The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 196: Save the Nephew of the Minister.

Chapter 196: Save the Nephew of the Minister.

"I see. So that's how it is If he dies, then" Hiruzen massaged the bridge of his nose as his mind went through the situation.

"Yes. Not only will the minister be furious but Lord Ryuga will also be very unhappy. Until the culprit is found, there will be some chaos." Yondu knew the temperament of the Fire Lord better than most. If the matter is not resolved soon harsh actions will be taken that could cause problems for everyone.

'The first thing to do is save Leorio's life. And the only people who could do that are Tsunade and Daichi. And since Tsunade is nowhere to be found I have no choice but to send Daichi. But with all the threats eyeing him, I can't send him alone I can't recall Kakashi. He is in the middle of his delicate training. I'll have to assign someone else'

Hiruzen knew that sending Daichi alone was not an option no matter how strong the boy was. At that moment an idea suddenly sparked in his head. 'Hmm, that will work. If they can work together then a couple of my problems will be solved.'

At that moment the Kage sensed the presence of the Genin outside his office.


Daichi reached the Hokage's office and was quickly let in.

"Lord Hokage." He greeted the leader of the village and then glanced at the other person present in the room.

"Daichi. This is Yondu. He is a member of the Fire Daimyo's Royal court." Hiruzen introduced the man to the Genin.

Daichi immediately used 'Observe' skill on the man and made an analysis of the person. 'Level 68. 47 years old. His agility and stamina are high for his level but other than that all his stats seem normal A messenger and close personal friend of the Daimyo. Unmarried. Smart and capable of fighting even Jonin level ninjas.'

It only took a few seconds for Daichi to have a rough understanding and measure of Yondu's background, strength and abilities.

"It is an honor to meet you sir." He gave a short bow and greeted the elder man.

"There is a matter of grave importance that requires your attention at the Capital." Hiruzen spoke, drawing Daichi's attention. "This will be a B Rank mission and you are to leave for the Capital immediately."

'A B Rank? This is indeed serious.' The boy nodded and stood in attention. "Will Kakashi sensei be coming?"

The Hokage shook his head indicating the absence of the Sharingan ninja. "Kakashi will be unavailable but Genma here will join you."

At that moment the Hokage's Elite Guard and Special Jonin Genma Shiranui appeared. "Hey."

Daichi immediately used the Observe skill again on the new target.

[LV.75] [Genma Shiranui]

Age: 27

HP: 9860 CP: 11425

Affiliation: Leaf Village

[Genma Shiranui is the son of late Hirata Shiranui. He is a Special Jonin of the Leaf village and an elite bodyguard to the Hokage. Became a Genin at the age of 10 and was teammates of Might Guy and Ebisu under the Jonin Choza Akimichi. He is a calm collected individual and a veteran shinobi with a wide variety of skills. Proficient in ninjutsu. Capable in Taijutsu and Genjutsu. Primary chakra nature is fire.

STR - 186

AGI - 198

INT - 67

The physical stats maybe subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied. ]

The young gamer quickly read the information his system showed. 'Hmm Genma Shiranui. There wasn't much about him in canon other than the small bits shown I guess I'll know more about him during this mission.'

"You will be working under Genma for the duration of this mission." Hiruzen relayed his message.

At that moment the second Chain Quest appeared in front of the boy.

[Chain Quest Initiated.]

[Quest created - Save the Nephew of the Minister.]

[An unknown party has poisoned the nephew of the 3rd Minister of the Fire Capital. He only has a few hours left to live. Head to the capital and save his life.]


Stabilize his condition and prolong his life.


[12000 Exp.

+1 Level in Health Manipulation.

+1 Wisdom Stat

+1 Intelligence Stat.

Reputation increases with the Client.

Reputation massively increased with Genma Shirunau, Hiruzen Sarutobi and people in Fire Capital.]



[Failure to complete the 'Quest - Save the Nephew of the Minister.

Reputation decreases with everyone.

Possible wrath of the Fire Daimyo.]


[Accept Y/N]

'Another chain Quest? Looks like this will be a tricky mission'

Having absolute faith in his medical skills, Daichi mentally accepted the quest.

[You have accepted the 1st quest.]

The Hokage spoke at that moment. "Since this is a time sensitive issue, Yondu will explain the details of the mission to you on the way."

Daichi nodded and soon Genma, Yondu and Daichi were on their way to the Capital.


It was evening around 6pm. Three people swiftly moved through the forest in the Fire country and were making their way to the Capital.

"Daichi, you've spent some time in the capital. What do you know about the 3rd Minister?" Yondu asked the boy as he jumped to another tree.

'Hmm' Daichi recalled the information he read and quickly replied. "The 3rd Minister is Lord Taji Mayima. He is in charge of public relations and overseeing the various businesses in the Capital and surrounding towns."

"Yes. There are three ministers overseeing various aspects of the government in Fire country and Lord Taji Mayima is a very important person. So this must be solved quickly. And moreover an attack against his family is considered an attack against the Daimyo itself."

The Genin nodded his head as heard that. "I understand the seriousness of the situation. Can you tell me more about the minister? You said his nephew lives with him? What about his parents?"

Yondu was silent for a few moments and just when Daichi thought he wouldn't answer Yondu spoke. "Lord Taji and his wife Fuyi had a son. And Lord Taji had a twin brother named Genji. Genji also had a son named Leorio Mayima. Both Leorio and Lord Taji's son were around the same age. Many years ago he lost his son, his brother and sister in law in an unfortunate accident. Lord Taji and Fuyi lost their son and Leorio, his parents."

"The third Minister adopted and raised the boy, didn't he?" Genma said as it was easy to draw that conclusion from the events.

Yondu nodded his head. "Yes. It took a long time but they were able to heal and move past the tragedy. But now If Lord Taji loses Leorio as well"

"I will do everything in power to not let that happen."

Yondu looked at the Genin's serious expression and nodded. 'If there is anyone who can save him and avert a crisis, it's you.'

"Please tell me everything that's happened to Leorio." Daichi wanted to know as much information as he could to prepare and have an idea as to what he was walking into.

Yondu recalled the memories and began. "Everything was fine yesterday when Leorio went to bed. He was healthy without any problems. But early this morning the guard outside his room started hearing loud coughs and painful shouts. He burst into the room and saw Leorio sweating heavily, breathing hard and clutching his chest in pain. The family medics did a thorough examination and couldn't find what's wrong with him and he was soon brought to the hospital."

"I see I'm guessing Dr. Karuizawa examined his condition."

"Indeed. He along with several competent other medics ran all sorts of tests But none of them could find the cause of his illness let alone a cure. What they did find is that he was poisoned and how much time he has left before death. The medics said that based on the speed of his organs deteriorating functions he has only a few hours from now"

"Have you caught the person who poisoned him?"

The messenger from the Capital shook his head to Genma's question. "An investigation is underway but nothing at the moment. At least, I haven't heard anything before I left. And the guards stationed at Lord Taji's mansion didn't sense any intruders."

It became quiet and Daichi took another look at the new quest. 'It says stabilize his condition and prolong his life. Not cure or save him That's strange Does that mean saving his life is impossible or will it come in another quest? Hmm I'll only be able to know more after I examine the guy. This brings another question that's been on my mind for some time Does the system know the future and my future actions? Is My Gamer system sentient?'

Daichi recalled the system message that appeared when he first woke up in this world.

[Memories of the previous life of your soul which were locked have now been unlocked. Memories of your current life and your unlocked ones are being merged. Merging complete. Good luck, Player.

System Administrator ]

'System Administrator Till a few years ago I thought it was from some deity who sent my soul here. But now Is there someone who is controlling the system?'

An uncomfortable and somewhat frightening thought came to Daichi's mind. 'Am I someone's puppet?'

Daichi took a few deep breaths of air and calmed his heart. 'I will have to look into this. But for now Just need to focus on becoming stronger.'

"Are you alright Daichi? You look a little pale."

The Jonin Genma's voice brought Daichi out of his thoughts.

"I'm fine. Just thinking about the many possibilities of our actions" Genma raised an eyebrow hearing the vague reply.

At that moment Daichi received a new system message.

[Quest 'Wipe out the Invasive Species' Completed.]


8000 Exp.

1200 Exp.

[Reputation increases with Team Guy and The Hokage.]

[Reputation increases with people of the Leaf Village.]

'So Guy must have submitted the mission report. Good. Only 6168 exp to the next level.'

In a better mood than before, Daichi made his way to his destination.

The three people were moving much faster than even ordinary ninjas. Yondu expected the fast pace from the Jonin accompanying him but Daichi keeping up without showing any strain was a surprise to the man.

'So his stamina and speed are also above normal. A very talented child indeed.' Yondu thought as they were getting closer to the Fire Capital city.


The three people soon made it to the hospital and Dr. Karuizawa greeted them. He was about to bring them to where Leorio was situated but at that moment several people came forward. Two in particular had their focus on Daichi.

The young Genin immediately used 'Observe' and found out who they were. 'The 3rd Minister and his wife. And the rest are his personal guards.'

Lord Taji Mayima, the 3rd Minister of the Fire Capital looked at the messenger of the Royal court. "Thank you for bringing him so quickly Yondu."

"Of course Lord Taji." The man bowed and replied. He then turned to Daichi and Genma and introduced them. "This is Lord Taji Mayima the 3rd Minister of his Capital and his wife Fuyi Mayima."

Taji had a somber expression while his wife silently looked at the Genin.

"I have heard a lot about you, Daichi Hekima. Your medical skills are almost equal to those of Lady Tsunade. You're our last chance. Can I put my faith in you?" The minister looked at the boy with hope in his eyes.

Daichi was silent for a few seconds and then replied in a careful tone. "I will do my best. But forgive me Lord Taji, I cannot say anything more until I see my patient."

The minister nodded in understanding and stepped aside. Karuizawa led them deeper into the hospital building. Daichi and Genma passed by many Guards who were wearing Imperial armor.

'Just as I expected. Since they don't know if the poison is contagious or not, they're keeping him in an isolation chamber.' Daichi thought as he looked around.

Dr. Karuizawa gave Daichi a detailed file and spoke. "This is everything we have found about his condition." Daichi quickly went through the pages and committed all the information to memory.

He reached the room where the nephew was being kept. "I'll take it from here. I'll go in alone and examine him." Having said his piece the Genin medic ninja quickly put on the Hazmat suit and entered the room.

He saw a man in his twenties unconscious on the medical bed, breathing through a tube with several wires connected to him that were monitoring his vitals.

'Alright, let's see what I got.'


Author's Note;

Two things.

One. I apologize for the delay with this, but I was sick and needed some bedrest. Still a little under the weather. Got covid again so that sucks. Anyway,

Two. Daichi isn't anyone's puppet. The answers to the system will only appear near the end of the story.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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