee were confused at that. "What do you mean Lord Hokage?"

"For one, even if we build it here, it would be inefficient because we wouldn't be able to hit enemy targets. The enemy shinobi will be too fast and they'll be able to dodge the attack. And if a few enemy ninjas get past the guards they could destroy the whole machine and make it useless. I think the lightning twins also knew this and perhaps that might have been one of the reasons that they created the weapon on a ship."

"That makes sense." Daichi spoke. "Their warship is mobile and that keeps the weapon safe and out of enemy hands under most circumstances. And with that cannon they could take out other ships because ships can't move fast enough to evade. And with two Jonins and others protecting the warship a cannon would be an excellent weapon."

"Exactly. Now, while you may not have gotten the cannon you defeated one of the most dangerous pirates on the ocean. You can be proud of that."

Lee, and Tenten had a big smile and even Neji smirked hearing the compliment from the kage.

Hiruzen turned to Kakashi. "Kakashi, take the scrolls to the intelligence department. They might be able to get something. The rest of you, I want a detailed report by tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

"Lee, Tenten and Neji. You three are dismissed. Take the next week off to rest and relax."

Guy's students bowed and left the office leaving him, Kakashi and his student.

Hiruzen then turned to Daichi. "You have a sword that can create Ice? May I see it?"

Daichi nodded and took the sword from a storage scroll. 'I knew he would ask to see it. So predictable.'

Daichi gave the sword to the old Kage and the man stood from his chair. He walked a couple feet to the side and channeled his chakra to the sword. And placed the tip on the floor.

Small Ice started gathering where the sword was placed and there was a small drop in temperature in the room.

Hiruzen looked at the sword in wonder. "Fascinating. This reminds me of the Thunder sword of Lord second. It had a similar ability but instead of ice it created thunder."

The old kage gave the sword to Daichi. "The man who created this sword and the special Armor? He's dead?"

"Yes sir. He didn't leave me much of a choice." Daichi replied with a serious tone.

"I understand. What are you planning on doing with that sword?" The kage asked.

"I want to study it. I feel that this sword will help me take my proficiency in Water chakra nature to its highest level."

"You're planning on replicating its effects aren't you?" Hiruzen was amazed that Daichi had reached such a proficiency in Water Nature in such a short amount of time.

"Yes sir. I'm going to be focused on some intense training for some time. That's why, I would like to ask for a few weeks of leave." Daichi slightly bowed and asked the Hokage.

Hiruzen nodded with a smile. "Very well. I'm curious to see the results as well. Take the next month off and train. I'm looking forward to seeing if you can actually replicate the Kekkei Genkai ability. If you need any help I'm sure you can find Kakashi."

"Yes sir." The Genin and Jonin nodded.

"You're dismissed. And Daichi, well done on the mission." Hiruzen said with a gentle smile.

Daichi smiled and nodded. "Thank you sir." With that he left the tower.

Hiruzen then looked at Kakashi and Guy. "If what you're describing is accurate then Daichi's physical strength and chakra control is far greater than I ever expected. Tsunade certainly didn't hold back when it came to teaching him."

"Yes. Even I was scared when he took that attack from the cannon head on. But it seems he's able to replicate Lady Tsunade's techniques in conjunction with his own jutsus and safely take the attack head on."

"But chakra control alone wouldn't have been enough to accomplish what he did. Unless I'm mistaken his physical strength is on par with a Jonin. And even then, his muscles and bones would no doubt be far stronger than the average shinobi." Guy gave his observation as well.

Hiruzen nodded his head. "I think you're right, Guy."

The old kage then turned his attention to Kakashi. "It seems you're still not that capable in using that jutsu."

"That jutsu requires a certain intuition and skill to master. I'm afraid I don't know if I can learn it like sensei did." Kakashi said, rubbing his hair.

"Understanding the seal and the components is important. But the Jutsu formula is just a small part of it. It is a space time ninjutsu after all and a difficult one at that. It will take more than a few months to master it. Take this time to improve your skill with it."

"Yes sir."

"Dismissed, both of you."

With that Kakashi and Guy left the office leaving Hiruzen to his thoughts.


Author's Note.

A 4.6k Word chap. Enjoy.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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