The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 221: Battle on the High Seas 05(Final)

Chapter 221: Battle on the High Seas 05(Final)

A long 8k word chapter. Take your time and enjoy.


The large cannon from the Dark Amphibian fired and the flaming ball was fast approaching Ishido's ship.

A short while ago.

As the Genins left the area, Kakashi and Mazui stood opposite each other with killing intent filling the air.

"I've heard of your exploits during the 3rd war and after. You have quite the reputation Kakashi of the Sharingan. But that won't save you from me." Mazui spoke. He didn't focus on Kakashi's Sharingan to not fall prey to a Genjutsu.

"A lot of people who faced me thought that. But I'm still here." The Leaf Jonin tensed his muscles and got ready.

"Not for long." The next second the rogue Cloud ninja was in front of Kakashi with a lightning fast punch aimed at the heart.

The Sharingan ninja blocked and retaliated with a kick which Mazui easily blocked. And thus their Taijutsu battle atop the ocean began. Their movements were both fast, deadly and graceful as they dodged or blocked their enemy's strikes.

Kakashi could sense that his opponent had a strong physique. Mazui on the other hand noted Kakashi's swift reaction time and reflexes.

The two ninjas were only testing the waters but soon they got serious. The speed behind their blows started increasing and the waves around them slowly became agitated. Mazui quickly took out a kunai and tried to slash Kakashi while the man jumped back and dodged. He threw several shuriken at Mazui but all of them missed their mark as the enemy evaded to the side.

The two ninjas stood a couple meters apart. They could sense the battle raging between Might Guy and Bozui a short distance away but they were more focused on their own.

Kakashi made the first move as he speedily threw two kunai with paper bombs attached to them. The two sharp weapons flew towards Mazui who jumped back and just as they were in front of the ninja, Kakashi made a seal.


The two paper bombs exploded in front of Mazui but the missing ninja didn't take much damage. He landed on the water safely but the next second a pair of arms emerged from the ocean and immediately dragged him down beneath the waves.

Kakashi held Mazui in a choke hold underwater and stabbed his spine with his knife. The next moment Mazui turned into Lightning and electrocuted the Leaf Jonin but it turned out to be a water clone.

A short distance away Kakashi narrowed his eyes at what had just happened. 'He created and substituted with a lightning clone in that split second after the explosion. His skills are certainly no joke. I may have to use that jutsu to end this quickly.'

He felt a fast incoming chakra and immediately moved away from his position. The next moment a powerful blow was struck where Kakashi previously was. The waves were blown away and it took a few seconds for the ocean to calm down.

Seeing his prey dodge and gain distance, Mazui stood up, looked at the Leaf ninja and smirked.

Kakashi let out a deep breath of air and spoke. "You deliberately didn't get away from the paper bombs. You wanted me to take you by surprise so you could get an opening on me."

Mazui grinned. "It was a simple tactic. I didn't think it would work on you anyways. So let's stop wasting time and get serious." Saying those words Mazui made a few seals and the next second chakra exploded from his body and turned into Lightning.

It wasn't a full Lightning armor like the Raikage but close. Bolts of electricity arced around his body and Mazui directly looked at Kakashi's Sharingan.

The Copycat ninja wasted no time and tried to cast Genjutsu from his special eye but it was no use.

"You aren't the first Sharingan user or Genjutsu capable fighter I've fought. The lightning chakra running through me makes Genjutsu invalid." Mazui didn't say anything more and drew a short sword from his back. 'Unlike with the Raikage, my lightning armor has some negative side effects. Experiencing pain for one but I suppose that's also a plus for me. It can get me out of Genjutsu."

Mazui focused and heightened his concentration. The next second he disappeared from his spot.

Kakashi took two kunai and blocked the sword swing that came for his head. Sparks flew in the air as both ninjas exchanged a flurry of fast precise strikes with their blades. Each one trying to land a lethal blow on the other.

Mazui swung his sword aiming for the Leaf Jonin's neck but it was deflected with a kunai and the next second he raised his leg to block a kick from Kakashi. Mazui jumped back and threw several shuriken at his enemy, all of which the Leaf Jonin deflected with his weapon. The next second he saw his enemy's sword coming for his head and raised his kunai to block.

Mazui, predicting Kakashi's defense, sent chakra into his blade and coated it with lightning. The blue crackle of electricity was heard and the sword came down at blinding speed.

Kakashi successfully blocked the chakra coated blade and Mazui was surprised that his Lightning sword didn't cut through the enemy's kunai. He took a closer look at the two kunai the man was holding and understood. 'He's using his own Lightning chakra to counter mine.'

The next second Mazui sent a powerful fast kick at Kakashi's abdomen.

"Gha!" The Leaf Jonin was forced back but not before landing a wound on his opponent. At the last moment when the kick was coming Kakashi dragged his Lightning chakra coated kunai across the enemy sword and tried to slash Mazui's neck. The Cloud Jonin adjusted his body to avoid a lethal blow but a cut still formed on his cheek.

Mazui and Kakashi stood across from each other and stared at their foe.

The Leaf Jonin was cautious as he looked at the captain of the Gladiator pirates. 'His lightning style jutsu is similar to the Raikage but it's not as powerful. He has incredible speed but it's not armor like or has the power boost like with the Raikage. But he has that chakra absorbing armor and that makes up for his weakness and the lightning moving through his body must be causing him some kind of pain. It must be one of the ways he can get out of Genjutsu. I need to launch a single fast piercing strike to end this. One with enough chakra to break through that armor and one coming that he can't dodge.'

Just as Kakashi was analyzing his enemy, so was Mazui. 'His Sharingan is certainly incredible. It's much more powerful than the ones the Uchiha I've fought in the war had. Even with my speed that eye is giving him the advantage of predicting the path of my movements and allowing him to dodge my more lethal attacks. I need to increase my speed or block his vision and then go for a kill strike.'

At that moment a small boom was heard and both of them looked to see Guy landing on the water while they sensed Bozui's chakra sinking in the ocean. Mazui frowned at that but he knew how strong his brother was. So he knew that the battle was far from over and turned his attention back to Kakashi.

The battle quickly resumed with Kakashi putting his kunai back in his pouch and quickly making a few seals. 'Fire style - Fireball jutsu.'

A large flaming sphere quickly made its way to Mazui. Despite its large size it was moving with incredible speed.

Mazui dodged the attack and swiftly made his way to Kakashi. 'You think you can fool me? I won't fall for that again.'

The rogue Cloud ninja was expecting the ninja in front of him to be a clone so the real one can take him by surprise. So he was mildly surprised when the Leaf ninja deflected his sword swings and engaged in a Taijutsu battle showing that he wasn't a clone.

Kakashi made a few seals and coated his arms in lightning chakra as Mazui was rushing towards him. The Leaf Jonin thrust his hand towards the enemy's chest but Mazui jumped over Kakashi and dodged the attack. As he jumped over, Mazui himself was making several seals.

A large amount of chakra gathered in his arms and when he landed on water he charged at the Leaf Jonin. Kakashi turned around to block a punch and counterattacked with a lightning fist of his own. But Mazui caught his wrist and grinned. The next instant the rogue ninja sent his stored chakra into Kakashi in the form of a strong electric current.

"Arrrggghh" The Leaf Jonin gritted his teeth as the current passed through him.

"Lightning style - Electric overdose jutsu. It stores chakra in a limb and upon contact with the enemy it's released in the form of electricity. Paralyzing and also temporarily doubling the weight of the target making it difficult for the victim to move. Considering your strength it'll only last a few seconds but that's all I need..." Mazui had a blood thirsty grin as he knew he caught the real ninja. Wanting to finish this quickly he swung his sword at the immobilized enemy.

But before the sword could get close to Kakashi, water erupted around Mazui and completely covered him. The pirate captain was trapped in a sphere of water.

'This is Water prison jutsu But how?'

The Jonin looked and a couple seconds later a water clone Kakashi appeared on top of the waves. The cloud ninja understood what had happened. 'He did make a clone. But he used himself as bait to catch me off guard. This clever bastard.'

The current running through the real Kakashi dissipated and he slowly took in a few deep breaths of air. He immediately took a small pill that Daichi gave him just for such an occasion. The Leaf Jonin felt his chakra increasing and immediately made the needed seals for the chidori.

Mazui saw the scene and internally frowned. 'He took some sort of pill from his pouch and he regained some of his chakra. That pill must be some kind of special military ration pill. Hmm That boy Daichi must have made it. If he has anymore then I'll be in trouble. I need to destroy it.'

As Mazui was making plans lightning gathered in Kakashi's right palm and the sound of a thousand birds chirping could be heard. "This is the end of the road for you." He spoke in a grave tone as he looked at the man.

Mazui trapped in the water prison jutsu gritted his teeth in anger. 'No. I can't die like this. I've just gotten my freedom. I want to live.'

The mad desire to survive made his chakra output to his pseudo lightning armor increase several fold. Kakashi's water clone didn't have time to escape as the water prison jutsu exploded and destroyed him, setting the man free. He looked at Kakashi with fury. Mazui felt pain all around his body due to the extremes of his jutsu but he considered it a worthwhile exchange for his life.

The second Mazui was free Kakashi threw a kunai as fast as he could aimed at the man's forehead. But it was a miss. Mazui disappeared from his spot and got behind Kakashi and slashed down aiming at the man's spine with his kunai.

Kakashi tilted his body and barely avoided it with only a tear on the back of his Jonin vest. The copycat ninja jumped forward and gained some distance before turning around to face his enemy.

He saw Mazui looking at him with a grin. At that moment Kakashi's eyes fell on the pouch that was in the enemy Jonin's other hand. 'Damn it. He used the kunai attack as a distraction. He was aiming for that.'

The rogue Cloud ninja swiftly examined the bag. 'Hmm This thing has defensive seals weaved inside. So only that guy can open it. If anyone else tries it blows up. Classic tricks I've seen from elites and black op nins. Since I can't take any chakra pills from this I might as well destroy it.'

Mazui increased the chakra output in his palm and destroyed the pouch along with all its contents. "No more ration pills for you Kakashi."

Kakashi looked at the scene and mentally congratulated himself for having the foresight to put his favorite book on the ship. But he was also annoyed at this turn of events. 'Now I don't have any of Daichi's pills so I have to fight him with the chakra I have now. I should only use that jutsu for a kill shot. Otherwise he would become wise to my tactics and it would become even more difficult to finish this.'

At that moment Mazui rushed towards Kakashi as he went through several seals and spat out a large stream of fire.

The Leaf ninja quickly countered by using the blockade waves jutsu that Daichi used earlier.

Fire and water Ninjutsu collided and steam erupted covering the area. Mazui stopped in his tracks and ended the Fire jutsu. He quickly went through a few other seals as well. 'Water style - Hidden Mist jutsu. Thanks to Maki, learning this was a piece of cake. Now your Sharingan won't be so effective Kakashi.'

The Copycat ninja knew what the enemy was doing. 'He's trying to reduce visibility, wear down my mental strength and reduce my chakra with high level ninjutsu Still, this could be used to my advantage.'

Kakashi made a plan and created a couple of shadow clones. They all made seals and the next second blew large winds in all directions dispersing the Mist.

At that moment Mazui attacked one of the Kakashis and reduced him to smoke. 'My plan is working. I'm going to make you use up your chakra and when you can't even defend yourself then I'll finish you.'

The two ninjas exchanged lethal strikes and Ninjutsu at a fast pace. When Mazui tried to use a fire style jutsu again Kakashi used a large scale lightning jutsu to destroy it. Kakashi coated his kunai with lightning nature chakra and attacked but Mazui blocked it with his own lightning, ending the short clash in a stalemate.

The two ninjas were breathing harder and harder as the fight went on and soon Kakashi was down on one knee, looking haggard. He looked at his opponent and gathered some of his remaining chakra onto his right palm and activated the Chidori.

Mazui was standing a few meters away and he wasn't looking too good either. During the battle the Leaf ninja managed to land a lethal strike on Mazui's upper right arm rendering it useless for battle. He looked at the ninja on his knee and took in another shaky deep breath of air. 'He doesn't have much left. This lightning attack will be his last.'

Kakashi took a kunai and threw it towards Mazui's head but the aim was slightly off. The cloud ninja saw it and thought it was due to his miserable state. So the former Cloud Jonin just tilted his head with a condescending smile and let the weapon pass by without touching him. He easily dodged the metal weapon but what he didn't know was that kunai had a special seal on it.

"Die!" The rogue Jonin was about to charge forward towards his enemy but the next second he felt something pierce through his back. He looked down and saw a lightning coated arm sticking out of his chest through where his heart was.

"Gha!" Mazui spat out blood as he looked forward and saw no sign of his enemy.

''Never underestimate your opponents." Kakashi said in a cold tone. He recalled what he said to Daichi at the end of their serious battle. 'When a Shinobi is in a prolonged battle or in a dangerous position, they would just wish for the battle to be over with and thus they would make one or both of two great mistakes. Arrogance and carelessness. Mazui, you made both.'

Mazui tried to turn around but life soon left his eyes and he fell forward dead as Kakashi took his hand out of the man's chest.

The Leaf Jonin didn't smile or feel smug at his victory. He didn't enjoy taking a life but he knew that it was sometimes a necessity in their world. He closed his eyes and sent a silent prayer for another enemy fallen by hands.


An agonizing scream came from Bozui as he saw Mazui fall. Kakashi let out a sigh and turned his attention to the remaining enemy Jonin.

As Kakashi vs Mazui battle began

About a hundred meters away another battle was going on between the Taijutsu warriors Might Guy and Bozui.

"Your Taijutsu seems strong. So I won't hold back. Might Guy!" Bozui shouted and the next second electric current coated his body. Unlike his brother Mazui, Bozui didn't hold back and decided to fight seriously from the very start.

Seeing his opponent battle ready, Guy took his Taijutsu stance and braced himself. "I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm always up for a good challenge."

The next second both Jonin disappeared from their position and met mid way with a powerful exchange. The blows hit each other and large waves were created from their force. The two ninjas were a blur as they battled their enemy.

While Kakashi and Mazui focused on speed and lethal precise strikes, Bozui and Guy were fighting each other with their Taijutsu style and powerful brute force.

As they tried to break their opponent's body down, Bozui suddenly spoke. "You're strong but reckless. You leave yourself open to attack." As he said this, a palm with lightning coating, went straight towards Guy's chest.

Guy side stepped and avoided the piercing thrust. "You're wrong about that. DYNAMIC ACTION!" He grabbed his opponent and kicked him in the chin before punching him in the gut with great force.

Despite having armor to reduce the incoming physical damage, that blow still knocked the wind out of the rogue ninja. Guy didn't stop. He spun around and sent Bozui flying with a strong roundhouse kick.

Bozui landed several meters away. He stood up and spit to the side. There was a small trail of blood flowing from the corner of his lips but the former Cloud Jonin only grinned more. 'He left that opening on purpose. His power and strength are certainly above that of most Jonin I've come across. This might actually be fun. I haven't had a challenge in some time.'

Guy smiled as he looked at the enemy but he was more cautious inside. 'That kick to the chin, power punch to the torso and the final roundhouse kick should have brought him to his knees but he looks just fine. He's far stronger than I thought. But that armor also played it's part by reducing the damage. I'll need to increase my chakra output and break through it like before.'

"First blood goes to you Might Guy. But now it's my turn." Bozui vanished from his spot and the next second Guy raised his hands and blocked the kick coming from above. The force of the attack made the arms of the Taijutsu Jonin slightly numb.

Bozui used Guy's hand to spring himself up and quickly went through several seals. 'Lightning Style - Needle rain.'

Bozui looked at the Jonin and pointed his hands towards the man. The next second dozens of lightning needles were created and flew towards Guy from Bozui's palm. The Leaf Jonin kept moving and dodged the attacks coming his way.

Moments later Bozui canceled the jutsu as he landed on the ocean and a large wave sprung up from his position due to the force. He rocketed towards Guy and they began their next bout.

The two ninjas focused on their opponent's fast movements and explosive power. Despite their great physical strength they also had great agility as well. Multiple attacks and counter attacks were delivered each second. With their concentrations peaked each ninja was at a stalemate as they battled one another.

Guy blocked two incoming punches aimed at his vitals and held on to his enemy's arms. He sent a knee aimed at Bozui's chin but it was blocked by the man's legs. The rogue Cloud ninja quickly grabbed Guy's wrist and forced his arms aside as he stepped forward and gave a headbutt to Guy.

"Ghaa!" Guy reeled back and was forced to let go. His nose was bleeding but that didn't stop the man from paying attention to the incoming attack. A fast kick was aimed at his throat which Guy immediately dodged. He grabbed on to the outstretched leg and spun around taking Bozui off his feet. After a couple of spins Guy tossed him upwards high into the air.

Wiping the blood off his nose and focusing on his enemy took only less than a second for the Taijutsu master. He bent his legs and took off into the air towards his foe with great force.

"Rising Leaf Whirlwind!" Guy was right in front of Bozui and sent a powerful kick that sent the rogue ninja higher into the air. Guy continued rising in the air with his enemy. He attacked his opponent with several combo kicks and punches but Bozui managed to block most of them. His body was capable of taking harsh punishment and could fight much longer.

Bozui tried to grab Guy's hand but the Leaf Jonin redirected it with his forearm and got behind the man. Both of them high in the air with Might Guy behind Bozui. Before the pirate ninja could turn and retaliate Guy pulled his arms back and tensed his muscles. The next second he sent a strong double punch towards Bozui's back. The force shot him towards the sea and he landed with a small boom. Seconds later, as Bozui sank beneath the waves Guy landed atop the water with grace.

Large sea waves splashed all around as Bozui sank for a few meters. 'That fucking hurt! I'm lucky he didn't manage to damage my spine.'

He regained his bearings and quickly rushed towards Guy from underneath the ocean. The Leaf Taijutsu master was prepared and braced himself for the attack. The water surface exploded outwards as Bozui jumped and attacked the ninja.

His chakra output increased and the power of his pseudo lightning armor increased as well. His speed and strength exceeded Guy and he started landing several blows on the Jonin.

Might Guy put up a strong defense and avoided lethal blows but in exchange he was forced to take attacks that slowed him down. 'It can't continue like this. His speed and power has increased by a large margin. I need to open the gates to finish this.'

Mustering more energy into his body and cells, Guy was able to push back against the rogue ninja. Bozui jumped back and stood on guard. The extreme chakra output was causing him pain but he knew he couldn't show any weaknesses or he'd lose the battle.

Guy didn't waste any time and opened the First Gate.

'Gate of Opening - Open.'

The first gate, Gate Of Opening located in the brain's left hemisphere, opened, removing Guy's mental inhibitions. Letting out a deep breath of air he immediately opened the second gate.

'Gate of Healing - Open.'

Veins started to bulge on Guy's body and become visible. Chakra flooded throughout his body, rapidly re-energizing him and increasing his recovery speed.

Bozui became cautious as he saw the building veins and muscles. 'Something's happening. He must be performing some kind of technique to increase his bodily functions. I have to stop him.'

But before Guy or Bozui could make a move they heard the loud sound of a certain technique. Guy's eyes widened as he recognized the jutsu sound. He and Bozui both turned to look at the other battle and saw Mazui escaping from the water prison.

Bozui smirked at that. "He won't defeat my brother like that."

Guy smirked hearing that. "My rival Kakashi isn't someone easy to defeat as well."

"We'll see. Now, what do you say we ignore those two and focus on us huh." The lightning coating Bozui's body increased. His muscles bulged and he got in his combat stance.

The smirk on Guy's face vanished as he took his opponent seriously. 'I need to open the third gate. It's the only way to finish him. I shouldn't use the Reverse Lotus unless absolutely necessary. If he can take that and still be able to battle it will be a big problem.'

'Gate of Life - Open.'

Having made his choice, Might Guy opened the third gate located on the spinal cord. His skin turned red with veins bulging all over his body. Guy's pupils disappeared and his hair stood on end as power radiated from him.

Bozui narrowed his eyes as he looked at his enemy's transformation. 'It must be some sort of technique that increases his physical power by several times. But it must have some sort of cost. Otherwise he would have used it much earlier.'

"Here I come!" Guy yelled and tensed his legs. The next second the ocean exploded where he stood and Guy disappeared from his spot. Bozui was able to track the man but putting up a solid defense was far more difficult.

Might Guy appeared on the man's right side and when Bozui swiped a lightning coated arm at him, Guy's form disappeared like an afterimage. The next instant the missing nin from the Cloud village was struck from the other side and was sent flying. He skipped on top of the water but quickly balanced himself in mid air and stopped himself.

'His speed and power is incredible. Whatever technique he's using is no joke.'

Bozui quickly looked around but couldn't find his foe. 'Where the hell is he?'

He got his answer the next instant when a lightning speed kick to the chin came from beneath the ocean surface.

"Ghaa!" Spit and blood flew from his mouth as his head snapped back. Guy's attack wasn't enough to cause a fatal injury but it did disorient the Lightning ninja. The Leaf's Taijutsu master wasted no time and took advantage of the opening. He relentlessly attacked from multiple sides while being fully aware of his own state.

Guy narrowed his eyes as he sent another punch to the enemy's chest. 'I can't afford to be careless and take myself out of this fight.'

Bozui was getting angrier by the second as he was attacked from multiple angles. Pushing his chakra to its utmost limits he sent lightning bolts in all directions when he sensed Guy coming in for another attack.

The lightning strike landed and electrocuted Guy. It only slowed the Jonin down for a second or two but that was enough for Bozui. Pushing himself through the pain he was experiencing he disappeared and reappeared in front of Guy and sent a powerful blow that sent the Leaf Jonin flying backwards.

"Argh." The kick coupled with the electric current slightly reduced Guy's agility. He quickly shook off the effects and regained his bearings.

The two ninjas clashed again and again with neither gaining solid advantage over the other. As they fought their bodies were becoming wounded and exhaustion was slowly creeping in. At that moment Bozui glanced to the other battlefield and saw a sight that made him smile.

Guy was puzzled at Bozui's expression and turned his attention to what was happening with his fellow Leaf Jonin. The Taijutsu master was surprised to find his rival on his knee looking utterly exhausted. But he was slightly confused.

'I know Kakashi has a problem with his chakra reserves due to the Sharingan but he should have lasted longer. Even with whatever ninjutsu he's forced to use, his reserves shouldn't be depleted so quickly So then This must be a ploy to trick the enemy'

Guy had battled Kakashi on numerous occasions, so he was well aware of his rival's strength. And moments later his suspicion was proven correct when Kakashi disappeared and stabbed Mazui with the Chidori from behind.

Guy was silent as he saw Kakashi throw a kunai at his enemy but the next second he was shocked. Kakashi disappeared from his spot and was behind Mazui and thrust his chidori into the man's back. 'Its over'

Even though they were enemies Guy too didn't feel any joy when a life was taken. He then thought about something else. 'How did Kakashi get behind him so quickly? It was almost instantaneous. I couldn't even follow his movements. I'll ask him once we get home.'

Bozui's eyes widened as he saw his brother fall. He felt the chakra disappearing from his elder brother's body.


An agonizing scream came from him before he even realized it. His pseudo lightning armor disappeared as he stood there in shock.

Guy out of respect for his enemy decided to give him a few moments to mourn the death of his brother. He was feeling the pain of opening the third gate and now with Kakashi soon joining him, Guy knew his odds of victory would increase significantly.

He let go of the forbidden jutsu and waited for his rival while he quietly recuperated. 'Capturing one of the Lightning Twins alive could give an advantage if we have to make any negotiations with the Land of Cloud.'

A few tears formed at the corner of Bozui's eyes as his brother's body vanished into the depths of the ocean. 'Brother Farewell.'

Kakashi disappeared from his position and appeared near his friend. 'Its a good thing I marked Guy with a Teleportation jutsu seal.'

Kakashi and Guy looked at the ninja and a couple seconds later Guy spoke. "Surrender. You can't win this fight."

Hearing that statement made Bozui's blood boil. He turned to look at the two ninjas, especially Kakashi with furious anger and vengeance burning in his eyes and immediately the two Leaf ninjas knew what his answer was.

"You're going to pay for that. I'm going to make you suffer, Kakashi Hatake." Bozui said through gritted teeth. Lightning exploded around him as he clenched his fists. Blood was dripping down his fingers as his nails dug into his palms but he didn't seem to notice or care.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and looked at the angry shinobi. "You've killed your enemies. Taken people's families away from them. So you shouldn't complain when someone does the same to you. Or did you think you and your brother were special."

The rogue ninja's anger skyrocketed as he heard that. Flooding more chakra to boost his speed, he made several seals in seconds as he charged at his enemies. Kakashi and Guy got ready but they couldn't react to Bozui's new burst of super speed.

Bozui got behind the two ninjas and two lightning bolts were fired from his hand.

'Lightning Style - Immobilization field.'

The two lightning bolts came near the two Leaf ninja in a fraction of a second and instead of hitting them, it spread like a dome around them and trapped the two inside. A lightning cocoon with two leaf ninjas as it's prisoners.

Kakashi coated his hands with chidori and tried to break through but a lightning bolt from the dome struck and paralyzed him.

Bozui kept supplying chakra to the jutsu to keep the two ninjas contained. He had wild menacing eyes as he looked at the two. Kakashi and Guy were trapped and had a bad feeling as they looked at their enemy.

"You're right Kakashi. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to take my revenge." Bozui pressed a button on the earpiece he had. "Ready the Destroyer. Target the unknown ship north of your position." He spoke to someone on the other side who was on the bridge of the warship. The eyes of the two Leaf ninjas widened as they understood his mad plan.

"Hey stop! Your battle is with us!" Guy shouted from inside the lightning dome. He tried to directly open the third gate and free himself but the lightning bolts from the dome were striking his body and was taking his concentration away and stopping him from completing his task.

Bozui shook his head as he heard that. "You came here to save those islanders, so I'll kill them first. Since they requested your help, you can say that they have a hand in my brother's death as well. I'm gonna enjoy making you watch as your mission objective fails."

"We're ready sir. Target locked." A voice came from the short distance radio transmitter in the pirate ninja's ear.

Bozui's had a mad angry grin as he looked at the two Leaf ninjas. "That cannon was designed to destroy entire ships in one blow. The attack from that weapon can blast anything in its path. Let me show you. FIRE!"

At Bozui's command Kakashi and Guy turned their attention to the warship and saw the explosion coming from the barrel of the cannon.


The two Leaf Jonin tried their best to break out of their prison but it was for naught.

Bozui kept channeling a large amount of his reserves to the lightning jutsu to keep the two Jonin in place. 'Even if I die here, I'll make sure this won't end as a victory for you.'

Bozui spoke as he saw the fast approach of the flaming ball. "Even if you escape from my prison, you won't be able to stop it. It's too fast and too strong. Anyone weaker than someone like the Raikage and their body would get destroyed if they stand in its path. And even if someone does stop it, it'll blow up right in their face, reducing them to small chunks. If someone makes contact with it and puts too much pressure, it'll blow in seconds. The people on that ship. They're done for." Bozui told the two ninjas because he wanted to see hope leave their eyes.

The ocean waves parted to the sides as the flaming projectile ball headed to Ishido's ship with great speed and force. Kakashi looked at the attack coming and sweated. 'Shit! If that thing strikes the ship, everyone on it will definitely die.'

Guy was also regretting his inaction. 'Damn it. I should have taken him down when he was distracted.'

At that moment Bozui, Kakashi and Guy saw something unexpected and their eyes widened in shock.

A minute before the Cannon Fire:

"So he's still there huh. What are the chances of him being alive?" Daichi asked Onizaki.

"Very. He's just like me but more perfected. Even though he's suffered, I'm certain he's still alive." The fishman replied in a subdued tone.

Daichi was keeping a close eye on his vitals as he spoke. He even discreetly attached a chakra string to monitor the body responses and he found the answers given to him as satisfactory.

At that moment Onizaki looked at Daichi and spoke. "I told you everything I know. Please end this. I just want this to end. No more."

Daichi's face slightly softened. He nodded his head to the enemy's request. "Very well. A deal is a deal. I hope you have better luck in your next life."

Onizaki closed his eyes and the next second he felt something pierce his heart. He opened his eyes and saw Daichi with a somber expression and a knife in his chest. He didn't feel much pain and quickly succumbed to the darkness.

Daichi took a special seal from his inventory and placed it on the deceased Onizaki's chest. He then placed the body on the water and watched as it slowly sank into the ocean. A few seconds later Daichi made a Ram seal and Onizaki's body started burning even beneath the ocean. An extreme measure that Daichi chose, to make sure his conversation would never be found out by anyone.

'So that man is still alive huh. He's a very valuable piece. No. He's the key piece. If I have him, if he has what I'm looking for, then I can put my plans in motion much sooner than I anticipated. I need to make contact with him quickly. Preferably before Kakashi or anyone else finds him.'

At that moment the shadow clone that Daichi had assigned to Team Guy had dispelled and he got the memories. He immediately turned around just in time to see the large cannon on the warship fire. The flaming ball headed straight towards Ishido's ship.

He turned to Kakashi and Guy and saw that both of them were trapped inside a lightning dome..

"FUCK!" Daichi couldn't help but curse out loud seeing the situation.

Flooding his body with chakra, and using skills that he hadn't used in a long time, Daichi burst towards the path of the fiery shell.

Daichi's hearing was far greater than even ordinary ninjas. So he heard every word Bozui said. In mere moments Daichi came up and discarded several plans that came to his mind. 'Fuck! If I punch that thing, it'll explode in my face. It can't be stopped with water style jutsu. At that speed it'll blast right through. And I can't adjust its trajectory with chakra strings or any wind style jutsu. It's moving too fast and my strings aren't powerful enough for something traveling at that speed and generating that much force.'

Daichi thought of several ways and finally he made a choice. Instead of intercepting and punching the flaming shell to bits or using chakra strings to adjust course he decided to do something else. A direct course of action. He increased his speed as much as he could and within a few moments he reached his intended spot.


The gamer ninja used his information gathering skill in the flaming metal ball and swiftly confirmed the information he heard. He also checked to see if the cannon had any weaknesses. He dismissed the blue information box and focused his attention back on the fast incoming projectile.

'Based on its speed, it'll reach this spot in less than 3 seconds. I need to hold that thing while only making minimal physical contact.'

Daichi stood in the path of the flaming cannonball, spread his arms as if he was preparing to catch it and braced himself. He was standing a little over two hundred meters in front of Ishido's ship. Chakra flooded his body and he mentally prepared himself.

Ishido and the people of that ship also looked on with dread but the Genin in front of them gave everyone a small ray of hope. They prayed with every fiber of their being to live through this ordeal and to see their families again.

But Kakashi had different thoughts. "Daichi, Get out of the way! Save yourself!" The Genin could hear Kakashi and Guy yelling at him to dodge but he didn't move from his spot as his eyes were locked on to the incoming projectile. 'I can't move. I can't fail the quest no matter what.'

Near the warship the Genin of Team Guy also saw the cannon fire being launched at Ishido's ship. They were shocked to see their sensei and Kakashi trapped. But what was even more shocking was Daichi rushing towards the path of the shell and standing in its way as if to block it.

"Daichi!" Lee screamed as he looked at his friend in panic.

"What is he doing? He's going to get himself killed!" Tenten was shocked as well.

Neji gritted his teeth as he looked behind Daichi. 'This is bad. If he gets away then the people of that ship will die. But if he tries to stop it himself, then he'll die. His body will be blown to bits.'

Kakashi was doing a similar math in his head. 'Damn it. The death of the people on that ship will be a tragedy. But it'll be nothing compared to the loss the village will suffer if Daichi dies here. He's far too valuable. Even if this mission ends in a failure he can't die. Damn it. Using that teleportation jutsu took its toll. I can't use it again till I recover some more chakra I should have saved it in case of an emergency.'

Bozui was shocked as well, seeing the bravery of the Leaf Genin. The shock soon turned into glee. He laughed seeing the flaming cannonball reach Daichi. "Say goodbye to your student Kakashi Hatake!"

Under the gaze of everyone the fiery cannonball reached the Genin who stood firmly atop the water in the path of the incoming danger. Just as the flaming ball reached Daichi expertly he caught it with his hands.


The force of the cannonball making contact with Daichi created a small shockwave that everyone could see. Wind and Fire spread from the round projectile that was spinning with extraordinary speed and covered Daichi. The force generated by the shell pushed the boy backwards towards Ishido's ship without any stop in its momentum.

A second after making contact and being engulfed in fire and wind, everyone saw Daichi being blown backwards and out of the flames as he held the fiery spinning metal sphere.

Numerous system notifications appeared in Daichi's peripheral but he didn't pay them any mind. His focus was entirely on the round metal flaming object in his hands.

Daichi's arms weren't badly burned from the fire because just before making contact with the round cannonball, he coated his hands with Water Nature chakra. And the moment the flaming shell was inches from his hands he turned the water to sticky syrup nature.

'I can't let this thing slip out of my hands but I also need to make sure my palms aren't directly touching this thing. This jutsu will help me with that.'

The Genin was being pushed backwards towards Ishido's ship. Strong winds blew and the waves were turbulent as Daichi pushed chakra throughout his body to stay afloat and slow down the momentum of the shell.

Fire covered his upper body from the shell and burned most of his shirt and some of his skin. His black sunglasses cracked and broke under the force of the winds. Daichi kept being pushed backwards due to the power generated by the projectile but with each second that power was waning and Daichi was slowing down. The Genin was keeping a close eye on himself and the distance between Ishido's ship.

'150 meters


120 meters



100 meters



70 meters




50 meters




40 meters





30 meters'

Daichi focused more chakra on his entire body and soon came to a stop. The gamer ninja stopped 30 meters away from the ship with a flaming, spinning cannonball in his hands.

'I stopped the momentum but it's still spinning.'

At that moment he sensed a chakra change in the interior of the shell and Daichi's eyes widened. 'Shit that's fire chakra. This thing's about to blow.'

Daichi swiftly changed the sticky nature of his water chakra and blocked the spinning fiery metal ball with one hand. Lightning coated his other hand and the shell. 'I'll coat both my hand and shell with the same charged polarity.'

The next second Daichi punched the cannonball as fast as he could. It flew to the side far away from anyone with great speed because of the repulsive property due to having the same polarity. The cannonball bomb soon disappeared beneath the waves and a second later a giant explosion rocked the sea.


The ocean surface of that region bulged and exploded upwards sending giant waves in every direction.

Daichi was taking deep breaths of air as he succeeded in stopping the weapon. What was left of his burned shirt was torn up and floated in the air due to the strong winds flowing around them. His upper chest had several burn marks but they were non life threatening.

Every ninja watching the scene had a dumbfounded expression as they saw the boy stand there with a grin on his face.

"Impossible He stopped it. That That can't be" Bozui was absolutely stunned as he saw the scene. 'Who the hell is this kid? There's no way some ordinary Genin No. Even a normal Jonin wouldn't have been able to stop it like that'

"Who the hell are you brat!?" Bozui yelled at Daichi.

The Genin looked at rogue Cloud ninja and the grin vanished from his face. He made his way towards the three Jonin and a short moment later stood a few meters away from Bozui. After several moments of tense silence, Daichi spoke.

"I'm Daichi Hekima. The one who's going to stand at the top of this era."

Before the former Cloud Jonin could even process the words, Daichi was in front of him and with a wind chakra nature coated kunai. Daichi aimed for the man's neck but had to settle for a slash on his chest.

Due to using the Immobilization jutsu for so long and pushing his chakra to the extremes, Bozui's body was slightly paralyzed. He was exhausted, but he was a Jonin for a reason. He was able to avoid a lethal blow by moving backwards but it freed Kakashi and Guy from their prison.

The two Leaf ninjas had a lot to ask Daichi but they knew that it wasn't the time.

"Kakashi sensei, Guy sensei. I believe you two can take it from here?!" Daichi asked as he took in another deep breath of air.

"We can. You've more than done your part. We'll handle this. Go and rest." Kakashi said with his eyes focused on the enemy Jonin.

"Yes. You've displayed the power of your youthful spirit splendidly. Go to Ishido's ship and rest. Heal those wounds." Guy spoke as well as he stood next to his rival and best friend.

Daichi shook his head at that. "I can't rest. Not yet. I won't be able to take another attack like that. So it's best that I join Neji and the others and destroy that ship before they fire that weapon again."

Guy was about to argue but the determination in Daichi tone stopped him. "Then if you're able, go! Kakashi and I will join you soon."

Daichi nodded and left the area while Guy and Kakashi turned their attention to the tired Jonin. The two Jonin weren't going to pull any punches now.


Author's note:

I wanted to complete the battle in this chapter but I couldn't. Sorry. To make up for it, this is a near 8k word chap. My biggest chapter so far in this story.

Navigating through life, completing my work assignments and writing this chapter when I did It wasn't easy but I got it done.

The warship battles and everything regarding the Gladiator Pirates will be resolved in the next chapter

Anyway now it's your turn, did you see the events playing out like this? What are your thoughts on the fight scenes and stuff? Did you enjoy it? How was the battle sequence?

You can post your comments and questions in the comment box below. I'll try to reply But I'll only be able to do it in a day or two.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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