The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 214: Backup Team Guy.

Chapter 214: Backup Team Guy.

Kakashi had a thoughtful expression as he held the small turtle summon in his hand. 'Guy requesting backup for a Genin mission is unusual. Something serious must have happened.'

At that moment the small wiggling turtle in the silver haired ninja's hand spoke. "Turtle Guy and his team are on Jiro island. He asked for your assistance as soon as your current mission is completed Turtle."

"I understand. Our work here was just done. We're on our way."

Hearing the Jonin's response the small turtle summon vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Looks like we're heading to Jiro island."

Daichi nodded and the two ninjas took off. They quickly reached the port and looked for a ferry. But since it was the middle of the night, none were available. One of the few workers at the docks spoke with the two ninjas about the situation.

"I apologize. But there's been pirate attacks on vessels traveling during the night. So no one will take you. Sorry."

Daichi narrowed his eyes as he heard that. 'They must be the same ones Guy's Team were sent to take care of.'

"Can we borrow a boat? We'll pay." Kakashi said and the dock worker reluctantly agreed. The Jonin paid the needed money to the man and took his boat. It was a small boat capable of being manned by two people.

Kakashi had been on various missions that required traveling through sea so he was familiar with handling a boat.

The two ninjas made their way to Jiro island where the other team was waiting. On their way they saw some wooden wreckage floating in the sea. Daichi jumped off the boat and walked to the wreckage.

"These look like they were from a large ship." Daichi said as he examined the wooden piece.

Kakashi looked through the various pieces and agreed with his student. "You're right. And something tells me that this has to do with Guy calling for our help."

"What do you know about the Land of Sea, Daichi?" Kakashi asked his student as they moved through the ocean.

"Hmm Well let's see" Daichi recalled all the information he knew from his past life and the few tidbits he learned over the years here. "The Land of Sea consists of several islands. With the Mother Island being the main one. It's surrounded by Jiro, Taro and Demon islands. Their main export is fish and herbs that grow on those islands."

The Jonin nodded. "Yes. You are correct. But there's more. The Land of Sea is an important trading route. The cargo ships containing goods from Ouza and Nagi Islands and the Land of Wind goes through here."

"I get it. This is an ideal spot for pirates targeting shipments and various merchandise."

Kakashi nodded. "Guy must have encountered a situation with these pirates where backup must have been absolutely necessary."

"Then we better hurry." Daichi said as he looked at the approaching Island.

The two ninjas didn't encounter any problems and were able to quickly reach their destination. Once ashore Kakashi and Daichi quickly hid the boat to mask their arrival.

"We need to find Guy quickly. But we don't know if he's in any immediate trouble or not. So we have to be careful." Kakashi bit his thumb and quickly went through several seals. He slammed his palm on the ground and summoned his favorite ninja dog.

"Sup Kakashi." A gruff voice came from the smoke. Pakkun looked at his summoner with a carefree look and then he turned his attention to his student. The ninja dog still remembered their last encounter but he didn't show any discomfort on his face.

"Hi." Daichi gave a small wave as he looked at the summon.

"You've gotten stronger." Pakkun said, looking at the boy.

"Kakashi sensei has been training non stop. So that's no surprise." Daichi shrugged and replied. The ninja dog just grunted and looked at the Jonin.

"Pakkun, I need you to track Guy's scent. He is somewhere on this island. We need to find him and his team quickly. Hopefully they're all together."

The ninja dog nodded and closed his eyes. He sniffed the air and a few seconds later he found what he was looking for. "I got him. Follow me." With those words Pakkun took off.

The two ninja followed the small dog for several minutes before Pakkun came to a stop. Several meters in front of them was a large house. "I can pick up several scents coming from that house. One of them is definitely Guy."

Kakashi nodded and turned to his student. "Can you sense if he is with his team or not? If they are separated then we might need to track them as well."

Daichi nodded and used his chakra sense. He quickly picked up Guy and his team's chakra signatures along with a few others. "Guy sensei is in there along with his whole team. Based on their chakra flow, they're not in any distress or restrained."

Pakkun slightly narrowed his eyes as he heard Daichi. 'To think he has such sharp senses and sensory abilities. Kakashi definitely wasn't kidding around.'

"I'm also picking up a few other chakra signatures in there as well. Only one of them has reserves comparable to a ninja. The others are civilians Hmm Neji just used his Byakugan. He knows we're here. He's informing his team." Daichi concluded and looked at his sensei.

The silver haired ninja nodded. "Okay. They don't appear to be in any immediate danger. That's good." He turned to his ninja summon and spoke.

"Pakkun, thank you for the assist. You can go home now. We'll take it from here."

"No problem Kakashi." Pakkun replied with a nod


The ninja dog was about to disappear when Daichi stopped him. The boy quickly took out a scroll from his pocket and tossed it to the small dog. Pakkun caught the small scroll between his teeth and looked at the boy.

"It's a treat. It's also an apology for the stunt I pulled on you guys that day." The Genin said with a smile and Pakkun smirked at him and nodded in appreciation. "See you later kid." With that Kakashi's summon disappeared.

The Jonin raised an eyebrow at the boy. "Do you always carry around dog treats with you?"

"Oh I carry around a lot of things with me." The Genin said with a smirk.

"Like what?"

"That is a secret." Daichi had a mischievous smile on his face and Kakashi could only sigh at that response. 'Looks like he's picking up some of my habits. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.'

The two ninjas walked up to the house and were about to knock when the door opened and a beaming Guy welcomed them inside.

"Oh Kakashi! My dear friend. You came so quickly. That must mean you finished your mission already didn't you. As expected of you my youthful rival."

"Hello Guy." Kakashi greeted the man with a sigh. He and Daichi entered the house and looked at Guy's team.

"Daichi, you're here. We need your help." Lee spoke in an urgent tone.

"Is anyone hurt?" Daichi asked, looking at the members of Team Guy. Daichi closely examined them quickly and couldn't find any injuries on them.

Hearing the Genin's question, Might Guy turned serious. "Our Team is fine, but there are a few people that are in need of medical assistance. It's one of the reasons I requested your aid. Follow me."

Daichi nodded. Kakashi and his student followed Guy to another room. The room was more of a large hall and there were 7 people lying on the ground. Three others were tending to them as best as they could.

One of the people looked over to Guy. "Are they here to help us?"

"Yes. Young Daichi here will help them. He's a medic."

Said Genin created 7 shadow clones and each one took a patient. "Don't worry. I'll take it from here."

The three people moved away and the shadow clones quickly got to work. They analyzed their conditions and once they were done all the shadow clones created clones and dispelled them.

Daichi got the memories and information from all the new clones and nodded. He turned to the Jonin and spoke. "They're suffering from Malnutrition, a few bruises, slight symptoms of scurvy and a couple of them have a fever but nothing dangerous. They'll be fine and stabilized by the end of my treatment."

"I knew I could count on you young Daichi. I made the right choice." Guy gave the Genin a thumbs up and a big smile.

"You said medical aid was one of the reasons you called us here. What's the other?" Kakashi asked his friend.

"Come. I'll tell you." Guy went back to the other room followed by Kakashi, his student.

Neji was using his Byakugan in certain intervals and keeping a lookout. Guy turned to the Hyuga on his team and spoke. "Neji, everything alright? Did anyone else arrive?"

The Hyuga shook. "No. There hasn't been any movement so far and I don't see any ships."

Guy nodded and turned to Team Kakashi. "Looks like we have some time to spare. We'll tell you what happened after we left the port yesterday."


On a small boat Guy and his team began their journey to the Land of the Sea. Their destination- Mother Island.

The Jonin stood at the front of the boat and pointed forward. "Alright team. Onwards! Let's defeat our enemies and finish this mission." He shouted with great enthusiasm.

(10 minutes later.)

Might Guy was leaning over the side of the boat and barfing his lungs out.


"Um Are you okay Guy sensei? I didn't know you got seasick so easily." Tenten said with concern in her voice as she looked at her teacher. Lee was gently rubbing his teacher's back as the man puked on the side of the boat.

The trembling Guy looked at Tenten with a purple face and tried to smile. The Genin saw the expression on her teacher's face and grimaced. 'Ergh.'

"II am The green beast M-Might Guy... I don't get sea- Blaaaargh!" The man quickly turned to the sea and emptied his guts for the umpteenth time.

"Is your teacher alright?" The ferryman manning the boat asked the Genin.

"He's fine. Don't worry about him." Neji said with a calm, cool tone.

"Blaaargh!" Was the only response from the green spandex wearing Jonin.

Tenten sighed tiredly as she looked at the kneeling man. 'He had so much energy when we left. Where did that all go?'

"How long till we reach Mother Island?" Neji asked the ferryman.

"An hour if we don't encounter any problems. We'll get there by evening."

Neji nodded. He decided to ask the man about the problem they came here to solve. "Can you tell me about the pirates attacking the ships traveling through here?"

Tenten and Lee also listened in since this was crucial information.

"It started about a month ago. At first there was just one pirate ship. But then rumors began to spread that there were multiple ships. And they could even destroy a big cargo ship if they wanted. Trading has been slow these last couple of weeks. Many ships went missing."

"Does the Land of Sea have any ninja for its protection?" Tenten asked.

The ferryman shook his head. "No. They have a contract with the Land of Water. The Land of Sea pays a tribute to the Land of Water and in return their ninjas protect them but"

"Since there is disruption in the sea route and attacks on ships the tribute hasn't been paid. Am I right?" Neji concluded.

"Yes. It's been really difficult for all of us."

"Don't worry sir. We will find these pirates and we will restore the peace in these waters." Lee said with a serious gaze.

Guy also gave the man a shaky thumbs up but all he could say was


(Flashback End.)

"You didn't need to tell him that, Neji." Guy mumbled under his breath.

"So you still get seasick huh Guy?" Kakashi asked with a teasing chuckle.

"We're getting off topic." Might Guy waved his hands and continued with the story.

"We got to the Mother Island. But that's when things got strange." Guy crossed his arms and a serious expression marred his face.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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