The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 134: Daichi's Counterattack

Chapter 134: Daichi's Counterattack

Daichi looked at the two people who were just staring at him. One was a black haired woman and the other was a man with faded blonde hair. He saw the woman quickly making hand signs. Daichi recognized the seals she made.

[Mental intrusion detected.]

[Gamer's Mind has neutralized the foreign attack.]

Daichi just stared at them without making a move. 'Attacking me with a sleeping Genjutsu?! They must have thought that it would easily take effect along with the drugs in my system It's just not their day Still I shouldn't play around with them Let's see what they're made of.'


[LV.73] [Ichimaru]

Age: 24

HP: 9542 CP: 14538


[Ichimaru is a member of the Root forces under Danzo Shimura. He joined the Root at 6 years old after his parents died in the war. He is fiercely loyal to Danzo Shimura and values the concept of strength greatly. Specializes in assassination and capture. Primary chakra nature is Fire.

His current mission is to capture Daichi Hekima alive and bring him to Danzo.

STR - 195

AGI - 162

INT - 61

The physical stats may be subjected to change if chakra or special technique is applied.]

'His stats are below mine. And even if he could increase it, I can do the same Now that 'Observe' skill can show strength and agility stats I have a rough understanding of how strong Chunin and Jonin ninjas are Hmm. Specialize in capture and assassination huh. Then he must have some techniques related to stealth and capture or movement restrictions. I need to watch out for hidden traps as well.'

Daichi then used his skill on the second person.

[LV.76] [Toga]

Age: 25

HP: 11285 CP: 18300


[Danzo Shimura recruited Toga directly out of the academy due to her talent in Genjutsu and poisons. She prides on her chakra control and wide variety of genjutsu skills. She also focuses on speed rather than strength. She is loyal to Danzo Shimura and will try to complete the mission at all costs. Primary chakra Nature is Water.

Her current mission is to capture Daichi Hekima alive and bring him to Danzo.

STR - 170

AGI - 201

INT - 64

The physical stats may be subjected to change if chakra or special technique is applied.]

'They are quite the team. If it were any other moment I would have taken my time with them. Tried to find out how the root operates and their secrets but right now that's not possible. If I waste too much time something could go wrong. Murphy's law can be a bitch after all.'

Daichi could sense the battle that was going on hundreds of meters away. He didn't want anything bad to happen to his teachers and decided to quickly end the fight.

Daichi fell to one knee and looked as if he was falling asleep. His body started swaying back and forth for a few seconds and then his eyes closed and he fell forward.

'And the Oscar goes to Daichi Hekima The crowd goes wild. Ya!' Daichi mentally chuckled to himself.

Despite the circumstances Daichi entered a semi-meditative state and relaxed his breathing. His tight muscles slowly unwound and his breathing became stable. But it was all part of his plan.

The two Root ninja looked at the sleeping kid. Toga spoke. "It's impressive he was able to hold out for so long. For a second I thought he resisted the genjutsu."

Ichimaru agreed. "Yes. It's amazing. But still He is just a child. And this is his limit... We should quickly seal his chakra and take him back to Lord Danzo. If Tsunade figures out the plan then she won't hold back."

Both the Root ninjas approached Daichi but were still careful. After looking at his breathing pattern they concluded that Daichi was unconscious.

Ichimaru took out some ninja wire and was about to restrain the unconscious kid in front of him but the next second he saw that he was falling sideways. It took a second for him to see that his body was headless, standing still and then falling to the opposite side.

The Root ninja Toga only saw a small twitch of Daichi's fingers before he made his move. Before she could warn Ichimaru, before she could utter the first syllable, Daichi beheaded her teammate. She barely followed Daichi's movements and by the time she turned her head to fully look at her now dead colleague Daichi disappeared from the spot and reappeared several meters away from her.

He was removing the Senbons from his back with chakra threads.

[You have sensed Killing Intent.]

Daichi's senses alerted him to several shuriken coming his way.

[Mental intrusion detected.]

[Gamer's Mind has neutralized the foreign attack.]

Daichi didn't care about the Genjutsu attack and dodged the shurikens.

"How are you not unconscious?" The cold tone of the root ninja only made Daichi raise an eyebrow.

Daichi looked at the enemy in front of him. 'Wow. She isn't even looking at him. Discarded like trash So this is what a Root ninja is like huh.'

"The sleeping agents should have knocked you unconscious by now. But you're standing and breathing without any problems. And you've also stopped my Genjutsu from taking effect without any visible action. How is it possible?" The root ninja questioned him.

Daichi understood what she was doing. 'I don't need to waste my breath on the dead.'

"How!?" The ninjas questioned again but got no reply from Daichi.

Daichi narrowed his eyes at the tactic she was using. 'She's stalling but that won't save her.'

Daichi saw the woman's muscles tense and knew she was about to make hand seals.

He didn't say a word and rushed at her, stopping her from using her jutsu. He took out his two daggers and used Sprint skill. Daichi also added chakra to his limbs and boosted his speed further and increased his strength. He added lightning to his chakra and went with the intent to kill.

In a second Daichi was in front of her and he aimed his dagger at her heart. Toga's eyes widened in panic and she hastily put up a defense. She raised her hands and barely deflected the dagger that was aimed at her heart. The dagger was coated with lightning chakra and slashed at her arm and left a deep slash. She may have been able to barely compete with Daichi in speed but his strength was far too much for her. So she was still injured from Daichi's Swift attack.

The pain and lightning coursed through her body and made her lose focus for only just a second. But it was all Daichi needed.

Flooding his body with more precise chakra, Daichi became a blur. He used both daggers and slashed at his enemy. A quick slash to the throat, thrust to the lungs, kidneys, liver and stomach and slashes along her arms and legs. Daichi severed her veins, arteries, tendons and flesh. With one final thrust to the heart he killed his second enemy.

In just two seconds Daichi decimated his opponent. He had a cold merciless look on his face as he looked at the now dead ninja. He let out several breaths as he stopped using his chakra and sprint.

'I can only maintain that state for a short time right now. And it takes a toll. I can't have my body tired out before the main battle.'

Daichi looked at the two corpses he was responsible for.

'Strange. I killed her in a brutal way and yet I don't feel remorse or sadness I don't enjoy this but I also don't regret it I won't hold back against anyone coming for me And I needed to see for myself If I could be ruthless here just like I am in the dungeons.'

Daichi looked at the two corpses and took out two scrolls. He stored the bodies in the scrolls and kept them in his inventory.

Daichi healed his minor wounds from before and thought back to the brief fight just now.

'I only won so easily because they severely underestimated me. They just saw me as a 10 year old academy student and a medic ninja with some training. And I made it look like I was weakened and knocked out. That's how I was able to get the first one. The second ninja made a miscalculation in her judgment. She underestimated my strength and abilities. And paid with her life.'

Once Daichi was healed he created five shadow clones. He took the Atamagai cloak from his inventory and handed it to one of them.

"You know what to do." Daichi said as he looked at the clone.

"Land a fatal blow when they least expect it." Daichi's shadow clone answered before disappearing from view.

Daichi and the four clones disappeared from their spots as well. They rushed towards the other battlefield and when Daichi reached there his eyes widened at what he saw.

"Oh No!"

A Few Minute Ago.

Bu and Gino were fighting Tsunade while Doka was battling Shizune.

Shizune was confused as she fought the enemy ninja. 'What's going on? He's not fighting at his full strength and hasn't gone for my vitals yet. It's almost as if he's stalling me here Hmm It must be to stop me from interfering or helping in Lady Tsunade's fight or help Daichi with his battle. Still What's happened to him? Why did this man come back and Daichi didn't?'

Shizune didn't have time to dwell on her thoughts as she evaded the knives flying her way.

Tsunade was having a similar thought. She hoped Daichi would be able to take care of himself until she finished her fight here. She saw the leader weaving signs and prepared herself.

"Water style - Water Bullets." Bu spit out several water bullets aimed at Tsunade. The slug sannin kicked the boulder in front of her to the path of the water bullets. She quickly took another and hurled it towards the caster who was already in the motion of dodging the giant flying rock coming his way.

Tsunade heard the swing of a sword and tilted her head. A sword passed by her missing its mark and she punched her attacker. The second attacker Gino splashed into water and disappeared the moment her strike landed.

'Another water clone.' Tsunade was getting irritated at the water clones who were distracting her.

At that moment something unexpected happened. She saw the real Gino turn his head and she saw his eyes widen in surprise.

Gino stopped fighting when he sensed the disappearance of the two that were sent to capture Daichi. 'What's going on? They're dead?'

He was completely unprepared for that outcome. Furthermore he could sense Daichi's strong chakra rushing towards their location. 'How could that brat'

He didn't waste anymore time. He yelled towards his leader. "Captain! We need to use the contingency.!"

"What!?" Bu was startled that they had to resort to their contingency plan. He made the plan just in case but never expected it to happen. He nodded his head and looked at Tsunade.

Doka, who was battling Shizune, was also surprised. 'That kid managed to beat those two even after all that?' Seeing the captain agree to move forward with the contingency plan, he prepared himself.

Tsunade noticed the change in their demeanor. She had an idea as to what had happened and couldn't help but smirk.

"Looks like my student was more than your men could handle."

Bu narrowed his eyes as he looked at the woman. "Not for long." His grip on his short sword tightened.

At that moment Gino turned and rushed towards Shizune who was defending herself against Doka.

Tsunade's eyes widened. "Hey, what are you?" She turned to rush towards her student to help her but Bu intercepted her.

"Get out of my way!"

Bu evaded Tsunade's punch and raised his sword. He quickly brought it down on his own arm and gave himself a non critical injury but one that sent a large amount of blood splashing.

The blood splashed on Tsunade's face and body, petrifying her in place. She turned her head and saw Shizune getting stabbed through her torso and falling on the ground.

"N-no" The slug Sannin trembled in fear as she saw the scene.

At that moment Bu wasted no time and cast a genjutsu on Tsunade that amplified her fears. She trembled and fell to her knees as tears rolled down her face.

It was at this moment Daichi and his clones appeared. He saw Shizune lying on the ground bleeding with two Root ninjas standing over her and the leader of the team with a sword above the trembling Sannin's neck.

The leader looked at the child and his eyes showed no mercy. "Surrender Daichi Hekima! Or watch them perish!"

Daichi gritted his teeth. 'Damn you Murphy!'


Author's Note:

I'll see you guys Saturday

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre /MonkWithAPen (No space)


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